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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, Section 2, p. 5

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The Manvers Township Cauncil met for their monthly meeting on April l3th with al members attending and with Reeve George H. Neals pre- siding. The council carried a motion to give a $25 grant to the Senior Citizen Bowling Club to purchase a frophy. A fire works display in Bethany Park for festivities on, the 24th of May was approved by the council. Two special meetings con- cerning the subdivision south of Bethany and the third phase of the Janetville subdivision Safety Plus a One piece steel re- inforced Concrete steps là Safety treads prevent slipping a Maintenance Free M Increases the value of your home " Expertly replaced in hours net days, by Dur traîned installation crews " Mary sîzes of steps and porches Caîl Mr. Unit Qualitý avaliaai Step for vour P free estîm-'a(E M4 110 King St. W. was called for April 22nd by council. A deadline date for people trying to secure tule drain loans this year was set for May 2nd sa that available funds can be distributed evenly by the Township. Council approved giving $10 to each cub pack in the area for cleaning up papers at Manvers Townships dumps. The Township accepfed ownershîp of the Bethany Afhletic Park and moved to grant the park $4,000 for the purchase and installation of Value y arnamental Iran r ailing bie in ail sizes 'ATIO SLABS,&CURBS QUALITY PR E-CAST CONCRETE 623-4425 ,BOWMANVILLE (Division 0f Porf Hope Ready Mix) 728-0292 Open 10: 00 a. m. to 8: 00 p.m VREE PARKING - FREE ESTIMATES YES! WE INSTALL Manvers Council People once behieved that goats had their beards comb- ed by the devil once a daye BY THE DAY-WEEK OR MONTH Oshawa CHARGEN lights for night time soft bal games. The council also appointed Bert Reil, Cathy Kloepfer and Robert Ryiey to the Bethany Park Board Committee until an election is held sometime in 1977. Approval was given for the county weed inspector to control the growth of noxious weeds within the Township. Council approved the Janet- ville Park Board consisting of chairman, James Effer, treasurer, Mark Malcolm and secretary Mrs. McComb. A resident of the Janetville subdivision asked the council to pass a bylaw restricting excessive use of water coming from the public water system which is supplied by wells. The resident referred to a water shortage in the sub- division during July and August of 1974 and suggested that the council regulate water when, it is used for filling swimming pools and watering lawns. The council carried a motion to seli the salvage rights to the three Township dumps to Mr. Thomas Slute for $1,400 for a period of one year. The council voted against renewing the Sandaraska Trailer Park's licence f0 operate in 1976. Before the licence is issued the council is seeking legal advice on whether the park conforms to the zoning bylaw or if it will have f0 be rezoned from agricultural use. A detailed report by Mr. Don Venton on the spring run off damage to roads in the Pontypool subdivision and his proposais for solving the problem in the future was adopted by council. Council approved the rezon- ing of a lot 300 ft. by 500 ft. on lot seven in the eigth con- cession for an auto and farm machinery repair shop. A $300 deposit from the owner of the property, Mr. Gary Semczyszn was requested by the council for security. The council also approved By Lîz Armstrong Off en the best medicine for a patient who ha s undergone surgery for cancer is ta be reassured by someone in the same boat who has fuliy recovered from the disease after treatment. This seems ta be especially true for women who have suffered the trauma of a mastectomy, which is the remaval of a cancerous breast through surgery. Since 1973, the Ontario division of the Cancer Society has stepped up their efforts ta beip breast cancer victims back on the road ta recovery by having 'mastectomies' visit them in the haspitai or home ta offer practical information and advice. Last Tuesday evening at Triniity United Church, mnore than 100 people attended the local Cancer Society's Annual Meeting ta hear four women from, Toronto present a skit about the society's service ta mastectamy patients. A skit about breast cancer? Sounds unlikeiy, but the light- hearted programn entitled "The One-Sided Review' was an excellent medium-through which ta present the service ta patients approach ta helping breast cancer victims. 1"We are four maids, Who have iost a breast, To help others, We'll do aur best." Through rhyme, prose and demonstration, the quartette conveyed plenty of infor- mation about hpw they and others like them, can offer mucb needed emational support and. practical assist- ance ta those who have recently undergone surgery. AIl four women are fine examples of th'e power of positive thinking, and proof that breast cancer victims can resume! living healthy, active and useful lives after proper care and treatment. Recently, under the dir- ection of Mrs. Jpan Mann, the idea came ta Bowmanville and since February, two mastectomees have visited eight patients through the service. There are several rules governing the program that ensure that the volunteer 1mastectomee' will not in- advertantly upset the patient she has set out ta heip. First, the doctor in charge of the case must give written permission before the visit can occur, and then a simple the rezaning of a lot owned by Mr. Nick Carchidi if an entrance can be secured fromn the County of Victoria and-he pays a $300 deposit. Council allowed a 50 acre severance of land in the south-east quarter of lot 12, Concession Two owned by VanDam, VanWiergen and Fajt. A one acre severance in lot nine, Concession One was given ta Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Fisk at the council meeting. The council voted in favor of giving $25 ta the winner of the Miss Manvers, "Sweetheart of the Fair" contest at the Millbrook Fair fromn June 18-20. .Council dîscussed develop- ment of the road on the west limît of lot 15, Concession Five as a possible, entrance toaa bouse thaf a family wants ta build in the area. Gravel developers will be allowed ta operate from 6 ar. ta 7 p.m. on ýix days of the week but not on Sunday, the council decided. A. motion ta advance $2,500 for building materials for an extension f0 the Township Hall was carried. form is filled out and forward- ed ta the Cancer Society headquarters in the district. The visiting volunteer then arranges a suitable time to go ta the haspital, and while there, she's encouraged ta be cheerful, tactful, sympathetic and above all, a good listener during ber visit with the patient.' Personal camparisons of aperatians are taboa, and the volunteer is instructed ta keep aIl information offered by the patient confidential. She's also cautioned not ta stay toa long in case the patient gets tired. The volunteer alsa takes alang' a useful information boaklet ta the hospital ta leave with the patien t. It cantains many practical tips, inciuding a list of stores where a women VM4 RU£L ý'ýThe Friendly F Iorist BRADSHAW Is Coming Mvay 8, 1976 East Location No. 2 Highway can purchase a permanent prosthesis or breast form. The vol unteer also gives the patient her name and phone number, and assures her thaIt she canget in touch again for a home visit, or ta accompany ber ta a store ta purchase the prosthesis. If a patient requires further treatment after surgery, such as a cobalt bomb series, the volunteer wiil be available ta go with ber. Though the volunteers prefen ta visit the patient while she is in the hospital, home visits can also be arranged and periodic follow- up calîs are made ta ensure that recovery is coming alang well. One of the keys ta complete recovery is regular exercise, sinceorne-uscle tissue from the arm is usually removed during modified and radical mastectomies. By keeping up with the past-aperative routine, the women can grad- ually regain full use of their arms and resume such activ- ities as tennis, golf and bowling. Following the presentation by the 'four maids' the meeting was thrown open ta questions from the audien-e. Three Memorial Hospital physicians, Drs. Singal, Hub- bard and Sylvester were on hand ta answer queries and expiain treat ment techniques. Further information about the service ta mastectomy patients may be obtainied by phoning Mrs. Joan Mann at 623-5174 or getting in touch with the local Cancer Society. SHE USEOHRER n HEAD TO CHANGE ~ HER SHAPE. What Anita Fusco-and other Weight Watchersl, members-are saying about the new Personal Action Plan ' oduIes: "The modules help me get through wthout overeating.' Anita Fusco Registered Nurse LOST 36 pounds --ENROLL AT ANY CLASS EnroiI at ony closs, First meeting Fee $7. Al other meet ngs $3 - special senior citizen & studert rate f-rs meeting $4 Allothé, omeetingS $1 50. FOR CLASS INFORMATION Cali 275-5222 -Toronto AREA CLASSES BOWMANVILLE Memorial Hall, Liberty St. S. Thursday 1: 30 & 7:30 p.m. OSHAWA Y.W.C.A. 199 Centre St. Tues. 9:30 a.m, Wed. 7:30 p. m. Ye m ti embers of Wotche mgzneusistl FREE Dont delOy loim todoy. Join us today. Weve got so much thats new to help you reach your goal. WEIGHT WATCHEtRSO NEW PERSONAL, ACTION PLAN"~ ......,ri oeotr rdorn,,onM 4 d,o-à Weîti Wicteslo I eg~krd ,0e 197e Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bown'anville, April 28, 1976 5 The Very Latest in Hoir Styling - Permanents Steaking HairConditioning Treatments Using the very best in hair care products. Golden Seissors Hair Styling WAVERLEY SHOPPING PLAZA TELEPHONE 623-6252 MANICURES - FALSE NAILS AND EYELASHES BY SPECIAL'ISTMAIMNZ BOX 238, LINDS.AY,, ONT. 705-324-91611 Forum for Women Sàervices to, Mast'ectomy Patients Outlined cat, Cancer Society 'Meeti ng FLORIDA Corne on ouf fa Lindsay and join a DeNure Tour to the sun. Relax aboard aur sparkling moforcoach and enjoy the scenery as we glde south through- Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia on our 3 day trip ta world famous Daytona Beach. Comfortable accommodations enroufe at Dayton Ohio, and Carferville Georgia. Then seffle down and soak up the Sun at DeNure Tours' own Tail Pines Motel. Your oceanside room here includes a complete kitchen, color TV, air condition ing,private heafed pool, laundry facilifies and games room. 14 & 20-day departurçs ,$2) Q43 N throughout the summer from....................................... - TWN CALIFORNI«A Over -85 per cent of DeNure Tours' customers are repeaters. And we builf aur repufafion on our 25 day California and Mexico Tour which we tirsf operafed 15 years ago. Came with us and disca ier the charm of the Old South in New Orleans, fhen head wesf fa San Anfonio and Tucson to California. We stop r-fer 3 days in San Diego fo sighfsee and fake a side trip fa Ensenada, Mexico. Later we fravel ta Las Angeles, Hollywood,' and San Francisco. Our refurn journey includes Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, and the Petrified Forest. Shop around and compare - DeNure Tours offer more for your travel dollar. 25 day Califarnia &Mexico departing $62 TI Aug. 6, Oct.8 .......................................... .........U & W N CÂANADIAN WEST More people are discovering bus travel every year. And the best way fa see the beaufy of our Canada is aboard a N EW luxury motorcoach wifh DeNure Tours. Our Canadian built M.C. 1. coaches are specially designed and equipped for long distance travel with comfortable reclining' seats, extra legroom for taîl peaple, (mosf coaches this size have 4 more seafs thus reducing legrbom ta a minimum), airconditioning, washroom, and lofs of baggage space. So climb aboard for 21 days of fun and sighfseeing as we wend our way wesf across fhe Prairies ta fhe mounfains. Time fa visif Calgary and Banff before we cross the Rogers Pass fa Vancouver. Cross the Georgia Straits by ferry f0 Vancouver Island and refurn home through the U.S. taking in the spiendor of Yellowsfone Park along fhe way. 21 Days West Ieaving June 26, 29 $639" J uIy 20, Aug ust 17, Septem ber 5 & 12.................................... TWIN MARITIMESý One of fhe adivanfages of îoîning an escorted tour is thaf you leave the details ta the fo ur esýco rfan d con centraftee n-enjioyi ng yofr tnip. Le. DeN ure To urs s how y ou a goôod fimne on our 12 or 18 day four of Canada's Easf Coasf. We plan aur four programimes at leasf one year in advance ta guaranfee the best 'accommodations available. Our drivers and escorts are qualified people familiar wifh every mile of the tour. They are always af your service to make sure your frip will be enterfa ining, ,infarhfiative, and enjoyable. Our 12 day Maritime four includesfthe St. Johns Ri ver Valey, Fredericton, Prince Edward Island, Cabof Trail, Halifax, Annapolis Valley, and a delightful drive fhroughfhe Green Mounfains of Vermnont. The 18 day Newfoundland four takes in al fhe feafures of the 12 day four plus a visif fo Newfoundland by bus and ferry. Travel Easf in early June and save 10 per cenf. 12 day Maritimes - June 5 &20, $TI Juy3,1 &3, u. 5&28, Sept. I 5 .........&...3791 18 day Newfaundland - June 6 & 27, $ - JuIy 18, Aug. 8 & 29, Sept. 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 f T I LAKEHE.AD If is wise fo plan your trip ahead of tîme. Theny ou fake advantage of the variety of dafes- and destinations available. Many DeNure T ours are soid ouf eariy, and people making last minute arrangements are often disappointed fa find the trip fhey wouid like is nof open. And becauseoffthe long range planning required to arrangeftours, if is flot possible fo safisfactarily add last minute deparfures f0 accamodate these people. To make sure you wiii nof be disappointed, we suggesf you make your arrangements eariy. A $50.00 deposif wiil hoid your reservaf ion, and if you cancel for any reason up '0oi 4 da Ys before the four deparfs, your money is refunded in fuili. So why waif, there is nofthing f0 lose, and ail ta gain wifh DeNure Tours. Our Lakehead four this summer mig hf be just whaf you need f0 get away from if ail. Our four takes in some of Canada's mosf spectacular scenery around Lake Superior. Aiso inciuded is a train tnip-fhrough the Agawa Canyon north of Saulf Ste. Marie, and a boat trip fa Mackinac Island. 7 day Lakehead - Juiy 12, - Aug ust 2, Septem ber 13 & 26 ......0................................F.. 2 "'TWI N CÂOLON IAL VIRGINIA Concerned about meeting our bus in Lindsay? Let us help you make arrangements. We wiil provide a comfortable room for you af Lindsay's Red Carpet Inn FREE of charge the nighf before your four leaves, and we wili arrange low cosf limousine transportation from your home fo our bus. Perhaps our 10 day Virginia four during the U.S. Bicentennial Celebrations will interest you this year. Highiights include fhe Amish farmis of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Washington, Colonial Wiliamsburg, Luray Caverns, and Virginia's tamed Skyiine Drive. 10 day Virginia Tour - May 23, JuIy 25, Oct. 10. $ 2 )OO Travel during May and Save.. ...................................... Z ' TWI1 N RENT-A-CAR AS LOW AS $10,99. Per day BOWMAN VILLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Liberty Phone 623-4481 "The Friendly Peopleý" Carpe t Warehouse "Trend- Setters of the Carpet Industry" 'rorontonians Pat, Olive, Eleanor and Christina were on hand at the annual meeting of the Cancer Society to present a lively (and unusual) description of the societyts service to mastectomy patients. Though some of the poetry in their revue didn't follow traditional rhyme schemes, the message was clear: That breast cancer patients can be helped back on the road to recovery with assistance from others who have been successfully treated in the past. This part of the program was followed by an informative question and answer period which featured a panel of three doctors from Memorial Hospital. -Photo by Liz Armstrong

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