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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, Section 2, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvîlle. Mav 12.-1976 Section Twa * eting as ýint hasts ta * * Ndelegations of young amr ~** l - al S from Nortbern Ireland, Scot- land and England and Wales. by Rd Sorkempoyeddurng he eak This year Durham County will by b Stok epioyd duîngthe eak hast Pamela Scruton from Harvest Workers Minimum barvest season. We should Yorkshire, England. She will Wage Increased point out bere that the new b itî g ra rmJn The minimum wage for minimum wage does not appîy b iiin u1m rmJn agricultural barvest workers ta, greepbouse workers or 18a ta July 2nd and aur office carryîng out field, vegetable empioyees on tdbàeccaOpei-d- nders Durhabe eJecing ast and fruit tree'harvest opera- tions and also daes flot apply fam il e ite earture.os tions in Ontario in 1976 bas ta, general farm livestock and fmle ntena uue increased'from $2.40 an bour field crop farm situations. This trip provides the op-' ta $2.65 an- baur, effective However, we again do want ta partunity for young people immediately. In addition the point out that if farmers dobervte Ontr igicultre barvest rate for students - that want ta abtain and keep good obervnrioua agricul-e is young people wha are under farm heip, whetbe-L it be on a tuarem4rH adounorarmer 18 years of age and who work seasonal or fuil-time basis, purogramH and meeto prepi 28 bours or less during schoal that tbey pay a realistic wage frogrm wieangme t ponly holidays - has been increased that will encourage the in- foagicultr gebut ,ote ob ta $2.15 an hour immediately. dividual ta stay on with you. sgiututosremiht ot out Agriculture & Food Minis- Requirements for Custom bere, that as weli, Ontario will ter, William Newman, said be Spraying 1976 be sending 4 Junior Farmers reluctantly agreed ta the As a good deal of farmers ta the United Kingdom at the increase for fruit and vege- know, proposais were put end of May, one of whom is table harvest workers. The forth in 1975 that would make Arlene Allun of R.R. 1, Orono'. new minimum wage aifI$2.65 an hour for seasonal barvest workers will be pegged at that rate for the duration of this year. It will be difficuit for many Ontario growers ta absorb the increased labour casts atý tbe new hourly rate and ta ecanamnically produce commodities in 1976. It is estimated that 50,000 Ontario seasonal harvest workers are deserve to pay Iess for car and fire insurance They do ât Abstainers Be cause aur experience has shown that abstainers have fewer accidents, fewer home fires. That's why we can in- sure for Iess. Ifyou're a non-drinker, can you afford flot ta Iook into Abstainers' insurance for your home and yaur car? Osborne &Shank Ins. Agency Mt. 108 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville - A23-2527 ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPAN) 'te only CanadianCompany provding automobile and fire nsurance oxclusively lu abtainer. ro Safety ted vn 0 'Maintenance Free a Increases the value of your home a Expertly replaced in hours flot days, by Our trained installation crews a Many sizes of stops and porches FREE ESTIMATES We Also Carry PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS PARKING LOT CU RBS R ES ID ENTIAL CU RBS ANGEL STONE it compulsory for farmers doing custom spraying off their own farm ta obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment. This require- ment was cbanged, and bas not as yet been put inta eff ect . We have had a number of enquiries from farmers re- garding the situation for 1976. If a farmer is doing custom spraying this caming year and bas oniy one sprayer doing the work, fie does nat require any form of license. However, it is recommended by Ministry of. Environment's staff that the farmer obtain a permit, so that they bave bis name on record and will be able tai send him pertinent information relating ta problems regard- ing certain chemicals, up-ta- date material a n praper spraying methods and other regulations. If a farmer bas 2 or more sprayers an the road doing custom spray work, he must have a license and this can be obtained through the Ministry of Environment Pesticides Contrai Field Offices. For this area- the office is located at 150 Ferrand Drive, 7th Floor, Don Milis, Ontario, Phone: 416 424-3000 Extension 202. We wauld encourage farmers who are doing custom spraying ta obtain a permit, even if they only have one sprayer daing custom work and in this way, it will provide you with information that you might require ta effectively carry out your job. Irisb, Scottish & Engiish Young Farmer Visits ta Ontario Again, this year the Junior Farmer Association of Ont- aria and the Ontario Mînistry of Agriculture and Food are Quality ornamental iran railing available in ail sizes1 QUALITY PRE-CAST CONCRETE 623-4425 BOWMANVILLE (Division of Port Hope Ready Mix) Ontario Pork Congreç Once again this y< segments of the Ontar. industry bave cambinE efforts inta the 1976 Park Congress ta be Stra tford on June 15, June lSth bas been des as "Breeder's Day" an, the highlights will All-breeds Swine Sale ing 20 ta 30 Station Boars, plus Top Honr formance Tested Boa Bred and Open Gi catalogues, producer write ta' Mr. J.S. Don c-o The Ontario Swine ers Association, R.R. istack, Ontario. In addi June lStb tbe Educ Pragram' in the morni feature Dr. M. Wilson Ontario Veterinary ( speaking on controllir itis and baby pig scoi update on the Ontaric AI pragram from M~ Wilkins of the Ontaric AI Association, and a Mr. Gerald Beattie of S Nebraska entitled:' izing A Large Park Fai well, the Junior Barri gram will take place ai on June lSth. June l6th bas beer nated as Feeder Pig D a large feeder pig Shi Sale featuring 500 of O1 finest feeder pigs ta bE and sold. Judge for thK will be Mr. Bill Func Twin Pines Farms, ville, Ohio. The r program will feature a Dr. Bud Harman, Mv Swine Research, 1 Purina Company, St. Missouri, entitled, Potency Feed - TI Pushers". The June 1' bas been desîgnated, a. ket ilog Day" with a hog Show and Sale, fe the new modemn meai ket pig in action. The tianal Program in the r will feature a talk by r Leask, Director of Ci search, Maple Leaf Waiiaceburg, Ontarioa "Maldy Corn - Wbat's]I To You? ". Other features that running througbout th( day program include: ia's iargest display of]1 large industrial exhibi sumer Program; The. Ham Competition; Thi ane Digester; Park Pi Awards and many dai draws. This pragrai developed into one largest park industr grams in Canada,a would encourage prodt, attend one or al of thi that is, The Ontaric Congress on June1 l7th. No vi la bl1e in Durham Re gio0n 24 HO"'_1UR SERVICE by the Durhamr Homne Ownieis Service Mt. The Comp ony was formed by the mony years combined experience of respectedcontractors in the Durham area. Its primory purpose is to safeguard members from overcharging and poor workmanship. . MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS e,24 Hour Emergency Service "*Day or Night Protection " Double Guarantee " Free Estimates " Guaranteed Complet ion " Speciolized Service " Lot est Methods and materials " One Coul Convenience " Credit Conveniénce " Ail trades avoulable " Convenient central billing " Expert advice ÏMEMBERSHUP FEE ONLY $25 YEARLYI 579-5 0 7 0 V? ýss 1976 ear, al io Park ed tbeir Ontario beld at 16 & 17. ignated d one of be the featur- Tested ne Per- ars and s. For rs can naldson, Breed- 2, Tav- tion, on cationai iing will n of the College,' ng rbin- ýurs. An 0Swine r. Jim o Swine talk by Sumner, 'Organ- ir", as )w Pro- tt 8 p.m. n desig- ay witb 0oW and )ntario's e sbown ls show Mitchell's Corners Rhythm Band Places Firsf at Festival Area public school students have been receiving great resuits in the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival, and Mitchell's Corners Publie Sehool is no exception. Their g rade one-, two and _three rhythm band placed first in the festival on April 7th. The-39 member band is directed by Mrs. Sharon Lewis.- Junior Agrieulturist Program Just a reminder again that Dave Larmer, Coordinatar of the Junior Agrîculturist Pro- gram, for this area, is stili looking for more hast f amilles. The deadline for hast farmer applications is May lStb, sa anyone who is thinking of taking part in the Program, or still bas questions about it, and would like these answer- ed, sbould get in toucb witb the Agricultural Office and speak with Dave about the possibil- ity of you becoming a hast farmer or making application. Citizens #Should Rceduce Garbage Say$ Counci*llor Lerberg, During discussion of the Green- means by which ta charge rnorning g bg dsoslcosts in.the Janager April 26th finance meeting, Raston- Couin. Ann Cowman offered Louis, the suggestion that people "High take it on themselves ta ie Pig reduce the amount of their (7th day garbage. ýs "Mar- Coun. Cowman reported market that in Birmingbam, E.ngland, aturing the people were allowed only ty mar- two cans of garbage which Educa- were of a special type to fit on norning a specific collection truck and )r. W.C. notbing else was picked Up. ýrp Re- She explained furtber that it ,'Milîs, was up to tbe people to dispose entitled, by means of incineration, or t Doing whatever, of paper products and SO on. will be Coun. Cowman also highly ie three- praised the use of small :Ontar- compactors ta reduce the size Pork; A of one's garbage. t; Con- However, ýon the incinera- King of tion suggestion, Coun.' Cow- îe Meth- man received some objection Iroducer on the grounds of the pollution or prize situation. mn bas Coun. Ivan Hobbs was of the critical of the amount (two- *y pro- thirds) of our garbage that and we consists of waste packaging, ucers ta noting that with only hie and e days, bis wife at home they can oPark easily fi two cans with such É5, 16& material. Mayor Rickard had suggest- ed that for the present time, recycling of garbage appears ta be out of range cost wise and tberefore sees a problem in finding disposai sites wben tbe talk leans toward doubling tbe population in tbe town. Altbougb tbe discussions bore some criticism of tbe operations of tbe Hale and Couch sites in Clarke town- sbip, Mayor Garnet Rickard voiced support of a private enterprise collection, par- ticularly witb respect ta pick-up service as bie believes tbey can do it more effectively. tban tbe municipality. He suggested tbat encour- agement of such service:, would alleviate tbe town oi such responsibility and people could tben eitber pay for sucb pick-up service or take the garbage to tbe disposai site temseives. r ~Coun. Ann Cowman, being one wbo presently uses a private service in the Courtice area, also indicated that they do a fine job for tbe $30 per year she pays tbem and unlike tbe municipal service, have neyer refused ta take any- tbing. Coun. Cowman additionall3 advised tbat sbe could not support putting ail disposa] charges in the town on a general rate as sbe would then be paying for others plus bier private service. "Growtb is good", most people seem ta tbînk. How- ever, tbere's one kind of growtb tbat is definitely not good and tbat's cancer, wbicb is tbe disordered, un- disciplined growtb of body celîs. Find a way ta hait this growth and yau wilI fînd a way lm ta beat cancer. This is exactly wbat is happening in researcb today. With developments like radiation beam therapy, new and more effective drugs, and better surgery, cancer- is being beaten. Tbousands of patients are now cured. Give ta the Canadian Cancer Society ta help keep up the searcb for mare cures. 21 Scholarships Offered t. Trent University- Students Students at Trent University in Peterborough have been offered 21 schoiarships for graduate study, including a Queen Elizabeth Il scbolar- sbip -- one of only a few given nationally,. Peter Siade of' Mississauga won a Queen's Scbolarship worth $5,000 plus tuition. Accarding ta a spokesman for the Canada Council, wbicb administers the award, only two or tbree were given this year. Tbis is tbe second year in a row a Trent student bas won a Queen's scholarship (tbree were awarded in 1975). Kathy Playfair of Ottawa bas a number of speciai awards fram whicb ta choose. She won a Canada Council Special M.A. (one of 100 given nationaliy), a Commonwealth Scbolarship and an Ontario Graduate Scbalarsbip. Katby will probably pursue ber studies in London, England on the Commonwealth Scbolar- sbip. Only 25 of the latter were awarded in Canada. Leslie Hales of Fergus also won a Commonwealth Scho- larsbip as weéll as an Ontario Graduate Scbolarsbip. Canada Council Speciâl M.A. Scbolarsbips were aiso won by Gardon Teskey of Fv SaIe-priced just when you need it! St. Clair's 1500 Exterior House Paint goes on easy, protects your home year affer year, and is real easy on your budget. 0f course, if you have any questions or proble ms, St. Clairas knowledgeable staff wiII help ma ke it easier too! Deep Colors slightly higher. SALF ENDS MAY 22 St.Clair * The paint and paper people ' MidtownMail1. 576-2431, Oshawa Safety Plus Value 1 Toronto and Richard Bennett of Ottawa. Richard also won an Ontario Graduate Scholar- sbip. Mr. Sînde, Miss Playfaifl Miss Haies and Mr. Teskey are ahl students in Engiisb literature at Trent. Mr. Ben- nett is in tbe department of pbilosopby. Rab Robinson of Cleveland, Ohio, won a Canada Council doctoral scboiarsbip. He wil pursue bis studies in bistory at the University of Toronto. Bill Roberts of Ottawa bas won a North American Minis- terial Feliawsbip. The award, given by the Rockefeller Foundatian will ailow bim ta study towards a theology degree at Harvard University for the next tbree years. Peter McCaskill of Cold- water bas won a National Research Council Scholarship in geograpby. He also won an Ontario Graduate Scbolar- ship. Other winners of the Ontario Graduate Scholarsbip at Trent are:- Lucie Edwards (Ottawa), John Fulfard (Port Hope), Steve Oberon (Peterborough), Grant Parker (Toronto), Douglas Rautenkranz (Peter- boraugh), Lamna Tener (Ottawa) and Andy Gailagher (Ottawa). -ý V.- . ýý Si. lair mýS ýw 40

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