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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1976, p. 13

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BARIEI - Tom andSal (Langmaid) happiIyannounce the arrivai of Jessica Mar- lene, born June 1, 1976 at Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville, weighing 6 Ibs. 141/2 azs. Special thanks to Dr's Anfossi and Ewert and ta the great staff on maternity. 23-lx HOAR - Thomas and Linda (nee Smith) proudly annaunce the arrivai of their son, Jason Sidney, weighingin at 8 Ibs. 4 ozs. on June 4. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Special thanks ta' Dr. A. F. McKenzie and Bowman- ville Memorial maternity staff. 23-1 MEADOWS - ta Bruce and Laura (nee Wood) a baby boy, Brandon Shane, 7 lbs. 10 azs. at Oshawa General Hospital, May 31, 1976. A brother for Nealey. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wood, Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. A. Rager Meadows, Bowman- ville. 23-1 STAPLES- David and Shar- on (nee Tamblyn) are pleased ta announce the birth of their first child, Aaron Mathew Christian, who arrived on May 31, 1976 weighing 8 lbs. 3 azs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples and' Mr. and Mrs. Carias Tamblyn bath of Orano. Spec- il thanks ta Dr. Lai and nurses of 4th and 5th floars of Oshawa General Hosptal. 23-1 TRYON'- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morrison, Oshawa, are praud g randparents of Timothy Wayne born April 30, Kirkland Lake. Parents are daughter Uînda and husband Charles ryon. 23-1 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Naylar cordially in- vite their friends and neigh- bars ta a 4th Wedding Anniversary Receptian and Tea, ta be held at their home, 27 Athabasca Street, Oshawa, on Sunday, June 27th, 1976 from 2 ta 6 p.m. Best wishes only. 23-1 x Open Hause is being held at aur home, R.R. 4, Bawman- ville on Saturday, June 12 from 2-5 p.m. and 7 1p.m n. And also an Sunday, June 13 from 1:30 tii 4 p.m. This invitation, we extend toaail. Garnet and Annabelle >Rickard 22-2 Gr aduates of Courtice Secondary School and friends . *. you are cordially invited ta attend a reunian ta hanar Mr. J. E. Speers, on the occasion of his retirement ta be held at Courtice Secondary Schoal an Saturday, June 12, 1976 f rom 2 -4:30 p. 1m. 231 Ross, Laura, Joe, and Paul would like friends, neighbars and relatives ta came and celebrate' the 25th Wedding Anniversary of their parents, Marshall and May Francis, Sunday, -June 2th fram 7 - 9 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall, Baot Street, Brooklin, Ontario. 23-2 ANNAERT, Karel - At Tilli sonburg Memarial Hospital on June 8, 1976 in his 72nd year. Beloved husband of Madeline De Vleeschauwer, dear father of Roger, Oshawa; Maurice, Orono; Willy, Alymer ; Mar- garet (Mrs. DePa pe) Delhi and Lucien, Bawmanville. Dear grandfather of 13 grand- chiidren. Resting at the Mur- phy Funeral Home, Delhi for service on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. from the Roman Cathoi ic church. Rosary at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday evening lat the Funeral Home. 23-1 BALL - At Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmanville, Tuesday, June 8th, 1976, William Roy Balil, 10 Liberty St. S., Bowmanveille (formerly of Orono), i n his 74th year, beloved husband of Elsie May Lockwood, dear father of Ronald, Bowmanvilie and Donna (Mrs. Roger Goodwin), Oshawa. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawman- ville, for service on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations ta Can- .3dian Cancer Society would be 3ppreciated. 23-1 FARRELL - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Thursday, June 3, 1976, Ed- ward Walter Farrell, Orono, aged 89 years. Beioved hus- band of Annie Anderson, dear father of Ernest, Cobourg; Eva (Mrs. J. Gibsan) Orono; Mrs. Albert Strickland, Lon- don, and Patricia (Mrs. James Stri ckland) Cobourg. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orona. Service was held from the, Chapel on Saturday at 1 p.m. Interment Orono Ceme- tery. 23-1 FISHER - Suddenly, at Huntsville, Tuesday, June Ist, 1976, Emerson Warfield Fish- er, of Newcastle, aged 68 years, beloved husband of Bertha Kellar, dear father of Hazel May (Mrs. Ronald Munra), Newcastle, William James, Summerside, P.EI1, Merle (Mrs. J. Villeneuve), Kinmount, Jon B., Pontypoal. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, an Friday afternaan. Interment Bond Head Ceme-, tery. 231 GILHOOLY - At Mernorial Hospital, Bawmanville, Wed- nesday, June 2nd, 1976, Helen Wight, aged 51 years, beloved wife af Don Gilhooly, dear mother of Jeff and Michael. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawman- ville, on Friday afternoon. Interm ent Bawmanville Cemetery. 23-1 LEGGOTT - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, June 2nd, 1976, Han- nah W. Leggtt, aged 87 yèars, wife of the late Samuel Leggott, dear mother of Mar- lon (Mrs. Esmond Ros s), Taronto, grandmother of Mary, Dorothy and Allan, great grandmother of Paul and Karen Duff, and Jennifer Ross. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manvîlle, on Saturday morn- ing.ý Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 23-1 RICHARDS - At Oshawa Hospital,, Friday, June 4th, 1976, Gearge E. Richards, aged 68 years, beloved hus- band of Elsie Yeo, dear father of Alan, London and Glenn, Oshawa, grandfather of 7 grandchildren, brother of Garnet, Leonard, Lloyd, Ross and Hilda (Mrs. Kenneth, Rundie). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowanvl ton -NMonday atternoon. Interment Beth- esda Cemetery. 23-1 STAINTON - At Barrie, on Saturday, June th, 1976, Doris Elaine Stainton, aged 21 years, beloved daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Len Stintan, Enniskillen, dear sister of Linda (Mrs. Cryderman), R.R. 1, Hampton, David, Cobourg, Gail (Mrs. T. Hock- in), Elmvale, granddaughter of Mrs. Edith Stainton,,Ennis- killen. Service was held in the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Monday after- noan. Interment Pine Grave Cemetery, Prince Albert. 23-1 "Flowers Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery to ... Oshawa - Bawmanvill, Are& Pbhonie 623-4441 43-tf CARNATION, For Al Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 Sin ce 1912, e FIomers JACKMAN.. PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanvilie 45-tf noRtb6Utt eLfoýtt Funeral Home Your thoughtfulfless for others is our first concern. We wiII arrange for charitable foundatioris donations (such as Heart or Cancer Society) ta be acknowledged anywhere in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgernert card present on the samne day, with the ther tributes. This is part of aur service to the commuFlity. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 D~urham Counfy's Oldesf Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL, CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS P hone 623-5480 Day or Night14 Serving fhis district for 96 years. The forthcaming marriage of Deborah Lynn Colbary, daug hter of Mrs.-Vivian Dunn of S. Carolina and the late Douglas Colbary, and Mr. Pau[ Hutchins, son af Mr. and Mrs. Orbert Hutchins of Barre, Vermont. Bothare in the U.S. Navy stationed in Newfoundland. The wedding will take place July 3lst in Vermont. 23-1ix BEAUPRIE - In loving memary of my dear husband lrwin who passed away June lSth, 1975. Thaugh tears in my eyes do not glisten And my face is not always sad There is not a night or morn ing But I think of the husband i had. Not a day do i, farget you, In my heart you are always here, For I loved you and i miss you, As 'it ends the first lonely year. - Sadly missed by wife Kay. 23-1 BEAUPRIE- In laving memary of a dear father, father-in-law and grandfather lrwin C. who passed away suddenly June lSth, 1975. To your resting place we visit, And place flowers there with care, But no one knows the heart- ache, When we turn and leave you there. May the winds of Heaven blow gently, On that quiet peaceful spot, Where our dear "Dad" lies sleeping And will neyer be forgot. - Always remembered, sadly missea by daughter Karen, Rick, Kevin and Steven. 23-1 BEAUPRIE - In loving memary of my dear father who passed away June 15, 1975. What we wauld give if we cauld say Hello, Dad, in the same aid way; Ta hear your vaice, see you smiie, To sit with 'you and chat awhile. So vou who have a Father, Cherish him with care, For yau'll neyer know the heartacQbe 'Tii yau see his vacant chair. - Sadly missed by son Randy, daughter-in-law Gail, and grandaughter Melanie. 3l GRACE - In laving memary of my dear husband Alfred who passed away June 11, 1975. Every day in some small way Memories af you come aur way; Thauah absent, You are near, Stili missed, iaved, always dear. -Always remembered by wife Florence, Linda, Larry, and Patricia. i 23-1ix LYC ETT - In laving memory of a dear grandmother, Lois Lycett, who passed away iune 13, 1975. Please God, take a message To our Grandma in heaven above, Tell her haw much we miss her And give her aillaur lave. - Sadly missed by grand- children Elgin, Deneen and Dayne. 23-1 LYCETT- In loving memory of a dear mother and mother- in-law, Lois Lycett who pass ,ed away June 13, 1975. We do not need a special day To bring yau to our mind, For the days we do not think af you Are very hard to find. If ail the world were ours ta We'd give it, yes, and more To see the face of Mother dear Came smiling at the door. - Too dearly loved ta ever be fargotten, son Dayne, daughter-in-law Linda. 23-1 LYCETT - In loving memory VANSLYKE - In loving memary of a dear mother, sîster and aunt who passed away June l4th, 1974. Two years have passed away But the memory af you will always stay. - Sadly m issed by son Ernest, sister Myrtie, niece Betty and family. 23-1ix TURNEY- In loving mem-, ory of a dear mother, Clara, who passed away June 8, 1974 and a dear father, Ernest, who passed away July 6, 1966. T heir presence we miss Their memary we treasure Loving them always Forgetting them neyer. - Always remembered by Harold, Isabeil, Claude, Glen and family. 23-1 WERRY, Boyd John Alex- ander - who passed away June 7, 1974. t is sad ta walk the road alane, lnstead of side by side. But t alal there cames a moment, When the ways.of lite divide; You gave us years of' happi- ness Then came sorrow and tears, But1 you left us beautiful memaries We will treasure through the years. - Lovingly remembered ai- ways, wife Shirley, daughters Lynne, Bonny, Jean. 2- We wish to thank ail the friends of Enfield and Ennis- killen for the lovely swag lamp they gave us at Enfield. A special thanks goes toalal the ladies who helped ta serve lunch and make it a most eniayable evening. Cecil and Helena Rahm 23-1 x The family of the late Helen Gilhooiy wish ta thank their relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the beautiful floral tributes, donations, cards and the many kind expressions of sympathy during the recent bereavement of a dear wife and mother. Special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie, the staff and nurses at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville and the doctars, staff and nurses at Mount 5mnai Hosptal. Aiso Morris Funeral C'hapel, Rev. Ama- cher and Trinity U.C.W. Don Gilhoaly, Jeff and Michael. i wish ta extend My sincere thanks ta relatives and friends for lovely cards, g-tts' andt visits. Special thanks ta Dr. Tockey, Dr. Spraule and nursing staff on Floor 5G of Oshawa General Hospital dur- ing my recent stay. Also fhanks ta Dr. Antossi. Reta Gorham 23-1 I wauld like ta thank My wonderful friends and rela- tives, Legion ladies, Rebe- kahs, Salvatian Army, Sun- shine Club, Senior Citizens, Kay Forsey, United Church members and minister for cards and visits. Also Ron and Gwen Massey for wanderful care after hospitalization, nurses on 2nd and 3rd floor, kitchen staff for wanderful food and helpers who assisted n my recavery. Also Drs. Sieman, Long, Mikios and X-ray staff. Amy Tait 23-1 Mr. George Wolfe wishes to thank the medical staff -and nurses of Part Perry and Oshawa hospitals for their kindness and care during his recent illness. Many thanks to ail his friends for their thoughtful prayers, gifts and cards. 23-1 Wewould Ilike to express our most sincere thanks to first aur family, Shirley, Steven and Nancy and also other famiiy members and Gayle for.the surprise family dinner on Saturday evening and open hause on Sunday, celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. We would also like ta thank friends, neighbors and rela- tives who called Sunday affernoon and dijring the week with cards, gifts, flowers and best wishes. This happy occa- sion' will long be remembered and cherished. Jean and Glenn Alun 23-1 Our sincere thanks ta all who attended aur retirement party Sunday evening in Newcastle United Church and gave so generously ta our gitts. With a special thank you ta the organizin g committee. Margaret and Tommy Smith 23-1 We sincerely thank all friends and relatives and the Town of Newcastle for flow- ers, gifts and cards received on our 5th weddirig anniver- sary. Roy and Myrtie McDonald 23-lx WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL 0F AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the only completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schoals Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Aberta or Phonie 782-6215 20-9 amoa 5 a SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Lt d. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special110 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appintment 45-tf FREE Venereal Diseaise Clinic in Oshawa Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 p.m. Telephane723 8521 C. C. Stewart, M.-D.-, D. P.H. Medical Officer of Health Don't Worry - Be Sure!I 23-4 ANN BRADLEY Permanient Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX, LADY'S Whittnauer watch, red leather band. Phone 263-2774. - - 23-1ix GERMAN Shepherd, part Greyhound, male, 8 months. Free to gaad home. phone 623-5411. 23-1 BOYVIERS des Flanderes puppies. Registered. Phone 263-2312. 22-2 REGISTERED puppies for sale. Doberman pinschers, Irish setters and cocker span- els, ail are needled and wormed. Phone 623-2805. 22-2 BRITTANY spaniel pups, reg- istered, wormed, tattooed, puppy shot, excellent hunting dag, intelligent and loving pets. Phone 728-7200. 2- Boa rd Your Dog! A home away f rom home. Long runs, clean, veterinary service. Free pickup and delivery. R.T.V.V. KENNELS Phone 623-6892 15 tf LAUYs ring taund in Marina area. ldentify same. Phone 623-3973. 23-1 .s .... .....a Tyrone Orange Lodge Church Service will be held an Sunday, June 13, 1976 at 11:00- a.m. Everybody welcome. 23-1ix Semi Annual Orange Lodge County meeting of West Dur- hamwill beheldat Purpie Hill on Manday, June 14, 1976 at 8: 00 P . M.23-1ix APPEARING AT The Queen's Motel Newcastle Bobby Adams and His Blue River Boys Friday - Saturday Junelland 12 Dancing 9 -1 Fish and Chips all you can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Antiques bought and sold. Open every Fiday, Saturday and Sunday. Acres Restau- rant, Taunton Road. 21-4x MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH Sundlay School Annîversary Sun., J une 20 2:30 p.m. Guest Speaker MR. NORMAN WYMAN of the Open Air Campaîgners Ventri loquism Giant Sketch Board and Gospel Magic The Gospel presented in a different wa y. 23-2 Don't miss Yelvertan United Church's annual saiad and hamn garden party ta be heid an Friday, June llth com- mencing at 5 p.m. Admission aduits $2.50, children under 12 $1.00, pre-school free. 22-2 "Salad Supper" -Pantypool United Church, Wednesday, June 16, commencing at 4 p.m. Admission: Aduits $2.50, 12 and under $1.25. 22-2 The public is cardially invited ta attend a Retirement Tea in honor of Miss Marjorie Couch on Wednesday, June 16 fram 3to 5 p.m. and 7 f0 9 p.m. in Lord Elgin School, 140 High Street, Bowmanville. 22-2 NEW HOURS BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 8p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5p.m. 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville 623-7322 ANNUAL SPRING HOBBY SHOW Frida y, June il f rom 2 - 4 p. m. HOBBY CORNER 27 Horsey Street Bowmanville For mare information please phone Helen Van Dusen. 623-3587 23-1 Ebenezer United Church Sunday School Anniversary, June 13 - 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Basil Long, Orono. Special music and singing. Evemyane welcome. 23-lx Hampton W4. I. Stmawbemmy - Dessert Tea, June 24. C.E. wing 1:30- 4:30. Pr izes. Admission $1.00. Children under 6 free. 23-x Prout Family Picnic, June 20, at Haydon Cammu nity Centre at 4p..Ptuc lunch. Hot watem available. Came ain or shine. 23-2x, MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50tff WOODV IEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M, RED BARN - WAýYNE ST. OSHAWA Club Annrene Dance Banquet Hall available your group's fund ra activities. Book yaur year's dates now while cl dates are stili avail Contact Don Armstroni 576-5522 or 576-6599. Decoration Day wi observed in Hampton1 Cemetemy on June 13 ai p.m. Rev. L. Bigby of I killen, guest speaker. PLAN TO ATTEND Strathaven Nursing Homne (264 King Street East: TEA & BAZAA Wednesday, June 23,1i9 2 p.m. - 4p.m. Arts and crafts by thE residents., 21 -tf and e for ising next -hoice lable. ig at 48-tf Il be North ft 2:30 Ennis- 22-2. ýR 976 22-2 23-2 Waverley Communify Association JUNE DANCE To be HeId in Newcastle Community Hall King Street, Newcastle ON SATURDAY, JUNE l9th, 1976 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets: $5.00 per couple for members, $7.00 per couple for non-members* FOR TICKETS PLEASE CALL 623-4307 or 623-3638 or 623-3080 23-2 Waverley Community Association GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Wednesday, June 23rd, 1976 IN, COUNCIL CHAMBERS (Fire Hall at Church Street) al 8: 00 p.m. Sharp Corne and tell the executive what you want them fo do for your community. ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hamptan 263-2294. 19-tf Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground alumninumn pools ieft over from 1975 seasan, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5t AIl kinds of machinery. SelI. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf SWIMMING pool for sale: Moving - will seli you 16 x 32 above graund Madular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment &Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee 576-5606 COME IN AND SEE' R.K.S. HOMES LIMITED Your Pyramid Sectional Home Dealer Lindsay, Ontario 705-324-6136 After Hours Caîl: Laverne Chapman 705-324-9438 USED EQUIPMENT 22 Massey, tractor $800. W-D Allis Chaîmer tractor with loader, row crop $900. FarmaîIl H tractor with loader $800. 30 Massey tractor $650. 47 Inter- national bailer $2000. C-32 International Mower $600. 100 Int. side mounted miower $250. Case model T-A semi-mounted, mower $400. Case side deli- very rake '$600. C-28 Int. mounted mower $495. NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS 1100 Traiîing mower 7' cut $1295. 230 Windrower with 121/2' platform, $7900. Robinson and Kitchen Farm Equipment Limited Lindsay, Ontaria 705-324-6136. 1/2 mile east junction 7 and 35 highways south of Lindsay. 23-1 23" T.V. black and white, (excellent condition), one classic chestemfield and chair (excellent condition), one encyclopedia set (two years aid), one large crib (fair condition), one wringer wash- ing machine, one propane trailer furnace, three dres- sers. Phone 623-6010. 23-1 YARD sale - Saturday, June 12, from 10 a.m., Hampton opposite Greenway's Garage. Antique high chair çonverts ta rocker, horse hair couch, iran beds, springs, used steel roafing, portable typewriter, dresser, books, windows, odd chairs, aid wood box and more. 23-lx doAWA SCREENED SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUcTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & EARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL IT~I DELIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS F'OR RE<NT SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. SEVEN harse power M.F. riding tractar with mower, snow blade and chain. Phone 1-786-2441. 22-2 FOUR tobacco kîlns, best offer. Cail evenings 1-983-9119. 23-2x SWIMMING pool wholesaler -must dispose of 1975 alumin- umn pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehause space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cali Gord collect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18 tf 1974 750 HONDA wîth wi nd- jammer, backrest, carrier and high rise seat. Muse seli. $2200 or best affer. Phone 1-983-9214. 23-lx DUNE buggy, excellent condi- tion, 1600 c.c. $400. Phone 1-983-5870, ask for Ken. 23-lx CHESTERFIELD suites, dressers, chrome suites, library desk, hi-fi set, dining roamn table, kitchen tables, chrome dîning and office, chairs, girls bicycle, crib, car bed, buffets, pocket novels, alsa other good used furniture. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 23-1 WEDDING dress and veil, size 11, sheer long sleeves and attached chapel train. Pearîs on dress. Must be seen. Paid $300. Best offer. Phone 576- 6654anytime. 23-1 WEIGHT lifting set (York). Barbelis, dumbelis, kettie- beils, iron shoes. Approxi- mately 200 lbs. total. lnciuding charts and courses. Phone 623-5815. 23-if 1972 KAWASAKI l75trai bike completely overhauled. Cali atter 5, 1-983-5361. 23-2 WESTERN sadd le, bridie and breast collar, black, excellent condition. Asking $275. Cail 263-2969. 23-1 '72 NORTON "750- Comman- der, new clutch, rebuilt engine and certified. Caîl 983-5187 evenings. 23-1 CAS E 200 baler, for parts, 3 pony saddles. Phone 623-2171. 23-1 GARAGE saie,nSat., June 12, fram 10 a.m. 'tii 1 p.m. Tires, odd pieces af furniture,,child- ren's bicycles, used girl's clathing. "The Patters" Solina Road, 11/2, miles north of Highway 2 on west side. - 23-1 HOUSE trailer, homemade, blue, $150. Also deep freeze $150. Phone 623-2161. 23-1 FRONT door unit 78" W x 841/2" H, oak sili, 18" side lights, 34" cedar panel doors, baked enamel storm screen insul glass, complete hard- ware . Phone 623-5061. , 23-1 ALUMINUM truck cap, 30" high, 8 ft. long, blue with brawn sides, roof racks, sliding front window, panelled with 2" insulation . il ft. camper far 3/4 ton truck, with furnace, tailet, fridge, stove plus twa water tanks. '72 Dodge V-8, power steering and brakes. Contact 705-983-9435. 23-1 MAROON and white Pedigree pram, good condition. $40. Phone 263-2517. 23-1 ELECTROHOME 23" black and white TV, goad condition. Phone 623-2111. 23-1 3 H.P. Evinrude motar with tank. Phone 623-5968. 23-1 MEYERS hay canditioner in working condition. $200. Wil- liam Tamblyn 1-983-5550. 23-1 EXPANSION chambers ýfor 500 or 750 Kawasaki. Best offer by Friday, June il. Caîl 62-3609. 23-1 KENMORE' 2-speed vacuum cleaner -w ith beater-bar attachment. Like new, $150. Phone 263-2764. 23-ix CONTENTS of, hause for sale including 9 pc. walnu- dining room suite, fridge, stove, chesterfield, washer, etc. Phone 623-6636, 142 Wel1i ngton St. 23-1 WAGON, mower machine, scale, 100' beits, discs, grain auger, hammer miii. Phone 728-9980. 22-2x LARGE baby's crib, single bed with mattress and box springs. Like new. Phone 623-4798. 123-1 14' CANQE, new. Phone 623-2169. 23-1 SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over fram 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terlms. 'Caîl collect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf DRY bagged shavings for sale. Custom Lumber and Millwork Ltd., Bolton, Ont. Phone Bolton 416-857-1882. $1.00 per bag. 22-2 LARGE Viking refrigerator with' freezer top, 18 months old; also white painted bed- roomn dresser. Phone 623-5991. 22-2x Pineridge Tire Sales, TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf TOP sal, Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf CEDAR fence rails at Burke- ton Garage. Phone 263-2311. 22-4x CARPETS of ail kinds, customn made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professional- ly instalied. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bawmanville. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf SWIMMING Pool. less than. 1one year aId. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cosý $4,500. Must seli immediately, will sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Caîl Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. il-tf ASPARAGUS at Ted Barn- owski Farms. For pick-up arders phone Newtonvîlle 786- 2202. 18-tf LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Ca11 728-1122. 12-tf PADDY'S Market naw ha2 new furriture, appliances, T.V/s and stereas and alsc, used furniture and appliances Wfil accept trade-ins. Paddy'É Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-ti USED Fur niture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241.- 26-tf TWO 16' cedar strip canoes, suitable for scout troup. Best affer. Phone 576-2970 after six. 23-1 SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwaad, abave g round pool. 16 x 24 1 yr. aid. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cail Mr. Harvey, collect, days or eveninas, 416-625-8819. il-tf Scrap Paper Many uses. STATESMAN OFFICE 66 King St. W. 2 - Aluminum Sheets 24"" x 36" .25 each, quantities .20 each. STATESMAN OFFICE 66 King St. W. Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Li berty Street Narth Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darlington Township. TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, flanish, bedroom, complete; linq room, 9 piece; living -i;wall unit, cottee maies, .w furniture, very reason- able. Phon'e 1-247-4377. 10O-tf Adertising helps go0od things happen., - 1 23-1.

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