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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1976, p. 7

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Senior Ctizens are invited to be special guests, without charge, of Century Village, the County of Peterborough's pioneèr village this Sunday, Mla y 23rd, from 1-6 p.m. Special events planned include firing of an 1871 nine pound muzzle loading rifle, an old- timne hymn'sing in Glen Aida Church and a senior citizens spelling bee. Demonstrated will be early music boxes, crank organs, blacksmithing, spinning, weaving, baking, log sawing and more. Also free horse and wagon rides. Plan to attend and for more informa- tion phone 705-295-6256 or 705-295-6694. The first quarter sales through the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board's Multiple Listing Service show- ed a sales decrease over the same period last year. for the fîrst three months of 1975, there Nwere 321 sales, worth a total of $14,882,000.00. January through March this year there were a total of 261 sales for a total of $13,530,000.00. These sales' were of properties placed on MLS by individual Board Members in Bowman- ville, Port Perry, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering. For the month of April, 1976, theré was a total of 138 sales TODAYS BIBLE By the which wili we are sanctified through the offering of the body of JÉESUS CHRIST once fora Il. And every priest standeth daiîy minisfering and offering oftentimes the same sacri- fices, which can neyer take away 5111: But this man, affer ho had offered one sacrifice, for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God. HEBREWS 10: 10-12 CHRIST I5 THE ONLY WAY. PLEASE WRITE BOX i11 BLACKSTOCI< for Wad6iflar volume of $7,013,- 000.00, bringing the total year's dollar volume through MLS this year f0 $20,543,000. There were 126 sales for a total dollar volume of $6,036,- 000.00 for April, 1975.- Congratulations f0 Deborah Lynn Drew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drew, of Hampton, who recenfly grad- uated fromn Centralia College of Agricultural Technology in the Animal Health Technology program. Miss Drew has accepted a position. with NuTech Farms, Ltd., Brus- sels. Keifh Birch will replace Bert Wandless as fhe city's acting direct or of planning and deveiopmenf. Mr. Birch has been head of the'planning deparf ment in Whitby. His starting salary with Oshawa is $27,919. The famous French aerial- isf, Henry " Believe It or Not! " Rechatin will undergo one of the most unusual feats of human endurance when he stages a fifteen-day "live-in" afop a fighfrope, beginning May 22, 1976, af Ripley's "Believe If Or Not!" Museum on Cliffon Hill in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Mr. Rechafin's performance over the fiffeen day period is a prelude f0 the val has not been given for the "Great Niagara Waik", if is hoped that permission wiii be granted in fhe very near future. (The Niagara Fronfier Parks Commission has ap- proved the concept of fhe walk.) Mn. and Mns. Harry Stewart and family, Kingston, visifed her father, Mr. George Stapie- ton- in Memorial Hospital on Sunday. 1Weekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bowman- ville were Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Wright, Pafrecia and Jeffery, London, Ont. Weekend cahiers Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 were Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, Bowmanville; Mrs. Gary Han- cock, Dong and Annette, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharpe, Enniskillen. The Grange, part of the Art Galleryof Ontario and former residence of the Art Gallery was openecl as a living museum in 1973 and is now open for viewing by the public. Located on University Ave., near Dundas Street, $500,000 was raised by volunteer work and $50,000 granted by mne federal government the rooms, of the beautiful residence, built in 1817 are being restored to their original Georgian elegance. Over $5,000 in cash prizes will be awarded in the Bîcentennial Poetry Contest sponsored by the World of Poetry, a monthly newsletter for poets. The Grand Prize is' $1776. In addition, there will be ten First prizes of, $200 each,. ten Second prizes of $100 each, ten Third prizes of $25 each, and 19 Honorable Mentions -- 50 prizes in al Poems of al styles and on any subject are eligible for competition. "A bicentennial theme would be appropriate." says Contest Director Joseph Mellon, "but is not necessary." Rules and official entry forms are avail- able by writing f0: World of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., Dept. 211, San Francisco, California 94127. Contest deadline is July 31, 1976. A bridal shower was heid for Miss Brenda Kean on May 15, 1976, at the home of her aunt, Miss Edifh Brooks, 10 Fourth St., Bowmanville. Guests in- cluded Miss Janet Devine, a girl friend from Ottawa; and her mother Mrs. Gladys Kean of Ottawa and relatives and friends from Oshawa, Bow- manvilie and surrounding area. Mrs. Berwin Adams and Mrs. Jack Hendershot and Mrs. Don Lee, Oshawa were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernethy. Miss Jane Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morris, and a student at B.H.S. is spending an exciting year as an exehange student in New Zeaiand. Following is an interesting letter the Rotary Club received, and we hope you enjoy: Howdy! I hope everyo ne is fine! I'm feeling better today but I've had a cold. l'in busier than ever with all my letter writing, school and speaking engagements. I've given four talks so, far and they'veall gone quite weli except for faulty projectors. I've taiked to Interact, Rotoract, anid 2 Rotary Clubs. The people here are spoiling me rotten and I think it will be hard to go back to a normai life next January!, For mny bixthday T. got a_ cheque for $60 from one Ro- tary Club, a book on N.Z. from another, a white sheepskin rug from my host parents, a book on N.*Z. from my girlfriends at school, my South Island tour and trip f0 Aussie from Mom Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55 a.m. ......... Sunday School 11:00 a.m ....... Worship Service 7:00 p.M. '. .. Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Bible Study A Weilcome for You in a Friendly Church. St. Paul's United Church Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess MORNING WORSHIP "The Kingston Trio" Golden Years Club Wednesday afternoon, May 26. Couples Club Picnic - June 6 SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wfIl attend firsf part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45 a.m. SENIOR CLASSE$, 19 YEARS AND UP) NURSERYý Parents ore invifed te bring their chiîdren to our play and Iearn nursery while they attend Church. SUN DAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m. -Aduit, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9 and up 11:00 a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11:15 a.m. -Primary Dept.,ageS41os 11la.m. -WO.RSHIP SERVICE Rev. W. K. Pace wil be preaching. Wednesday, l'O a.m., Bible Study Group in Church Parlor. A Warm Welcome for Everyone DO YOU NEED TRANSPORTATION? People in town who have no means of transportation and wish to attend church service af il a.m. may cal Church Secretary at 623-3138 and give her their name and address. Volunteers wlll drive them to church and take fhem home. Volunteers are asked te leave their name wth the Secrefary. OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING MONDAY, MAY 31,8:OOp.m. Committee for Unified Board will make ifs report and a full attendance is requested,. Thursday, May 20, 10 a.m-. to 12 noon. U.C.W. COFFEE PARTY AND BAKE SALE Have you contributed te special f und for retiring bank loan and shingling expense? The Stewards welcome ail donations. 35 Division St. Bowmanvi île Sunday, May 23rd 7: 00 . M. and Dad plus lots of cards and birthday wishes! To celebrate my birthday 1 had six girl- friends stay ail nigh and we didn't go to bed until 3:30 a.m. which is very late by New Zealand standards! I'm usual- ly in bed by 9:30 or 10:00 now on a school night, but I'm usually up at 7:00 the next morning. Last weekend I was in Johnsonville, which is about 2 miles from Wellington, for an Exchange Student get- together. If was fantastic, we wenf to the parliament build- ings and a T.V. studio. The TV. studio uses a lot of Canadian equipment (smart people) and there is 800 miles of cable in the building! I've joined the city orchestra here, but if doesn't compare to the B.H.S. band! Still a lot of fun though! If's only a week and a haîf until the South Island Tour .. I can't believe it .. time is going s0 fast! If doesn't seem like 2½/ months since I leff Bowmninville, but then it seems like I've known the people here for years! 1 hope everyone is looking affer Janet and inviting ber into their homes for a meal or just anevening . .. you don't have f0 plan anything fancy (we'd rather have if plain). I know she'll appreciate it and it's great getting to know the Rofarians and their families. I'm afraid I have to go now! Say hi to ahl! 'il write agamn soon! Love, "the Kiwi Kid, Jane. P.S. I climbed to the top of Mt. Egmont a few weeks ago. This mounfain is 8,280 ft. high and I'm quite proud of myseif because not many people around here have ever gotten f0 the top. Took somne pictures and when I send somne home Dad could take them to Rot ary if you like. It was pretty scarey in spots and on the way down I feil and was sure that would be the end of me but only skinned my knees. Well l'Il say bye again. Love Jane. Ontario plans to go ahead with a million dollar national lottery, similar to the Olympic Lottery to begin after the Olympics end in Auguist, as announced by the Hon. Robert Welch Q.Q., last week. Following are grants award- ed, totalling $315,389, from the proceeds of the Ontario Lot- tery. ,McLaughlin, Public Library, Oshawa, $300,000 f0 build a 25,000 sq. ft. addition; Rudolph, Riss, $240 for one week training in Georgia for small bore rifle shooting; Town of Newcastle, $9,000 to purchase land and renovate the Brownsdale Community Centre; $2,000 for the Oshawa and District Minor Soccer Assoc.; $2,000 for Lake Nisty Park Assoc., Oshawa, for hockey tournament expenses; $600 for West Shore Soccer Club, Oshawa,, for equipment; Zion Park, Hampton, $500 for soccer equipmenf; $299 to Cannington for minor hockey equipment; $250, -Uxbridge Figure Skating Club; $250 each to Lasco Steelers and novice select Oshawa hockey clubs. The Women's Auxiliary of Memoriai Hospital held thein annual Donations Coffee Par- ty and Bake Sale on Fi., morning, May 7, wifh a good affendance. The tables were arfisticaily deconated in mauve and yellow and yellow tulips. The bake table was a gourmet deiighf. The Auxil- iar'is and Candy Stripens held a sucIcessful Tag Day on May 14 wif h Mr. Hannah purchasing the first tag from Mns. Moily Lomas. The annuai meeting of Bowmanvilie Progressive- Consenvative Association was held at Memorial Park on Tuesday, May llth, beginning wifh a Dooluck supper. Alian Lawrence MP and Moira, Alex and Yvonne Caruthers, Dr. Charles and Dorothy McIlveen were among those present. Garnet Rickard and Annabelle were also in attend- ance and Mr. Rickard con- ducted the election of officers that nesulted as follows: President Tom Rehden, Vice Presidents, Keith Billeff, Dave Higgon Jr., Allan Lobb, Cufhbert McDonaid and Larry Shank; Secnetany-Treasurer Ede Cole; Directors, Gary Cole, Marie Dunlop, Keith Shackeiton and Joe Vander- veen. Unit ed, Chi Vis itors fi Ninety young people from six overseas countries were due to arrive in Toronto May 11, returning a visit made by, Canadian youth last year." It's the final phase in an International Youth Exchange undertaken in 1975 as part of the fiftieth anniversary cele- bration of The United Church of Canada. Last August, 90 young men and women fromn across Canada were flown to Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, India, Kenya and Zam:ia for a three week tour designed to improve their knowledge of the people of these countries and to develop mutual respect and sensitivit to each other's values and cultures. This year United Church will host the visitors fromn overseas from May il to June 2. They will travel in -groups, 15 from each country, and visit every province. On arrival at Malton Internation- Money For, Halls Two of Newcastle's com- munity centres have received grants totalling close to $50,000 from the Ontario government to help finance community halls. Under the Community Re- creation Centres Act, a cheque has been sent to the Town of Newcastle for $39,872,44 to help. pay, for the Tyrone Community Hall. A second cheque from the Ministry of Culture and Recre- ation is for-the Brownsdale Community Hall. This cheque was for $8,838375. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A). 1Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 61 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanvitle, Ontario, LiC 1N4 SRED KEN Acmd Balonced ~ _ Organic Protein Products for Heoithier Hair and Skin "Exclusively at your . Beauty Salon" t TH E gh P 37 King St. West 623-5455 Product of the Week. REDKEN ACID BALANCED PH PLUS CONDITIONING MAKE-UP urch to Host rom Six Cou ai Airpurt they will, be Zambiar received by Canadian young example, people and taken to the Pincher1 Margaret Addison Residence to Gooc of the University of Toronto. Reserve. Highlighfs of the Ontario visit of Londai will be a luncheon in their honour by the Provincial Government af Queen's Park, a visit to Niagara Falls and an International, Youf h Service and recept ion at Timofhy Eaton Memnorial Church, To- ronto, on Sunday evening, May 23rd. Reverend H.E. YunCo- ordinator of the Youth Ex- change Committee, empha- sizes thaf the trip' is no holiday. "As in the case of our young people, lasf year, our in visitors are coming not as vip's," he said, "but as those concerned with social and economnic "ustice, seeking to discover the common bonds they share and to demonstrafe the reconciling power of lives commitfed to Jesus Christ. On Friday, May l4th the six groups wiil leave Toronto for a week's visît to other parts of Ontario and eastern Canada. They will return f0 Toronto for a second week-end visif on the 22nd, then take off for western Canada. Their introduction f0 Can- adian culture and lifestyle will be varied. Some of the- %Oshawa Free Methodist Church TruIl's Rd. (15 Darlington>I South of No. 2 725-3606 Pastor: David A. Dyer 725-3872 Sunday, May 23, 1976 Sunday Schooî - 10 a.m. Morning Worship Service - 11 a.m. Sunday Evening Service - 7 p.m. Wednesday - Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Hour -7:30 p.m. DEDICATION 0F OUR NEW CHURCH Sunday, May 30 - 3 p.m. The Salvation Army I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 19, 1976 7 a Stratford, Ontario, play, contrïbuted evaluations of ï o tii while the group from India their own trips as a guide for o ùth take a ferry to Prince Edward area tour organizers and Island. many will welcome the younig Lm~ ~5 Severai of the United visitors into their homes. ynàt rî eSI Church Conferences (areas "'The United Church of n young people, for approximating provincial Canada wili be a better church lwill go to a ranch in bounidaries) have involved for, this exchange," says Creek, Alberta, some those who went overseas on William Small, York Univer- ifish Lake Indian last year's exchange in the sity Vice-president and chair- ýThe Japanese guests planning for this one. Some- man of the Youth Exchange on Conference will see are, helping as hosts; some Committee.

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