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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 1

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Three Kille 1, Ste1iurt ii401 Iead-on Cras The death Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in Toron- to Sick Children's -Hospital of Louisa Zoffranieri, age 5, brought the total dead as a resu it of Saturday afternoon's crash on 401 at Bennett Road to three. The child's parents, Ercole (Lee), age 31, driver of the vehicle, and Maria Theresa, 25, of 32 Elana Drive in Downsview were also lost in the traglc mishap. Louisa was taken f irst to Bowmanville Memorial and transferred a-short time later to Sick Ch!ildren's wlth critical head and internal injuries. A cousin of the seriously injured girl, Cadi Lisi, age 10, was admitted to Oshawa General Hospital with multiple fractures to the arms and legs. The Zoffranieri vehicle is reported to ha-ve been westbound at the time of the mishap, when for an undetermined reason it proceeded- into the medi a-n and rolled onto the eastbound lane colliding with a vehicle opeuated by William Dennis, 37, of R.R. 2, Orono. Mr. Dennis was admitted to Oshawa General Hospital with severe facial lacerations while a passenger, Merle Mc GiII, 51, of Main Street, Orono, was admitted to Bowmanville Memorial with fractures and lacerations. Three other passe-ngers in the Dennis vehicle, Paul Pressick, 34, of Newcastle Village, Roy Stapley, 42, of Centre Street, Orono, and Ronald Rocke,-41, of Newcastle were treated at Bowmanville Memorial for lacerations and released. The Zoffranieri vehicle, a 1971 Buick and the Dennis vehicle, a 1971 Ford are both considered write-offs as a result of the m isha p. T -he deceased's vehicle is bel -ieved by the police to have been wheels up_ when- in collision with the eastbound Dennis vehicle, a collision which spun both ve hicles, the Denni -s vehicle coming to rest crossways, blocking both la -nes of the highwayan the Zoffranierivehicle stopping parallel to the road on the south shoulder. (Turn tePage Two) Volume 122 20c Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,1 R-ttt ,in WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1976 40 Pages Guest Artists at Figure Skating Carnival Number 17 Retîing Hos pifai Chairman Receives Gif t Re-tirin-.g iMemorial Hospital board chairman, Tom Cowan, received an unexpected surprise last Wednesday when he was presented with an engraved ,si1ver tray f romn appreciative fellow members of the board. Af ter five years of s ervice, Mr. Cowan is stepping aside as chairman, but he hopes to continue his contributi on as a board member during the current year. Jamnes Stutt, Mr. Cowxan's succlessor as chairman, made the presentation of the gift. At left is M!rs. Oive Cobbain, who was appointed the new v-ice-chiairanofthe hospital Preli miin a ry B udget I ndicatre s Icrease of $42,3éfoTwn by Doug Taylor A prelim-inary budget sum- mary presented to Monday's finanice committee meeting by Treasurer Joe Descent shows a total munficipal expenditure for 1976 of $4,012,840. When compared with the 1975 bud- geted expenditure of $3,530,217 one finds that to be an increase of $482,632 o r 13.67 per cent. Although the miii rate has yet to be struck, and Mr. Descent stated that the figures in Monday's comparison were merely budget to budget, with actuals to follow, the trea-- surer did indicate that, mun- icipally at least, the miii rate looks favorable., He advised council flot to take the comparisons too seriously until the miii rate is set and "the whole picture falîs in place." (Turn to Page Two) South Pacific Attracts Larg~e Audiences Kathleen Eyman, as Nellie Forbush, and Dave Down, as the well-adorned U.S. Marine Billis, both gave outstanding performances in Courtice Secondary School's production of "South Pacific" last week. The enthusiastic group of students in the Drama Club deserve full marks for a job well done. In addition to a fine cast, the choreography, sets and lighting also contributed to make it an enjoyable show. Doug Dewell provided accompaniment on the piano during the musical numbers.- Photo by Liz Armstrong Hlospi'tal Administrator Claims Cutbacks by Ministry of Health Irresponsile lmanagement Action Memorial Hospital Admin- Court building last Wednes- hope that our own operations istrator Richard Elst on de- day, he said that though the will be able to survive at its nounced the recent Ministry of hospital was 'fortunate' in flot present level without perpe-. Health budget cutbacks as receiving any serious re- trating some form of loss of "irresponsible management straints in 1976, the situation service and-or specific lay- and action ... that bas placed could getworse. offs" the hospital worker today in a "If- the Ministry of Health Wh1 te optl ufr position of being 'bewitched, continue to apply dogmatic ie ed oss or compete bothered and bewildered."' and arbitrary cost restraint shbdeosrso cmlt 'Speaking to an audience of policies as they have been sutdowns, Memorial was 50 at Memorial Hospital's doing recently," Mr. Elston ordered to cut $16,069 from its Annual Meeting at the Police stated, there will be little (Turn to Page Two) Decisin on DeVelomen 0f New Shoppn Centreslu Postponed by Plaýnneglrsm Two development compan- isproposing .to build $7l million shoppingý enrsIn southwest Bowmanville were told on Monday a decision would be delayed until after a special meeting is held some- time soon. After teclling the New.ýcasle that they have the support of tenants already interested in renting space in their shop- ping centres, representatives BI1TS & PIECES ;_"ý1 DIEF DINNER POSTPONED- Because former Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker is recovering from a severe eold and unable to attend, the dinner schieduled for tonight by -the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club has been postponed until May. Ail ticket holders will be advised through the press and radio when the niew date has been confirmed. FROZEN PANCAKES - Between the rain, sIIow and cold weather, the Millbrook Pancake and Maple Syrup Festival last weekend was something of a disaster, especially on Sunday. It will be held with ail the accompanying fea- turesthis Sunday from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. when the Millbrook Lions will welcome ail corners. STILL TIME - Contributions and pledges are stili coming in following the Participation House Telethon last weekend that was, televised oveér CITY-TV that unfortunately, can only be received here by cable users. Also, the NHL game Sunday evening switched many viewers. So, if you can heiip with your donation, it will be appreciated and enable Bowmanville and area residents to have their own Participation House right here. FLEA MARKET - MacDonald Ford on King St. East. wiIl be holding their annual Flea Market on Saturday, May 8th on their car lot. Any local groups ororganizations interested in setting up booths, please contact MacDonald Ford at 623-4481. NEW HOURS - Blood donors and prospects are advised that the Red Cross has set new hours for the May Blood Donor Clinic at the Lions Centre on May 5th. The clinlic will be operating from 1 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Blood is in extremeély short supply 50 drop over and let them have some. Most people have more than they need. SHRINE CIRCUS - Fibber McGee of Special- ty Paper on Temperance St. still bas some advance tickets left for the Shrine Circus in Oshawa on May 8th. Drop over and buy yours today at reduced prices, it should be a great show. MUCH TO DO - This Friday at the Legion is Don Masterson Night and some tickets are stili available for that event, at any of the chartered bank branches in town. There will be an auction, draws and guest speaker Coach Lamar Leachmen will tell those present how the Argos are going to win the Grey Cup this year. You'll also be helping Don is his campaign for Kinsmnen national vice presidency. ROTARY BAZAAR - Don't forget the Rotary Bazaar and Sale at the Bowmanville Hîgh, School on Saturday. They've been working bard preparing for it and should have loads of fine items on display. of Western Auto Parts Ltd. and Bowbrook Investments Ltd. wee toid thde d-cisiontr wouldlbe pspnd Representing Bow;brook In- vestments Ltd., 'Mr. Henry Joseph said the location of the proposed shopping centre -would be visible from the highway, accessible by road and could expand if it had to, The shopping centre site owned by.Western Auto Parts Canadian NoviceBrnemdlinrsndeDebofOhw ad Stanley Tisnovsky of Newcastle will be tle featuÀred guest skate-rs on lFridfay evening and Saturday- afternoon at Bowmanville Arena,, during the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club's annual carnival. Tickets are selling rapidly for this event that will be performed on a "Four Seasons" theme, (Turn to Page Two) PricptinHos0St BellOffering O>b tained inBowmanille Free Trial Residents of Bowmanville whose telephone numbers be- gin with 623 and who have a private or two party line will be able to try out Touch-Tone telephones on a two-week, free-trial basis. Bell Canada is offering free Touch-Tone -service to, resi- dence customers during the period f rom May 3 to May 28. During that time, telephone users in Bowmanville can have their rotary dm1l phone (or phones) removed and Touch-Tone sets installed in' their homes without having to (Turn to Page Two) gram for physicaliy handicap- ped young adults wîll build a residence in Durham region near Bowmanvîlle, organizers for the project have an- LOADS 0F WORK DONE- Kiwanians and their help- ers were kept busy ail day Saturday filling requests from citizens who hadl work to do, witheverything fromn digging a garden to paint- ing. From ail reports, the Work-a-Thon was a success- fui project that probably wIl be repeated next year, as the club also added to its coffers through donations fromn grateful recipients. The announcement was made during the Participation House Telethon that began on CITY-TV at 10 p. m. on April 24 and ended 24 hours Inter. The project will be built on a 31/2 acre site on Concession Street just west. of the Pine Ridge Training School. Chairman of the Board, of Governors of the Durham Participation bouse Project, Dr. Gillian Gilchrist said the site is iocated on a 100 acre piece of land owned by the Ontario Housing Corporation (OHC). Although Participation bouse will have to puy more for the land, than the $1 fee they thought they would have LU 5,1ve I in Lnt ...II yea i, LI. Gilchrist said OHC is renting the parce] of iand at a lower pricethan its market value. "The amount was probably less than what we would have (Turn to Page Two) AWARD 0F MERIT Mr. and Mrs, Carlos.- Tam- blyn were honored at the annual banquet of Durham Central Agricultural1 Society last week ln Orono. Mr, Tamblyn was presented with an award of Menit for his many years of dedicated service to the fair and his wife was presented with a,' bouquet of roses for ber as- sistance. More than 150 at- tended the banquet. St. PauI's Donotes $800 to Participation House Telethon mhoto oy Shawn .tvarsnaiiý A cheque for $800. from the people of St. Paul's United C-hurch in Bowmanville was presented at the Participation bouse Telethon on Sunday by their minister, Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn. During his'intervie-w with two Participation bouse supporters, Johnny Wayne and CHFI radio announcer, Jim Paulson, Rev. Schamerhorn urgzed people to give to Participation bouse. The 24 hour telethon on City-TV'iii Toronto raised funds to build residences anct facilities for young handicapped aduits in eight districts in-Toronto and surrounding areas, including a Participation bouse project in the Durham region.,

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