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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 13

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;nan, Bowmanville, A rit 28, 1976 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEDi Tues., 12n oon e S utiImmlIil' e 0111?-.1i1:4 LEMI EUX - Joe and Lynne are happy to announce the birth of their second son, Patrick Christopher, 8 lbs. 11/2 -oz., on April 19, 1976 at Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Sincere thanks to Dr. A.B. Sylvester and Maternity Staff. 17-lx RUNZA - Sam and Jacque- lie are proud to announce the birth of their third child, a son, 8 1lbs. 3 ozs. on Easter Sunday, April 18, 1976 at 1:54 p.m. A brother for Jannine and Tony. Thîrd grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kennedy, eighth q randchild for Mr., and Mrs. Antonio Runza, fourth g reat g randchild for Mr .Henry Rutten: 17-1 a m' hNImlim. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perrin wish f0 announice the forth- coming marriage of their only dau ghter Kim Joeanne, to Her bert Montague, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson. The marriage to take place Sunday, June 27th, 1976 at Kendaîwood Seventh Day Adventist Church, Whitby, at 2 o'clock. 17-1ix Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Spry, Orono are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Margaret Ann to Michael George C.ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cross of Toronto. The marriage to take place at St. Georges Anglican Church, Newcastle on Friday, June 4, 1976. 17 lx BURLEY- In loving mem- ory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Roy who passed away May 1, 1975. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses him more than us, And when old times we oft reca Il, That's when we miss him most 0f ail. - Lovingly remembered by hiE: wife Irene and family. 17-1 x HRYNIUKA - In loving memnory of a dear- husband and father, Fred, who passed away May 1, 1971. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near.1 - Lovingly remembered by wife Mary.and children. 1- KILGANNON - In loving memory of a dear father, Dave, w 'ho passed away April 27, 1969. Thooïgh your smila has gone forever And your hand we cannot touch, We have so many mamories Of you, Dad, we loved so m uch. - Sadly missed and ever remembered ,b y children Bonnie, Valerie, Rebecca and David. 17-1 x RANDLE - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thursday, April 22, 1976, Pearl Adams, in han S7th year, beloved wife of Afred Randle, R.R. 1, Hampton. Dean moth- er of Evel yn (Mns. Wm. Yeo), Hampton, Eunice (Mrs. Keith Curnie), Cal gary, Malene (Mrs. Robt. Bryant), Cross- field, Alberta. Dean sister of Ruby (Mrs. Banl Stephenson), Oshawa. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapal, Bowmanviile, on Satunday. Interment Hampton Came- fery. 17-1 "F lowers ISay it SBest" VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery te... Oshawa - Bmomnvî le Arma Phone 623-4441 I would like to thank my friends for flowers, gifts and cards while a patient in Memorial and Oshawa Hospi- tais and thanks to Drs. H. B. Rundie, Long, Doctor, John Rundie and nurses and staff of bofh hospitals. Bill Malley 17-lx The cast and crew of "South Pacific" of.C.S.S. would like to extend sincere thanks to Mr. Doug Dewell for his contribu- tion in making our play possible. 17-1 I wish to thank my friends for the flowers, fruit and cards sent to me while in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, also the nurses and doctors for the care that I received. Harry Jose 17 lx i wish ta express my thai ta friands, relatives and nei bars for their help and quiries during my husbar sickness and affer his passi Thanks ta nurses and staf Intensive Cane and at floars at Ross Memo Hospital, Drs. Lakey, Arn Lindsay and Jamiesan, flowes and Heant Fund Do fions, cards and ta Mrs.E Venning who sarved lunch han home at Blackstock fcr aften the funeral. Thanks Rev. Pansons, the Mc[ mott-Pannabaker FunE Home for their courte service. Thanks ta ail. Mns. Edna Venning We wish ta express sincere thanks and appre fions ta relatives, friends naighbors for floral tribu donations ta chanities othar expressions of sympa in the loss of a dean brct and uncle, Murray. A spe thanks ta those who assiE wifh the lunch, Rev. Amac for his consoling wonds, kindness and Morris Fun( Chapel. We also wish ta th, friands and relatives visits, cards and flowerswv ha was in hospital, also1 Ewent, Sproull, Kestlei Grant fan their care. The Cawling family anks igh- [en - nd's ing. ýff of )ther orial nap, for vve express sîncèe h-anks and appreciation to ail donors and f0 the volunteens at Bell Tower, Oshawa, during the Telethon. A vary special thanks to Rev. E. Schamer- horn and members of St. Paul's United Chunch; to Mn. John Morris and the students of Bowmanville Hi gh School,, to the students of Courtice Secondany School and the Onono Hi-C for their tremen- dous effort on behaîf of the Participation House Project (Durham Region) Inc. Mrs. R. Campbell 17-i We wish to express aur sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy shown to us in the loss of a dean brother and uncle. Special thanks to Rev. Paul Erb for his kind words, and to Morris Funeral Chape[ for their thoughtfulnass. Alfred Prescott and family 17-1lx ana- ATTENTION Bila Ail Single, Separated -h a. Divorced, Unattached xn us Aduits 's ta A super new club ýDan- farming, offering a anral dance every Satunday eaus nîght Weekand bus and Air tri ps once every month 17-1 Formed salely for the - anjoyment of single aur pensons ecia- We own our own dance utes, Membership $5,00 and yearly >athy For information Cali Dther725-4344 ecial sted icher and tarai hank for vi le Drs. and 17-1 I wish to thank ail kind friends and neighbours that came to my open house birthday party on Easter Sunday afternoon, also those who sent flowers, gifts and beautif ut cards.twas throughr my dlaug hter-in-law and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Chatham, that made it pos- sible to have if. Mrs. James Hall I would like ta thank my relatives, neighbours and friands for cards, flawers and gifts received while i was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and a special thank you ta Dr. Singai and nurses 0f third floar for their excellent dal-e. Eleanor Perrin 17-1 x We wish ta extend a thank you ta aur Hampton friands for the lovely gift, a folding card table and chair set, with aur appreciatian., Rick and Bannie Childs 17-i ,* 5 ince 1912 by JACKMAN... .say it best! PHON E 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 45-ff CARNATION For Ail Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARO TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 flORtbiG[%tt edt Funeral Home, Concern for the-demands upon you ... f irst consideration. To ensure you hel1pf ul1ness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 1l 623-5668 our the 16-1 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. UNATTACHED ADULTS CLUB DANCE Club Annrene' Scugog Island Every Saturday Night For information Phone 725-4344 15-8 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Tirne THURSDAY -7:30 P.M. Sponsored by -OshawAa Minon Softball J UB iLEE PýAV1LlON OSHA WA 50 tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf Boy Scouts PAPER DRIVE Saturday, May 1 Have papers tied and out by 8: 00 a.m 17-1 APPEARING AT .The Queen's Hotel Newcastle New Town Rebels FRIDAY - SATURDAY ApriI 30- May i Dancing 9 -' 17-1 Vý'mren's Hospital Auxiliary Donations, Cof fee Pa rty a nd Ba ke Sale Friday, Ma y 7, 1976 Tninity United Church 10:O00a.m.l 2 Noon 17-2 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your graup's fund, raising activities. 'Book youn next year 's dates now whiie choice dates are stili availabla. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 an 576-6599. 48-tf Sunshine Tours Escorted Victoria Weekend Rochesten, May 21- 24 Nashville Grand OIe Opry (no overnight travel) May 21 - 24 Colonial Virginia May 29 - J une 5 Niaqara Falls Sunday, May 9 Ottawa Tu1ip Festival May 16 For information phone or write: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope, Ontario or Phone 372-9961 17-3' Housa tour, sponsored by Bowmanville Kinettes, May lSth, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. $3.00. Tickets availabla fnom Kin- ettes or daîl 623-4735. 16-2 Fish and Chips, ail you cao eat, every Saturday, anly 51.49. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road Basf. Antiques bought and sold. 17-i EXHIBITION jpaintings by Canadian Artist MAUREEN of Oshawa at the Flying Dutchman Lîet'Motor Hotel Lbryand 401, Bowmanville on Mother's Day Weekend May 7th from 7:30 p.m. May 8th and 9th from 11:00 a.m. Admission FREE Ail paintings will be for sale. 17-2 French Immersion Parents interested in a Grade One french Immersion Class in Bowmanvilla for 1976-77 p lea se catIl 623-5224 for information. 17-i Dance in Kendai Orange Hall, Saturday, May 1ist. Sponsoned by the Orange Lodge. Music by Couple's Club Orchestra. Everyone welcome. 1, 16-2 Two Day Hadassah Sale Wednesday, April 28th 9 a.m. f0 9 p.m. Thursday, Apnil 29th 9 a.m. Io 6 p.m. 144 King St. E., Oshawa Large shipment of fabrics in long lengths. Rummage, new men 's wear. 17-i Finst annual Antique Show and Sala, Saturday, May 1sf, 1976, 10 a.. 10 p.m. St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Wilson Rd. S. at Hoskin, Oshawa, Ont. Admission 75c. 17-i Darlington Progressive Conservative Association Dance, Saturday, May ist, 1976 at Port Darlington Mar- ina Hotel from 9 p.m. toi1 a.m. Music by Mn. O. J. Door Prize, Pay Bar. 56.00 per couple. Tickets available tram Jack Locke, 728-2172 or 623-4101. 17-i DANCE St. Joseph's Hall Sat., May 1-9 -1i a.. Music by "The Saphires" 54.00 per couple 16-2x MAPLE GROVE EAST P.S. Bazaar & Tea Bake table, hiandicraft, gamas, white elephant etc. PROCEEDSTO Playground Equipment. Corne and have an en loyable Safurdlay afternoon. May 8, 1976 1 -p.m. 16-3 Dance- Satunday, May lst - Pontypool Community C entre - Music by "'White Water Country" 5 5.00 couple. Refreshments. 17 ix Grand Oie Opry NASHVILLE TENNESSEE 1Four days to Music City U.S.A. From $115 per person. May 24fhi Weekend We have two buses from the Oshawa area, ARMSTRONG TOURS 81 Richmond St. W. Oshawa Phone 725-4344 15-3 ml I WHI T.V. T( Tower Aerii Apartr AsI Gi SWIMMING1 Redwood, abov 16 x 24. 1 yn. ol by bank, saci Cali Mn. Hanvi on evenings, 41 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darl ington Township. GARAGE SALE Sat, May lst, 1976 10 a.m. fo 5 p.m. In village of Tyrone, west end. Watch for signs. Antiques - foot warmer, rock- ing chair, cast iron tub, Quebec heater. 24"1 electric range (good condition), fur- niture, clothes, tools, Iadders and many other articles.' If rain cancelled for 1 week. 17-1 x SE ED FOR SALE Certif led Oats, Barley and White Beans. PEDIGREED SEED DOESN'T COST IT PAYS. Ceresmore Farms Mt. 623-3552 or 623-7233 116-6 Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground alumninumn pools left over fromn 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5 if MOBILE home, 12 x 60 feet, th ree bedrooms, avocado fridge and stove, broadloom, wheels, ail tanks, $10,000. Cali Newtonville 1-786-2657 after 4:30 p. m. 17-1 SINGER sewing machine, cabinet plus stool, $85. 3 piece French Provincial mahogany living room $550. New table top oven $27. Phone i-983-9605. 17-1 MASSEY Ferguson riding tractor, 7 H.P., mower, snow blade, chains, good condition. Phone 1-786-2441. 17-i 7 H.P. GARDEN tractor with mower. Phone 263-2019. 17-ix GIRLS bicycle, good condi- tion. Phone Harold Watson 623-5893. 17-1lx POTATOES, Kenebec, table potatoes for sale. Lloyd Sie- mon, Bowmanville, R.R. 1. Phone 263-2366 atter 6 p.m. 17-1 x MASSEY FERGUSON Super 90 and Massey Ferguson 65 with or without loader. M. H. Pedv4ell 987-4331. 17-1, TWO G-78x14 polyester winter tires. $20 for pair. Cali after 6 p.m. 1-983-5532. 17-1 C.C.M. boy's Pursuit 10 speed bike, i year old, perfect condition, 24" whael. $80. Phone 623-2473., 17-1 ONE tent trailer, good condi- tion. Phone Orono 983-9412. YAMAHA Electron BK7lelect- ric organ with auto bass chord system, eight months old. Phone 623-5477 or 623-3331. 172 ANTIQUE wagon, steel wheels. Phone 1-786-2541. 17-1 SPY and delicious apples, f irst and second grade. $2 and up. Phone 263-8430. 17-2 ITE'S BOAT - mtor andftrailer 1 - OWE RS Canasce, 1 35 HRS power Jhsnoutboard, 1 - trailer. Phone 623-3895 or 623-3541. Ask ýrs, UHF, VHF fan Bob. 17-1 ilRtirs THREE, piece davenpart Repairssuite, chestenfield suites, din- rment &Homes ingroom tables, diningooam re-Wired chairs, aId buffet, china cab- ( About Our mnet, hall tree, recliners, Duarantee dressers, accasional chairs, suitcases, exercise bike, alsa Phone other good usad furnitune. Towne Used Funnifure, 19 576-5606 Tempenance Sf., Bowman- E.WHTE ville. 17-1 1975 TRAI L Stan camper, used COURTICE once, sîeeps six, ail conven- 30-ff ences. Best affer. Phone _____________623-7518 aften seven. Pool: Deluxe, 17-1 Iv g round Pool. BOY'S 20"'bicycle, like new. Id. Repossessed 623-3247ý 17-1 x rifice 12 price. ey, collect, days POTATOES - Kenebec. Call 16-625-8819. lf Bruce Taylor 263-2741. 1- Os HAWA SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LiMESrONE i'RODucTS &PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FIL DELIVEREo OR REMOVED TRUCK<S & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH OF HIWAY 2. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY ,"Mag Wheels" Sizes f0 fit most cars. $35. each PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 13-tl PETERSON Music Co. 390 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 723-2259. We buy and selI, new and used organs and pianos. Organ, piano and guitar lessons. 15-3 LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Calîl 728-1122. 12-tf SWIMMING pooî for sale: Moving - will selI you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifi!ce price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. il-tf SWIMMING Pool less than one year old. Fanfa Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must selI immediately, will sacrifice- savings of $2,000..Caîl Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. il-tf PADDY'S Market now h'aE new furniture, appliances, T.V..'s and stereos and alsc, used furniture and appliances 'Nil! accept trade-ins. Paddy'E Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33t' USED, Furnîture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf SEWING machine with table $55, baby carniage $12 and car seat $9. Cal 263-8078. 17-1 DALH IA Roofs for salelot Idark purple colour. $2 a bushel. Phone 623-3927. 17-lx CARPETSof ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professional- y instalied.* Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-f Pioneer & Stewart Seeds We 'still have somne to, performers available for grain or sila ge. We also have ALFALFA, SORGHUM and TREFOIL in stock. Cali John Baumnchen BLACKSTOCK 986-4774 15-5x FLEA MARKET - Open daily on Base Line Rd., 212 miles west of Waverley- Rd. Small kitchen appliances, used furniture, household furnîsh- ings, camping needs, garden tools. Antique furniture, dishes, dlocks, lamps, collect- ables, old children's books. 623-7490. 17-1 x STRAWBERRY plants, rhu- barb roots, peony roots, gladiolus corms, phlox, dwarf asters. 623-7490. 17-lx SIMPSON Sears console mod- el 23" black and white T.V. Comas with Gavin UHF converter both in good wonk- ing ordar. Phone 987-5237 after six. 17-1 CEDAR rails, barn boards and barn beams. Phone 987- 4041. 17-1 BATH-changing table and white colonial crib. - Phone 987-4608. 17-1 STEREO, 50 watt Mlida Multiplex Stereo receiver and antenna, plus Lloyd's stereo 8track record deck with al microphones and cords. Xonex tunntable, 4 box speak- ers, supersonic transistor radio. AI l lass than 2 years old. The whole kit'n-kaboodie for $300. Phone 623-3142. 17-1 x FILM PRÔCESSING CHILDREN'S 1: PHOTOS Camneras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 10-10 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti-ý que dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done with modern up-to-cdate equipment and qualified Swiss trained, watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dining room, 9 piece; living roam; wail unit, cottee TaDias, new furniture, veny reason- >able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf CEDAR rails, antique stove, swivel chair, steel bed with tfsprings and go cant with or without motar. 1-705-277-2512. * 16-2 USED piano for sale. Best offer. Phone 728-1675. 14-tf HAY approximately 400-500 bales . Phone 623-7538. 15-tf TOP soul, Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. -17-tf ""RADIALS" Sizes f0 fit Most cars. $160. Per Set Of 4 PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanviîle Phone 623-4866 13-tf TRAI LER - Golden Falcon, 21 ft, excellent condition, fully eq ui1pped, 1licensed for '76. Caî11 987-5045 after six. 15-3x BUNK beds, 100 sets, brand rew, cheap. Caîl Harr 488- 7911, 3368 Yonge Street, Toronto. 16-4x '71 SUPER Beafle Volks- wagen, excellent condition, certified. Phone 623-3204. 17-1 '68 VW stationwagon, engine rebuilt, not cerfified. est offer. Phone 623-6010. 17-1 1974 FORD 12 ton truck, with super cab, excellent condition. 16 ft. Corsair cabin trailer, ga% stove, fridge, furnace, sleeps six. Phone 1-983-9105. 17-1 1968 PONTIAC Parissiene, 4 door, good condition, includes safety check. Phone Dykstra's Food'Market 623-3541. Ask for Bob or Claude. Best offer considered. 17-1 1974 DDGE window. van, Tradesman 200, power steer- ing, power brakes, 318 V-8 automatic, AM radio, chrome mirrors. $3800 or best offer. Phone 623-4126 after six, week days, aIl day Saturday. 17-1 1965 DODGE van, certified, asking $600. Phone 623-2883. 17-1 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury, 2 door, PS and PB- good condition. Phone Bethany 705- 2177-2183. 17-ix '75 CHEV, nine passenger, 17,000 miles, full power, air, power rear window, power tailgate, steel belted radiais, no cîty mileage. Phone 623-7874. 16-2x ,BOB'S TOWING AND USED CARS R.R.* 3, Bowmanviîle 1970 -GMC 4-wheel -drive,. 34. ton truck, full power. 1973 Pontiac, V-8, 2 door hardtop. 1968 Acadian, V-8, power steering and brakes $650. 1970 Dodge Darf, 6 cyl., automnatic (cerfified) 11971 Volkswagen (certified) gas saver. Open 8- 5 723-5219 17-i KAWASAKI - 250 motorcycle, street bike, fair shape, best of fer. Phone 983-5067. 17-1 X '69 VAUXHALL, as is, best offer. Cali 1-983-9391. 17-1 x 1967 V.W., ziebant, dlean, new. agine, 20,000 miles, $650. Phn 623-4013 after 6: 30, anytime weekends. 17-1 1970 GMC '1/2 ton with cap. Asking $1400.00. 623-3267. 17-1 x 1974 DODGE 1/2, 6 cyl., good condition. 1970 Kawasaki 350 streat bike, cheap, runs weIl. Phone 623-2913 affer 5 p.m. 17-1 1972 VEGA Hatchback, auto- matic, with new angine block, brakes and exhaust system. Phone 623-4760. 17-1 1973 BUICK Centlury, 16,000 miles, mint condition, extras. $3,000. Phone 623-5505 affer 12 p. M. 17-1 '68 BEAUMONT convertible, 350 rebuilt, mags, best offer. Phone 705-277-2533 week days atar 4:30 p.m. 17-2x KAWASAKI 100, 2000 miles, excellant condition. Asking $500. Phone 987-4760. 17-1 '66 CH EV. 1impala $300 or best offer. Phone 623-5729. 16-2x '69 ;ýOR D haif ton truck. Good rur.mi'îg order. Phone 623-5068. 16-f WAITRESS, expenience pre- ferred. Appiy Acres Restaur- ant, Taunton Road. 17-1 Boys and.Girls The Toronfo Star has a number of routes available in Bowmanville - Newcastle a rea. For more information phone 728-5117 16-2 Jensen Steel Ltd. requires experienced: Multitorch Plate Burner Welder Fitter Saw Operator Material Handiers (overhead crane operaf ion) Appîy f0. JENSEN STEEL LTD., 22 Base Line Rd. E., Bowmanville, Ontario. 17-1 BUTCHER required, smaller chain store. Apply Box 161 Bowmanville, giving age, qualifications, renumneration expected and telephone number. 17-1 CLEANER Applications will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, May 5, 1976, for the position of Cleaner, 20 hours per week'at the M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School. Maintain offices, staff room, female washrooms, dusting, dry mopping and other duties as assigned. Reply in writing stating quali- fications, address and tele- phone f0: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland- and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4 L2. 17-1 SALES PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durham Region. - Fuil or part-time. Advertising supplied. CaîIl 579-5070 8-tf SALES Representatives for Durham Region. Salary p lus commission overrides. C an- vassing with soma Iea4ds providied. Opportunity for self starter. Car an asset. Caîl 579-5070. 17-2 DRIVER - experienced truck, driver required. Knowiedg e of Toronto area an assat. R.M. Holîingshead Corp. Ltd., Darlene Bastianelli, Person- nel, 623-3353. 17-1 Reception ist - Sec reta ry required for General Insur- ance Agency. Preference given to person Wifh'previous office experience. Write Advertiser 617, c-O Canadian Stafesman, P.. Box 190, Bowmanville. 17-1 CONTRACTORS *General contractors re- quired in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must- be inde- pendent businesses- CatIl 579-5070 9-tf Sa les Representative For Durham Region. New comprehensive service. Can- vassing required, Somne leads suppîied. Mature and self starter. Excellent Commis- sion. Contact 579-5070. 15-2 Harnden & King Construction Limited Requires. An Operational Manager for the Oshawa-Whitby Area. DUTI ES: To co-ordinate truck and loader fleet as required to serve customer needs. T he successful candidate will report to the Area Manager. Experience in gravel operafions is required, Appîy in writing f0, P.O. Box 1007, Oshawa. Att: D. Murphy, Area Manager. 16-2 lnterested in Farm Work? Place your application with CANADA FARM LABIOUR POOL 7A Division St., Bowma nvil1le 623-3880 Farmers need you full and part-time and seasonal - tractor drivers, tree pruners, tobacco workers. i7-1 PRESSMAN For Soîna, Linolith, Davidson and Heidleberg Letterpress. Dark room and make-up experience definitely an asset. Contact Donald Bishop c-o-Statesman Office - e * -e TENDER SEALED TENDERS wiIl be received until 2:00 p.m. EDST, Tuesday, May 25, 1976, for the supply of Fuel Oil ,for the period September 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977 heating season. Tender forms may be obfain- ed from the Office of: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumnberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, 834 D'Arcy Street, North, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4 L2. 17-1 L.C. Mason, Q.C. Law Office ciosed in month of May 1976; but will be in office- Monday afternoons 3-5 p.m. for at- tention to current matters. 17-5x Any group interested in catering to the Bowmanville Lions Clu bfor the period f nom July 1976 to Juiy 1978, please have a representative at the Lions Centre on Thursday, May 6, 1976 at 7:00 p.m. - 17-2 I, Eastman Steeves wiii no longer be responsibie for debts incurnee in my name by my wife,,Jean Steeves, as of Apnil 28, 976.17-lx TENNIS ANYONE? Trhe Port of Newcastle Tennis Club is now open. We welcome anyone who wouîd wish f0 loin. For further information please contact: Rod McArthur 1-983-9539 or Dennis Schm iegelow 987-4856 17-1 er tir Pl ;k Gi NOT ICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING 0F SHAREHOLDERS The Port Darlington Harbour Company TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of Share- holdersof The Port Darlington Harbour Company will be held at 76 Scugog Street, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on Monday the 7th day of June, 1976, at the hour of 8:00 in the evening, local time, for the following purposes: 1. To receive and consider the Report and Financial State- ment of the Accountant; 2. To elect the Directors of the Company f0 hoîd office until the next Annual Meeting of the Shareholders; 3. To appoint the Accountanti and authorize the Directors f0 f ix their remuneration; 4. To transact such further and other busfiless as may properfy corne before the; meeting. DATEDat Port Darlingfon, this 10fh day c0f April, 1976. BY ORDER 0F THE BOARD "J. Thompson" President 17-1 URGENTLY REQUIRED! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'il be pleased to appraise it for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams".,For friendly efficient sale of your. home, cail P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- v il le 576-6120. 17-tf

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