8 The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, May 5, 1976 FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago - George Elliott, captain and his teamn Jack Large, Ross McKnight, Jim Fair, Jack Knight, Jim Woodward, and Dioug *Taylor captured the Canadian Legion provincial bowling championship, on Saturday in Niagara Falls. FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - The Roy Nichols trophy was won by the curling rink of Ida Goddard, Queenie Fletcher, Dot MeClellan and Thelma Beerthuizen, at Bowmanville Country Club on the weekend. PLAYGROUND- leaders for the Town of Newcastle Summer Playgrounds are: Sarah LeGreslev, Kathv Norris, Debbie Stainton, Cindy Taylor, Doug Hoy, Paula Ferrili, Debbie Dewell, Starr Ferrill, Deb Corson, Beth Stainton, Kathy Samelîs, Kathi Samuels,, Carol Lewis, Sandy Mackey, Erin Nicks,, Dianne Woodley, Nancy Matthews, Wendy Hoy, Debbie Howe, Jim Matthews, Bill Visser, Mark Lavigne, Julie Mcllroy, Aimee Brereton, Barb, Henning, Nancy Watson, Joyce Chambers, Sue Robertson. GYMNASTICS - on July 2-3 at CNE Colis eum, Toronto, the World Maple Leaf Invitational 1976 Modern Rythimic Gymnastics Meet will be held with entries from 15 countries partici- pating. COBOURG - has raised $132,00 for their Pad 2 arena project, which has been included in the town's five year plan., Cobourg council has applied to the Municipal Board for approval to spend up to $250,000 without an electors vote, on the arena. To cost $550,000, Wintario has agreed to match the $132,000 raised. The ministry of culture and recreation will grant $75,000,, leaving Cobourg's share at $211,000. In the $132,060 raised, the -breakdown stands at $40,000 from service clubs and charitable organizations, $36,000 - Cobourg and area businesses and industries, general campaign $6,00, house to house canvass and lottery $20,000, skate-a-thon $8,000; banks and tru st companies $7,500; Pad 2, lottery $19,000. OPEN HOUSE - will be held this Saturday at the New Shelter of the Ontario Humane Society at 92 Wolfe Street, Oshawa. The public is cordially invited to attend, with the ribbon eut- ting ceremony at 2:30 pim. LOBB BALL - registration for women interested in joining follows: Orono Town Hall, May 17, 18, 19, 7:30 p.m. to 9:-00 p.m. Newcastle Town Hall, May 17, 18, 19, 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Bowmanville Town Hall, May 18, 19, 20, 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CONGRATULATIONS - to Mr. C.A. Lynch of the B.H.S. teaching staff, who coached the B.H.S. hockey team to the league champion- ship this past season. MIOSPORT PARK'S - first camping weekend, the Vidtoria Day Sprints, May 21, 22, 23 and 24 wil feature racing machines of the two and four wheeled variety. The annual event at Canada's premier motorsport circuit will see four days of racing activity with a complete programn of motorcycle racing, a motocross and the second round in the Bulova Championship for Formula 100s and 2.5 sedans. Leading the motorcycle contingency will be Steve Baker, who has made more trips to Mosport's victory lane than-any other competitor. Baker swept the field last year capturing ajl six races he entered. TIRE SALE I$160*01 I$35oo1 SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS 'Pi[neridg0e Tcire Sal4nes Mixed -major 'lop Ten Averages Larry Piper 252, Peggy Haynes 240, Ross Wright 228, Bernice Buday 227, Doris Jo11 225, Joan Suteliffe 224, Maur- ice Annaert 218, John Luffman 217,' Jîm Bruton 217, Don Hamilton 216. Final Team Standings Sheehan 36, 52,976; Biekeli 35, 54,606; Suteliffe 301/2, Trout Were Scarce But Nobody Seemed to Mind Every year at this time, golfers search for a magazine or book which wiil yieid "The Secret to Perfect Golf." They look for the tip which will transform their game into that of a champion. Alas,ý every year our goifer is, disappoint- ed. There are no magic tips, oniy basic golf techniques. If ail golf ers would give Up searching magazines and r- books for a magic "secret" 1 properly. A- poor address they could improve their position means a poor swing games dramaticaily. and that means poor shots.' A proper start to improved, Your favourite golf profes- golf is a 'correct address sional could get you started position: weight distributed- correctiy this year and help evenly on both feet, legs bent you to iower scores. The slightiy'at the knees and upper' answer isn't on the page of torso bent forward at the waist ýsomý magazine or book. with arms extended to the Jay Lulge golf bail. From this correct General Manager andi address position a golfer is Professional ready to bit the golf bail Bowmanvilie Country Club Men'-sTown Softball Leagueý SelectsFive Teams for PIay, Teams: List of Players B. Cook, E. Cechetto, J. D&R: D. Maynard, D . Caruana, K. Barrie, W. Hunt, Rafuse, J. Dragstra, C. Van- ' H. Bier, R. Scaife, R. Smith. stone, W. Lee, K. Anderson, R. Frank's: S. Burns, B. Tug- Hayes, Brian Adams, D. wood, J. Beam, B. Cochrane, Taylor, D. Passant, D. Boutil- H. Webster, D. Cryderman, H. 1er, D. Wallgrain, D. Sleep, J. Bryant, J. Snowden, J. Mc- Green, P. McKnight. Knight, Bruce Adams, K. The Goodyear dam was, as usual, the gathering place for fishermen and womerî of varying ages on opening day of the trout season, but the fish weren't too co-operative. Apparently, they hadn't heard the news that they were to be caught. Either that, or they had been advised and headed for cover. One young fellow, waist deep in the water with no waders, was looking for his tackle box that had fallen in. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Trew, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler attended a highway party on Friday night. The annuai Bowling Ban- quet was held at Millbrook Legion hall on Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sevenhuy- sen and Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Toronto, were home for the banquet. Mrs. B. Wheeler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, Campbellcroft. Mrs. Robt. Westheuser and girls spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson last week. Mrs. Jackson Peacock, Kap- uskasing is spending a few days in the area. Mvr. and Mrs. Alan Peacock, Bolton, were with Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock on Sunday. Misses Diane 'and Doris Beatty returned to Toronto Sunday evening after spend- ing the weekend at home with Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty. This young angler was deep in concentration but not too lucky. Bowmanville Basebali Try outs wiil start this week for the following B.B.A. Ail- Star Teams. Memorial Park Tykes: Age- il After Jan. 1, 1976 Place - Memoriai Park, Tîme -Mon. & Wed. 6: 00 p. m. Coaches - Kerry Noble 623-2016 David Gilchrist 623-7094 Legion PeeWee: Limited Sales and Service 55 King St. East 623-4321 EBowmanville RIENT ALMOST ANYTHING: Power Tillers - Power LawnRakes Power Lawn'Rollers - Aerators I WE SPECIALIZE IN I Do-t-Yourself Barn Paining Everything You Need for General House Cleaning - Spray, Painting Power Tbols Age- 13 After Jan. 1, 1976 Place - Memorial Park Time -Tues. - Thurs. 6: 00 p. m. Saturday 2: 00 p. m. Coaches: Ted Dadson 623-2972 Jim Hooper 623-5288 Legion Bantam: Age- 15 After Jan. 1, 1976 Place- Soper Creek Park Time - Mon. & Thurs. 6: 00 p.m. Coaches - Don Fraser 623-3812 Harold Curwin 728-0287 Association Brian Fraser 623-3812 Mercha nt Midgets: Age- 17 After Jan. 1, 1976. Place - Soper Creek Park Time- Wed 6:00 p.m. Sat. 2:00 p.m. Coaches- Don LaVigne 623- 2768, John Hogarth 623-7532, Kim Storgaard 623-4290. Umpires' - Anyone wanting te, umpire should contact: Dave Reynolds 623-7586, Arnold Etcher 623-5957. ELIZABETH VI LLE Church services were held as usual.,Rev. Robt. Bartlett spoke on "God's Helpers". The choir sang an anthem. Rev. Bartlett spoke on Arbor Day t o the children. On Wednesday evening a miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Marlene Beatty at Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mercer's home. Many useful gifts were received and Miss Beatty thanked everyone. Lunch was servud at the close. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had Mr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche and family,, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. R. Crombie and boys, Bowmanville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew Tim's Rentai: R. Donoghue, D. Stata, P. Theissen, G. Adams, D. Forsey, J. Birch, J. Leather, J. Wilson, T. Prout, D. Sheehan, B. O'Keefe, P. Melntyre, L. Eldridge, R. Donoghue, D. Osmond. Stephens: E. Ryhorchuk, J. Ryhorchuk, T. Baker, D. Lorusso, F. Sehat, R. Santa- maro. B. Holroyd, B. Will- iams, B. Flintoff, R. Rown- tree, J. Moxam, J. Baumsa, J. MeNicol, G. Ellis, R. Voigh. Kramp's: L. Kenny, R. Woolner, D. Biekie, D. Kramp, N. Fry, R. Hooper, K. Ferris, MIDLAND REGT. REUNION The annual reunion of the Midland Regiment will he held this Saturday in, the Legion Hall at Brighton, with quite a few from this area planning to attend. The function wiII probably include a parade with wreath Iaying at the ceno- taph in rnemory of fallen comrades, a few hours to renew friendships, a busi- ness meeting and a dinner. The Midland Regt. was mobilized in 1940 and served in Canada and overseas, some of its members being among those captured by the Japaiiee at Hong Kong. Bamsey, J. Acken, P. Rupke, G. Lonovaey, T. Brown. The above players were drafted into teams on Satur- day night, May 1. The schedule will com- mence on Tuesday, May il az 6:30 Memorial Park, Members who haven't been notified by coaches are asked to turn out Wed. night at 7 p. m. or Saturday 1-3 p.m., at Memorial Park. pmmmmm mmmm mmm m u~m -mm 0mPVm M These vehicles have been fully re-conditioned ond'are ready to I provide their new owners many miles, of happy motoring ... and I the prices are r ight!' *INTERMEDIATES ECONOMY, CARS 197 DDEDR -r artp 1975 ASTRE COUPEI 1974DODG DAR 2-D. Hadtop Automatic transmission, 4 cyl. engine, radio. Only* Red with black accent stripes. A real sharp, one owner 10,000 miles. Lic-. ERD871 * car. Lic. HRC383 NY$150 I 1974 BUICK LUXUS 1975 NOVA HATCHBACKI Maroon with bucket seats, landau roof, console. Only 6 cyl., automatic transmission, radio.' Only 15,000 I 26,000 miles. Lic. HRC533 miles. Converts ta wagon or car. Real sharp. Lic. J F R848 * 1974 MONTE CARLO OL 650 38,000 miles, maroon wîth black interior. Full power. 194VG ST IO WA N I Lic. HRC676194VG ST IO WA N 4 cyl. engine. One owner automobile, dlean. Lic.. HPN181 I 1973 LeMANS 2-DR. ONLY $ 2295.00I * Only 23,000 miles, 6 cyl., automnatic transmission, 194VLSAE * poer teerngpowr brkes Lic BR492Complete with sun roof. Only 18,000 miles. Lic. JAS436 1971 CHEVELLE 4-DOOR ONLY $ 2698.00 6 cyl., automnatic transmission, power brakes and * steering. Lic. EBE672 ________________________ I TRUCKS-I I 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO 17 HVOE A raiThTIONryWAGON i.CU2 rnmsin 6 cyl. engine, with only 15,000 miles. Green with greenI A ir conditioning, full power, automatictrnmsi, shag carpet. The ideal recreation van. Lic. KEC722 * 1974 G.M.C. PICKUP 1973 LeMANS STATION WAGON Only 28,000 miles. Lic. D42255 *Fully equipped and only 47,000Omiles. The intermediate 1973 G.M.C. 1-TON * wagon by Pontiac. Lic. DX0758 Equipped with dual wheels, cattie body, 12 ft. Lic. D40180 'Corne in to-day and see Cedric, Russell - Cîiff Moore - Weîdon Brown or Stew Prestoni Ii R "The à gÀHome 9 *à of QId- Fashioned* Hospitality"om Telephone 623-3396M Eagýer Golfers Won 't Fînd Ail the Ans wers in Books Attention B.M H. A. Coaches and' Managers Anyone interested in coaching, managing, etc. a B.M.H.A. team in the 1976-77 season is asked to apply in writing stating experience and any preferences as to position and age level f0: DON- WELSH, Presidentl B. M.R. A., 23 Sunset Road, Bowmanville APPLICANTS ARE URGED TO APPLY BEFORE MAY lOth. ALLIANCE FOR LIFE OPEN MEETING Wednesday, May l2th, 1976 7:30 p. m., BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY (Auditorium) Guest Speakers: BIRTHRIGHT '- Mrs. Judy Cole (Oshawa) RIGHT TO LI FE -Mrs. Betty Van Hezenwyk (Whitby) NURSES FOR LIFE- Speakerfromn Oshawa -EVERYONE- WELCOME - NO ADMISSION FEE 52,067; Fairey 30, 53,545; Forsey 29, 52,393; Buday 27, 51,346; rooks 25, 53,071; J011l 24, 53,071; Bagneli 21, 51,428; Haynes 20, 51,639; Alldread 1512, 48,807; Opoka 13, 49,769. lligh Triples Ian Welton............ 769 Bernice Buday......... 756 High Singles Ian Welton. ........... 307 Peggy Haynes .......... 310 Banquet Date June 5, 1976 at Centennial Hall, Queen St. (Just across from the Arena)