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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, Supplement, p. 10

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10 Supplement of the Canadýin Statesman, April 28, 1976 New mod--Pdel cars found cr-onsidierably cleaner They emit 70% less pollutants ïï in United Sta tes and Canada,,~ The newý-miodel automno- biles are running conisicr- abiy - clealier than their older counterparts, accord- ing ýto results of the first phase of a Champion Spark Plug Company's survey of cars in the United States and canada. David L. Walker, direc- tor of Champîon's Auto- motive Technical Services Department, said' a pre- Iiminary coxparison of 1,667 vehicles surveyed during the company's Fuel Economy and Emnissions Test indicated the new- mode! cars are emlitting about 70 per cent fewer pollutants than pire-1968 automobiles. Emissions lowered Emission levels of 1970- 74 cars are alsa lower, averaging 30 to, nearly 50 per cent below those of cars produced prior to 1968. Mr. Walker said, -The 1.25 per cent carbon mon- oxide (CO) and 162ppm hyclrocarbon (HIC) aver- ages of the 1975s we tested are indicative of the prog- ress that has been made in emission control." ile also pointed out that the test diagnosed one car in~ 30 as being a "gross emitter" - exceeding 10 per cent CO and 2,000 ppm HC, or higher than test instruments can measure. "While these cars repre- sented only a smnail per- centage of our survey, each 'gross polluter' emit- teçi more lIC than 13 av- erage 1975s," Mr. Walker explained, adding "the in- tests show among older cars is con- siderably higher, indicat- ing that inadequate main- tenadnce and vehicle age are contributing factors to excessive emissions."1 instrumental Champion's tests are showing a marked de- crease in emîssians follow- ing tune-up. Rýeductions averaged 30 per cent less CO at idie after tune-up and an average 70 per cent decrease in lIC under sim- ulated 55 mph road con- ditions. Tune-up was also instru- miental in increasing fuel economy. On the average, the nearly 75 untuncd cars tested reaiized nearly a 51,'2 per cent fuel savings after being tuned. A wide range of other information is being an- alyzed fromn test resuits. ,"We found emýission con- trol systemi comnponents- either inoperative or dis- connected in approximate- 'y 10 per cent of the U.S. cars we tested," Mr. Walk- er said. "This indicates a definite need for more conscientiotis mainte- nance on the partof the. car owner." Three-year prograi CHAMPION SPARK PLUG Company',, Mobile Proving Ground (M.P.G.) is continuing ils 30 city, international test program to determine the effects of tune-up on gasoline mileage and emissions. In carly findings, ils tests have shown that late-mdel cars are op to 13 times less polluting than pre-1968 vehicles and are stayingwellwithingovernment standards, for keeping the air clean. Road Rallyir for the Entirý A car pulls' over to the side of- the road. The young woman next to the driver examines a road map and some papers. She also checks the car's mileage. -Where are you going?' asks a man mowing a lawn nearby. -l dont know,'replies the Champion's survey is a young woman. three-year pragram ta de- - Where have you been9" termine how engine con- -1 don't know that either. dition relates ta fuel econ-1 amny and emissions. Pre- In fact. Y dont even-knioW limninary test resuîts were where 1 arn now!'- based on the first eight The above is an ott-told cities surveyed. The pro- story about car railying, a gram-will continue through pastime for thousands of 1977 with tests conducted ew n17ad0 in 22 other Nrth'Ameni- peoplebewe 17ad0 can cities., must weekends during the i : ~ncompetition that srse and following directtons. 'e Farnilv Generally, i sboe J down into two types, more pleasant months of the according to a new ral' year. manual published by Castrol Once exclusively the do- GTX motor oul, sponsor of main of the sports car, auto- United States Auto Club mobile rallys now involve driving champion J0 ail kinds of vehicles - pas- Leonard. These types ane senger cars, station wagons TSD MTme, Speed,, Dis- and jeeps included, sa the tance) rallys and fun (or children of the family have a gimmick) rallys. The gim- chance to tag along in, the mick rally has the broadest back seat while Mom and appeai and is almost limit- Dad participate. Since speed less in its variations. It'sa is generally not a factor, natural for farnily fun. danger is at a minimum. "In the fun or gimmici But what is rallying? rally, the rallymaster at- What is a rally? tempts to create more en- It is an outdoor - parlor tertainmient than accurate gamne" in which car owners driving by f urnishinig in- get additionai pleasure from structions that might be tîteir cars through organtzed challenging to follow", points out the motor oil f irm's raill'y expert, Eric Oakley. -The instructions are always honest but some- times cQonfusing. Scoring of each rally varies, but nega- tive Points are issued for failure to fo'llaw instructions exactly, or for beînÏg unable to provide answers to ques- tions about the course." The rallymaster's re- sponsibility is setting up the course-the route the rally covers. He draws up and furnishes ail entrants with the general instructions for the rally. Especially in fun rallys, the rallymaster uses his imagination to add to the difficulty and joy of the- sport. A rally might be a map rally. if so, each team will be furnisheu with matching, road maps, but with differ- ent instructions and chai- slenging dlues regarding the changes of direction. The theme might also be a rseries of photos, sometimes ,taken from cars so that they Y~ look the. same as the land- A marks the driver and navi- )f gator can spot while driving b~ along. To make' it mnore in- ý teresting, some rallymnas- e ters have been known to -take-the photos f rom the air. CThese are only two of the -scores of ways a course may tbe laid out. But, no matter -what the theme is, much a thought is given to the, course for the rally, f rom k starting point to finish line. -The railymaster makes -certain the rallyists do not e create traffic jams and thus l- arouse the ire of other e mrotorists, according to the Castrol Rally Manuai. a Move On* ...a message for the newly-weds: Across the street, across the provinceor across the nation, no one takes the headache and heartache oui of moving like Preston Moving & Storage. Ira ined personnel are waiting to assist with every need. And y ou ccan be sure your mnost cherished possessions wiII arrive unblemnished. For a f ree estimate and brochures, please cali 623-4,433. PRESTON (LINDSAY) LTD. Mem ber of AIied Van Lines Lt. 420 Base Une Rd. W.- Bowmanville

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