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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1976, p. 3

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Miss Heather Green and friend visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Green on the h9liday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sissoni Sspent the weekend in Ottawa visiting with their daughter and hier husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson. Mr. Ross Kerr is home from the bospital recuperating from an operation (appen- dectomy). Sure wish you a speedy recovery, Ross. Mr. and Mrs. John Begin and fam-ily of Ottawa were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Johni Horslen. Symipathy is extended to the famnily and friends of the late Mr. Carl Parkes, of London. Mr. Parkes' wife is the former Mary Preston. St. Paul's Guild of Bethany held another bake sale on Saturday whicb was quite successful; althougb business was slow (everyone must have been Working in their gar- dens) the gaIs bad a good turnout'- The parents of Manvers Nursery School held a childzren's clothing rum- mage saie at the same time and place as the bake sale. The suet at Grandview Public School were fortunate to have the All Star Band from North York present a program lN EW S for them on Friday afternoon. From the cheeriag etc., it can be presumed that the band was thoroughly enjoyed by the students. 24tb May Celebrations On Monday, May 24, the Bethany Atbletic Association held their 68th Annual Mayday celebration. The parade whicb, was led by the Lindsay Kinsman Band started at 12 noon from the Parish Hall and proceeded down the main streef, around the block and on to the park. Judging for the parade was done before the parade started by Mr. and Mrs. Darcy Procter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. White. Mrs. Roy Scott and Mr. Herman McGiil were the horse judges. Winners in the various categories were: Best Decor- afed Doîl Carniage - lst - Roseanne Rowan, 2nd - Vivian Palmer; Best Decorated Wagon - lst - Steven, Chris and Kevin McReelis, 2nd - Randy Ryley; Best Decorated Girls Tricycle - lst - Susanne Neals', 2nd - Colleen Jackson, 3rd - Lori Ann Sinclair; Best Decorated Boys Tricycle - 1sf - Jonathon Rowan, 2nd - Craig Naylor; Girls Bicycles - lst - Katby Marcott, 2nd - Donna Williamns, 3rd - Lîsa McGill; Boys Bicycles - lst - Rick McGill, 2nd_- Scott Naylor, 3rd 1- Paul Preston and Gregg Capeling; Beiit Junior Girls Comic - 1sf Angela and Rhonda Preston, 2nd - Barb- ara Bragg and Debbie Terry; iJunior Comic Boys - lst - John, rand Peter Kerr, 2nd - Mike iOpsitnik; Senior Mens Comic - lst - Russell Draper, 2nd - Norman Wood; Senior Ladies 1Comic - ist - Yvonne McQuaid iand Helen McGill, 2nd - 1Marlene Ryley; Decorated Car - Clothes for Leisure (4-H Club), Commercial Vehicle - Bethany Fire Dept.; Farmers Entry - Murray Logan (or T-D Bank) with Todd Riel driviýig; Best Float Entry in t he Parade - Manvers Nursery Scbool (Sesame St.); Family Float - Anglican Church celebrating their lOOth Anni- versary; Best School Float - Grandview Public School (Old Woman in a Shoe); Group Float - Invitation 'to Live Crusade Float; other float entries were the Betbany Womnen's Institute and the lst Pontypool Cubs and Brownîes. During the afternoon there were crab walks, duck walks, and heel races for the small fry and sometbîng a littie harder for everyone else. The egg toss was won by Steven MeGili and friend and David Rogers and Ivan Hogan. The wheelbarrow race was won by Bob Ryley as the wbeelbarrow and Levi McGill on the bandles. Tfhe tie-tying contest, a contest to see which wife could tie the fastest and neatest knot, ended with Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan placing second (sorry, I didn't get the names of the couple who won), Marlene Hogan discovered that she had a mighty kick when she kicked ber shoe further than ail the other ladies. Special Awards presented during the afternoon went to the oldest lady on the grounds, Mrs. Herb Neals; oldest gentleman - on the grounds, Mr. Henry Jakeman; young- est baby present, Chris McReelis and Tove Scott; newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hogan; longest wed, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman (68 years in June), birthday closest to May 24 and 24 years old, Dia ane, Rogers; wedding anniversary closest to May 24 and 24 years married, Mr. and Mrs. Harold White; family from the most miles away, Mrs. Hardy, Kent, England; newest family to the village, Mrs. O'Sullivan and family; and the iargest family witb aIl present on the grounds were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr and famîly. Winners i~n he bo.rse cate- gory were Best Western ;-orse, Debbie Smelt and Best Western Pony, Lisa Neals and Tracy Smelt. Prizes for the winners of ail the categories were donated by the following persons: BETHANYý'f 7re satisfied trophies were fri 'esented to the deserving ho nners. Ladies high single QI is won by Mrs. Lucy Borrow fr( id Ladies high average to wi Irs. Margaret White., Mens qu ih single was, won by Mr. 1 'eé Borrow and Mens high At 'erage tb- 74r. Pete Rowett. of The Chanipionship Trophy nated by Manvers Township a s ouncil was won by Pete pu owett's team which consist- cei Jof Mrs. Florence McPher- 1 ), Mrs. Winnie Strong, Mrs. fol ildred Britton, Mrs. Mildred Au ristow, Mrs. Florrie Driver, 1 rs. Marion Fisher and Mr. wi] mMcKellar. Pa The Consolation Trophy 8 r nated by Mr. and Mrs. Pete ' orrow was won by Mrs. Lucy he] orrow's team whî ch consist- on of Mrs. Verena Sanderson, 1 rs. Irene MacDonald, Mrs. Gr Bethany Women's Institute, Ted Spenceley Insurance, Ross Davidson, Cliff Fallis, James Kloepfer Insurance, Bernard Neals-BP,,Neil Nel- son, Golden Star Senior Citi- zens, A.C,W., Mr. Wineberg (Lawyer), Charles McGill Stelco, The Roebuck - antique store, Ryiey and Sons, Ray McCullough, H elen Brown Beauty Salon, Richardson Nursery, Helen Logan Beauty Salon, Pontypool Esso, U.C.W., Baldwins Fuel, Vic- toria Fruit Market, Midtown Sports, Wonder Bread (Bob Clark), Wm. Sheen, Henry Jakeman, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Porter Brothers, Ernest Cavano, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weatherilt, Mrs. Herb Cop- pins, Lloyd Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jennings,- John Tinney Motors, Gummers Store - Cavan, Sealtest (Ivor Williams), Martin Senor Paints, Ross Armstrong Wholesaie, and Coca-Cola. Winners of the two draws during the baseball games were Mr. Gordon Wood who won the beautiful water colour painting done by artist, Mr. Jim Loates and Mr. Kevin O'Keefe of 25 St. Lawrence St., Lindsay, winner of the 50-50 draw. Mr. George Y-Tals and Mr. Herman McGill drew the winning tickets. AIl in all everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves îmmenseiy and owe it ail to the Athletic Association for making it ail happen. Goldenr Star Senior Citizens The Golden Star Senior Citizens enjoyed an evening as guests of the Blackstock Senior Citizens, when they were entertained by the Cart- wright High School students, who rendered in a most pleasing harmonious manner songs that pleased the seniors immensely. Games of bingo were played followed by a delicious lunch. On May 26, the Golden Stars opened their meeting with the theme song, and minutes were read by secretary, Mrs. Winnie Strong. Birthday greetings were given to Mrs. Hazel Kerr, M.-s. Rubena Jackson, Mrs. Etta Robinson and Mrs. Alice Mantle. Anniversary wishes were given to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferren. It was decided to purchase a stamp for Senior Citizens' personal cards, instead of purchasing new cards next term. Volunteers were requested for a delegate to attend the Senior Citizens convention at St. Catharines on August 10 and llth. Lt was decided to send the president, Mrs. Belle Smith and Mrs. Margaret Wright. A unanimous vote to attend the Kawartha horse races on June 3 was given. A bus will leave the Parish Hall at 6:30 p.m. on June 3, stop at Ryley store and stop to pick up passengers at Cavan. Lt was decided to attend the Johnny Cash film in Pontypool on June 12 or l3th and to go inî a group to the Live Crusade in Villbrook on June lOth. Cars for transportation will be available upon request. The next meeting will be on c [une 9th at 2 p.m. (Note the c change of time), and after the 1 neeting the group will attend 1~ St. Mary's garden party. CarsS wiii be available at the Parish Hall for those needing trans- h >ortation. h A bus is being considered to S attend the Scottish Festival at. the Exhibition in August. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston were invited to two chairs at e the front and with their a nniversary cake on their S knees, pictureswere taken y nd an address composed by E Mrs. Violet Carr was read to N~ ommemorate their 6Oth wed- g ing anniversary. Mr. and krs . f. Prstn hake .t . "Flowerswith Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS 133 Church Street Bowmanville Fresh Floweramnd Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a Io.ok at our Bridai Showcase in, our window. REDKEN Acid Balanced - Orgonic Protein . Products.for Heoithier Hair and Skin~ "Exclusively at your Beauty Salon" THE E" 37 King St. West 623-5455 Product of the Week: CLIMATR ESS MOI STU R IZING CR EME PROTEIN CONDITIONER Moisturizes the hair ,shaf to comýbat dryness and brittleness. ' s Monthly Lottery was just $13 îess than the April Avenue, Bowmanvilie with bis total. Mrs. Walter Park of ticket No. E 5156. Tyrone was called on f0 make Sellers' Prizes were made the Draw for First Prize of as follows, to the sellers of the $1500 and selected ticket No. E above named tickets: 1sf - $150 5332 as the winner. This ticket Glen Thenteli, 230 Liberty St. was held by Joyce Wilson of N., Bowmanvilie: 2nd - $15 -835 Oxford Streetf, Oshiawa. W.G. Morrib, Osbawa; 3rd - Other tickets were dra-wn as $10 Laýnder Hia.rdw'are, King shown below by variouis guests St. E., Bowmianville; 4f b - $5 anîd members in tbe Club J.H. Michelson, 218 Liberty St. Rooms af the time: 2nd Prize - N., Bowmanviiîe witb Sfh $150 won by Ronald Phiîp of Prize of $50 being won by 593 Ridgeway Avenue, Osh- Richard Coburn-as a ticket awa, Ticket No. E 5485. 3rd taken fnom bis own book. Pnize - $100 was won by Mrs. During the month $1080 was Paf Harmerof 24 Lawrence made in donations as foilow$s: Cres., Bowmanville with ber Canadian Figure Skating Bur- icket No. E 4663. 4th Prize of sary Fund $480, Legion Sports $50 went to Lawson Richards (Bal Team) $400, Salvation of 547 Masson St., Oshawa Army RedShield Appeai $200. iiith ticket No. E 4760. tb The Legion couid use your Prize of $50 was won by help in seiiing Monfhly Tickets Richand Cobura of 18 Little and as vou can see bv the five Ted: "Too bad that Ed and his girl aren't good enough for each other." Lee: "What makes yousay thatP" Ted: "-Vve been talking to both familles," CLOTHES CARE HINT: A WELL DRESSED PERSON is one whose garm ents are cleaned regularly. DON'T FORG ET T O ATTEN D T HE Ann~alCofeePartyand -jDisplay AT MRS, A. STRIKE'S, 8 LBEEC%.H AVE. Wednesday, June 9- 10ean. to 12 noon -vBimnvilee eCenersLtd. l -' lCLOTrHES c LEP"ME R- 84 King S.W 623-5520 "We Specialize in Shirt Laundheering" *,OO M oorSeee foee.,,,,,O,@ SSSe,,,e*** e b r eh I-- Paint Wa11p, g e e e e e e s s e e e e e e e s s s I I I I I I I I I I In Legion The May 26th draw for the Br. 178 Legion Lottery Fund was made in the Club Rooms at 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday nigit. Due to the fact the checking of tickets was not compieted before the Bingo was over, ît was not possible to make the draw at the Bingo, which is usually the case.' Chairman Stan. Dunn an- nounced that the total sales for the month were $3,027 which Belle Smith, Mrs. Ruth Tray- nor, Mn. Lloyd Clark and Mr. Bill Jordan. A trophy for the oldest bowler was presented f0 Mrs. nrene Mý,acDonald. The members voted unan- imously to bowl again next winter, so a new siate of officers xvas formed consisting of President, Mrs. Marion Fisher; Secretary,' Mr. Pete Borrow; Treasurer, Mr. Chas. Smith. A number returned f0 the hail to play euchre, winners being ladies high, Mrs. Electa Smith, and piaying for a gent, Mrs. Ruth Traynor. A.C.W. Meeting St. Paul's A.C.W., Bethany, anjoyed a delicious luncheon t the home of Mrs. Rene meIt, having Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Chatterton, Mrs. Dianne Knapp and Mr. Mark Wenges, a student iinister, as i.uests. Mrs. Belle Smith opened Nith devotionai service, the heme being "prayer". What sPrayer? Lt is a mysticai, liak )etween man and God. People niss God ia thein prayers lien their prayers are "man- mtred", instead of "God- mtred". She concluded with poemn "God, give mie joy in he common things". Mrs. Dianne Knapp explaîn- i "What a Crusade is", and oke of the need for more loir members and of the iany meetings takîng place ýg. a ladies coffee group, higli chool teenagers, mens break- sf luncheon, clergys work- hop. A book table will be rovided as well as nursery :r smail chuldren. Trans- irtation will be provided with ie bus leaving Bethany froin Lyley's store at 7 o'clock eacb 'ening of the Crusade wbich ns from June 6 to June l3th. 'e A.C.W. plans on attending. sa group on Junie 9 (Wed.) Thank you notes were read E -m St. Georges' ladies for spitalify during the Deanery q iet Day and also tbanks q ,m the Ladies Guild for belp 9 tb the Mixed Bowlers Ban- 9 et, 9 Donations w,-ere sent f0 the E thletic Club and the Diocese q Toronto. E Car1 Smith offered f0 make E stand for the new guest book 9 irchased by the A.C.W. as a E ritennial projeet. Further plans were made E ýcatering to a wedding on ugust 28th.E A. Deanery Councîl meeting < Ibe held in the Betbany rish Hal on Wed., May 26 at E p.m. The next meeting will beE 4d at Mrs. Lorraine Smîth's June 2lst. The meeting closed with theE race. and iaper Mooro quaIity. Mooroe uaiiy gallon CASH &CARRY MoorGard Latex House Paint - incredibly easy to use. 1500 custom colors ýt éoos. f rom . SHi*gh Gloss Enaimelized HoIuse paint ior~WSpecial * One coat covers most surfaces. 19US1rJ e cfnplus Iong-lastin9 P~IT $i4 gallon * F hat Ju Painted" look CASH & CARRY ya fe er 3 quart galions also avoulable * Choose from a wide range of rich colars. * For waad or concrete fIaors, inside or autsîde. * Long-lasting protection. Mýnj-in0$ý.A4bern ethy's Pai-nt and Wallpaper: PAITSi 5KigS. et 623-5431 Bowmanville: Wheare you get Moore for your money.ý Oshawa WomanWîns$ 1,500 ýDkqj CQeaftem Cukc, A PPLIES TO 0 *MOSTCOLOURS 0 S wing it0o Sum me r with "A Special Shop for SpeciaJ, Women" Bond Towers Shopping Ma!', 44 Bond St. W. nDownfown Oshiawa 5764715 Open 9:30-6 s Fn .-930- Porch an Foor Enam-el - rugged high gloss t 1 t s a 5' a F F c ti R p .R

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