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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1976, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowwîanville, May 19. 1976 ~RRUmWlffEWUmExx ug q FLASHBACK-25 YEARS AGO- Members of the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club elected Walter Pascoe president of the club at their first meeting of the season. Doug Carter was named chairman of the Greens committee and Monty Goslett chairman of the tournament committee. FLASHBACK - 10 YEARS AGO -, -Bowman- ville Sportsman Club held their first annual social evening on Saturday at Memorial Park Clubhouse. Pres. is Chuck Kilpatrick, vice- pres. Kent Williams. SYMPATHY - is extended to "Bey" Fountaîn, and her family, in the passing of her husband "Milt" on Saturday in Lindsay hospital. Milt, as he was popularily known, was a player, coach anti manager in Bowmanville and area for many years, and the first midget coach for the Bowmanville Hockey Association in 1963. His sons also have contributed to hockey teams in Bowmanville. In poor health for some time, Mlt' rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with service on Wednesday. THAT'S HOCKEY - as hockey buffs, fans, and the old timers know and love. We are speaking of the Stanley Cup playoffs between Montreal and Philadelphia. Fast skating, chekigstick handling, rugged, dlean hockey. We salute both teams. Maybe, Roy McMurtry has something after all, because both teams certainly stuck to playing hockey, and it was exciting and beautiful to watch. PATTI COLMER - and Brenda Linton will be, playing for the Oshawa "MacDonalds" Family Restaurant in the girlUs Senior Bail Club, which is coached by Frank Henderson, for ages 18-20. The club is also compiling an Oshawa Tournament Sports Book. CONGRATULATIONS - to Larry Devitt, who will graduate on June 16th from Western University, in the Reereation Director's Course of Fanshawe College, London. Larry began duties on Monday, May 17th as Recreation Director for the town of Chesley, and will be setting up the recreation program for the town and district, which will operate out of a new sports complex. opening in September of this year. Mr. and Mr§. Devitt, (nee Susan Mann) are now residing in Chesley, at 40A Main Street. OPENING BALL SEASON - It is hoped that the rainmaker soon takes a bit of a holiday or the Electrons and Port Hope coulti be playing their opening game here on Monday, May 24th, in rubber boots. The game is scheduled for Soper Creek Park at 2 p.m. and from whiat we hear, the Bowmanviile squad has a multitude of talent to work with. They'll probably need it too because they are in a tough league with Port Hope, Kendal, Whitby, Peterborough, Oshawa, Little Britain, Ajax- andi Kingston. Bail fans will have plenty -to see this summer at Soper Creek Park. Commercial Hockey League Holds Annual Banquet On Saturday night at Port Darlington Marina Hotel, the Commercial Hockey League held their annual banquet and presentation of awards. Walter Frank's Realtors were the champions for the third year in a row with Coach John Osborne in charge for that period. Team members are, front row, left to right, Ted Brown, Brian Hughes, Paul Forsey, Dave Rafuse, Gary Wilson and Ron Simpson, with Stick Boy Scott Melînore in the foregrounti; middle row, Scott Rudell, Bob Harness, Greg Adams, Phil Johnson, Frank Smith (V.P. Walter Frank Real Estate), Steve Burns and Brian Rowe; back row, Coach John Osborne, Ron Baker and Grant Wright. D & R Sports led the league at the end of the regular schedule. Special awards went to these players, lef t to right, Brian Hughes, MVP in regular- season; Ron Simpson, most valuable defenceman: Grant Flintoff, most sDortsmanlike plaver: Rick Woolner. scoring champion; Grant Wright, top gualtender and most valuable player in the playoffs; Blaine Adams, representing Bruce Osborne, rookie of the year, and Tom Conahan, most under-rated playeçr. Salîng School The Ontario Sailing Associ- ation, a non-profit organiz- ation, in conjunction witb the Port of Newcastle announces that a Mobile Sailing Scbool will be coming to Newcastle in dune. Morning, afternoon or even- ing lessons will be given daily from Monday, dune 7 to Friday, June il at the Port of Newcastle Marina, foot of Baldwin Street, Newcastle. Over 6,000 beginners have learned to sail from the Mobile Schools over the past three years. Two Canadian Yacht- ing Association Certified In- structors will be teaching classes in five Alcan 12 ft. "Petrel" sailboats. The aim of the programme is to provide beginner in- struction at minimal cost to any member of the commun- ity - For furtber information or to register contact Tomi Hamilton at the Port of Newcastle or phone ber there at 987-5251. Medicine should neyer be given without a doctor's order. St. John Ambulance warns, medicine ordered for one person neyer be used for another unless the doctor approves it. DARLINGTON SOCCER LEAGUE Senior and Junior Schedules for 1976 Game time 7:15 until June lst and 7:30 until August lst 7:15 PIay offs commence. SENIOR MAY- Wed. 12- Solinàata Orono - Hampton a? Zion, Sat. 15 - Tyrone a? Salem - Courtice a? Solina, Mon. 17 - Orono a? Salem, Hampton a? Courtice, Wed. 19 - Zion a? Solina, Tyrone at Courfice, Mon. 24- Tyrone a? ZMon, Wed. 26 Orono a? Zion - Solina a? Salem,.Sa?. 29- Tyrone Mt Hampton- Orono a? Courtice, Mon. 31 - Zion a? Salem - Solina Mt Hampton. JU NE - Wed, 2 - Tyrone a? Orono - Courtice a? Zon, Sa?. 5 - Salem Mt Hampton -Tyrone at Solina, Mon. 7 --Soiinp - at ZDon, Wed. 9- Zion a? Hampton- Tyrone a? Orono, Sa? 12 - Salem a? Tyrone- Solina Mt Courtice, Mon. 14 Hampton a? Courtice ZiDon Mt Tyrone, Wed, 16 Hampton a? Orono - Courtice at Salem, Sa?. 19- Courtice a? Tyrone- Zion Mt Orono, Mon. 21- Salem a? Solina- Orono a? Tyrone, Wed. 23 - Tyrone Mt Hampton- Courtice a? Zion, Sa?. 26- Hampton Mt Solina - Salem a? Courtice, Mon. 28 - Zion a? Tyrone- Orono a? Solina, Wed. 30 - Tyrone a? Solina - Salem a? Zion. JULY - Mon. 5- Salem a? Courice - Orono aT Hampton, Wed. 7 - Hampton a? Salem - Courtice a? Orono, Sat. 10 - ALL STAR GAME AT SALEM 7:00 p.m. Mon. 12 - Hampton a? Zion - Courtice a? Solina, Wed. 14 - Hampton at Orono - alem af Tyrone, Sal. 17- Solina a? Salem -Courice a? Hampton, Sun. 18 - CARLING CUP AT ORONO 12 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m., Mon. 19 - Zion a? Solina - Courtice a? Tyrone, Wed. 21 - Salem a? Orono - Hamoton a? Tyrone, Sun. 25 - CARLING CU P AT HAMPTON 9:30 arn., 11:00 arn., 2:30 p.m., Mon. 26 - Orono a? ZVon, Wed. 28- ZDon ay Salem- Orono a? Courice, Sa?. 31 -Sauina a? Tyrone ZiMon a? Courtice. AUGUST - Mon. 2- Orono a? Salem, Wed. 4 - Salem a? Hampton - Solina a? Orono, Sa?. 7 - Solina a? Hampton. JUNIOR MAY - Tues. 25- Hampton a? Solina -C ourice a? Bowmianville, Thurs. 27- Hampton a? Courice - Tyrone a? Solina. JUNE - Tues. 1- Hampton a? Tyrone- Solina a? Bowmanviile, Thurs. 3 - Solina a? Courtice _ Tyrone a? Bowmanville, Tues. 8- Hampton a? Bowmanviile - Courice a? Tyrone, Thurs. 10- Solina a? Hampton - Bowmanville a? Courice, Tues., 15 - Courice a? Hampton- Solina a? Tyrone, Thurs. 17- Hampton a? Tyrone - Bowmanville a? Solina, Tues. 22- Courlice a? Solina - Bowmanville a? Tyrone, Thurs. 24 - Bowmanviiie a? Hamnpon- Tyrone a? Courice, Tues. 29- Hampton at Solinia- Courice a? Bowmanviiie. JULY - Tues. 6- Hampton a? Courtice- Tyrone a? Solina, Thurs. 8- Tyrone a? Hampton - Solina a? Bowmanville, Tues. 13- Solina a? Courice- Bowmanviile a? Tyrone, Thurs. 15 - Hampton a? Bowmanvilie - Tyrone a? Courice, Tues. 20- Solina Mt Hampton- Bowmanville a? Courtice, Thurs. 22 - Courlice a? Hampton - Solineata Tyrone, Tues. 27- Tyrone a? Hampton- Bowmanville a? Solina, Thurs. 29- Courice a? Solina- Tyrone a? Bowmanville. AUGUST - Tues. 3 - Bowmanviile a? Hampton - Courice a? Tyrone. VOP-UD INTERNkST\ONAL U I<bBU1LlD. 10 eoup-5 crr-utt 1rO 5AIl.-. *5AF /DU:RABLF-/EAsï'- tANIIY'r4 AIlýINC 3P'ROaGRAMS SOYER leflOOIN $4E.V/L*M. SAUNGtMMV ALL YOUTI-4 TRJLJN\NG V/Aî& - 77A Now Ava ila ble at D C Sots %t 85 King St. W. and Ski Shop 623-3421 Bowmanville GLM~ OnIy $475 .00 E:ComÔtAicAk%. J DUA'atE - Qur '76 Pontiac Astre has what we think is North Am'.rica's best engine guarantee .. 5 years or 60,000 miles, whichever cornes fil-st. The GM guarantee is in addition to the New Vehicle Warranty and we'II tell you the full story. COWAN PONTIAC wiII show you that Astre's engine guarantee is onîy one feature that makes it a sensible buy. It features eco- nomical perform- ance on regular gas a service-f ree battery - a coolant recovery systemn- special anti-rust protection' -and electronic High Energy Ignîtion for quîck starts. "RDEALUNâ" Astre's specially put together for simpli- f ied servicing -- some of which you can do yourself, the rest we'II do fast and efficiently in COWAN PONTFIAC'S modern service department. Our new Astres are the finest Astres we have ever soîd. The finest! See us soon. Coupe, Hatchback or Safari Wagon, now is the time to get a Pontiac Astre from us. Corne in to-day and see Cedric Russell - CIiff Moore - Weldon Brown or Stew Preston "The 5 À Home me of OId- Fas hioned, .........-Hospitality" Telepone 623-3396 OUR '76 PONTIAC ASTRE IS A WISE BUY!- '76 ASTRE. General Motors guarantees to the owners of 1976 Astres equipped with the 140 CI Dengine that an uhrize Pnia eaerwImke repairs, without charge to the owner, during the term ofth guarantee, f0 the cyiinder block, cylinder heads, a Il internai1 engine parts, the intake and exhaust manifos and water pump, rnade necessary because of defects in materiai or workmanship. NEWCASTLE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE SWIM"rIMING muoCLASS REGISTRATION: BOWMANV ILLE CLASSES START: Four week Course: starts JuIy 5 to July 3Oth, Second Class: August 3rd to August 27th' MEMORIAL PARK POOL Beginners: Survival: Junior: Inter- mediate: Senior: Bronze: synchronîzed. Monday to Friday, JuIy 5th to JuIy 3th Monday to Friday, August 3rd to August 27th BROOKDALE POOL Pre-Beginners Only Monday to Friday, JuIy 5th to JuIy 3th, Monday to Friday, August 3rd to August 27th Age: 5 years of age as of June 1976. REGISTRATION: Recreation Department Office, Town Hall, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Tuesday, June ist and Thursday, June 3rd, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. FEES: $9.00 per child and $5.00 for the third and each succeedin ,g child. Bring your achievement card from Iast year. BUY A COWAN PONTIAC '76 ASTRE AND ENJOY IT FOR'YEARS BUYING WISE US BUYING A CAR WITH A 5 YEAR/60,OOO MILE ENGINE GUARANTEEI GOLFING by Jay Lilge, The fundamentals of a good golf shot apply to a properly hit putt. A good putter bas a solid stance and is bent over the bail. He is looking straight down at the bail so that he can make a smooth pendulum type stroke. Lt is important to take the putter back only as far as is necessary to bit the bail to the hole. t is equally necessary to ensure the putter is accelera- ating as the bail is being struck. A good putter always accelerates the club bead on the forward stroke. The best way to cook outdoors is on a GAS BARBECUE Do awýay with mëssy charcoal. Start coo king almost immediately. Theres no fuss ... no muss ... with a Charmglow Gas Barbecue. The Charmglow Barbecue uses dlean, economical gas just like your kitchen range. Choose the exact setting you want and grill everything from steaks to apple pie ... ail with that great outdoor flav(our. Charmglow Gas Barbecue s a permanent home appliance. Use it ail year 'round. Choose f rom our selection of models including portables. CONSUMERS GAS loi Consumers Drive, Whitby 668-9341 1

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