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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 28, 1976 Don A. Masters, plant manager at Quebec since June, 1973, has been appointed to the same position at the company's hose plant in Collingwood, Ontario. He has been succeeded as plant manager at Quebec by D.L. King. Masters started with Goodyear in 1950 in production control at the company's Bowmanville plant. In 1960, he was transferred to merchan- dise distribution, where he remained until 1964 when he was named shift foreman at the Bowmanville reclaim plant. In 1966, he was trans- ferred to the company's Col- lingwood plant as production manager, a post he held until his appointment as plant manager at Quebec. Masters was the winner of the Can- adian Goodyear Spirit Award in 1975. TODAYS BIBLE Or wht man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish wiIl he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask h im? Math: 7:9-11 Please Write Box 111, Blackstock Words f or the 1WarId Proof of a Manifestation of God, is the potency of ai of is divine Educa- tion on the world of humanity. BAHA'I Writings Further information P.O. Box 36 If you have not purchased tulip bulbs from the Royal Canadian Legion, there are a limited quantity left. You may order by calling the Legion Hall for the "Golden Anniver- sary" bulbs. Congratulations to Don and Anna Wilcox on celebrating their 25th wedding anniver- sary with a surprise dinner and dance given them by their sons, Pearce, Ian, Todd, and Kent, on Friday, April 23rd at the Centennial Hall. Attention has been drawn to the fact that Leorra Nelson took second place in junior physical sciences at the Peter- borough Regional Science Fair, held at Trent University recently, and was not as mentioned, the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education Science Fair. Congratulations to Provin- cial Constable Mostyn How- ells, formerly of R.R. 2, Burketon, and now stationed at Brantford Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police who received the Canadian Armed Forces Medal for long service and good conduct. He is a 2nd Lieutenant in the Canadian Armed Forces Sea Reserve attached to the Admiral Nelles Sea Cadet Corps in Brantford. Congratulations to R.E. McKnight, who has been promoted to foreman of the conveyor belting, special pro- ducts and snow-track depart- ments. Tom C. Gatchell to manager of customer service, warehousing, shipping, re- ceiving and stores. J.F. Coyle, to manager of production planning and materials con- trol, at the Bowmanville Goodyear Canada Plant. Plans are being discussed, but not confirmed, of a Bowmanville High School re- union. One of the items on the questionnaire to be filled inis "With whom were you going St. Paul's United Chureh Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 a.m. I Don't Need to Go to Church to Be a Christian!" 6:00 p.m. COUPLES' CLUB POT LUCK S9PPER followed by Dr. Ralph Cardillo speaking on "Marriage and Family Life in the 20th Century." Please CaIl 623-5557 for reservations. SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children will attend first part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45a.m. SENIOR CLASSES (9 YEARS AND UP) NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their pre-school children to our play and learn nursery while they attend Church. nn rhu Ances istn Miiser SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m.-Adultin Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9 and up 11:00 a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlersand Kindergarten 11:15 a.m. - Primary Dept., ages 4 to 8 lla.m.- WORSHIP SERVICE Rev. W. K. Pace will be preaching. A Warm Welcome for Everyone Wednesday, 10 a.m., Bible Study Group in Church Parlour Have you sent in your Observer renewal? Please do it this week. Unit_2of U.C.W.willtakeyourorderforthe sma Il size new hymnary. Please caîl Mrs. Mason 623-5553 or Mrs. James 623-5493. This will make a nice Mother's Day gift. U.C.W. Bake Sale, May 20 Nov. 6th, U.C.W. Casserole Supper and Country Store. Have you brought your shingles for the church roof? Ail donations most welcome. Bowmanviile Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday, May 2nd MISSIONARY DAY 1l a.m. Rev. C. W. Lynn, Executive Director of Oversea's Missions of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, former Pastor in Bowmanville. --and - JEREMIAH FARKOLLIE of Liberia 7:00 p.m. Rev. and Mrs. Gary Foreman Missionaries in Kenya, East Africa. Bowmanville Lions Meeting Features Hydro Speaker At a recent meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Club, Bev Ells, second from left, and Don Glover, right, were inducted into the club as new members. Both men were sponsored by Jim Rickard, at left in the photo. Ross Fitchett, centre, Community Relations Officer for Hydro's Wesleyville and proposed Darlington stations was the guest speaker for the evening. Moe Richards, President of the Bowmanville Lions Club, is second from right. - Photo by Liz Armstrong steady at that time?" We've heard of political sui- cide, but re-unions9 Bowmanville Arena was first planned in 1948 when a committee of John James, chairman, Cliff Samis, and the late Mel Wight, took over the big task of finding the best type of building, fund raising, etc. The arena operKed in 1949 with a broomball game with teams from B.H.S. without ice, and skates, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Moffatt, M.P.P., will attend the Cour- tice Brownie, Guide, Mother and Daughter Banquet to be held this weekend. On May 8th there will be movies shown at the Bowman- ville Public Library for the children. Bowmanville Memorial Arena closes this Saturday at the conclusion of the Figure Skating Carnival, and re- opens August 15th. Where did summer go? Newcastle Town Hall was the place to be on Saturday night, as 175 of the Waverly Community Association got together for their 2nd success- ful dance. More events are planned for later. We congratulate Michael Fairey of Lord Elgin School who won second prize in the junior division of the Peter- borough Science Fair held at Trent University recently. The 26th Wintario Draw will be held Thursday, April 29th at Chatham. There will be five grand prizes for $100,000 each. Russell Preece son ofMr. and Mrs. Wm. Preece of R.R.6, Bowmanville (Maple Grove) recently received the F.W. "Skipper" Lee Trophy for the outstanding cadet for 1975-76 in the Oshawa Sea Cadets. Trinity U/.W. The April 20 General Meet- ing of Trinity U.C.W. was opened by President A. Blair reading a verse, "What does Easter mean to you? " follow- ed by prayers. Announce- ments of coming events listed the Bake Sale in May and the dune 15 Pot Luck Luncheon with the Friendship Club. Appreciation was expressed by Mrs. Blair to Mrs. F. dameison, who served hot and cold drinks to the men who helped clean up around the church grounds on Apr. 3; to Mrs. C. Downey for organizing a lunch for the choir following St. Luke's Passion, Apr. 11; and to the 14 ladies who attended the Preshyterial'at Harmony Church, March 31. Mrs. S. James then gave a report on the latter. Mrs. Downey was again thanked for the preparation for the hospital of a beautiful layette which was on display. A motion from the executive meeting was presented and accepted; to replace the usual beef dinner in the fall with a casserole supper combined with a country store, to be held in November. A letter of appreciation was received from Mrs. W. Oake to the U.C.W. for the gift of Wedgewood dishes and a life membership. Mrs. C. Trewin, Missionary Education Secre- tary, reported on one of our Live Love Projects, Mr. and Mrs. Banks, now working la damaica. Mrs. R. Coombes gave the missionary prayer. The Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. Hammond read two thank you notes and reported 101 get well cards sent, as well as several synpathy and baby cards. Mrs. L. Tomlinson, Literature Secretary, display- ed the new books she has added to our library; booksof poems, inspiration, and bi )graphy; as well as 1925 and Ail This from which Mrs. Joyce McLean read so a- musingly at the Casserole Luncheon Mrs. F. Jameison announced that Unit 7's Coffee Party will take place at Mrs. A.strike's in June. The Easter program that folwed was prepared by Unit with an Easter verse. After an Easter hymn, Mrs. L. Carlson introduced Rev. R.C. Hopkins, a retired minister well known to those present. He read fron Luke 24 the story of the Road to Emmaus, which he then made the theme of his discourse. Jesus appeared many times to different people following his resurrection, each with a special purpose, but this occasion was unique. The two on the Road to Emmaus were not of the Twelve, but were sincere followers from Galilee, much disturbed by the cruxifiction and the later rumours. When Jesus joined them, he was not recognized, but in the conver- sation that followed, he show- ed them how his life fulfilled the Scriptures. So this appear- ance answered many quest- ions and showed that the Saviour had taken the road of obedience to God and then entered into his victory. May our eyes also be opened to the only way to enter His freedom - by obedience to God, love of God,, and love of our fellow- men. The "Unknown One" still comes among us and it's up to us to recognize Him. Rev. Hopkins closed with prayer. Another Easter hymn and benediction brought a worthwhile meeting to an end LONG SAUT Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Glover, Newcastle, were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs, Judy and Louise visited Mr. and Mrs. George Vandam, Sr. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and family, County Rd. 57; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Ted ,'The Friendly Florist' JOHN BRADSHAW Is Coming May 8, 1976 East Location No. 2 Highway1 Ca rdillo to Speak to St. Paul's Couples On Sunday The Couple's Club of St. Paul's United Church will be holding their Annual Meeting with a pot luck supper this Sunday evening in the Church Hall and it promises to be a very exciting and entertaining evening. There will be special musical entertainment and as a highlight Dr. Ralph Cardillo has been invited to be the guest speaker. Dr. Cardillo is an exper- ienced marriage counsellor having practised in Whitby and Oshawa area for the past 5,2 years. His academic credits include a B.A. from University of Ottawa, and S. T.B. from St. Michael's College in Toronto, an M.A. Evening from Notre Dame and Ph.D. related to studies of marriage. He has taught at several schools and institutions and since February of this year has had a private practice in marriage counselling in Oshawa. His topic on Sunday evening will be "Marriage And Family Life In The Twentieth Cen- tury," and he will introduce his subject with a talk and then open it up for discussion and questions from the gather- ing. The meeting will open at 6 p.m. with a Pot-luck supper and anyone wishing to attend should phone Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn at 623-5557 to reserve a place. Circulate Bylw To Ail Barbers A bylaw being prepared by council for the regulating of hours when a barber shop can stay open is to be circulated to all shop operators in the Town of Newcastle. Wednesday's committee of the whole. resolved to take such action at the request of Coun. Ken Lyall. The request for the bylaw came from the barbers in Bowmanville but town soci- tor Ed McNeely advised council that such a bylaw would now have to pertain to the entire municipality. Mayor Rickard questioned what affect it might have on barbers in Orono and New- castle Villages which brought Hall, Dunsford; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Miss Grace Smith was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Smith, Bow- manville. Sympathy of the commfunity is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. John Potts and family, Hay- don, in the passing of a loving mother and grandmother Mrs. Wm. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- eyk were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and family.' Sympathy is also extended to Mr. Earl Prescott on the passing of his uncle Mr. Elmer Prescott. Coun. Lyall to suggest that since only-the Bowmanville barbers were involved with the original request they should call a meeting with the others. Coun. Lyall insisted that such a meeting was needed for input from the barbers outside Sl Bowmanville Basebael Items o Interest Phone 623-3303 Age - 13 Jan. 1, 1976 Place - Memorial Park Time - Tues. - Thurs. 6:00 p.m. Saturday 2:00 p.m. Coaches: Ted Dadson 623-2972 Jim Hooper 623-5288 Legion Bantam: Age - 15 Jan. 1, 1976 Place - Soper Creek Park Time - Mon. & Thurs. 6:00 p.m. Coaches - Don Fraser 623-3812 Harold Curwin 728-0287 Association Brian Fraser 623-3812 Merchant Midgets: Age - 17 Jan. 1, 1976 Place - Soper Creek Park Time - Wed 6:00 p.m. Sat. 2:00 p.m. Coaches - Don LaVigne 623- 2768, John Hogarth 623-7532, Kim Storgaard 623-4290. Umpires' - Anyone wanting to umpire should contact- Dave Reynolds 623-7586, Arnold Etcher 623-5957. McGregor Drugs \ 5 Kin St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanville /-%1 .A/ (ý l Af 'RU KVIN BU1 KIN ALONG~ I.G.A. Parking Lot Memorial Park tarts 10 a.m. (15 Laps) Starts 9:00a.m. (30 mile course) SUNDAY, MAY 2ND, 1976 IN CASE OF RAIN-ALTERNATE DATE WILL BE MAY 9, 1976 Remembere e0 There a prize for the school collecting the most sponsors, 30 MILE COURSE DRINFO Bsoys' & Girls' -C.C.M. - 3-SPEED BICYCLES - i O-SPEED BICYCLES Eligible to ail participants who turn in Sponsor Sheets whlchare avallable at ail merchants displaying posters. 2 Try outs will start this week for the following B.B.A. All- Star Teams. Memorial Park Tykes: Age - il Jan. 1, 1976 Place - Memorial Park Time - Mon. & Wed. 6:00 p.m. Coaches - Kerry Noble 623-2016 David Gilchrist 623-7094 Legion PeeWee: Bowmanville and that if they did not kick then the bylaw could be easily passed. Mayor - Rickard recom- mended instead it be given two readings at the next council session and then tabled to be circulated to the barbers. Clerk Joe McIlroy recom- mended that the prepared bylaw be circulated prior to the consideration by council at which time any of the barbers could then be present to state their agreement or objection. TPhe committee concurred with that line of action. TELEPHONE 623-6555 TOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 1N4

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