6 Supplement of the Canadian Statesman, April 28, 1976 Thatcar Is Worth lotS, more than dollars and cents tow a boat or trailer, in high speed conditions on the long trip.' It needs- best of, cure f or owner to get mosi benefit from if Jean Sibelius, the noted Finnish, composer,> once re-, marked, "No one ever bullt, a monument to a critic." While- Sibelijus obviously wasn't referring to matters concerning the automobile, lis observation could well be applied to the current state of the car. While the vehicle lias been attacked by detractors as an environmentai menace, a safety hazard, too expen- sive to buy and maintain, one fact remains indisputable. No'single invention of mankind lias so revolutionized the way of life of an entire nation. Car shapes very warp and woof of lite Our economy is so dominated by the car that a drop in production bas shattering *effects on our standard of living, The very warp and woof of our lives are shaped by the car, from where we live and work to how we spend our free timie. In these timies when, car ownership has, often been a greater financial bu)rden than most of us lice, whea one considers the alternative the car is stili a bargain. To the man or woman cooped up in the office or shop ail week long, that weekend spin to the beach or camp- ground lias a value far beyo nd dollars and cents. Anid that well-earned vacation by car is an experience few of us care to forego, whatever the expense or other sacrifice. Fortunately, most of us who are concerned with, cutting vacation expenses and travel can take some positive action this year before embarking on our, car-borne trips. As sure as you're going te buy post cards to send home te Aunt Emma, you're going te be buying lots of gasoline. It yen invest in a tune-up before yeu leave, yen may pessibly save eneugh on gas bills te pay tor the service on the course et a long trip. Also before you leave on your trip, take inventory of items you may have neglected on your car. 1 -Thiugs'te check'betore yeu leave What shape are your tires in? If you feel they miay need replacement, the time to do it is now when you can shop for the best prices. And xhat about your brakes, shocks, lights, cooling systemi, stceeing, lubrication and other vital items that may need attention? TH1E SCENIC WONDERS of a continent, once only available to the wealthy and the adventurous, can be enjoyed b>' virtually an>' famil>' with a car. A sure investment in an exciting, trouble-free vacation this spring and summer is a car that is kept in optimum condition. Good maintenance will help keep the gasoline bill as Iow as possible as wel as avoiding unexpected trouble that takes the fun out of trips. Th'at'so @1, 011 cans May not be the Most stimulating form of literature, but a few sec- onds spent scanning the can tops May prove worth- whiie to the maintenance- conscious motorist. This is particularly true-with the new motor oil coding sys- tem that recently went into effect. Under the new code, severai parts of the coding system remain constant. The SAE stands for Society of Automotive Engineers and the numnerais 10, 20, 30 and 40 stili indicate the viscosity or flow character- istics of the cil. A designation such as 1OW30 indicates a -multi- purpose oil covering a wide ***O**,.@OOs e eeT se es ee HaeooHn Cook s Texa'dco Ao il IIMakes-of Cars - 3 LieChared Meha ni- es - W edi ave onHad a ComplteeUepo Quali36y eWEEE O O RS EAO folks viscosity range. The W mneans the oil is àpecially suited to wintertime use.. In addition to the SAE viscosity ratin-g, there is an API or American Petro- ieum Institute classifica- tion of ML (Motor Light), While cans bearing the above API designations are stili in 'circulation, they eventually wili be suppianted with ones marked SA, SB, SC, SD, SE or CC. 1< SA through SC are for iight duty use such as iawn mower engines. SD oil is'the generaiiy accepted lubricant for most present-day cars. CC wiii be for diesel engines. MM (Motor Medium) or 1 MS (Motor Severe). Al 1964 or later modeis re- quire the MS ciass of Oil. S v The SE ols will be used Gasoline for future engines with : G n greater heat-resistant re- quirements. The SE ols might be recommended for. your present car if You ATTENTION in DURHAM_ R E GIONr The Service Stations, Garages and Dealers in the Durham Region have thousands of dollars invested in Equipment, Tools and Supplies. They also have competent trained person nel to serve you. We Specialize in supplying th'em with top quality p roducts and fast service. Pineàtridge Aqutomodative Suppmly Ltd. 3Queen Street Bowmanville 717 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawai 220 Ash Street Whitby j~* ~1 -SERVING THE DUPHAMo REGION-