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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1976, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 26, 1976 AnuW il l ME uliuMR leu.wï R!3uq FLASHBAt;K - 25 YEARS Aix0 The annual B.H.S. cadet Inspection was held in Memorial Arena, Thursday evening, Officers of "A" company were Lieut. Ken Buttery, Major Bill Murdock, Lieut. Ivan Woolley. Col. Jim De Geer, Lieut. Ken Hockin, Capt. Doug. Sleep, and Lieut. Steven Sisson. Officers of "B", company were Major Madge Mutton, Lieuts., Gwen Bartlett, Aberta Ott and Colleen Clarke. FLASHBACK - 10 YEARS AGO - OPP Safe- ty Constable Pat Corneli has been instructing over 100 school children in the art of safe cycling, a course given by police, and sponsor- ed by the Recreation Department. The week long course was held inthe parking lot and basement of St. Joseph's Church, with instruc- tion and tests in bicycle safety. ELECTRONS - Locke's TV Electrons opened their home season of league play on Monday, May 24th, against Port Hope at Soper Creek. Porty Hope took the opener, trouncing the Electrons soundly. Next game is Whitby at Bowmanville on Sunday, May 3th. On Saturday May 29th they play in Whitby. Both games at 2 p.m. KINSMEN T-BALL - will resume this Satur- day at the Memorial Park, South Diamond. DEADLINE - may we remind contributors to this column, that with our new deadlines, items should be in no later than Monday morning to be sure of making the column. Occasionally, depending on space, we are able to include late items, but we ask, if possible, try and make the deadline. SOUTH COURTICE - Association have close to 150 boys and girls registered for soccer, softball and basebaîl, as reported by Grant Herron and Lloyd Coverly. PROVINCIAL PARKS - opened officially in the Lindsay area include Serpent Mounds Provincial Park on Rice Lake, R.R. 3, Keene, Ontario, KOL 2G0, Emily Provincial Park on Pigeon River, R.R. 4, Omemee, Ontario, KOL 2W0, Balsam Lake Provincial Park on Balsam Lake, R.R. 1, Kirkfield, Ontario, KOM 2B0, Darlington Provincial Park just east of Oshawa on Lake Ontario, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3K3 and Mark S. Burnham Provincial Park located on Hwy. 7, 2 miles east of Peterborough (day-use only). DARLINGTON - Soccer leagues are in full swing with the Senior teams seeing Solina' defeat Orono 3-0 and Hampton defeat Zion 5-2 on Wednesday, May 12th. On Saturday May l5th, Tyrone defeated Salem 7-2, Solina defeat- ed Courtice 2-1, Salem defeated Orono 2-1, and Hampton defeated Courtice 2-1. REMEMBER - to get your tickets for the Town League hockey banquet and dance to be held this Saturday at the Legion Hall. Tickets and information may be had by calling Lanny Burns, John Kramp, Ron Hooper, or Doug Hayes. COMMERCIAL SALMON - fishing is in the process of being closed by the federal and provincial governments in lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario because of high'levels of polychior- inated biphenyls. Moves are also being made to close fishing for eels and channel catfish In Lake Ontario. TENNIS AT DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE FINAL DAY FOR REGISTRATION IS SATURDAY, MAY 29th 12 NOON UNTIL 5 p.m. AT THE OLD TYRONE HALL. REGISTRATION FEE IS $10.00 PER PERSON. CALL 263-2307 FOR INFORMATION. NEWCASTLE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE SWIMMUNG CLASS REGISTRATION: BOWMANV ILLE CLASSES START: Four week Course: starts JuIy 5 to JuIy 3th Second Class: August 3rd to August 27th MEMORIAL PARK POOL Beginners: Survival: Junior:- Inter- miediate: Senior: Bronze: synchronized. Monday to Friday, JuIy th to JuIy 3th Monday to Friday, August 3rd to August 27th BROOKDALE POOL Pre-Beginners OnIy Monday to Friday, JuIy 5th to JuIy 30th Monday to Friday, August 3rd to August 27th Age: 5 years of age as of June 1976. REGISTRATION: Recreation Department Office, Town Hall, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Tuesday, June lst and Thursday, June 3rd, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. FEES: $9.00 per child and $5.00 for the third and, each succeeding child. Bring your achievement card from Iast yea r. Floor Hockey Champs from Ennis kil/en ian elnmilnaton tournament held on May l2th, both the boys and girls floor hockey teams fromn Enniskillen Public School emerged victorious. Members of the boys team are, front row, Gary Wright, Kevin Taylor and Jeff Strong. In the middle row are coach Mr. L. Rogers, Darin McDonald, Michael Real, Colin Jonah and Michael Tidd. At back are Dwayne Glaspeil, Barry Ramsay, Scott Kossatz and, Darryl Glaspeli. 1976 MEMORIAL PARK TYKE SCHEDULE Bowmanville at Belleville Lindsay at Bowmanville Trenton at Bowmanville Bowmanville a t Trenton Oshawa at Bowmanville Bowmanville at Whitby Bowmanville at Oshawa Whitby at Bowmanville Bowmanville at Oshawa Ajax at Bowmanville Belleville at Bowmanville Bowmanville at Lindsay Bowmanville at Ajax Oshawa at Bowmanville Bowmanville at Peterborough Sunday, May 23 Wednesday, May 26 Sunday, May 30 Tuesday, June i Wednesday, June 2 Thursday, June 10 Tuesday, June 15 Wednesday, June 16 Tuesday, June 22 Wednesday June 23 Sunday, June 27 Monday, June 28 Thursday, July 1 Wednesday, July 7 - Sunday, July il Nuiewcastle The Newcastle Chamber of Commerce has asked that a special committee fromn the town's council be formed to discuss future plans for a senior citizens home in the Village of Newcastle. Keith Barr, a spokesman for the chamber of commerce, presented a letter from the group asking that a commîttee be set up to meet with the Newcastle Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce about the proposal. The letter presente d to the Council requests that a com- mittee he formed "to investi- gate, review and approve the establishment of a senior citizens home development in the village of Newcastle."' Mr. Barr said the request for a special committee repre- sented the initial step for the development of a senior citi- zens home in the village. .The request was also made Denotes one 1Both teams defeated entries from Hampton, Maple Grove East and West and Courtice North Public Schools to take the first place trophies. In the front row of the girls team are Brenda Stainton, Marilyn Foster and Lori Garrard. Along with Coach Rogers, in the second row are Julieann Csizmadia, Anna Ercegovac, Tracey Pollard and Cheryl Tobias. At the back are Danna Heard, Beth McCullough, Penny Ibbitson, Kathy McCullough and Louise Kovacs. Rural Bowling League Ends Seas on at The Rural Bowling League closed out the 1975-76 season with a banquet and dance at the Lions Centre on Sat., May 15. Followîng an excellent roast beef dinner served by the Enniskillen ladies, the following trophy presentations were made. The John James trophy for league champs was presented to Maple Grove. Team mem- bers who received large silver trays were K. Flint, C. Milîs, C. Burton, D. Woods, J. Geddes, H. Bradley and M. Smelt. The Geo. Blyth Memorial trophy for runner up was presented to the Hi C's. Team members who received small silx er trays were Jim Coom- G L F1 NGqow7 by J.B. Lilge A well bit golf shot that goes off line is disappointing. Often these off line shots are not a result of a swing error but merely poor alignment. That is, often golfers are careless where they aim their golf shots. They may want to aim at a green but because they line up incorrectly they are actually aiming to the right or icftof !bc green. Nexi Urnme you see your golf' protessional ask hlm to check where you are ainiing. You ro v be su rprised, bes, Bruce Coombes, John Coombes, C. Goodman, L. Welsh, B. Hall and R. Brady. High Single trophy was awarded to Howard Bradley for a 395 game. The Harold Milîs Memorial trophy for high triple was presented to Harold McLaughlin with an 866 score. The Adam'Sharp Family trophy for high average was presented to Don Taylor with an average of 235. The Allan Werry Family an guet trophy for low average was awarded to Stan Reid with an average of 146. The John Slemuri Memorial trophy for the most improved bowler was awarded to Roger Brady. The Jack MeLean Memorial trophy for sportsmanship was presented to Dick Woods. After several comie gifts were awarded by Jim Coom- bes, dancing to the music of Ted Koss and the Cavaliers was enjoyed by ail. held on Saturday, July i7th. F TIR E SAL E [ RADIALS MGýHEL $1 60.*00 $35.oo0 1Per Sel of 4 ec SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS Pineridge Tire Sales 27 Simpson Avenue Bowmanvilie Phone- 623-4866 Village to show that the Newcastle Lions Club, Chamber of Com- merce and senior citizens are in favor of such a develop- Andy Danis Guif -Service Station 401 and Liberty St. S. Bowmanville Phone 623-4181 OPEN 7:00 am 11:00 p.m. 7 DAYS PER WEEK eLICENSED MECHANIC eTOWING CONGRATULATIONS - to Dave Tabb, who has been placed on the roster of the Kansas City Scouts of the N.H.L. Dave had a good'year with Collingwood Blues, scoring 82 points in regular season and 49 points in the playoffs. He will attend the Scouts training camp in Septem-. ber. Friends and fans wish him ail the best. NEWCASTLE PARKS& RECREATION DEPARTMENT HELP WTANTED COACHES NEEDED FOR' ATOM BASEBALL PEE WEE, BASEBALL GIRLS SOFTBALL SOCCER ALSO NEED SOCÇER REFEREES & UMPIRES. Please cali 623-3379 or in Newcastle Mr. George Towns 987-4462, a nd Reg Willatts at 623-7084. If we do flot get enough coaches the League wiII fold. CýAr pargains ie owner automobile.9 FAMILY CARS *1974 OLDSMOBILE DELTA ROYALE 2-Dr. Hardtop Fully equipped with air conditioning, power windows, vinyl roof, electric defroster, radio. Lic. APB199 S1974 CADILLAC DEVILLE 4-Dr. Hardtop Fully loaded with low mileage. Enjoy a comfortable holiday in this luxury car. Lic. HRK356 *1974 BUICK CENTURY LUXUS 2-Door V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, bucket seats, console, radio .. . sharp. Lic. HRC533 *1974 MONTE CARLO Local car, fully equipped. Lic. HRC676 *1974 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Door Just 21,190 miles on this Bowmanville car. V-8, automatic, power steering, brakes, radio, two tone paint, rustproofed. Lic. HRD127 *1973 LAURENTIAN 4-Door Full sized comfort in this fully equipped car. Only 31,046 miles. Lic. DX0757 *1973 RUICK CENTURION 4-Door Hardtop Luxury Buick with air condîtioning, power windows, rear defogger, notchback seat, vinyl top, body mouldings. Lic. E BM661 *1973 BUICK CENTURY 4-Door Popular intermediate sized Buick with V-8 engine, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, whitewa ls, wheel discs. Lic. HC1359 *1973 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-Door 33,093 original miles on this V-8, automatic, power *97 dCEVROLET4-Door BueUSED TRUCKS Goo loke wthNavy Bu finish, matching cloth interior, white vinyl top and body side mouldings, deluxe wheel discs, V-8, automatic, power steering and, brakes,* 1976 GMC V/2-Ton Pick-Up radio. Lic. EBE546 Company owned parts truck with only 5,500 miles, V-8, 1972DODG CORNETCUSTM 4-oorautomatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear step V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, bme.Bgsvns i.D42 whitewalls, defogger. Lic. EBC666 ___________________________________ *1975 CH EVY Van 6 cylinder, radio, rear door glass, cargo door glass, walls, ceiling and floor shag carpeted, high back bucket seats, SPORTY CARS rustproofed. Lic. KEC721 1974 MGB Convertible Only 11,946 miles on this immaculate fun car. > 94GCî2OlPcU Rusprofed raialtirs. ic.JMP56Only 27,964 miles on this extra dlean pick-up. V-8, *1973 PONTIlAC "GRAND AM" automatic, radio. Lic. D42255 Collectors item, no longer available, this classy LeMans cornes fuiy equipped with V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radial tires, radio, rear speaker, bucket 1973 DODGE Custom Sweptline V/2-Tofl Pick-Up seats, console, power windows, electric defroster, mag V-8, radio. Just 43,759 miles. Lic. T48689 wheels ... sharp. Lic. EBB703 1971 CUTLASS S* 1973 GMC 1-Ton with Duals V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, V-8, 4-speed, 12' stake body. Lic. D40180 bucket seats, console. Lic. EZT878 ECONOMY CARS *1975 ASTRE 2-Dr. (Demonstrator) Just 10,000 miles on this 4 cylinder, automatic, radio, wheel discs, radial tires. Lic. HRD871 1974 VEGA Station Wagon 4 cyl., radio, whitewalls. Lic. HPW181 1974 HORNET 4-Door 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, whîtewalls. Lic. JHU607 1974 BUICK APOLLO 2-Door OnIy 8,780 miles on this immaculate automobile. Six cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, radial tires. Lic. HZV891 >1< 1973 L EMA NS 2- Door 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewa Ils. Aspen Green with matching cloth, interior. Lic. BRH492 1971 CHEVELLE 4-Door 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, radio, whitewalls. Lic. EBE672 >0 1971 CHEVELLE 4-Door 6 cylinder, automatic; just 37,215 original miles. Lic. DZT096 Corne in to-day and see Cedric RusselIl - Cliff Moore - Weldon Brown ci Hg Telephone 623-3396 Home for Senior Citizens Urged in Used a 'lis -a r StewPrso Home !of Old- Fas hioned lospitality" [il

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