I 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 19, 1976 Celebrate 4Oth Anniversczry Mr. and Mrs. Erie Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Erie Courtice, of Courtice, recently cele- brated their 4th wedding anniversary. Erie Courtice and the form- er Sadie Muirwere married by the Rev. C. W. Smith on May 2, 1936 at the bride's home, Eldersîje Farm, in Courtice. On May 1, 1976, the couple were entertained to dinner at the Port Darlington Marina by their family, Archie and Gloria Courtice, Jack and Carol Blakney, and Richard and Charlotte Hughes. Later in the evening there was a surprise family gathering at the home of their son and daughter-în-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie' Courtice, when 67 family members greeted them. Ail ages were repre- sented;_ the youngest, the couple's twin granddaughters, Tracey and Tanya Blakney, age 3 months, and the eldest, Mr. Kenneth Courtîce, cousin of the groom, who will soon be celebrating his 87th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Courtice have three children, Archie, who shares honours with his par- ents, it being his 38th birthday on May 2nd, Carol and Charlotte, three grand- daughters and six grandsons, ail living in Courtice. Numerous congratulatory cards and gifts were received and the couple, one of which was a coffee table presented to them by their children. Happy One-Year-OId :lep 7-7-7 5.'HPR Ch'n- er Rotary Tfier nula means easy lawn A sal buster-makes short work of packed in heavy- cultivation. Two piece, self-sharp- 91 ening tines. 5Beaver's Reg. 267.95 24m9 Roto Spreadier ý't"0 A super fast way ta spread a 4' ta 8' path for fertilizer. 5Beaver's 19~ Hedge Trimmer' Electrie with 13" double edge blade. Easy ta handle design. 5Beaver's Reg. 24.79 2ZLD Mini Cutter The little electric grass cutter that's big on value, This happy young lady will celebrate her first birthday on Saturday, May l5th. She is Carnie Marie Henderson, daughter of Jennifer and Robert Henderson of Elizabethville. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Murdoch, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Henderson, Orono. NELIZABETH VILLE Nochurch serviés were Mrs. B. Fowler and girls, held here on Sunday. t was Port Hope, were withý Mr. and aniniversary services at Wel- Mrs. H. Hodgins on Saturday. come. Mr. and Mrs. H. Holden, On Tuesday afternoon the Guelph, spent the weekend United Church Women Unit Il with Mr. and Mrs. H. Quant- held their May. meeting at Mr. ril. and Mrs. M. McAllister's Mrs. H. Staats and Linda, home. Mrs. Ken Trew, the Brantford, spent a couple of president, presided. Mrs. H. days with her parents, Mr. White had the devotional and and Mrs. H. Thickson, this he program. The minutes week. While here Mrs. J. were read by Mrs. H. Quant- DeKoker, Sunderland; Mrs. riii. We have been asked to R. Westheuser and girls and :atfer t o a weddîng in July. We Mrs. E. Fowler were here Aere invited to Unit III's also. bazaar and slides on Thurs- On Friday our district lay. Lunch was served. annual of the Women's Insti- On Thursday evening sev- tute was held at Mount eral attended the bazaar and Pleasant. Four from this area lides shown by Mrs. J. attended. Each branch pre- Ferguson. These slides were sented a skit or reading. We ictures taken in Cuba while had speakers representing the M'r. and Mrs. Ferguson were Junior 4-H clubs, the Feder- ttending a tour to do with ated Women's Institutes of attle raising and breeding Ontario, as well as reports specially)Canadian stock. from ail branches of the Baking and plant tables were organization. An excellent )n display and many sales, dinner was served at noon. Yere made. Lunch, was, Little Alyson Westheuser is ;erved. to have hier tonsils removed on On Saturday, the Women's Thurs. in Bowmanville hos- :nstitute and Sunday school pital. ,atere)d to the Beatty and Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Mercer, ustin wedding held here in Montreal, wene home over the lie church. A hot roast beef weekend. p v t] SI al cc ec B, or w SE In Ca Ai th dinner was senved by the ladies. The weather was excellent, especially with l the ramn in the past week. Several in the area attended the birthday party for Mrs. Elva Prouse, Port Hope, who celebrated her 80th birthday at her daughter's home, Mns. M. Robinson and Mr. Robin- son and family, Shiloh, on Sunday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Tferbenche and family, Port Hlope, wcre witli Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer on Saturday. Mrs. Ron Provost, Angle and Eron, Lindsay, spent a few days wi th her parents, Mr. andMrs. O. Mercer. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- phy were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mns. Hugh Murphy, Bowmanville. The Vaneyk family held a surprise party Monday even- ing at the home of Mn. and Mrs. John Vaneyk to celebrate their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk's, 47th wed- ding anniversary. Congratula- tions! Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rowe and Chippy, Bowmnanville, were Fniday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. hovel Spading Fork Lawn'Rake "'D9" Handie Spade Wheelbarrow Utîlity-Poly Pipe A sturdy, easy ta use shovel. 10" long steel tin es. 22 Flexible Tines. 19" Rust resistant garden 2.5 ou. ft. capacity with 100' Coil Has 48" long handle. Sturdily built. wide -42" handie. spade. ReaIly does the job. tubular steel frame. 1/2I..... . ......2.99 4 98 S Beaver's flBeaver's Beaver's A flBeaver's EBae s 34 AmReg. 5.79 Reg. 7.99 Reg. 3.59 IMReg. 5.79 Reg. 13.49 ........76 ff-K11/4"'......... .....11 99'- 4 ou. _______________________49.98__