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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1976, Section 2, p. 11

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Durham West Dist. Annual Hosted by Bowmanville W.I. The District Annual for Durham West was held at x.. Trinity Church on Tuesday, May 11th with Bowmanville Branch hosting the group. Representatives were there from the 8 branches: Black- stock, Bowmanville, Hamp- ton, Kendal, Maple Grove, Nestleton, Newtonville and Solina. Mrs. R. Fraser, president, presided, and Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Secretary-Treasurer, was busy with her duties as Secretary. The Bowmanville ladies made us welcome with cookies and coffee to set us off for the morning. In charge of Registration from Bowmanville branch, were Mrs. C. Johns, ,Mrs. O. Bragg, Mrs. M. Flintoff and Mrs. A. Wood. The morning session got started with the singing of the Ode and Repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. On one side of the Presi- dent's table, Mrs. M. Wise- man, our Provincial Board Director, was seated at a table where a number of Institute literature items were on display. On the other side, the Public Relations Officer for the District, Mrs. W. Yellow- lees had a group of Institute souvenirs and literature back- ed by some ideal rules for a good W.I. member - stressing the fact that each member should be considered as a P.R.O. for their organization. Mrs. C. Downey of Bowman- ville gave the address of welcome and Mrs. F. Watson of Solina Branch was in charge. Mrs. G. Cathcart, of Kendal Branch, was in charge of the Memoriam for deceased members during the past year. She told a story of Helen Keller with great feeling - of how calm Miss Keller was in a time of a dangerous ride up the mountain side. She çlid not fear death. This to her, was tepping from one room into -another. In the other side she hoped she would have no handicap - but be whole and complete. Mrs. W.H. Foster, also from Kendal, placed 5 tulips in a vase in memory of Mrs. Adcock and Miss Horn of Hampton, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Johnston of Blackstock and Mrs. Sowden of Newtonville. To conclude this, we all stood and repeated the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. Fraser then gave her personal report. She told about enjoying visiting a number of branches during the year, as well as 4-H activities. She mentioned our Districts 75th Anniversary Celebration and our Activities at the World Plowing Match in Sept. 1975. She thanked Mrs. M. Bryant, our lst Vice President, for filling in when she could not be present, at our Celebration. She visited Ontario South District Annual and Durham East 75 Anniver- sary. She is looking forward, with anticipation, to attending the Federated Women's Insti- tute of Canada Convention, to be at Prince Edward Island from June 20 - 25th. There are a number from our district planning to attend this. We surely will hope to hear all about it. ,Mrs. Fraser con- cluded ber remarks with the wish that we all strive to follow our Motto - "For Home and Country'. Mrs. M. Wiseman's first duty for the day was to ratify the District Directors. Each of these ladies was asked to come up to the front and bring along their branches Pennies for Friendship. While the ladies presented their gift - Mrs. Fraser told about some of the ways this A.C.W.W. (Associated Country Women of the World) uses the money. This originated in Stockholm, Sweden and meets every 4 years. The last meeting was in Perth, Australia and the next will be in Kenya, S. Africa. The money is used for World Wide Concern for Developing Countries such as Child Care. The Directors are - Mapie Grove - Mrs. C. Greenham Bowmanville - Mrs. C. Down ey, Hampton - Mrs. L. Chant Solina - Mrs. B. Tink, Kendal Mrs. R. Elliott, Nestleton Mrs. B. DeJong, Newtonville Miss Bernice Milligan, Black stock - Mrs. P. VanCamp. Mrs. Ashton, Sec., was then asked for the Minutes of both last year's District Annual and the Executive Meeting held at the home of the secretary. Then, the Financial Statement showed an excel- lent report for the business side of our organization. Mrs. S. Doyle and Miss P. Leach gave the Auditor's report that all was correct. Very little business seemed to arise from the meeting so far. We continue giving Pennies for Friendship and send our President to the Area Conven- tion in November. Mrs. M. Bryant will be the Alternate. Our District is asked to have one member prepared to act on the Registration Commit- tee at our fall convention. Mrs. W. Ashton was elected with Mrs. H. Bradley as alternate. For our annual Fund Raising Event we plan a Fun Fair to be held at Nestleton on Oct. 26th with the District Execu- tive in charge. For a change in our pro- gram Mrs. A. Amacher sang a delightful solo - 'A Song My Mother used to sing'. Mrs. O. Bragg accompanied on the piano. Then our Board Member, who is Mrs. M. Wiseman of Bowmanville Branch, was called on for ber address. She brought greetings from the Federated Women's Institute ot Ontario (F.W.I.O.) and recently met with the Board Directors in Toronto. There have been changes in the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada (F.W.I.O.). They will no longer have the office of Convenors. They expect 550 delegates to attend the F.W.I. C. in Prince Edward Island in June. Mrs. Wiseman used the phrase "The Open Door". Each opportunity we have is another Open Door. In 1976 - this year - it is planned to improve the Adelaide Hood- less Home. Also the Peace Cairn between Manitoba and U.S.A. Mrs. Wiseman suggest- ed that more bus trips be planned to visit the Erland Lee Homestead, as it is changing all the time. They have decided to cele- brate when W.I.'s founding reaches special years. Mrs. Wiseman also told about the W. I. Hall at Milton, which will become a museum. The next A.C.W.W. (Associated Count- ry Women of the World) meets in Kenya, West Africa in 1977. Last fall the F.W.I.O. had a Rest Area at the Royal Winter Fair, for the first time. This seemed very worthwhile. Mrs. Wiseman talked about scholarships given by W.I. She also suggested that each member should be given a membership card, when we join W.I. Many more interest- ing facts were given us, which will be sent to the secretaries of each branch. Miss C. Stewart, Kendal, was called on then to read the Resolutions. There had been none sent - so this was a quick report. Amber Variety (formerly Bryson's Smoke Shop) 31 King St. West 25% to 65%offl Everything Must Goll Party Favours, Stationery, Gifts, Greeting Cards, Games, Toys, Crafts, Groceries, Pop, Hardware, Health and Beauty Aids, Pipes, Films, Sundries, etc. Please Note: MiIk, Cigarettes and some tobacco products not included. Al Fixtures, Counters, Display Cases, Racks, etc. Sold to the Highest Bidder Selling Outi Starts Thursday, May 22 at 12 Noon Shop Early for Best Selection. Bowmanville Mrs. W. Yellowless, Solina Branch, P.R.O. for Durham West, was called on to gîve bier report on bier recent trip to the Officer's Conference at Water- loo University. She told about the 4 ladies from Durham e West District attending this - Mrs. M. Bryant, Hampton; Mrs. L. Tomlinson, Bowman- ville and Mrs. F. Watson, berself from Solina. They heard addresses by Mrs. H. Malulske, Pres. F.W.I.O., Mr. Galateli, Vice Pres. of the University of Waterloo, Mr. 1 Robt. Eaton, Member of Parliament from Middlesex, Miss. Helen McKercher, Director of Home Economîcs Branch and Mrs. Russell Campbell, Sect. Treas. of the Officer's Conference. The music was -beautifully con- ducted by Mrs. Hughi Baird and Mrs. Wm. Stone - both from Caninington. Mrs. Stone's 3 daughters - Kathie, JilI and *Janice sang a number of trios which were enthusiastically r received. *Mrs. Austin Zoeller, Editor of Home and Country, also addressed the group. She stressed the fact that they wish: more material to be sent in from our Branch Meetings. The highlight of the Confer- ence was the presentation of the Gilbert and Sullivan Play - "The Gondoliers" by Waterloo -Oxford District High School. Group discussions took place especially for the P.R.O.'s. They were instruct- ed on how to be a good Public Relations Officer. The final day, they heard addresses by.Dr. J.C. Rennie on Research in Agriculture and Mr. Rich Waller on Press Service and Mr. Bob Kalb- fleisch on Photographic ser- vices and film library. Mrs. Yellowlees thanked the District for sending bier as a Delegate and closed with the 10 Commandments, of Wo- men's Institutes. The Bowmanville ladies served a delicious dinner. They' extended their gener- osity too much for dieting people. Wben ahl the ladies had done more than justice to the dinner, Mrs. Fraser called on Mrs. W. Yellowlees to intro- duce the bead table as following: Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. Amiacher, Mrs. Johnston, lst Vice President of West Victoria District; Mrs. W. Ashton, Mrs. M. Wiseman,, Mrs. R. Fraser, Mrs. Mc- Gahey, President of West Victoria District; Rev. Arthur Amacher, Assistant Pastor of Trinity United Church; Miss Mary Tompkins, Mrs. M. Bryant, Mrs. T. Henderson and Mrs. Yellowlees. Then Mrs. Wiseman intro- duced Rev. Amacher more fuly as our guest speaker. Hiis topic was "4 Wo-rds"? 11e said, "We have a t-,,c between 'good andev'. 'home and1 love'. We face life and future! as we face the World." He4 iliustrated bis idea wîth the story of a Sunday Sebool teacher who often wondered if she was impressing hier class of wiggly boys. Many years later, one boy among tbem gave bier the credit for making hîm into a fine man. Mr. Amnacher said we should show compassion by doing kîndly deeds. H1e concluded bis talk, by telling us, if we reacb even one person for good, then our efforts are worth while. Mrs. Bryant thanked Mr. Amacher on bebaîf of West Durham District and present- ed him witb a small gif t. The afternoon program opened with Miss P. Leach leading in a jolly sing-song, with Mrs. Bragg at the piano. Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Solina Branch, then gave bier report on the Federation of Agricul- ture. She told a number of, ways the government bas assisted agriculture in the past year. In every way possible the OFA. is trying to wokt, sitth amr h sad1- e eto amr r reiigh ml ami diapaig-n h ag assise in thelowclfesaSilina worinch.O for Duaiyfrm West bas allo educe to iher rort onfer reiount trioghe urfer'so oneree em te- bo o msiy.e tol faboutr thses4 laies ouro taxs.rhem West istrvitabtendn tois- Ms . MiBryan, Hamton; villea askd fr ber repoto, heffromSft oni.Thy heardt adrustaes Ms.H.e waGualteli VicePrets afnde obdto don Mte mbierof coming. Miss Mary Tompkins, our Home Economist for Durham and Northumberland gave an address on Junior Girl's Work and Extension Services. She had 44 clubs this past year and visited 22 of them. The Home Economists soon will set up their fall programs. She organizes the Senior Women's programs but doesn't teach in them. She assists other Home Econo- mists on their Achievement Days. Miss Tompkins will soon attend a week long conference at Guelph for girls. Her work is always interesting because there is such a variety of things to do. The last 2 clubs were - 'Let's Bake Bread' and 'Clothes for Lei- sure Wear'. The fashion show in this one was terrific. The next club is called "Focus on Living." It is modelled on the 4-H Pledge. For the Senior ladies the short courses will be given on a District Level. We may be able to have Choosing and Using Fabries or a Tailoring Course. Training schools may be one of Needlepoint, Festival of Dairy Foods or Quilts. We can readily see how busy Miss Tompkins must be. The Roll Call of the Branches came next. Each District Delegate from the 8 branches replied. She told the number Dresent. the number on the roll and named a humorous or interesting time in their branch. The Musical Interlude of 2 solos by Mrs. V. Weatherall and Mrs. Amacher at the piano were a pleasant break. First she sang - 'Just one Little Candle' and second 'If I Can Help Somebody'. The Standing Committee Convenors gave their reports next. For Agriculture and Can- adian Industries - Mrs. B. DeJong of Nestleton; Citizen- ship and World Affairs - Mrs. O. Mountenay, Hampton; Education and Cultural Affairs - Mrs. L. McArthur, Blackstock; Family and Con- sumer Affairs - T. Buttery, Bowmanville; Reso- lutions - Miss C. Stewart, Kendal; Curator - Mrs. C. Downey, Bowmanville; Pub- lic Relations Officer - Mrs. W. Yellowlees, Solina. These re- ports reminded us of our many interesting programs through the past year. The Question Box was opened now, by our President, Mrs. Fraser. There were 3 questions about what may be done at a branches Annual Meeting. Mrs. Wiseman was able to refer us to our Hand Book to explain what is correct in these matters. Next came our Election and Installation officers. Miss Tompkins very capably handled this. The following ladies are the District Officers for 1976-77. Past President - Mrs. H. Bradley, Maple Grove; President - Mrs. R. Fraser, Solina; 1st Vice Presi- dent - Mrs. M. Bryant, Hampton; 2nd Vice President - Mrs. F. Watson, Solina; Sect. -Treas. - Mrs. W. Ashton, Solina; Assistant Sect.-Treas. - Mrs. G. Moffat, Bowman- ville; Federated Representa- tive - Mrs. M. Wiseman, Bowmanville; Alternate - Mrs. H. Bradley, Maple Grove; P.R.O. - Mrs. W. Yellowlees, Solina; Curator - Mrs. C. Downey, Bowman- ville; Rep. to Federation of Agriculture - Mrs. B. Taylor, Solina; Rep. to Safety Council - Miss B. Milligan, Newton- ville; Auditors - Mrs. M. Flintoff, Bowmanville; Miss P. Leach, Bowmanville. The standing Committee Conven- ors remain the same as this past year. As this concluded our program, Mrs. Bryant of Hampton expressed 'Thanks' to Bowmanville Branch and invited us to visit them at Hampton, for our. District Annual next year. A long, busy but delightful day was closed with the singing of 'O Canada'. MAPLE GROVE Wei@ The first meeting of the W. I. for 1976-77 season was held in the C.E. Hall on May lOth at 8 p.m. A welcome to all was extended by the new Presi- dent, Mrs. H. Bradley. The Roll Call 'A beef about Regional Government' showed that our regional officers and some of their services are not as popular as they might think. The 'Good Neighbours' report was given by Mrs. S. Morton and $10 was voted for this work. Thanks for cards sent were given by Mrs. H. Cryderman, Mrs. W. O'Neill and Mrs. S. Morton. It was decided to again give prizes to our two Grade 6 classes, to the pupil showing the most progress during the year. Mrs. W. Brown, P.R.O. Officer to look after purchas- ing these. Mrs. H. Prescott, Mrs. A. Vandergaast and Mrs. Wm. O'Neill are to look after a summer outing. The Consumer report on "Food Poisoning" was given by Mrs. H. Eeuwes. Mrs. H. Eeuwes, convenor of Citizenship, was in charge of the following program. Mrs. H. Bradley, comment- ed on the motto "How we as Institute members can be- come good citizens." She used a reading on Christian Citizen- ship taken from the Book "Patchwork Pieces." She said, "A woman needs to know about the world and its problems so she can be wise when she votes. We need to support others from other nations, know our neighbours and respect their rights. Her home should be a credit to the neighbourhood. She should learn other points of views and show good will to others." Mrs. H. Bradley introduced Mrs. Roy Van Camp of the Base Line who had six of ber quilts on display. Quilting is a hobby of Mrs. Van Camp's and she was able to talk about her hobby while lunch was being prepared. Mrs. Van Camp is over 80 and really enjoys ber hobby of making quilts for ber children and grandchildren. All the ladies sang "The Quilting Party." A skit en- titled "With ber own two eyes," written by Mrs. G. Moffatt was given. Those taking part were Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. G. Moffatt, Mrs. H. Prescott and Mrs. S. Doyle. Community slides, mostly of our local area were shown by Mrs. W. Laird. These beauti- ful slides brought home to all present, the fact that many scenes close to home are* better than some that we may travel miles to see. All we need to do is learn to appreciate the things we have. Mrs. S. Morton moved a vote of thanks to ail taking part on the program. Lunch of homemade cream puffs and tarts, tea and coffee were served by the group. The June W. I. meeting will be held in the C.E. Hall on the 14th at 8 p.m.- Mrs. G. Moffatt, convenor of Family Affairs will be in charge of the program. A demonstration of Cera- mies will be given. There will also be a "bring and buy sale." The Roll Call will be "What I do when I do what I please." All ladies of the community welcome. Thank You! The Bowmanville High School Band Parents Association and members of the B.H.S. Band woulc like to express their sincere appreciation to the citizens of this community, all the service clubs and to the band members' parents for their wonderfui contributionduring the past year. We had a very successful season and we know that without your hep, iwod nor have e possible. Again, may we say ... Thank You1 Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 19, First Oshawa Presbyterial UCW Meeting for Th-is Ya Thirteen executtve mem- bers attended the meeting held in Pres. Marjorie Ferries' home churcb ie. St. Stephen's U.C. Oshawa. Each member contributed enthusi- astically to the items on the agenda consisting of annual reports from each departmnt as well as an evaluation of the past annual Presbyterîal meetin. Dates, places and programs were established for the two autumn regional meetings as well as the spring Presbyter- il [or 1977. Comments were received from the U.C.W. Conference at Stirling. Quin-mo-lac regis- tration forms were distribu- ted. Much business was accomplished as the agenda moved along sstematialy and rapidly under tie e tise leadership of the res Lunch hour was ce d used as wel to onie discussion o i invitation s a t d n Past Pres. Mare Downr a full exective me at he home in Sept. Margaret H. Ashton U.C.W. Press Reporter WAKL UP! SHAPE UP! WALK! i..~. k j- YOU WILL FIND THE LARGEST SELECTION OF Boxed Plants AT HAMPTON GARDENS and HARDWARE CORNER OF SCUGOG * PETUNIAS IN A DOZEN DIFFERENT COLORS * MARIGOLDS MANY DIFFERENT COLORS e PANSIES * SNAPDRAGONS * VIOLAS *ALSO NURSERY STOCK ANYTHING YOU WANT IN BOXED PLANTS ! o, j SOFT ICE CREAM CANDIES MILK - VEGETABLES BREAD CIGARETTES SOFT DRINKS FRESII FRUIT TOYS GROCERIES COOKED MEATS Visit Us Soon COME TO... OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK- 9 a.m. ta 9 p. * PHONE 263-2193 Announcement Winners of the Free Draw at the Radio Shack Opening are Helena Mendonca R.R.2, Newcastle; Robert Smith 11 Sunset Road, Bowmanville Congratulations from .... LOCKE TV (Bowmanville Audio Vision) Authorized Radio Shack Dealer 20 King St. W. 623-2312 and TAUNTON ROADS c WE ALSO CARRY.i HAMPTON GARDENS and HARDWARE R.R. 1 BOWMANVILLE Ir 1

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