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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1976, p. 11

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I 1Edito cSocal andi On Friday evening, Mrn Evelyn Caîl, Mrs. Hilda Cal] Mrs., Wilda Simpson, Mns Linda Farrow, and, Mrs Georgîna Couch attendedi shower at the home of Mns Leitha Storms, Markham ii honour of bride-elect, Mi& Cathy Cati, Toronto. Those attending the Lions Convention in Quebec Cit, from May 28 -to June is included Mr. and Mrs. Franl Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Roi Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Brentoi Rickard and Mr. Edmun( Majer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quir ney of, Newcastle Stedman'. Store, have been in Toront( this week attending the Sted man's Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Emersor Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ronalé Munro, Sheila, 'Janice an< Jennifer attended Graduatior Exercises for Queen's Uni- versity students on Saturday, May-,29tb wben Arlene May Munro received- ber Honours B. A. Patients in hospital include, Glen Schmid, Oshawa General and in Bowmanville Mr. Fred Harvey, Mr. Alex Patterson, Mr. Eric Clarke, Mr. Williamr Martin andVerne Rowe. Callers last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball included Mr. and Mrs. Norm- an Lee, Cambray, Mrs. Diane Birne,. Osbawa, and Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Bright and family, Oshawa., Mr. and Mrs. Martin McLay and family spent the weekend with relatives at Lion'sHead. Mr. and Mrs. William Prince, Toronto and Mrs. N. Henderson, Saskatoon, spent l,,ast Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attend- ed a banquet in Lindsay where Liberal Leader Stuart Smith was guest speaker. The Wades were guests of Mr- and Mrs., Allan Beer, Bethany. Mr. Eric Wicks vis ited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Frankford visited recently wîtbh er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Naylor and family, Camp Borden. Mlr. Calvin Murray, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with his parents,.IMr. and Mrs. James Murray. Mrs. Ruth Coucb was host- ess to a miscellaneous sbower in honour of Miss Linda Powell. About 25 guests attended on Wednesday even- ing, May 26th. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, Newton- ville,' visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker, Picton. Mr. Cliff Trewin, Bowman- ville was a Sunday evening caller at Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton's. Mr. and Mrs. Jaguard, Hamilton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Harve Britton, M rs. DennisGriffiths, wbo bas been visiting with the Britton's, returned to Ham- ilton witb the Jaguard's. Mrs. Florence Ferguson accompanied hier cousins Mrs. Clements, Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Norwood, Mr. anc Mrs. Watts, Warsaw, to St. Catharines on Sunday., Mr. George Graham has returned from a visit witb Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gibbs, Ala- bama. Hard-working students are now reaping their rewards at Graduation Ceremonies. Miss Gladys Allun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun bas received hier Bachelor of Science after a 4 year course at the University ofGuelpb. Mrs. Mary Grace Paterson Milton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson, has received hier Bachelor of Sience in Nursing from the (7),onu S. avirs. Alfred Gray, graduatec 1, from McArthur College, S. Kingston. S. Newcastle Village Firemen a answered a eall Mondayi s. morning at the Malarenko in home, Morgan's Corners, s where a shed burned. Glanville's Variety Store is SI still closed for renovations, -y hoping to open in a week as t Glanville's Coffee Shop. k Mr. George Visser visited on in the weekend with friends in in Trenton. id Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Savoy, Montreal, were weekend I guests of Mr. and Mrs. John ls Metrailler and family. o Birthday greetings to Miss j-Julie Wight, Isabel Allun, Louise Steeves, Edna Selby n and Florence Tillson. d Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allun d were pleasantly surprised on n~ Saturday evening when their i- eidren, Shirley, Steven and 7,Nancy, entertained the bride y and groom of 25 years to a s dinner at the Flying Dutch- man. On Sunday afternoon the family also arranged a re- i the Allun residence J where many friends and irelatives attended to honour .i Jean and Glenn. We extend our best wishes to the happy *couple. I Rev. and Mrs. George -Fenning, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer j on Sunday. Rev. Fenning's 1father will be remembered by older citizens as minister at 7St. George's Anglican Church. 1 Mary Phillips, Peterbor- v -ugh, visited on Wednesday iwith Mrs. Mary Grace Milton .and together they attended the LUniversity of Toronto 1Alumnae Coffee and Dessert Party on Wednesday night. On Thursday, Mrs. Marjorie Paterson and daughter Mary Grace attended the Mother iand Daughter Faculty of Nursing Tea at Hart House. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Miss Ruth Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson attended the Coffee Party in the morning and Mary Grace's Graduation in 'the afternoon at Convo- cation Hall. In the evening the Faculty of Nursing Dinner and Dance at the Four Season's Hotel was enjoyed by the Milton's, Paterson's and Kathy and Bob Grant. Mrs. Warren Tait has returned' from a two-week visit with relatives in Lancast- er England. Mr'. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams, Toronto, enjoyed the weekend in the Kitchener area, attendîng the Mennonite sale at New Ham- burg on Saturday. On Friday evening, May 28th, Mr. and Mrs. O. Band- stra celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary when al their children and families gathered for a family dinner at Knox Christian School followed- by a reception of friends and relatives. We extend our congratulations. Miss Louise Hancock visited on the weekend with ber nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hancock and daughter. Lions Meeting On Wednesday, May 26tb, the members of the Newcastle Lions Club held their regular meeting. No special speaker i attended this meeting as many business matters were discussed. Varlous projects 1 proposed by the membership 1 included, a wading pool, bal diamond and tennis courts for the Village. Anglican Church News At St. George's Anglican Cburcb on Sunday, May 3th, at 8 a.m. Communion Servers were Gordon Cochrane and Harold McKnight. The Rector, Rev. Robert Hayne, is pleased with the increase in attend- t ance at this early baîf-hour c service and hopes it willc continue.ï /lewcas t/ci The Newcastle Indelpe] 3rs: Jack and Hazel Crago Tel 'Meals On' IFor Oronc Senior cîtizens living in t village of Orono and findi themselves unable to prepa aIl of their, own meals will1 able to get a little belp fro the village's Meals on WheE program. Wes leyville s A week of good weathi ;,made it possible for mar s gardens to get completedj the district. There are. sI some fields not seeded bi with sufficient moisture anc little postponing of frost in tt faîl, there is still time for good crop. There is a bountili crop of dandelions everý where and especially on soI] lawns which calîs for lots lawn mower activity. The widespread membersc this community were sadder ed last week to hear of th death of Roy Nicholîs o Wednesday, May 26th. A. though well past bis allotth span Roy carried on the wor on bis farm until bis sudd< illness last week. He was on of tbose wbo was takiîi advantage of. the fine weathe to get his garden planted ai other work so demandinga this time of year. He will i missed by family, neigbbour and many other friends. "Wben the Line is Open' was the topic on -wbich Rev Bartlett based bis message ci Sunday morning. The serîl ture lesson was from, the fins chapter of Acts: wben th( mmnd is receptive, the mess age will be received. Th( hymn sing at the beginning o tbe service was conducted bý Lloyd Kellogg in the absencE of John Groeneveld. TherE were two lovely baskets o flowers in the churcb, pastel colours of yellow, pink anc white, lef t through the kind- ness of the Brown-Barkwell wedding party from the pre vious day. Two arrangements of other beautiful flowers were in loving memory of Roy Nîchoils. The choirs' anthen, was "Fairest Lord .iesus". disappointed that the Ascensiontide Procession, which was to have been held in Port Hope, was cancelled for Sunday afternoon, May 30tn due to lack of interest in other Chiurches of the Deanery. l-Iewever, thanks to Mrs. Fred Yates and staff of St George's, chitdren in partie- ular, for creating colorful banners of Christian symbol- ism. These will he presented by the children and discussed in Church next Sunday, June 6th in place of the usual sermon. Clergy of the Archdeacon- ery of Durham were pleased to meet with Bishop George Snell at St. Georges,,Oshawa, to discuss with hlm the possibility of forming a College of Preachers similai to that at the Nationa] Cathedral, Washington, D.C. St. Georges A.C.W. will meet Wednesday June 2nd at 83 p.m. for a business meeting at tbe Parish Hall. On Saturday, May 29th, Rev. Robt. Hayne united in Holy Matrimony Miss Sheila Sutton and Mr. Robert Wilkes. The couple received Com- munion at the time of their marriage. Some of the music chosen by the young couple was of the modemn type. The reception followed at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. On June 13tb at 7:30 p.m., the Masonic Lodge will attend the Service of Sung Evensong at St. George's. United Church News -On Sunday, May 30th, at Newcastle United Church, the choir rendered the antbem "The Sayings of Paul" "Think on These Things". Rev. Thomas Smith based his sermon on tbe sayings of Paul. 0f the tent-seen .ook*i The Sunday School Picnic will be held on Tuesday, June 15. On Tuesday evening, May 5th, Unit Two of the U.C.W., entertained the Sunday Scbool Staff and Choir members to a [inner in the Newcastle Jnited Church Sunday School [all. The Sweet Cbarity ingers entertained the . uests after, dinner. A TTENTION FA RMINERS'I WHY PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUMQUALITY GAS- DIESEL FUEL MOTOR GIL Prompt Delivery Please Cail Collect DXse OILwiÎBiTy f 668-3381 nadentI lephone 987-4201 Wheels' Village ýI The Social Planning Council of Newcastle decide to organ- ize the program, in a recent meeting in Orono. The motion f0 begin the program was made by Mrs. Grace Gibson, of Newcastle, and Rev. Robt. Hayne. An Orono resident, Mrs. D. German was delegated to organize Meals on Wbeels and to look for volunteers. The Orono group will contact senior citizens in the area and leave them literature on the program. The literature will contain forms and senior citizens wishing to make use of Meals on Wheels can fll them out. It is intended that the Meals on Wbeels program will event- ually be extended to a community care service. Transportation for senior citizens, handwork programs and cooking lessons were other services considered at the meeting of the Social Planning Council. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvije, June 2, 1976 Newcastle Lions Complete Landsccping Around their'Swîm mînpg Pool )1 the ling are be ýels er ny in t111 Dut l a le .a ful .y- [ne of of rie M~- ýrk ng id at ýrs ýV. st ie )y e re '1 With jusi a littie "know-how" or "how-to", you can save ee oewe o oi-oref e d for yourself when you shop Buildali - start right at Buildail. We can give help when you need it .e 41 most, at the very start of your build and save job. Is ,e TRIMLITE WOOD GLIDER PTODO PAI DO n. First choice in value, AP Beauty, convenience * operation andeahr'N U anai weatherr com - T1I .1pigerOmne fort with a minimum LE NM ie* Just a tii h if * V of maintenance! ina opn motl n Totally sheathed i effrrtessly on a raised rugged coat of white, in vinyl track. The sash El L vinyl: no painting« r I can be removed com UU ever! I pieteiy for cleaninglv. Tempered insulating and Trwit ins utMN V glass a permanent1 and Trimî l at qî neîo' against the, *d glass and a built in climnate! ~1 drainage system.. Anodized aluminum- vinyl sillI with an LESS 10 engineered thermal PRIEDAS75 A break that stops Win- i RCDA LW PER CENT ter- coldi d Twin tandem bail- e ~~SWINGLITE CASEMENT Yes, until June l2th you can save 10 dualinroHeer vny SwinliteCaseent per cent on any Dashwood Window or weatherstripping: PIE Weindowes ent a Do ae r --'fingertip operation -AS LOW AS fgrDs toucaf0 goveoruereu for uelmvery. totally draft-free' you controlled, top-to- After June l2th at any Henry Buildali a ou oul ft ed!-lt 10 ebottom ventilation. Store (please allow about 4 weeks for Yusltiweed PER CENT They swing outwards d lvryfo edon'f steal room space of sizes o stocked.) r~~~ frmte nie sflean with a wîpe * Remnember too that Dashwood is the CLASSIC ENTRANCE SYSTEM blend espected name in their industry. TelsîEtac with weather-beating System is not just a insuiating glass! door, but a complete 1 entrance package. 3 Dashwooci Industries t$9 1 . 90 LESS 10 has engineered a PRICED AS LOW As ' PER CENT DJASHWOOD3 door trame and sill PLASTORAMIDSASHIESSLIMITEO clrnastm andoorby the, aIl-weather, aIl- Here is an economicalTDIfUToeuiue Company. To further window with ail the TU-BOWIITRU-WALLcmlenth many desirable fea- Dashwood frame and tures tound onIy in IIUtII Perma-Door unit more sophisticated WINDOVWS glass or vinyl plants Windows. It is weather- may be added along fight . . It 5 Designed to beautify and enhance the value of any home with fixed sidelites of funtioai ai glss regardless of architecture or design. They biend with varlous sizean th sections are remov- extreme modern or coie fWese ky able from inside for conservative period in-knob locksets or cleaning utwîth styl There Is?~~S many sizes with widePliNSdits panels; if virtually variations in style and Pu oke PRCE A LW S gives you a "picture diN, aiuswig you t PRCDA O S winlow" 'in every dchoose the win ows - PRICED AS $ ~ *5 ES1 rom.. ch willereinws10PLER CENT ~~48 30 complement yourLOA $4 ES10 PER CENT home. Ail Dashwood windows are construct- ed of top quaiity ma- BASEMNT UITSferils with matchless cratransip yVe-NEW 1HOME Presevatie trated ther you are building a ciear Ponderosa Pine nwhm rrmdl Frames. Completely ing the Dashwood Weatherstripped. A- windw seiected will I O R P A S vaîlable in awnîng assure you ofdp- style (shown) or sash- abilify and quality. less style (as plastor- PIEDA EWA nquire about' quantity discounts amic-îR aD S O A nd- free estimatiiig service. Just 176 5bring in acopy of your plans to any $1 7.070 LESS 10j LESS 10 PER CENTloain PRICED AS LOW AS PER CENT FOUR CONMENENT4 SELF-SERVE LOCATIONS WHERE YOU CAN SHOP UN ASSOCIATE STORECO FR OSHAWA WHITBY COURTICE PORT HOPE 100 Bond Street West 223 Brock St. N. Bwenvish3awaari Snee Enter via Richmond St. W. Mon. - Wed. ta 6:00 Mo. a- led37 Onta00o Street Mon, -Fri. to9: 00 5:00 Thurs. & Fri.to9: 00-Sat. to 5:30 MMon.Wed.to6:00 85:-223 t0:0 Thurs. &Fri. to9: 00-Sat. toi5: 00 o.Fit5:0.at4 On husda eenigalmstevey embr f te ouncil and the Dept. of Recreation and Parks. 11e also spoke nwcastl Vlag e'sLions Clumost of th emeuipefWthe of the co-operation and the donations that have been received rewkeso te iplemeLins C, were o hdle elthpedland from local residents and citizens of the surrounding area. and cor tmplesmentwl o andscpnga od v the landOo This ambitious effort by a small club has been going on for sWimming pool that was opened last year. They now~ have the several years and now as they hand over the finished project pool paid for and President Ed Majer made special mention to the town, club members must feel a considerable amount of the assistance that has been given by Town of Newcastle of satisfaction in their truly amazing achievement. Later, they plan to hold a mortaepa uhi artgage burning ceremony. M., whenwu eedit mostu m

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