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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, Supplement, p. 4

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4Suppý,men1 of the Canadian Statesman, April 28, 1976 Coî,à-paratïve car test shows how... C-ar's condition plus careful driving anyeldfel avings Little things, particular- ly in terms of' car main- tenance, can mean a lot in ternis0f fuel ýavings. To prove' the validity of the above statement, Shel Oil Company embarked on tests of procedures that could save the average car owner -nearly three montbs worth of gasoline annually. How mueh care How much proper car care and prudent driving habits cani save in' fuel was the aniswer ShelI sought in its tests. Here's what Sheil engineers did and what they found: A typical comipany ca r was taken and 'put inte shape where gasoline waste was probable. The engine was placcd slightiy out of tune with ignition timing retarded and car- buretor idie set too fast and rich. Radial tires on the car were replaced by ordinary tires and air pressure was lowercd from the proper 24 pounds to 19. Wheel alignment xas altered and the wrong weight of motor oul was installed. Group of drivers A group of 23 drivers was emiployed to drive the cars so alteredi and the group averaged 13.6 miles pier gallon. Once the cars were put bacýk into proper shape, the test was con- dlucteýd again. This time, mnileage averaged 15.6 mi.p.g.- a two mile per gallon improvement. D)rivinig habits. Drivers involved in tbe teýst were giveni speciflc tips on how to maneuver their cars for best fuel mileage, as follows: eý* * Accelerate gently t- out acttually creepýîing away- from thle stojp. 1* * Anticipate tops and take youýr foot off the gas Self service gas growing everywvhere After a slowdown due te the oul embargo, self serv- ice pumps are now in- creasing. Today about 12% of all gas is self service and estimates are for 40% by 1980, The lure for the consmer is lîower prices - as muchi as 5 cents a gallon on some brands. Self service also points to f ewer minor repairs and other service xork per- formied at gas stations. Station attendants with mechanical knowý-how are moving ixito the inde- pendent repaîr market. Meanwhile the number of service stations has shown a dramatie increase in the last two Years, principally gas only stations. W4oDrn -shocks often sneaky Unilike a tire that sud- denly blews out with a loud bang, worn shock ab- sorbers can f ail with little advance warning. Yet when shocks fail, the re- sults can be jtist as peri- lous as a blow-out. To avoid such a danger, ask your service mani te check shocks every time the car is on the hoist for a lube 'Job or similar service. 1This is particularly im- portant if your present shocks have more than 20,000 miles of wear on pedal, cuasting to the in- tersection. Keep yuur speed mod.' erate. The most'econoin- ical speed is 35 miles per houir. Neyer exceed 55 miles per hour. Get into higli gear as quickly as possible for the mosi economnical perform- ance. Even with automatic transmission, une can get tie feel of shifting. Shell reports that the' combination of good car condition and careful driv- ing made the average m.p.g. 16.8. That was a 23.5 percent improvement or a savings of nearly three months worth of gasoline. 1Another Car Care Quiz.. Whatyou shouldknow about cooling system The higher cost of anti-f reeze is giving motorists cause for more than a casual thought te the care of their cars' cooling systems. To help answer a f ew common questions (and some not se common) about this vital system of the car, Automotive Cooling System Instîtute asks a few.- See how you do on this truc-f aise quiz. Answers are on page X. Eight or more correct is excellent. Six is passing andc below that indicates you'd better bone up on car care. 1. OnIy ptirpose of the radiator cap is to keep the anti-frecze froîn spilling out. (T) ....... (F). 2. Wlien the fait beit starts chirpiiîg or squealing it shouid be greased. (T>--...-(F). 3. The cooling sysin hoils over ai 212 de- grecs F. ( 100- C.) *() (F), 1You'II find Up to 6~ different types of flujds in nîost cars. (T. . (F ) 5. Radiator hoses neyer need replacement su, long as they show no0 igus of leakage. FOR CORRECT ANSWE 6. A cool rîînning engine is more efficient than oee ilat runs hot. ( T ) ........ (F ) .. ... 7. Yen clin keep using the same anti-freeze for years if you add rust inhibitor every spring and fail. (T)...... (F). 8. If your car ovcrheats, stop ait once, remove the radiator cap and add cold water. (T) - -(F) 9. To prevent sippiîig, drive belts slîould bc adjusted alistiglilly la' possible. (T). F 10. Hose clamps shonhd be ouled when new lioses are installed. (T)..... (F),- -RS PAGE 5 Make sure windshield wipers are i shape f or use in -bad weather As with se many other vital components on your car, your windshield wip- ers are most likely te fal just when you need them the most - like durîng the next- storm. In the summer, heat, smog, and even your serv- ice station attendant's windshield washer spray are workihg tegether te reduce the efflciency of your wiper system. It's ne wonder, af ter sitting quiet- ly on your windshield and deteriorating daiy-m nand day-eut, that they often fail te do their job. Check when raining The best time te check your windshield wiper sys- tem is during a rainstorm. Or yeu can check it the next time you go thirough a car wash. You can aise perform a good check wýhile someone sprays your windshield with a garden hose. However you choose. te check your, wipers, you should check them on both the fast and slow speeds. If any trouble symptoms are present, yen sheuld replace as much of your wiper system as is neces- sary to eliminate the prob- lem. In many cases,, al that is needed are -new sq ueegees (the rubber 'parts that contact the windshield). 1Replace both blades When yen do replace al or part of your wiper blades, make'sure yuùt ze- place both' sides at the same time. If one wiper is shot, it's a good bet the ether one is about te go, tee. Saf e vision during hazardous road conditions is tee important te risk for a feý dollars. Here are five visible or audible indicators that will signal the need for attention te your, wind-, shield wipers. Clear driv- ing vision is especially im- portant during the bad weather season. Check for the following signs of mal- f unctîoning: 1. STREAKING- arcs of unwiped moisture with- in the wiping area. 2. FIAZING - a thin, hard -te -see -through film cevering most or ah 0of the wiping area even af ter the blade has just been wiped. 3. CHATTERING - a "1stuttering" motion of the blade accompanîed by a "chattering" noise as the blade sweeps across the windshield, wth some areas lef t unwiped. 4. SCALLOPINO - a ragged outer edge in the wiping pattern. 5_ RATTLING - ne vis- ible signs of problems, but the wiper blade sounds as if it were very loose. Can be reduced or eliminated by switching te polycar- bonate blades. NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT,- (WE CAN HELP) I *FREE ESTIMATING M * OVER 20 LATE MODEL SERVICE CARS AVAILABLE *MODERN FACILITIES BUT, GUARANTEED OLD FASHIONED WORKMANSHIP *'DOMESTIC AND IMPORTS dur, Spray Painter, Arthur Hudson,, Is a Craftsman... He, Will Take Great Pride in Re-storing Your Car to One You'I be Proud of! I I Neei dA Lifte I We Can Work Wondlers On ThatoCar ofYoursl Marty's Auto Repaiîr (Martin McLellan, Prop.) SPECIALIZING IN REPAIRS TO: Volkswagen-Toyot a-Dat sun Repairs to Ail Makes of Automobiles Teal. 623-3896 3 Queen Street Bowmanville

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