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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1976, p. 14

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DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tu es., 12 noon E ** a s . aImm Mvivng & Cartage Durham Masonry Apartments, Homes Contractors Lt. Offi!ces Bricks - Logs 57-92or 728-9658 Field Stonework 576-6962Specilizing in Fireplaces. 21-1 D. Beers& Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homnes - Renovating Rec Roomns Repa irs of aIl1 types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf Lloyd Barnes, Plumibing Carpentry, Renovating Alil General Repaîrs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 20-1 C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE Lawn and Garden Ca re Grass cutting, roto tiîling and lawn rolling with a commer- cial machine. Seedina down new Iawns and old, tree cutting, painting, and odd jobs cleaning up. 500 lbs. pressure washing for farm equipment trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 iOM S Y1 iC-AM M à 1A L REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanviîle 26-tf' DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone> CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Maple'Grove SmaII Engine Repairs to ail makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 4-tf SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE Specialists in Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Homne and Industrial 623-529 8 18-tff Phone 576-0230 17-f FARM feocing. New fences built or repaired. Cali Henry Wotten, R.R.1, Blacksiock. Phone 986-5298. 19-4x Backhoe Loader Service Trenching - Excavating REASONABLE RATES 1-986-4673 21-2x Gloria's Canvas & Upholstery Customn Made Awnings Trai1ler -, Boat - Sail1 Covers Ail types'of Canvas Repairs Boat-Skidoo-Motorcycle Seats Recovered BOWMANVI LLE -623-4654 21-lx EXPERIENICED babysitter wauld like p art time job this summer. Pone atter 5 p.m. 623-5428. 21-1 RON'S FLOOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices. Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall Washing CALL Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom CutIting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 14-tf BODY Shop open at Pete's Esso an Scugog St. Free estimate. Phone 623-3122. 18-4 CUSTOM upholstering, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guarariteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. Please cail collect 1-986-5072. 26-tf Monte Hennessy Carpentry - Renovating Fencing, AIl Types Floor Sanding, Concrete Work Farm Buildings and-Maintenance Phone 579-5957 16-tf Ref rigeration and Appt jance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days-------------..623-5774 Nights------------..623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2t PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraitsf WAYNE HUNT, E PONTY POOL1 705-277-2261 29-tf 'ýLLIN COL E'S MOBI LE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Bra kes - Etc.) .Ail work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ai parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowma nvillie UtSED F-urniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins-, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dis' es, furniture, cracks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-f REF RIGE RATOR, medium size if, passible, good condi- tion, reasonable. Phone 263- 2288. 21-1 GOOD used furniture, baby articles, china, phone Towne, Used Furniture, 623-4681, Bowmanville. 18-4 TOP CASH PAID for Used Heintzman Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, organs fao! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 21-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 45-tf Alil-Type Paining & Roof ing Flats, tar and gravel, metal, cold process, leaks, repairs, shing les, interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. P HON E 623-5038 19-tf Appliances Repaired Washers, dryers, ranges. We hook up dryers and ranges. Air conditioners insta lied and cleaned. 576-6962 2- BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Stf.rm Windows Store Fronts - eloat Mirrors Patterned and Co lored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf dÀVATýeWlls bored, 30'-'tiië. Ward's WeIi Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACE5 CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating >Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-tf Thursday Evening May 27 - 6:30 p.m. Auction sale of Farm Machin- ery and Equipment includîng International No. 55 - 2 row corn harvester, 2 Cobey for- age boxes on heavy duty wagons, Int. No. 56 forage blower with 40' pipe, Int. corn scuttier- 3 point hitch, Int. 130ý manure sprea)der-, manure loader - 3 point hitch, Int. No. 6 hammer miii, 80' endless beit, baie stooker, eiectrîc genera- tor P.T.O., single plow, circu- lar 14' wire mesh corn crib, electric tence posts, 4 roll barbed wire, farm gates, post hole auger - 3 point hitch, ntque pieasure sieigh, forge, ar ge water trouqhs, fence stretcher, hot water heater,, wash- sink, feed cart, pig scales, horse scuffier, neck yokes, etc., many other' items. The property of Stanley B. Watson, R.R. 2,-Markham, 21/2 miles north of Markham on Hwy. 48 then 1/2 mile west on l8th Ave, or 2 miles south of Ringwood and 1/2 mile west. Sale at 6:30 p.m. Farm purchased by;Markhamn Fair. No Reserve. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, Sale Mana- gers and Auctioneers, Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. 19-3 Wednesday, June 2 at 6:00 P.m, 9th Concession Manvers, at the property of Mrs, Jean Carder, Bethany. Consisting of bedroomn and livingroomn furniture, old sideboard, odd tables and chairs, 2 platform rockers, old woodei churn, dishes and silver, old picture framnes, cedar rails. Auction- eer Grant Werry. Terms Cash. NIo Reserve. 21-1 Thursday-evening June 3, 6 p.m., furniture and antiques. Auction sale including pine flat back cupboard, spool bed, ion and brass bed, arrow back rocker, Boston rocker, press back chairs's inning wheel, oak extention tableand hairs, parlor table, pine lanket box, beils fiat irons, rocks and jugs, copper boil- ýr, iron pots, oid botties, mantel dlock, chest of draw- Drs, butter bowl, wide pine oards, picture trames, sev- ,raI chairs (some' sets) - -aptain's, gun stock, scales, adder back rocker, horse ;addle and bridle, ginger- )read dlock, Reminqton shot ;un, (good), gramaphone, toi- et set, organ stool, brass jelly )an, baby cradie, ianterns, mal oul lamps, insulators, 2urpie, green and white), ooden grain shovel, large on bell and bracket, dishes, 00 foot plastic pipe and many ther interesting articles and liectables. The' property of Ars. Tom Davis, two miles outh of Charemont and one le east on Concession 7 beside golf course). This is a !e sale of antiques. Lunch iaiiabie. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Aanager and Auctioneer, )xbridge, 416-852-3524. 21-2 f p c b c e n- e ei b le ý(F wV ir ol cc m (È til U Auction Sale of furniture and things at the C. P.R. Station, Scugog St., Bowmanville on Thursday Evening, May 27 at 7 p.m.,- , 2 iawnmowers, odd chairs, 2 new captain's chairs, 2 drop leaf tables, corner glass cupboard, bedroom suite, quantîty of glass, pots and pans, dishes, tables, cedar chest, 4 dressers, diningroom suite and other articles. Law- rence Harris, cierk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. Auction Sale of f urn iture for Ted Dekker, Whitby, 701 Anderson St. one mile north of f Highway 2, Gus Brown's corner on Saturday, Ma y 29 at 1 p.m. Fleetwood color TV, set 0f Danish chairs, coffee table, floor lamp, chrome kitchen table, 4 chairs, round table., dehumidifier, floor polisher, air conditioner, (10,000 B.T.U., new last summer) eiectric broom,' shop vac, stereo hi-fi set, 30" bed, 54" bed. bookcase, china cabinet, table and chairs, 2 bikes, wardrobe, garden tos, afum- inum step hadder, radio, wjheelbarrowý, T.V. fables, rug 5 x 7, drapes, oil lamps, pots and pans, dishes, dlocks, g ingerbread dlock, old rocking chair, brass bed, gun cabinet, O.G. dlock, back to wall pine cupboard, primiti ves, somne antiques. Numerous other art- idles. Terms cash. Property sohd. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 21-1 Auction Sale Saturday, May 29at 1: 00 p. m. The property of Mrs. Rosina Dafoe, 126 Hil1lcroft St., Oshawa. Axes, vices, grind- ers, hand press drill planes, sewing machine, saws, wood clamps, levels, iantern, dog house, step ladder, wooden bench seat, biow torch, paints, stains, leaded level glass windows, pine fruit cupboard, sealers, block and tackle, shedge hammers, aze shovel, chains, nail kegs, extension iadder, electric hawn mower, garden tools,' car ramps, tree pruners, heavy tow cable, big tow dlevis, tire place wood, antique dresser,, card table, hump-backed trunk, press- back chair, bird cage, old picture trames, old Philco cabinet radio (working), Cur- io cupboard, black inlaid box, smaii inhaid dlock, needie point covered chair, New Haven metal dlock, satin giass vase with silver ring, Amber- ina pitcher with bas ket weave pattern, silver spoon and tork in presentation case, inlaid lap secretary, hand painted Bris- tol vase, set of 6 pressed back chairs, blanket box, tea wag- on, cranberry pitcher and 6 glasses, desert set in- case. Auctioneers note: Some fine quality older type tools in reai good shape. Terms cash. No reserve. Auctioneers - Ted Lyon and John Annis. Phone 725-1613. Humane Society Auxiliary wiiI have lunch bar. 21-1 Auction sale of registered and grade quarter horses,1 pony and equipment Satur- day, May 29 for, the G. B. Ranch, one and haîf miles east of Harwood, on County Road 18. Terms Cash. Sale at 1: 15 p.m. Paul Lean, Auctioneer 1-352-2403. 21-1 Just west of Omemee, Hwy. 7, brick bungalow, 1500 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bathrooms, living room with fireplace, den,. dining room, kitchen, finished rec room, full base- ment, ground-level utiiity room, attached garage. Sev- ered lot 11/2 acres, trout strearn, pond with island, garden, utility shed, TV tower, weil landscaped. Phone 799- 5723 for appointment. 21-ix Private - 3 bedroomn bunga- low, country living on one- third acre lot, just 15 minutes easIt of Oshawa. Finished famiiy room with fieldstone fireplace, carpeting throujh- out, fuiiy landscaped, double car garage, paved drive. Phone Orono 1-983-5996. 21-2x RE AL T0 R 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC IT8 623-4428 One Acre- Just west of town, lovely 3 bedroom home, large garden area with many fruit trees. $46,900.00 with easy ter ms. Uniquely Different Located in Miilbrook is this custom built 3bedroom home with full walfirepiace, siding glass dtors, aaehed garagâe. Qnly $49,500.00. Port Hope- Large aider home in stately easf' end of town. Can be used as income property. Vendor anxious and will hold financing. Recreation. Property - Well treed 15 acre parcel with smail cabin. Only $17,900.00 with $3,000.00 down. 21-1 337 King Street W. Os ha wa 576-3333 One Acre Surrounds tItis 7 Room Home with 3 room apartment. 4 room apartment for owner with natural fire- place in living room, 2 bedrooms. $23,500, will purchase this permanent residence cottage n Pontypool. 2 yr. old furnace, new bathroom, sunporch, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen with lots of cupboards. Courtice - 3.5 acres, mostiy land value, excellent potentiai with possibility of seven building lots,.VW2 storey home has many extras, is super dlean, broadloomed through- out, built-in stove and fridge, rec room. Three Quarter Acre, Nash Road, mature trees, natural spring weli. 11/2 storey home features a newly decorated kitchen and eating area, new roof and furnace with humidi- fier, enjoy country living with ail] the, conveniences. Excel- lent tinancing. Just Reduced ta seil quickly $39,500. and a lot of imaoina- tion and ehbow grease couhd turn this century home back f0 t's natural charm and char- acter. Solid patterned block construction. Downtown New- castle. Nearîy New side split, custom built, this three level home features large living room with L-shaped dining room, uItrýa modemn kitchen, waîkout basè ment. Extra 3-pce bath, price includes freezer. -luge Two Storey home in own, anly 2 yrs. old, attached garage, sliding glass doors from kitchen, separate dining room, 4 bedrooms, just right for the average femily. View- ow! Scenic Ten Acres nestled in a quiet valley. Year round trout tream, variety of trees, easiiY accessible, excellent etreat and only minutes away - Ruby Ingleton 623-2627 Affer hours answering services. 21-1 t c r fi rA u c s e ri fi 621-3911 Saturday, May 29, 10 a.m. Auction sale of Real Estate, Furniture and Antiques. The property of Drew McCulloch, 83 Main Street South in Uxbridge. Real Estate Two bedroom bungalow with full basement, oul furnace, garage. This property may be seen by appointment by con- tacting Auctioneer. Terms wii11 be $2000 down day of sale. Balance to be arranged in 30 days. Furniture & Antiques Antique chest of drawers (trimmed in birds-eye maple), bedroom suites, chesterfield and 2 chairs and ottoman recliner rocker, stereo, parlor table, Pine bianket box, set of dishes, antique dishes, refrigerator, table and 4 chairs, humidifier, Pine flour bin, washing mach- ine, Westinghouse dryer (new), antique occasionai chair, coal oui amps, jugs and jars, drop leaf table, garden tools, carpenter tools, electric iawn mower. Many other articles. Sale at 10 a.m. Real Estate at 12 noon. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 21-1 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonvil le, May 28th, Friday 7:00 p.m. Sump pump, box stove, snow- mobile cutter, shop vac, one inch plastic pipe (174 ft.), air conditioner, step ladders, table saw, dehumidifier, lawn rouler, bikes, electric mowAer, fridge, wringer washer dryer, kitchen set, office desks, new hair dryer, occasional chair, rugs, old phone, records, firepiace tools, bed chester- field and chair, cedar chest, etc. Terms: Cash, Auction- eers: Stapieton Bros. 786-2244. 21-i Pat Marjerrison 623-4115 Dollie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonvi île) CHURCH STREET Beautiful older 3 bedroom home one block from dlown- town. Large famiiy room with separate entrance, private yard with swimming pool, patio and deck. This air- conditioned home is a buy at $64,500. DEERPARK CRES. 4 bedroom backsplit, a quiet residential area. Famiiy sîze kitchen, large bright-rooms, family room, pool sized lot. $56,900. 9 per cent mortgage. LIBERTY STREET Immaculate, split-level, double garage, paved drive, 2 firepiaces, extra large lot, $67,900. COUNTRY BUNGALOW Neat, 2 bedroom trame house on /2 acre lot, 2 car garage and workshop. Ideai retire- ment or starter home, $39,900. full price. LIBERTY -CONCESSION Immaculate 3 bedroom bung- alow, 2 car garage, large fin ished rec room with bar and waikout to back yard, excel- lent location- ideai family home priced f0 seli at $52,500. 21-1 Mil brook 705-932-2132 MIL LBROOK One of Millbrook's larger older homes, new aluminum siding, 10 rooms, presently two units but cao easiiy be returnied to large family -home, six bedrooms, winding stairs, ail on 2.31 acres with stream. Asking $54,900 for quick sale. Cail Eileen Powell 705-932-2132 or direct Toronto uine 368-9298. VALUE VALUE! Weil kept three bedroom bungalow, immaculate, on good size village lot, very early possession. Asking $36,900. Actftast on this one. Cail Eileen Powell 705-932- 2132 or direct Toronto une 368-9298. INCOME PROPERTY Wifh tour apts., fuhly renovat- ed, ail leased with approxi- mately 1,200 sq. ft. of commer- cial on main f loor. Easy terms, located in downtown Millbrook and is of solid brick construction. PETERBOROUGH AREA Just west of cify is this beautiful elevated Enqiish Tudor bungalow with split level entrance, lot 150' x 100', wehl1 landscaped, double paved drivewa y, tenced on two sides, immaculiate condition, excel- lent financing at 101/2 per cent. Caîl Ted Storey at 705-932-2132 or atter five 705-743-6786 or direct Toronto uine 368-9298. SwmigPool . . . 6 room îbrick b~ungalow with inground 1swimming pool in Newcastle on large lot. Has rec room and 1firepiace. Total price $58,500. Terms arranged. Estate Sale, . ,one acre with 4 room smalh home, just 2 minutes from bus'service in Mapie Grove. Full basement, electric heat, porch and gar- den shed. Askîng $36,000. Estate Sale,, . .7 room frame home on large lot near schooî and shopping. Has forced air oul furnace. Good roof. Great future potentiai. Asking $38,000. 39.89 Acres . .. near Newton- vil1le with strea m and f rontag on two roads, some bush permits said f0 be available. Asking $80,000. Terms. Commercial Property... Excel lent 2 storey building on King St., suitable for store or couîd be remodeîled for office space. Asking $75,000. Terms. Farm . . . Maple Grove, 93 acres with frontage on two roads, real good home, barns set up for piggery. Excellent future potential. C ahi for more details. Oshawa .. . North end, 4 room bungalow on large lot with rec. room partialiy fînished. Excellent value for $44,900. -Terms. Cottage . .. On waterfront on Greens Lake near Catcha- coma Lake. Onhy about 3 years old. Priced to seil at $19,000. Wanted .. . A brick bungalow for a cash buyer. Must be in the $45,000 range. R EALTOR 623-25(3 PRICE îREDUCED- Buildier's home - 5 bedroom spii;t level. Famlriy roomn with fireplace and patio doors to sundeck. Finished rec room, double garage and many extras found only in a custom home. Now a sk i ng $79,900. COUNTRY LOTS - 4 acres of beautiful mixed bush and 7 acres pine bush both very scenic. Cal! for details. 1 MARKET FARM - 74 acres, 4 bedroom home, new impIe- ment shed, new garage with storage loft, ail b ut 7 acres producing. Fronts on 2 roads and 401 highway. Asking $125,000. NEW COUNTRY BUNGA- LOW - 3 bedrooms, ail1 plaster, electric heat, broadloom throughout, hollywood kitchen with quality cupboards. Good size lot overlaoking country- side. Only $56,000. SMALL BUSINESS LOCATION - Bowmanville, King. St. E. Store area 1,000 sq. ft. plussmall apartment. Lot 50' x -165'. Cahi for information. ORONO - Your home too small1 - here's a 4 bedroom home with Sth bedroom in base- ment, beautiful finished rec raom, separate dining room, two 4 pc baths. Clean weiI kept home, 101/2 per cent mortgage. Owners anxious. $57,900. 1066 Simncoe St. North Oshawa 728-7328 TWO TO.-CHOOSE FROM loveiy Bowmanvilhe backsplit twin homes, easily accessible f rom 401, one- 4 bedraom, one 3 bedroom with master bed- room 20' X 12', bath are a pleasure ta -show, both priced to selil. CONCESSION ST., BOWMA N VILL E -563,900. - 8 very large rooms in the gracious 2 storey aIder brick, bay windows in master bed. room and dining room, refin- ished pine floors, brass ac- cents throughout; ideal for the antique coilector. BOWMANVILLE -412 ACRES -ideal development possibil- fties abutting a subdivision wifh aider 7 room home in good condition. Cali now for complete defails. STARTING AT $42,900 - new 1200 sq. ft. bungalows, north east.of Port Perry, some with garages and roughed in fire- places, ail on lots 100' x 190' overlooking the lake. WEST BEACH COTTAGE- $15,000.- lot 42' x 220' fronts on sandy beach; cottage in need of extensive repairs. Cali 728-7328 for ful details. Orono - ioveiy rock gardens and large lot overlooking the park is the setting for this income home. 2 bedrooms and bath on main level with the same in the self conitained apartment on the iower level. Vendor wili hold mortgage. Cali for information. Orono area - 4 bedroom bungalow with separate D.R., fireplace, Rec room and workshop, terrific view of the country side. Excellent family home, asking $63,900. Cottage lots on View Lake, 1 with lake access, the others facing on a good road, asking $9,000 to $12,000. with terms. Millbrook area -iovely hard- wood treed lot 150 x 404, facing on good road, surrounded by niew homes, asking $15,000. Bowmanville - 2 new 3 bedroom homes now being completed in north end area, close f0, schooi, wel1 built with piaster walis. Cail for in- formation. Nestleton- new 3 bedroom bungalow Iwith hardwood floors large 85 x 500 foot lot, plaster wais. BOWMÂNV ILLE 65 HOBBS DRIVE P>RIVATE - Two year old, 2-Storey Tudor style brick home. 1796l sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, combination living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, 112 baths, broadîoom throughout, 31' x 12' family room with fireplace and bar, 2 car attached garage. Nicely. Iandscaped, pie-shaped fenced lot, 80' x 122' in quiet area close to 401. OnIy $63,900. with 91/ per cent mortgage. Open For Inspection Anytime CatIl 623-2495 R. "BUD" G7Virtue 29 Silver St. Bowmanviîle 623-2967 TYRONE Five bedrooms, 2 storey farm home, plus 4 large rooms on, main floor, has fireplace, walkout basemeot, large land- scaped lot. Close ta store, school bus at door. Asking $55,700. BOWMAN VILLE Check the, price, asking- only $36,900 for this large 7 roomn aider home on large lot, close ta parkschools and highways. Early possession, caîl now tor appointment. VILL AGE STARTER HOME Four room solid brick, close ta store and bus route. Askiog oly $26,900. Try your down payment. 21-1 Private. $44,900. Two bed- room bungalow, lot 66 x 165. New double garage, 24 x 30. 13 Waverley Road, North, Bow- manville. Phone anytime 623- 7182. No Real Estate Agents, please. 21-2 House on Leskard Road, oorth of Orono. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with stone and pine front, rec room with fireplace. Lot 85 x 176. Priced ta seil. Cali 1-983-5194 even- ings.21-1 Bowmanvi le FRANCHISE NOW AVAILABLE Get into business with a'proven Hannigans franchise. No restaurant experience necessary. We wilI train you and work with you through the life of your franchise to make your business profitabl e. Low investment required. Excellent locations available. Enjoy the satisfaction and f inancial independence of owning your own business. Apply giving full particulars and we will send you our HBK Food Systems (Ontario) Ltd. Suite 200, 200 Consumers, Road Wil1lowda le, Onta rio M2J 4 R4 Telephone <416) 494-5919 20-2 Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Wilitby- Phone Whitby 668-3552 1 REALTOR 234Kin St E,IBowmanviîile 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 Tastefully Decorated Attractive 21/2 year old, 4 bedroomn 2 storey home in Bowmanville, 11/2 baths, broadloomed and attached Sarage. Asking $54,500. erms. Call Phyllis McRobbie. Bowmanville Beach 11/2 storey 2 bedroomn home on 37 x 109 lot. Good starter home for i nvestment of $22, 500. Cal1 Ken BrQwn .or B;Il TLhy.kSýy, Newcastle - Na Lake Ont. Beautifully renovated 11/2 storey 3 bedroomn home near Marina. Large 198 x 132 lot and mature trees. Excellent investment, $64,900. Caîl Bill Turansky or Ken Brown. Bowmanville Owners are moving - MUST SELL lovely 11/2 year new 3 bedroom brick bungalow in nice area. Close to bus and, shopping. Asking $51,900. assume 9 and seven-eighths per cent mortgage. Caîl Elfie Jost. Beat Inflation Bowmanville Investment 10 room dwelling consisting of 3 rentai units. Live in one, collect rent from other two. Asking $36,900. Caîl Pat Yeo. Bowmanville Area Imagine! 25 acres, 17 apple trees, everflowing trout stream and all season log home for only $79,900. Cal Kay or Ken Brown. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handie yo ur home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. *Coast to Coast Real Estate Service OPEN HOUSE 52 Peters Pike in Orono, Thursday, May 27 between 4 and 9 p.m. $51,900. Hostess Jeany Barrett. Thos. N. Shea Ltd. 579-2243 or 728-7208. Corne for coffee and doughnuts. OPEN HOUSE Leskard Rd. North, Sunday, May 30th between 1 and 4 p.m. $65,900. Hostess Jeany Bar- rett. Thos. N. Shea Ltd. 579-2243 or 728-7208. Corne for coffee and doughnuts. 10 ACRES With 5 year oid electrîcally heated custom. four bedroom home, 9 mi les north-east of 401 interchange at Harmony Rd. Featuring finished rec room with freplace, waîk-out. base- ment to pool and patio, famiiy room onto sunideck, 14' x 18' kîtchen includes dishwasher, separate living room and dining room., Phone 263-2128 21-2 TWO lakefront lots, 118x158 and 107 x 165, Bancroft area. Phone 623-7500 atter 5. e -4 URGENTLY REQUIRED.! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home wouid bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased to appraise it for you: and heip you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendiy efficient sale of your, home, caîl P. & R. Reaity Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. ...... ........................ ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 1117694 137 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 423-7661 REALTOR. OSHAWA: Immaculate 3 bed- roomi, ground level townhouse, carpet throughout, 2 baths, finished rec roomn, slidling dloors, to patio and pool. Cali now. COUNTRY LIVING! Just re- duced, $57,000 for this 4 year oid, 3 bedroom famiiy, home with fîreplace, dining room, beautiful new spanish style recreation room on a 150, x 150' lot. Walkout from base- ment. Aiso, additional bed- room in basement. BOWMANVILLE: Asking $59,900 for this 41/2 year brick bungalow home with 3 bed- rooms and a finished recre- ation roomn with fireplace. Additionai bedroomn in base- mient. Close to schools, churches, and shopping and 401 exit. 21-1 BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and family of Pickering spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Mr- Don Larmer, Steven and Donna of Peterboro spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Congratulations to Gary Mountjoy who Graduated from a four year course in Mathematies at the Uni- versity of Waterloo on Friday.> Gary is employed with G.M. Data Processing in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy, Mrs. Elaine McShane and Heather of Brampton attend- ed the graduation of Gary Mountjoy on Friday. Mr. Ray Mountjoy and Robbie of Stouffville were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy. Paul Mountjoy bias accepted a summer position with Com- stock Construction at Leaside. Mr. >and Mrs. Alan Asseistine, Tania, Michael and Mark ofGuelph were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asseistine and family. I FINEQULT MONUMIE 7TSAI D I MARK RS 7 1. -1

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