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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesan ]Bowmanville, June 2, 1976 13 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues.,12 no ~~1MME i. AVERY - Kevin is thnii led ta annaunice the safe arrivai of an 8 lb. 7 oz., baby brother, Shawn Robent, born May 20, 1976. Happy mom and dad are. Lloyd and Laura. Proud, grandparents are Mrs. G. Avery, Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. J.W. Bawman, Enniskîl- len. Special thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Hubbard and ta the terrific maternity staff of Memonial Hospital. 22-1 HAMI1LTON - Carry Ann thanks God above, Fan giving her Stacy Dawn ta lave, Stacy was born at O.G.H., the 1 i 2fh of Mav She weighed 6 lbs. il ozs. on? the Wednesday Special thanks ta Dr. Allan Spçar, And th e nurses on 4F, who we re sa dean. Proud parents are Canal and Don. Sfacy is the second gFanddaughten for Mn. and nrs. Arthur Sheehan and the i7th grandchiid for Mrs. Lavina Hamilton, Mns. Stella King is her great grand- mother. 22 lx JOHNSON - Mike and Carole (nee Caaney) announce the arrivaI 0of a son Gregory Michael, 7 lbs., 1412 0z5. on May 28, 1976 at Bawmanvile Memonial Hospital; a brathen for Kellie and Judy. Pnoud grandparents are Mn. and Mrs. H. Caoney and Mn. and Mrs. N. Jahnson. Many thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and the nursing staff. 22 lx McGREGOR- Neil and Grace (nee Moore) are happy ta announce the arrivai of thein son Scott Alexander, 7 lbs., il azs. on May 17 at Peel Memonial Hospital, Bramp- ton. A brother for Marnie, Grandmofher Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregan, Bowmanville and great grandmother Mns. Vera Mlîsan', Scarboraugh. 22-1ix RICE- Glenn and Dianne (nee Puk) are happy fa announce the birth of their firsi child, a son, Jason Lewis weighing 6 lb. 12 oz. at Oshawa Genenal Hospital, May 25, 1976. Proud grandparents are Mn. and Mrs. Michael Puk, Bowmanville; Mns. Jean Rice, Hampton and Mn. Jack Rice, Kingston. 22-1 WRIGHT -Geral and Fran- cine (nee Burns) are pieased fo announce the arrivai of their first child, a son, Kristen Jason, born May 16, 1976, weighing 7 [lb. 143/4 oz. Pnoud gnandpanents are Mn. and Mrs George Wright, Hampton and Mn. and Mrs. Donald Plain, Bowmanvilile. Very "special fhanks fo Dr. Anfossi, Dr. Hubband, Dr. Masienka, Dr. Ewant and the nurses on the Bowmanviiie Maternily Staff. 22-1 li ff ilu *]mliiL- Tefthoming marniage is annaunced of Ann Eliza- beth, daughter of Mrs. Hamil. 'on and the late Malcolm Hamilton ha John Barry, son of Mn. and Mrs. Howard Townsend, Eganvilie, Ont. The marriage ta take place on Saturday, June 26, 1976 in Tyrone United Church at 4:30 o'clock. 22-1 x Mn. and Mrs. William Nem-. is, R.R. 3, Bawmanville are pieased ta announce the forth- caming marniage of their dau ghter Ly nda Ann ta Daug- las- Raiph Baulter son of Mr. and, Mrs. Donald Baulter cof Peterborough., Wedding ta take place Sahurday, July 17, 1976 ah Zion United Church, R.R. 1, Hampton. Port Hope and District Has- pital, Wednesday, May 26, 1976. Roy George Nichoils, R.R. 3, Newcastle in his 82nd year. Beioved husband of Marijonie Lockhart and the late Evelyn Zealand. Dean father of Clarence, R.R. 3, Newcastle; Marian (Mns. Errai Maynand) and Neal, Toronto; Jean (Mrs. Lloyd Burley and Anita (Mns. Earl Mc Bride) of the Pont Hope area. Brother of Gertrude (Mrs. Sidney Lockhart), Lilia and Ernest, aIl who prede- ceased hlm. Survived by twenty-five grandchiidren and nine greaf grandchiidren. Ser- vice was held in the' Ross Funeral Chapel on Friday, May 28th. iýnterment Newton- ville Cemefery. Open House is being held at our home, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville on Saturday, June 12 from 25 p.m. and 7 p.m. on. And also on Sunday, June 13 from 1:30 fil 4 p.m. This invitation, we extend to ail. Garnet and Annabe le Rickard 22-2 Harry and Florence Wierstra would like f0 receive friends- and neighbours on fhe occa- sion of their 25th anniversary at Knox Christian School, Monday, Junel7from 8-10 p.m. Best wishes oniy. - 22-ix Relatives, friends and neighbours are cordially in- vited f0 attend an open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainfon, R.R. 1, Bowmanviile (263-2156) in honour of Mr. and Mrs. David Bothwell. on their 4th Wed- ding Anniversary on June 6 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Keep it as a surprise please. 22-1 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gardham Trewin (formeriy of Biackstock) exfend an invita- tion to friends and relatives to celebrate-the 5lth Wedding Anniversary of their parents on June 6th at Mapie Grove United Church between 2 and 5 p.m. Best wishes only. Please help us keep fhis a surprise. 22-1 -mm. KING - Daniel. ln loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, who passed away June 4, 1972. Resting where no shadows fall ln peaceful sleep he awa ifs us all God will link the broken chain When one by one we will meet again. - Sadly missed by wife Stella and family. 22-1 MEADOWS, Olive and George - In loving memory of dear mother Olive who passed away June 7, 1972 and dear father George who p ssed away January 3, 1961.- As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near, Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever. - Sadly missed by Ivene, Cy and family. 22-1 WOODLEY -ln loving mem- ony af a dean wife and mather, Gladys, who passed away June 2, 1956. WiIh tender love and deep regret We wha ioved you will neyer fanget. -Clarence and family. 22-ix Since 1912 1 fi, k ~ Flowers ~ by JACKMAN ... PHONE 6233365 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 45-tf "Flowers à, Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAILY D.Iivery ta... Oshawa - Bawmanvilie Aris Phone 623-4441 43-tf CARNATION For Ail Youn Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO-BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 ff Durham County's Oldest FUneral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOvVMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day orNih SServing this district for 96 years. Funeral Home Concern for'the demands upon you our first consideration. To ensure you the hel1pf ul1ness you, need. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 The famiiy of the late Leslie Brooks would like fa fhank their relations, friends and neighbors and Lodges for flawers, cards and donations ta many charitab!e organiza- tions, ta Rev. Amacher for his comnforting wands and ta Nanthcuff Elliott Funenal Chapel and ta Tyrone LOBA fon the lovely lunch. Thanks ta ail. 22-1 The family af the laie Gardon John Allister Martin wishes ta express fhanks and appreciation ta relatives, friends and neighbouns for the beautiful floral tnibutes, do- nations, cards, and many kind expressions of sympafhy dur- ing the recent beneavement af a dean husband and father. Special thanks ta Drs. Prchai and Cummings, and devated nurses of 5F Oshawa, and Bawmanviiie Memoriai staff, Alsa, Marris Funerai Chapel, Reverend David Harris, and Maple, Grave U.C.W. Mns. Benyl Martin Lynda and Harny Liftier 22-1ix The famiiy of the late Joseph Patrick Sheehan would like ta thank thein relatives, friends and neighbons for the beautiful flawens, cards and donations, aisa Dr. H.B. Rundie, staff and nurses on the 1sf floon and ambulance, Rev. Tom Gracie and Marris Funerai Chapel and the ladies of the Legion Auxiliany fan the iaveiy lunch. Our sincere fhanks. 22-lx We wish ta extend aur sincere thanks ta the Hampton Community, for the iavely wedding gitt ot an oil painting. Harold and Karen Moffatt 22-lx The f amiiy af the late Roy George Nicholîs would like ta thank their relatives and friends fan fiowers, cards and donations ta charitable ongan- izatians. Aiso ta Dr. Wnathall and nurses of Pont Hope Hospitl. Ta Rev. B. Bartieti and Ross Funeral Chapel and the Wesleyvilie U.C.W. wha served a deliciaus lunch, aur sincere thanks. 22-1lx i wouid lîke ta express my thanks ta the Independent, Order of Oddfeiiows and the Rebekah Ladges and neigh- baurs and friends fan the get-weli cards and visifs white a patient in hospitai in U.S.A. and aisa at home. _Sincerely, Enie Archer 22-1 We wish ta thank ail the membens of the Enfieid and Union cammunities ton the cammunity shower held in aur honaur an Wednesday, May 27, 1976 at Enfield United Chunch. The card fable and chair set is just beautiful and s Most appreciated. A special thanks goes ta ail the ladies who heiped ta serve the lunch and make it a most enjayabie evening. Ron Avery and Sharon Schnaiden 22 lx We wish bo express aur thanks ta ail our friends who made aur 55th Wedding Anni- vensary such a happy occa- sion. Ps. 118:24. "This was the day the Lord hath made. We ail were rejaicing and, wene it!' Above ai l we thank aur Heavenly Lord and Fathen for ail those- yeans. With heantfelt thanks toail Mn. and Mns. Albert Taisma 4 Nelson St. E., Apt. 106 Bawmanvi île 22-lx "The Bethany Athletic As- sociation wishes ta thank everyane who parficîpafed in any way towands making the Victoria holiday weekend events s0 successful. We appreciate the support of the cammunity.- S22-1 I would like ta thank my relatives and friends for the many wonderful cards and wondenful cards and gîfts, also many thanks for the nursing staff and doctons an floar 4G, Oshawa Genenal Hospital, during my recent stay. Bert Tompkins, Newtonvî île. NEW HOURS BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday - Fniday lOa.m.-8p.m. Saturday 10 a.m, - 5 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville 623-7322 22-2 Appearing At The Queen's Hafel Newcastle Bobby Adamns and His Blue River Boys Friday - Saturday June 4th and 5th Dancing 9 -i 22-1 Large recyciing sale June 4, 4-10 p.m., June 5 and 6, 10- 10 p.m. ,'-'ntiques, collectibles, furniture, clofhing, many baby items, some îunk. Rea- sanable prices, 401 East, 115 north, Clarke Concession 4,1 51/2 miles east. ta Banks' Evengreen Acres, Newton- ville. 786-2107. 22-1 The public is cordially invited to attend a Retirement 1Tea in honor of Miss Marjorie .Couch on Wednesday, June 16 îfrom 3to 5p.m, and 7 to 9p.m. in Lord Elgin School, 140 High Street, Bowmanvr lie. 22-2 Decoration Day wiii be observed in Hampton North Cemetery on June 13 at 2:30 p.m. Rev. L. Bigby of Ennis- killen, guest speaker. 22-2 13INGO N EWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tuesday, June 8th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT 1Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 22-1 Alliance for Life meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 9 in lower floor of Bowman- ville Public Library. Every- one welcome. 22-1 U-Saiad Supper" - Pontypool United Church, Wednesday, June 16, commencing at 4 p.m. Admission. Aduits $2.50, 12 and under $1.25. 22-2 Orono Antiques, Main Street, Orono, Ontario will open for business on Thurs- day, June 3, 1976 f rom il a.m. f0 4 p.m. daiiy, excepting Sundays. An exciting new shipment of Victoriana has iust arrived. Generous dis- count to dealers. Phone 983-9525. 22-1 Pontypool United Church Anniversary- Sunday, June 6th af Il a.m. Mr. Ted Powers of Janetville guest speaker. Special music by "Sweet Charity. 22-1 Don't miss Yel-verton United Church's annuai salad and ham garden party to be held on Friday, June 111h com- mencing at 5 p.m. Admission aduits $2.50, children under 12 $1.00, pre-schooi free. 22-2, Town League Hockey Ban- quelý. and Dance, Saturday, June 5,1, Cainadian Legion Hall. Contact D. Hayes 723- 2136, B. Bradley 576-5286, J. Kramp 623-5435, R. Hooper 623-3097, L. Burns 623-4569. 20-3 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Ti-ne TH URSDAY-7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbali JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA, 50 tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARIN - WAYNE ST.- OSHAWA 2t Club Annrene Dance and 3anquet Hall available for your group's fund raising- activities. Book your next E year's dates now whiie choice F dates are stil1 available. b, Contact Don, Armstr-ong af H 576-5522 or 576-6599. - 48-tf Mystery Tour Sunday, May 30 Thousand Island Cruise Sunday, June 6 For information phone or write: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St. Cobourg, Ontario 372-9961 21-2 UNATTACHED ADULTS CLUB DANCE Club Annrene Scugog Island Every Saturday Night For information Phone 725-4344 15-8 Fish and Chips ail you can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Anfiques bought and sold. Open every Friday, Safurday and Sunday. Acres Restau- rant, Taunton Road. 21-4x 0e-f SWlMMlNCG pool for sale: Maving - wili seil you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- waad Pool at sacrifice pnice 0f $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days an evenings, callect. 111-f FRESH asparagus. Phone 263-2501 atter 5 c'cdock. 22-1 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darlington Township. 15 tf ALLIS-CHALMERS SpecialE $260 discount on 700 seri( Garden Tractors purchase with lawn mowers. Alli Chalmers 8-horse power gar en tractor with mower an tiller $1,600. New and USE gleaner combine, purchasE for corn harvest, interest frE until Sept. lst, 1976. Trewi Farm, Equipment, Blackstoc 986-4283. 22. TOP.soul, Leland Payne, 1-78é 2512. 17-t 1974 TRAILER home, 22 Ti Corsair, tandem wheels. Cai be seen at 76 Scugog St. 22- 1973 1 ROQUOIS hardtor camper wifh add-a-room sleeps 6. Phone 623-7138. 22-1) SEVEN horse power M.F riding tractor with mower snow biade and chain. Phon( 1-786-2441. 22-, CHESTERFIELD suites davenports, buffets, dressinc table, dressers, chrome suites kitchen cabinet, occasional chairs, office chairs, chrome chairs, coffee and end tables, recliners, treadle sewing machine, tennis table, exer- cise bike, giri's bicycle, baby carniage, piaypen, car bed, car seat, crib, strolier, rock- ing horse, Towne Used Furni- ture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanviile. 22-1 THREE bikes, two 18" and one 26", good condition. Phone 623-7363. 22-1 TH R EE H. P. Evinrude motor with tank, $165. Aiso three sheets 4' x 8' carmel pecan paneiling, $3 each. Phone 623-5968. 22-1 ONE moped, 3 weeks old. Must seil $225 or best offer. Phone 623-3722. 22-lx WAGON, mower machine, scale, 100' belts, discs, grain auger, hammer miii. Phone 728-9980. 22-2x BUCKWHEAT - phone 263-8288. 22-1 CHESTERFIELD and chair, brown, good condition. Phone 623-2389. 22-1 THREE forage wagon boxes aiso J. and F. swather. Phone 263-8466. 22-1 2,000 L B. boat tra iler, tandem, Wiscott,, excellent condition. Phone 623-7458. 22-1 ONE heavy duty box trailer, 6x8, $150; one iight box trailer, $100; one smaii winch, $50: used truck and car tires. Phone 263-8172. 22-1 LARGE quantity of used bicycle parts fa be sold aitogether, or traded for good three-speed, lady's bike, Phone 623-2887. 22-1 U PR IGHT piano $125, manual typewriter $40, guitar $15. Phone 263-2590. 122-1lx UPR IGHT piano- Gorley $350. Good condition. Phone 623-5857. 22-1 rEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bednoom, complete; dininq room, 9 piece; living oom; walI unit, cottee Taoies, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10 tf LMER'S New and Used urniture and Appliances. We )uy contents of homes. Phone ampton 263-2294. 19 tf ýSPARAGUIS aI Ted Barn- vski Farms. For pick-up rders phone Newtonville 786- 202. 18-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Phg 576-! E. WF COUR' SWIMMING pool wi must dispose of 1975 um pools in stock, price for 'desperately facîory wanehause Brandt new swimmin include walk around fence, tiller and wa sîze 15 x 27, $1088 terms. Caîl Gond couI on evenîngs 1-416-2214 ScREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LiMESTONE i'RODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS &, PARKING LOTS T-OPSOIL & OIRT FîLL DELiVERFO OR REMOVEO TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RE SHOW REMOVAL Phone Osfi 725-02" A * e Tomatoes Available at Mos te rt's Greenhouses Lamb's Road North Bowmanviile 22ý1 WEîGHT lifting set (York). Barbei-ls, dumbelis, kettie- beils, iran shaes. Apprax. 200 ibs. total. lnciuding chants and courses. Phone 623-5818. 22-lx FORD truck cap with roof vent, fibreglass construction. 623-7237. 22-1lx 1973 IROQUOIS fent trailer, canvas top, includes cup- boards, step, spare tire, excel- lent condition, $695. 623-3173 af ter 6p. m. 22-lx CEDAR fence rails at Burke- tan Garage. Phone 263-2311. 22-4x FOUR Goodyear wide aval tires, G78-14 with chrome reverse wheels neyer been used, $175. Aso two Thnush side pipes, $60. Phane, 1-983- 9517la fter 6. 22-1 WEDDING gown wifh long veil, size 13. Asking $120 or best offer. Phone 723-9576. 22 lx DRYER- white -Seans Ken- more 800. Fabric Master dryer with saft heat feature, safety starter button and air setting, 5 years aid, excellent condition, asking $150. Phone 623-5610. 22-1 KNECHTEL walnut dining roam suite, table, 8 chairs, buffet and china cabinet. Phone 1-655-3124. 22-1 TWO cycle iawnmowen. Runs well, $25. Apply 38 Duke St. 22-1lx HANDCRAFTED pine -buffet and hutch, Canadiana design, 91" high, 45" wide. Moiti-lite glass doors ready for finish- ing, suitabie for gun or china cabinet, $375. Phone 987-4737. 22- lx "',Mag Wheels," Sizes ta fit most cars, PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 DRY bagged shavings for sale. Custom Lumber and Millwork Ltd., Bolton, Ont. Phone Bolton 416-857-1882. $1.00per bag. 22-2 LARGE Viking refrigerator with freezer top, 18 months old; also white painted bed- room dresser. Phone 623-5991. 1974 SUZUKI 500, 6,000 miles, one ownen, $1100. Phone 623-6535. 22-1 1974 750 KAWASAKI low mileage, chambers, V. stacks. Cal 1987-4937. 22-lx 1974 SUZUKI TM Mata Cross, best affen. Phone 623-4358. 22-1 Wa-ter Delivery Fan filling swimming Pools and weils. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse ain-conditianer. Air conditions full size home. Call1728-1122. l2-tf Scrap Paper Many uses. STATESMAN OFFICE 66 King St. W. 20-4 Alumninum Sheets .25 each, quantifies .20 each. one STATESMAN OFFICE 66 King Sf. W. -5606 20-4 HITE SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. tTICE 16 x 24. 1 yn. aid. Repossessed 30-tf by bank, sacrifice 12 pnice. _____Cail Mn. Harvey, callect, days iholesalen or evenings, 416-625-8819. 5alumin- il-tf sacrifice y' needed SWIMMING Pool iess than space. one yean aid. Fanta Sea abave ing pools ground redwood 16 x 24, cas' id deck, $4,'500. Must seli immedîately, arrantee, will sacrifice- savings af cash an $2,000. Caîl Fanta Sea Service ect days Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days -4840. or evenings callect. 18 tfilt VA hawa '32 SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2ý AIl kinds of machinery, Seli. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading- manufacturer and distributon has aluminum pools left aven tram 1975 season. 12pnice, guananteed instailat ion and ternis. Cali coilecî days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-f Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above graund aluminum pools Ieft aven fromn 1975 season, 12 pnice, guaran- teed installation and termns. Cali Credit Manager,- colIiect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf PADDY'S Market now ha5 new furnFiture, appliances, T.V.'s and steneos and alsc used furniture and appliances 'A.Iill accept Inade-ins. Paddy's Manket, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 133-t USED, Funniture and Appt; ances. Paddy's Manket', Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf Screened TOP SOIL Bawmanviiie Sand & Gravel 263-2143 After Hours 576-8832 20-3 FIREPLACE woad, dry apple woad, lange quanîity ta choose tram. Piçked up aI archard. Reasonabie price. Phone 263- 8430. 21-2 "'RADIALS" Sizes ta fit most cars. $160. Per Set of 4 Pt-NERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanviîle Phone 623-4866 13-tf SEED FOR SALE Certif led Oats, Barley and White Beans. PEDIGREED SEED DOESN'T COST IT PAYS. Ceresmore Farmns Ltd. 623-3552 or 623-7233 16-6 CARPETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes andsheens, hard- surface fiaoring, professional- y insfalled. Fnee estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bawmanviile. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 3t TREES, evergneens and shrubs, bagged top sai1. Phone DUCK marsh within 50 mile radius of Bowmanvilie. Phone 725-8753. 22-1lx RELlABLE aduits would like country house to nent. Within commuting distance 1 f Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 23-8 EAR PIERCIN G SERVICE Hooper's Jewelters Ltd. Regular Pnice $12.00 NOW $10.00 wifh studs Special1 10 per cent reduction an first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 45 if ANN BRADLEY Permnanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGIA 1968 DODGE four door, cus tomi radio, power brakes anc steering, automatic, cerfified $895 . Cai1263-8884. 22- 75 CHEVELLE Malibu, I cylinder, power brakes, paweî steering, radlia, w-w tires. Loa~ mileage, dniven only as se cond car. Phone 623-4802. 22-À 1967 PONTIAC Grande Pari- sienne. J.AÀ. Rasevear, 263-2095. 22-1 '68 OLDS. Cutlass 4-door sedan, 350 engine, mechani- cally good, needs somne body work. Cali 1-983-5490. 22-2x 73 TOYOTA wagon, good condition $1600. Camper for 12 ton, li ke new $350. 65 V.W. $30, alsa many parts. Phone (705) 277-2533 or 277-2644. 22-ix 1972 TRIUMPH Spittire, goad condition, ziebarted, 30 miles per gallon, AM-FM radia, certif ied $1700. Phone 623-2879. 22-1 1973 MG Convertible, certi- fied, 39,000 miles, radial tires, one owner. Phone 623-5292. 22-i 1964 Ford Econoline van, $100. Phane 263-2940. 22-1 1975 BUICK LeSabre Custom hardfap, heavy duty suspen- sion, trailIer pack, Newcastle 987-4968. 22-i 1974 ASTRE Hatchback G.T. custom uphoistery, radia, electnrc rear defogger, tach- ameher, 4 speed on the floon, one owner, AI Condition, certified, $2450 or best offer. Phone 623-5752. 22-ix 1971 METEOR Montcalm, $1700 or best offer; 1969 Chev 4-dn., gaad nunning car, $500 as is. Phone Ornn 983-5267. 22-i '66 CH EV. 283 Sedan, body needs repair, engine gaod, tires gaod, best offer. 623-7896. 22-tf '69 MERCURY Caugar con- vertible, excellent shape. Ask- ing $1100 as is, $1200 centified on best offen. Phone 1-983-5776. 22-lx 1967 DODGE Van in goad condition, -excellent, for -camrp--- Attention Senio Citîzens: Mondav, Tuesdav and Wed- ànesday only, 10 per cent off ail hair services. Open 6 days a week, Thursday and Friday evening by appointment. Caîl 623-5019 or stop at Kut 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E., Bowmanville. 21-3 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE f NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act of the Province of Ontario Public Notice is hereby given to ail owners and occupants of subdivided lands within the Town of Newcastle that unless the noxious weeds or -weed seeds on any such subdivided lands in the Town of New- castle are destroyed by Fri- day, June 18, 1976 and throughout the season the Council of the Town of Newcastle has directed the Weed Inspectors for the Region of Durham to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a mnanner as they may deemn proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectars in the discharge of their duties shahl be placed on the Cole.ctor's Roil of the Town of Newcastle against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shaîl be callected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. The co-operation of aIl citizens is earnestly spiicited. 22-1 Bowmanville Nursery School registration for enrol i ment. September 1976 f0 June 1977. Ages 3-5 years. Lions Centre, 26 Beech Ave. Friday, June 4th from 9:30 fo 11:30 a.m. Enroilment tee $5. 1 21-2 Dr. A.F. McKenzie will be on hoiidays and the office wiil be closed June il ta June 20 inclusive. 22-3 RIDING lessans given by quaiified instructor - equita. flan, jumping, basic dressage. Use your awn hanse or we have ciood hanses available. Also hanses broken and train- ed. Cail 623-4558. 22-i WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL OF AUCTIONEERINC Canada's firsf, ani,' -ie aniy completely Cana,!-k. course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schoals Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For parficulans of the next course wri+-: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 20-9 Tender PAVING CONTRIACTORS Resurface paved roaCi areas and gradi ng and gravelling of unpaved areas at the Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontarioa. TENDER NO. LIN-76-027 Sealed tenders wiIl be re- ceived until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, JUN E 16, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Lindsay ReginlOf ice, 322 Kent Street West, P.Of. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please cali Mrs. E.M. Nea le at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WANTED, gaod home fan twa, beautiful, spa yed cats. Free. Part Persian. Th ree years aId. Phone 623,2887. 22-1 REGISTERED puppies for sale., Doberman pinschers, Irish setters and cocker span- iels, aIl are needied and warmed. Phone 623-2805. 22-2 BOYVIERSî des Flanderes Puppies. Regisfered. Phone 263-2312. 22-2 Afghans, Sa luki and Poodies Due ta iîIness we are forced to close our kennel.* We are la oking for good homes for aur aduît dogs and pups. Register- ed with papers $75. 10 cafs free f0 good home. 623-6892 19-4 Boa rd Your Dog! A home away f rom home. Long runs, dlean, veterinary service. Free pickup and delivery. - R.T.V.V. KENNELS Phone 623-6892 HOUSEKEEPER for elderly pentleman, central, bunga- fow. Phone 623-3727. 22-2 FULL-TIME, Parf-Time. Need someone to assist me in my fast gnawing casmetic business. Choose your hours, complete training program. Cal 623-3072 between 5: 30 and 7:O00p. m. 22-1 COU LD you use an extra $50 a week? If so - for personal interview cal Mns. Farrow at 623-5911 between 8 - 10Oa.m. 22-1 x PRESS Operator for moder- ately heavy wonk. Good wonk- ing conditions. Apply Loft- house Bnass Manufacturing Mt.,30 Hopkins St. Whitby, Ontarlîo. Phone 668-4951. 120-3 CONTRACTORS General contractors ne- quired in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must be inde- pendent businesses- CaIl 579-5070 9-tf CLERK-TYPIST *Required for manufacturer. Duties to include filing and various office duties. Exper- ience necessary. Apply in writing to: CLE RK, P.O. BOX 250, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO 22-1 BABYSITTER in my home, Waveriy Gardens. Part-time. Excellent wages. Waman w)th chilId welcome. Phone 623-4975 after 7. 22-1 CLEANER for plant and office, part time, approxi- mateiy 20 hours a week. Apply Jensen Steel Lfd., 222 Base Line Road, Bowmanville. Phone 623-3317. 22-1 TEACHER For Bowmanville Nursery School Four, hait days weekly, Sept- emben 20 fo June 16. Apply in writîng giving qualifications, experience'and neferences f0: A. M. Thompson 17 Concession St. W. 22-2 SALES PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durham R e, !on. F FIl or pant-time. -Adverfising supplied. Ca Il 579-5070 8-tf 1.

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