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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 3

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Flowers for Mother's Day by Van Bellej Weddi BLAND-BUR On Saturday,A 1976 at Kingsvi Church, Oshawa, T.J. Irwin united i Mrs. Myrtle Bu Mr. Robert W, BlI The bride was a daughter and son and Mrs. Gary Lew dale, and the g attended by his da son-in-law, Mr. ai Bourrie, Oshawa. The bride is thed Mr. and Mrs. Le Scugog Street, wh the dinner and following the ceer Flying Dutchman. A honeymoon trip to Ottawa. Mr. and? are now residing in "QUe'âC the p i'1 TRIHDPTICAL BDUTIQUE 30 KING ST. WEST MISS G ZIEGL BOWMANVILLE DISPENSING OPTI PHONE 623-4477 "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occ Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNO 133 Church Street Bowman Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangemen for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Besureandtakea lookatoûr Bridal Showcas in our window. 1Dkg CQeCAM ' hCk A rich old aunt was paying her nephew's college exp her visitor asked if it was expensive. "Well," said the aunt, "some of the languages run p My check this month covered $10 for chemistry, $20 and $250 for Scotch." CLOTHES CARE HINT: DON'T PUT AWAY DIRTY CLOTH ES. The longer so in a garment, the harder it is to get out. Have yo cleaned regularly. BOWMANVILLE'SANNUAL FIG SKATING CARNIVAL Friday and Saturday, April 30th, M Memorial Arena - Bowmanvil Bowmanvil Cleaners Lt E GET 84 King St. W. LOTHES 'We Specialize in Shi CLEANER Laundering" ing W.I. NEWS ROWS.. Bd. ofDirectors April 10th, Meets in Toronto ew United The Fedenated Women's Reverend Institutes of Ontario met in n marriage Toronto at the Lord Simcoe rrows and Hotel, on April 5th - 9th, for the and. semi-annual spring Board of ttended by Dinectors meeting. Thirty-two -in-law Mr. Senior and two Junior.Board wis, Willow- Directors, represented al room was parts of Ontario. Mrs. Herbent ughter and Mahuske, Chesley, in her nd Mrs. J. Provincial President's report, said time does have a way of daughter of speeding by when one is s. Brooks, invohved in such interesting o attended work as the Women's Insti- reception tutes. Many meetings were nony at the attended inchuding the United Nations Association, pre- p was taken sentation of the Entrance Mrs. Bland Awards at the University of n West Hill. Guehph, College of Family and - Consumer Studies, Royal AgMicultural Winter Fair, etc. Plans have been fonmulated for the Offcers Conference to be held at the University of Waterloo, May 4, 5 and 6. This is antraining session for the office of President, Public Relations Officer of Bnanch, District or Area, and Mem- bers-at-large. Mrs. Earl Morden, Rodney, ER secretary-treasurer of CsANS F.W.I O. said her mailings numbet-ed 423. From 1200 Bay St., Toronto, Mrs. S. Arm- strong's numbered 1900. This does not include items mailed by the Home Economics ON S branch, Ministny of Agricul- ture and Food. $1,530 has been contributed to Nutrition t Education, $1500 to Pennies for Friendship. These are projects of the Associated vîlle Countrywomen of the World. An UNESCO Gift Coupon for ts $1000was purchased to aid in an International Scholarship Fund, e s Miss Helen MKercher Honme Economies Branch, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, expressed appreciation for genenous support of 'the (Q W.I. membens and co-open- o ation in carrying out their programs. Ail staff vacancies of Home Economists wil be penses and filled. Short courses will be on .retty high. a District basis, to ensure a for Latin, better attendance prl leadership and hehp someone else do a better job. Informa- il remains tion given out must be ur clothes accurate. Summary of partici- pation for 1975 - 76; training sehools 15,190 persons, Sum- WRE mary Days 7,000; Short Courses and Food Forums 3,380; Homemaking club Ua lfist membens'numbered 26,097. le Publie Relations Officer, Mrs. J. Harvey Houston, Lucknow, publicizes F.W.I.O. le activities to ail parts of Ontario, and appreciation is extended to the Press in ahl tie areas of Ontario. There have 623-5 0been- 225 mailings in the 623-5520 interest of the Womens Insti- irt tutes. Arrangements were made for reports and publicity in connection with the Feden- ated Women's Institutes of I. At Classic Suits Sherbet Pastels Linen Short-sleeved Style also. Accessories Hats-Scarves Shirts and Clutch bags. Chargex Mastercharge for your convenience. MIDTOWN MALL - OSHAWA Bridges - Jeffrey Wedding Northminster United Jeffrey, cousin of the bride. celianeou Church, Oshawa, was the Wearing formal gowns of Mrs. D. A setting of a lovely spring polyester silk, in yellow with Jeffrey wedding, on Saturday, April appliques of white daisies, Perry, M 10th, 1976, when Reverend they carried nosegays of white Miss Pat Charles Newton, assisted by and yellow daisies and babies Oshawa. Reverend H.A. Mellow, solen- breath. nized the marriage of Janet The best man was Mr. BLI Lynn, daughter of Mr. and David Bridges, and the ushers Mrs. Mrs. Robert John Jeffrey and Messrs. Glenn Jeffrey, bro- spent E Paul James, son of Mr. and ther of the bride, David her son Mrs. Bryon E.- Bridges, all of Pineau and Kenneth'Smith. Skelding, Bowmanville. Mr. R. Kelling- For the reception held at the atended ton presided at the organ and Lions Centre, Bowmanville, Churcht accompanied the soloist Mr. the bride's mother received inhwhich Ross Metcalfe. the guests in a formal, two Joanne The bride, given in mar- piece, powder blue gown with be confir riage by her father, wore a a corsage of yellow Sweet- Niagara, formal gown of white nylon heart roses and white car- j. C. Bot] organza over taffeta, with a nations. The groom's mother ed Comm high neckline and sheer ruf- assisted in receiving the fled yoke. The gown fell in an guests in a formal gown of A-line skirt that followed green and shrimp organza, through to a Chapel train. with a corsage of Sonya Appliques and rows of Venise Sweetheart roses, white car- lace outlined the lines of the nations and Sonya ribbon. gown. The waist length veil Leaving on a honeymoon was held by a band of trip to Eastern Ontario and appliques matchng those on the Eastern Coast of the the gown, and she carried a U.S.A. the bride wore a nose gay of white daisies, polyester dress in shades of yellow Sweetheart roses, and blue, matching navy blue babies breath. accessories, a powder blue rhe bridal attendants were coat and corsage of pink the maid of honor, Miss Sweetheart roses. Mr. and Patricia Pascoe and brides- Mrs. Bridges are now residing maids, Miss Wendy Bridges, in Bowmanville at 21 Elgin sister of the groom, Mrs. Street. Glenn Jeffrey, sister-in-law of Prior to the wedding the the bride and Miss Sylvia bride was honored with mis- Canada Convention when it meets in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, June 20 - 24th. An encouraging report on the Erland Lee Home, was heard from the chairman Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller. New Ham- burg, who is also editor of the Home and Country publication of F.W.I.O. Ontario W.I. week at the Erland Lee Home at Stoney Creek will be May 31st - June 4th. Groups and bus loads are encouraged to visit during this time when special displays and demonstrations will be taking place. Erland Lee was co-founder of Wo- men's Institutes with Adelaide Hoodless. Mrs. Maluske, who is also Senior Board Director with the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada, an- nounced the winners for the F.W.I.O. Tweedsmuir History competition. A Cultural Pro- ject - One act play 1. "The Charivari," by Mrs. Orval Jordan, Mount Albert: 2. "The Witch of Plum Hollow," by Mrs. Dorothy Morgan, Ingle- side. Handicraft section - a pieced quilt. 1. Mrs. Ed D. Kraft and Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer, Elora; 2. Mrs. Frederick Thompson, Pittsburgh W.I., Kingston. Junior Women's Institute activities were reported by Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Caledon East. There are 8 branches in Ontario with a membership of Photo by Astor us snowers given by Austin, town, Mrs. M. and Sylvia, Port Mrs. L. Goodin, and ricia Pascoe, both of ACKSTOCK Elizabeth Skelding aster weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Niagara Falls. They a service in Christ athedral Hamilton, iher Granddaughten, was one of fifty-one to rned by the Bishop of the Right Reverend hwell. They celebrat- union with the rest of the congregation at the end ot the service. Congratulations to Michelle MacDonald who also passed her tap dancing exam recent- ly. Michelle is a student of Mrs. Linda Little, Uxbridge. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bil- bey, North Carolina, were Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mrs. William VanCamp and Mdme. Justice M.M.. Van- Camp spent Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Drink- water. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb and went to Belleville to visit Vern's Mother, Mrs. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. Yancin, Mississauga, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Asselstine. Mr. and Mrs. Les Bushfield, London were Easter weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers. Mrs. Verna Corby, Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Asselstine, Mr. and Mrs. Ah Ruthford and family, Mrs. George Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Les Asselstine, Gayle and Robbie, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Asselstine, Peterboro, were Easter Sunday and Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Asselstine and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Adams (Michelle Robinson) who were married in Blackstock United Church on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jamieson (Debbie Carmichael) who were married in Immaculate Conception Church, Port Perry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickson, Burlington, and Miss Janis Dorrell, Carleton, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pawley, Oshawa, were Thursday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Petch, Kent and Cather- ine, Aurora. Several ladies attended the successful Daffodil Tea spons- ored by the Blackstock Women's Institute last week. Mrs. Visser favoured with a solo, and Janet Parsons enter- tained with a piano solo. The flower arranging demonstrat- ed by Bev's Floral Art was enjoyed by everyone. There was a penny and bake sale and also a draw for the quilt. Lucky winners were: 1st Mrs. Joyce Taylor, 2nd - Mrs. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 28, 1976 3 Morelli 3rd - Mrs. Plough- were Sunday visitors of Mr. man. and Mrs. Frank Powers, Winners at the weekly Lindsay. Senior Citizens card party with 19 tables were: lst - Artificial Resuscitation is Lionel Byam 92, 2nd - Bill taught free of charge by St. Chapman 84, 3rd - Susie John Ambulance in its Save A Harris 82, 4th - Doris North- Life program. This First Aid cott 81, 5th - Doug Brock 81, skill is used on casualties in 6th - Mrs. Reid Cook 80, Low - cases of electric shock, poison- Mrs. Tennyson Samells. ings, drownings, heart attacks Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and chokings. COMME RCIA L PORTRAITS WEDDINGS & SPECIAL OCCASIONS BARRY VIRTUE - CàatWcve9TotogNp9q R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO 416-983-5240 New Wash & Wear Hair Fashion Happening! ZOTOS WARM and GENTLE Heat-Activated Rouer Conditioning Perm It's an acid- balanced pH 6.7 formula. Warm and Gentle is designed with you in mind - for your hair fashion and for great hair condition. You feel gentle, soothing warmth as Warm and Gentle neutralizer locksIn your new wave to last until cut off. And your hair is being conditioned for sheen and manageability. Call today for your appointment with one of our expert stylists. Let a member of our staff design a new Warm and Gentie hair fashion for you. "A VERY FRIENDLY ATMOSPHE RE" KUT 'N' KURL BEAUTY SHOP 71 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5019 142. This year they will award a scholarship to a member furthering her education. Their spring meeting will be held at Fonthill, April 24th. According to the Officer Conference Secretary, Mrs. Russell Campbell, lona Sta- tion, this year's Conference will be limited, because of another booking at the Uni- versity of Waterloo. Anyone cancelling out, should im- mediately inform Mrs. Camp- bell, so someone else may be allotted the space. Conference dates are May 4, 5, and 6. Plans are being formed to make use of the Women's Institute Hall at the Agricul- tural Museum at Milton. The 80th Anniversary of Women's Institutes will be celebrated in 1977. The meeting adjourned on Friday, with the Annual meeting to take place at the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Toronto, November 29 and 30th; De- cember 1, 2 and 3, 1976. Increase your value to your employer by enrolling in the St. John Ambulance First Aid Instructor Course. This course will better equip you to communicate and develop your leadership qualities. 1

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