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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1976, p. 7

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Several members oft Bow--- manville's Business & Pro- fessional W,ýomen's Club at- tended the B & P Ontario Conference at the Royal Connauight Hotel in Hamilton on May 28, 29' and 30. Included were President Mildred Quin- ney, Greta Brown, Marion Jeffery, Velma Gay, Jean Devitt and delegate Judy Hagerman. Gord Wilson of Garden Hill, a small plane owner, who uses his craft for business and leasure, f eels with the amount of industry in the Port Hope-Cobourg area, business could use an airstrip. Larry Quinton of Castieton and president of the Northumber- land Aviation Council has been advocating an airstrip for small aircraft in the area for sometime, and feels the location of an airstrîp would save industries hundreds of dollars in time and money. About 20 members of the Snowden family went to Maple Sunday afternoon to visit the Rev. and Mlrs. Stanley Snow- den and family who are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. After being sur- prised with our presence we ahl went to Carville church where the ladies had prepared. a bountiful dinner. The tables were beautifully decorated with cake,,candles and lovely bouquets of spring flowers. TODAYS BIBLE Forthe PREACHING0f the CROSS is ta them that perish foolishness: but unto us which are SAVED it is the POWER of GOD. I Carinthians Chap. 1: 18 PLEASE WRITE BOX M1, BLACKSTOCK transgress fnot ,the bounds He has fixed in His Book, and take heed net ta overstep tireir limits." -Baha'u'IIah. If interested, please cali 623-4830. 9:55 a.,m. il:00Oa.,m. 7: 00 p.m Among the interestîng events coming up are the Kinsmen CluK Carnival on June l8th and l9th. The Sidwalk Sale July 22-2324th, and the Lion's Club Carnival August l3th and in case of rain the l4th. Graduating fromn Durham College on Saturday at Oshawa Civic Centre were the followîng students fromn this area: Barbara Ashton, Tom Bendoraitis, Cheryl Carpen- ter, Cathryn Crago, William Hoekstra, Anne Hooper, John Huston, Dan Kohn, Frank Lombardo, Mary Lou Nelson, Lee Norris, Betty Severn, Linda Snowden, Christine Willison and Bonnie Wood- ward, all of Bowmanville; Brenda McLaughlin of Black- stock, Leonard Scott of Caes- area, Michael Kowalski, Dar- lene Lapham and Shirley Westlake of Hampton; Anne Pritchard of Janetville; John Meszaros, Kim Perron, Pat- ricia Powell and Lily Woo of Newcastle Village; Ken Esta- brook 'of Newtonville; Kath- leen Gustar. Lynn Lowery and Deborah Simpson of Orono. Congratulations to Mamg-' aret Foran, a graduate, of Courtîce Secondary School who waý awarded the Lewis Beaton Nursing Scholarship valued at $100 and presented to the top student in Diploma Nursing at the Durham Col- lege Graduation Exercises in Civic Centre, Oshawa, on Saturday. A very successful reunion of Durham College Business Division Graduates was held on Friday, May 28th in the coilege cafeteria. Over 600 students have graduated from business programs of the Division over the past seven years. Miss Jean, Rundie, Lynd- hurst Hospital, Toronto, had as hem guests Mm. and Mrs. C. Jackson Wray and Mm. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman at the Annual Reunion Dinner of the Canadian Paraplegic Associa- tion at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Friday evening, May 28th. The members of Tinity United Chumch Hi-C gmoup enjoyed an afternoon of swim- ming at Oshawa Civic Centre. returning to the chumch for a delicious Southern Fied Chicken meal, ast Sunday afternoon.4 Dm. Ian Wilson and, bis wîfe of Cobourg have returned fom Inuvik, N.W.T. after spending. a month theme as resident surgeon. Dr. Wilson bas been giving illustrated ......Sunday School ... .Worshirp Service ..Evangelistic Service Mid Week, Tuesda y, 7:-30 p. m. Youth Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Bible Study A WelCome for You in a Friendly Church 11:i5 a.m. - Primary Dept., ageS 4to 8 ia.m. COMMUNION SERVICE AWarm Welcome for Everyone Congregationa I Organization XThe Comimittee appaointed by the Officiai Board of 'Trinity Church ta study the possibilities of changes in the structure of aur church, presented their findings ta the Board on May 31. The report, after discussion and explanations, received unanimous approval and the OfficiaI Board is recammending ta the canqrecaatian that they approve for a twa year trialI periad this new Unitîed Board system. Copies of the report wiII be available (one ta a fami from the ushers an June 6. The vote ta approve (or reject) wiII be an SUNDAY, JUNE 13- during the 11 'clack service. Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 Electrons 'Defecit Whitby Af fer Losing First Encounter lectures Lo various groups since returning home. Mr. Grant H. Armstrong, Oshawa was elected president of the Durham Region Lung Association (formerly Tu- berculosis and Respiratory Disease Association) at its annual meeting this week. Mrs. W.M. Rudeil, Bowman- ville and Mr. Stanley Rickard,' B eaverton were elected vice- presidents. Elected to 'the Executive Council f rom this area were. Mrs. Marion Henning, Mrs. Lloyd Snow- den, Miss Marion Vanstone, Bowmanville; Mrs. Kennetb Gamsby, Mrs.' Herbert Mur- ray, Orono. Mr. E.R. Lovekin, Newcastle was elected Co- Chairman of the Christmas, Seal Campaign, along with Mr. I.K. MacDonald, Oshawa. Mrs. Irene Gilliland, Saska- taon, Sask. spent last week with Mrs. A. Moffatt, Simpson Avenue. Canadian Genemal Electric Limited recently announced a gif t to Trent University of cash and property valued at approximately $235,000. The land, 62.6 acres is the balance of the CGE's Nassau property and includes a large brick house. It consists of parcels flanking the Trent Canal, at the northern edge of the city and the southern edge of Trent's campus. The gift brings to more than 200 acres the company's 'donations in land to Trent since the university's inception. Jack Vodden, Dick Confin, Mary Murdoch, Mayor Potti- cary, Effie Hezzlewood, John Larmond and Dm. Ralph Cardillo, members of the fund raising committee for the construction of Durham House, a residential teatment centre for emotionally dis- turbed children recently an- nounced that their objective of $94,726 has been reached. The pravince's share amounts to $284.177 and the cost of operating. On Tuesday morning, Mms. Ralpb Campbell presented the Editor witb a Volunteer Ser- vice Award for The Canadian Statesman's interest and sup- port of Participation House. A Participation House pin was also received with grateful thanks. Take a step in the right direction. Take a fewiý %IorId Wide Pkctures presents Methodist Congregation Open Church in Courti-e Thie pastor of the new Oshlawïa Free Mve thodist Church on Trul's Road in CourVcý(e,. fhe 11ev. David Dyer thanked mnembers and friends of his congregation for their help -Inbidn their new church which w,,as dedicated on Sunday, May 3th. To the left of the pulpit is Free Methodist Church of Canada Bishop, Donald Bastiani, who brought the dedication message to about 300 people who joined for the service. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Riekard (right) also brought greetings to the congregation from the municipality. A story of lesus sun~ and told THE GOSPEL ROAD with Johnny Cashand June Carter !in Pontypool Cammunity Centre on Saturday, June 12th f rom 7 p.m. taS8 p.m. and on Sunday, .iune l3th f rom 3 p.m. to 4p.m. Free-WiII offering. à The congregation of the Oshawa Free Methodist Churcb are a bappy churcb famiiy now that they are meeting in a new building in Courtice. Tbe seating capacity of 300 in the new cburch located one-baîf a mile south of Highway 2 on Trull's Rd. was completely filled with fiends and members of the congrega- tion who attended the dedica- tion service at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Among the guests of the cburcb who took part in the dedication service weme Free Metbodist Bishop of Canada, Donald Bastian, Rev. Jim McKay, President of the Oshawa Cbumch Council, 11ev. Don Ritson, President of the St. John's Anglican Church (TEMPERANCE AND QUEEN STS) WHITSUNDAY PENTECOST Sunday, June 6 SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - HoIy Communion 11:00a.m.- HlyCommunion 7:30 p.m. - St. John's Choir presents "Itý's A grand Night For Singing", A selection of favourite songs from Richard Rodgers to Godspell. In the Parish Hall Corne and Sing Along St. P aul's U Tnited Chureh Min ister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess MORNING WORSHIP-lla.m. Last day for Sunday School June 6th Couples' Club Picnic - June 6th Confirmation and Communion June l3th. 1INT ER EST Sunday, June 2th Chu rch and Sunday School Picnic June 27th NURSEP~Y F'arents are invited to brinq th4"4, re-school .hidren ïa aur play and Iearn nursery wnile they attend Churcb. Durhamn Region Evangelical Ministerial. 11ev.Francis Casement, Conf erence Direct- or of Ministeries, Rev. Earl S. Bull, Superintendent of the East Ontario Conference and Newcastle Mayor, Gamnet Rickard. Greeting the people wbo attended tbe dedication ser- vice, the churcb's pastor, the Rev. DavidDyer thanked all wbo were involved in the building's construction through volunteerlabor and tbrough support in prayer. The building w4s a church project wbich began hast faîl with Pastor Dyer, some mem- bers from 'their original cburch in Oshawa and' the building contractor, Ken Bray working on the project alone to reduce costs for the building. As the result of the help the cburcb received fmom mem- bers and fiends, the total cost for the building on a two acre site was only $234,000. 1Bishop Bastian commended the builder, pastor and people involved for their part in bringing the praject toaa successful ending. l3ringing greetings from the Town of Newcastle ta the church and its cangregation made up of residents from Oshawa, Bowmanville and Newcastle, Mayor Riekard said the chumch wJil be welcorned, in the Courtice area. LONG S AULT Mrs. G. Baker and Ruth accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gable and boys. Black- stock and spent Sunday wîth Mm. and Mms. Ted Hall and Lisa Anne, Dunsford. Mm. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were also Sunday callers of the Halls. Mrs. Jessie Bentley, Waubaushene, spent Wednes- day at hem brathem's, Mm. and Mrs. G. Baker and visited other relatives. Club 50 ladies meet Tuesday evening, June 8 at the home of Mrs. Fred Jassean's. Mm. and Mms. Russell Hay, Victoria, B.C.; Mm. Fred Partner, Omono were recent supper guests of Mm. and Mrs. G. Kayacs and girls. Mm. and Mms. Hay left Friday morning for Montreal where they taok the plane for home Saturday morning. Mm. and Mrs. Don Stephen- son and boys, Newcastle weme Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. YELVERTON Not too much actîvity in the community this week news- wise. The Sm. Men's team had 3 games this week. On Tuesday evening they squeaked out a 3-2 win vs Pontypool in a real close game. If we were ta gve star rating to any of the players, Britt Fallis of Ponty- pool deserved top honours for his performance on the mound - 13 strike outs and the distinction of stiking out every member of the Yelvem- ton teamn at least once. Donnie Timms came a close second with 10 strike outs. Top honours for the game went to "Gorgeous George" McCul- lough who did an outstanding fielding job and knocked in two of the three runs with a three bagger. On Sunday the lads split the double beader with Utica losing the first game 8-6 witb a few costly ermors. In the second game they bounced back with a six run lead in the fimst inning whicb they maintained to win 9-3., Ian Page claimed bis first borner of the season. Our tbanks to Manager Frank Glashergen for taking over our coacbing duties duing our absence. The Sm. girls schedule is due to start on Monday evening, May 3lst. A busy w,,eekend f'or our iimateS âat Malconia. On Sat. the Harvey Malcolms (that's us) and Mona accompanied by Mrs. Christine Nasoto, Louis and Elizabeth, Miss Mitzi Malcolm, Miss Jane Connolly, Mr. Bob Fick and Marte The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 2, 1976 7 Malcolm motored to Sudbury. B R E fI There, they joined forces with B R E O some two hundred others - the Several from this district Ted and Frances Werry's and attended the Sunday School Ivan Sharp from Enniskillen, Anniversary held in Enniskil- the Perigoe families frorn len United Church with Mr. Caesarea and attended the Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Ont. Sirafini-Werry nupitals. Deb- as guest speaker. Choirs were bie, is the eldest daughter of enjoyed. the Roy Werry's of Sudbury. Miss Nancy Sucee and This was conducted at the frienids enjoyed a camping Saint Anthony Roman Cath- trip to Algonquin Park. The olie Church. >Following the weather was cool and they had marriage service the recep- 5flow. tion dinner and dance was Mr. Lance Plain, Orono, held at the Italian Club. A calledon the Sinclair family most enjoyable afternoon and on the holiday. evening to be followed the next' Mr. Mulrooney held a very day by a not so enjoyable 240 successful Auction Sale on the mile trip home. 5 hours "on holiday. Daughter Margaret is end" is a trifle much to suit us. home from England. She is graduating in Nursing from a E LIZ BETH ILLE hospîtal in England this year. ELIZABE HVIL an rs.iS. Tabb, Bowmanville Rev. Robt. Bartlett spoke on don called on Mr. and Mrs. A. "When the line is open," on Swain and family on Wednes- Sunday. day Next Sunday Elizabethville y Sundy Shoo wil hod teïr Mrs. H. Grace spent a day in anniversary at 2:30 p.m. Junýe Bwavleti e 20th is Garden Hill's anni- Mr. Wayne Weston has been vers ry.a patient in Memorial Hospi- ver.and. H Qatr tal, Bowmanville for a few Mr. nd Mrs. H. undth r.l days but is much improved spen th weeendwithMr.and able to be home again. and Mrs. Harold Holden, Keep up the good work and Guelph. best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kemp, Mr, H. Grace has been a Peterborough were with Mr. patient in hospital in Bowman- and Mrs. V. Peacock recently. ville. He had the misfortune of Two of the girls were with haviga ciet ehp Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson on vîng a son acientwell hope Sunday. h ilso ewl gm Mrs. H. Thickson bas been O IU R dropping off the Census Quest- .BTU R ionnaires the past week and N. ROY JACKSON will be picking them up next An employee of Mechamical week. Advertising in Oshawa for the A bus load from the high past nine years, N. Roy school went to Stratford to see Jackson dîed in- Oshawa, the Shakespearean plays on Saturday, May 29, 1976. He Monday. lived at 624 Olive Ave., Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Oshawa. Toronto, were home on the Rorn June 4, 1903 in Darling- weekend. ton Township be was a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hamer have the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas started to dlean up the debris Jackson. of the fire in the store in the He is survived by his. wife, winter. the former Susan Hughes, Most, tobacco farmers are whom he màrried in Picker- busy getting their plants into ing, Ont., April 27, 1940; a the fields for the coming daughter, Miss Brénda Jack- season.Tlikn son of Oshawa; and a brother, Mr.H.Tiko got home Leslie Jackson of Bowman- from the hospital on Tuesday ville. of last week. He was predeceased by Little Alyson Westheusem three sisters, Mrs. Russell has had another throat in- Gay (Millie), Miss Florence fection since having her ton- Jackson, and Miss Leta Jack- sils out but she is impmoving son. Mr. Jackson rested at the There is, little news this Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral week as I have been away a lot Home, Oshawa. Service was and haven't the contact with hl in the chapel Tuesday Lbe telephone as 1 usually do with interment in Oshawa when I'm home. Union Cemetemy. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow officiated. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHNa. MANUEL, C.G.A. Incomne Tax a nd Related Accoun-ting Services 67, King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmnanville, Ontario, Li C 1N4 Locke's TV Electrons played back to back games with Whitby Merchants on the weekend, losing the away game by one run and then clobbering them 11-2 here on Su nday afternoon. A completereport of the games to date has not yet been received but this picture shows Jim Dunn scrambling for home from third and one runner crossing the plate during the second two-run double of the afternoon. Os hawa Fr.. Methodist Churchi TruI's Road (Darlington 15) 725-3606 REV. DAVID A. DYER 725-3872 Sunday, June 6, 1976 10 a.m. - Sunday Schaol ili a.m. - Marning Worship Service J'THE PLAN 0F THE SPIRIT 7 p.m. - Sunday Evening Fellawship Hour Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Haur Bowmanville Pentecostal Church .75 LIBERTY- STREET SOUTH Sunday'Services 1 - ý ý ý - 1 IL

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