2, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 9, 1976 Section Two 'Out ofâ the Mlouths of Babes"' by E.P. Chant Heré we go again. In last week's article I commented on the crusade being waged by the reporters of this, very newspaper against obscenities in locally-perform ed piays. An added "Editor's Note" read: " .... Why don't you stick to writing instead of considering yourself a drama critie? You'll be a lot happier with the simple things in life, if yQu don't try to change the world ail by yourself." I'd like- to respond by counter-requesting that the reporters stick to writing instead of considering themselves drama critics. Furthermore, if you haven't heard, the world has changed îtself and it is you people who are now in the minority - the sugary (and useless) "fifties musical" is gone, except for the music which, at least, had some redeeming qualities. 1 arn not saying let's bring in "Oh, Calcutta! " and stage it in the high school . Larn saying let's not scare off anyone that wants to stage an entertain- ing, relevant play that may happen to have some four-(or five-) letter words. "A Chorus Line", the Broadway musical which has received nine "Tonys" and rave reviews throughout the Western Hem- isphere, could conceivably be described as a trashy, dîsgust- îng, and obscene piece of literature by "The States- man" instead of the master- piece which it is. Ail this because several writers want to march us back to the Vit orian codes? 1 say if they can't stand the heat in the theatre... 0f course, the line must be drawn -somewhere. Smut for smut's sake is more easily seen than many people think. You can tell if a certain scene or line in a play is necessary by simply taking it out and seeîng if the play can stand without it. But, to have a director or actor second- guessing himfself in every situation is bad for theatre and bad entertainment. Such was the case of "How the Other Haîf Loves". I attended this play as an audience memnber and found it well-produced, weii-acted, and extremely. well-received. 1 was shocked, as were many (judging fromn the "Letters to the Editor">, by Shawn, Marshall's review which took offence to some of the language in the play. The language was quite appropri- ate to the situation and by no means excessive (note also that the play was clearly labelled as aduit entertain- ment),. Excluding Mr. Mar- shall, even the chiidren present seemed to enjoy the play andi didn't leave practic- ing new profanities. t was a good night's- entertainment and let us hope that "The Statesman" has not scared this fine troupe into hiding. I alsocharge" i'ast week that a reviewer must now count the swear-words in a play before it is evaluated (if it is evaluated at ail). The "Editor's Note" read: " .... the three plays (performed in May) were evaluated as "good" entertainment, and as an after-thought, it was com- #mented on as remarkable in this day and age that three plays could be found that dîd not contain "obscene" language. " The editor was quite correct - that was, as far as the evaluation went - it was brilliantly (from a literary I TR'E INCOME TAX PEOPLE *TO: 48WaterStreef K9H 3L8 M Please send me your brochure outlining the H & R Block Frin' chIse Program. 1 understand there is no obligation on my part. f MName AddressI M City/State/Zi p Code__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ sTelephone No._____________________ Fred's Fruit Market in Process of Major Expansion A popular spot on 115-35 highway south of Orono, Fred's Fruit ïMarket has found that busiiness is so brisk that it wouldn't be handled in the small building that has been almost a landmark in the area for a number of years. So, amuch larger structure has been erected at the rear and the small shop wilI soon' be moved out of its location. Drop by and inspeet the new premises anytime. Fred will be happy to see you. standpoint) described as "good" entertainment. How- ever, the after-thought more correctiy read: "Lt was interesting to note that in not one of the three pinys was foul language used, or obscene or questionable scenes."1 -(from "The Statesman", May 26, 1976: first section, page 6) 1 thînk that proves my point that the evaluations are weak, but the language is being scrutinized closely enough to see that" not one of the three pinys" hadany foui language. Perhaps this is making too big a thing out of it, you may think. I disagree. Together with a personal interest in the subject. (I was in one of the three plays in question), I also have an interest, in a much broader subject which en- compasses the subject matter of this article - censorship. That is, the influence which a few supposedly - deserved community leaders (such as "The Statesman") have on the people of the community. Together with a couple of my colleagues and friends, I researched the issue of censorship for a debate sev- eral months ago. I think I can safeiy say that we have rend more on this topic than the average person and that our Stru cture I Introducei Dramatic changes structure of th-e Re Durham have been p in the Ontario legisla Durham MPP's Doug (NDP-Durham East), Gudfrey (NDP-Durhar and Oshawa MPF Breaugh. The three NDP repi tives calied for chang included dropping; Uxbridge and Brock fi regional structure of D Other changes recuî ed by the three MPPs the election of a r council chairman frunm the five remaining mu ities of Newcastle, C Whitby, Ajax and Pie druppîng the five mu mayors fromn represe Now available in Durham Region 24 HOUR SERVICE by the Durham Home Owneis Service Ltd. The Campany was formed by the many years combined experience ci respecte=dcnt ract ors in the Durham arec. Ifs primary purpose is to safegu'ard members from overcharging and poor MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS *.24 Hour Emergency Service * Day or Night Protection * Double Guarantee * Free Estimtes e Guaranteeed Completion e Specialized Service 519-e5070O e Ltest Met hods and materials a One Colt Convenience e Credif Conven ience, e AIl trodes available e Convenient centiFaI biling e Expert odvice resuiting conclusions were of a rational nature, rather than, emotional. I think that we al reached the conclusion that censorship was an evil - not even a necessary evil - and that there are better ways to protect society's murais than simply appointing a few government censors and handing them scissors. "The Statesman" bas a similar duty to its readers - to eliminate this liberty-restrict- ing Victorian prudery and grow into the twentieth century. t must recognize, paraphrasing the character Colonel Drummond from the play, "Inherit the Wind", that a playwright doesn't just swear for the hell of it, but because there are so few expressive words in the Eng- lish language for certain situations that a writer must utilize even the four-letter ones at times to get a message across. Until it does su, 1 feel that "The Statesman" is presenting a tainted picture to the public and, in doing su, is doing, a disservice to the community. Ed's note: Dçar, dear, now you are an expert in the newspaper business. Wonder what our readers would say if our reporters decided there weren't enough dlean words in Changes for Region d in Logisature to thie on the counîcJi and leaving the gion of contrul ovet- waste disposaI roposed sites. waterwurks. sewers, tture by sidewalks and most roads in gMoffatt the hands of the municîpalities Charles instead of the region. n Wet The recommendations alsu Miecalled for one.regional plan- )resenta- ning department in place of S5ugog, the formation of a regional ýrom the health council and for both the )urhain. regionai and municipal ,mend- governments to finance their include debts separately. regional The government will not (i amung debate the private mêmbers' inicipal- bill from the three opposition )shawa, party members until a fal kering; session in the legislature. unicipal The bill is not expected tu go ntation as far as a stage in whîch the legisiature members vote on it. ,Dr. Godfrey said the pro- posais were aimed at forming the region into a "homo- geneous gruup" and aliowing the municipalities to run without regional interference. The amendments cali for separating the nurthern mun- icipalities of Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock from the region because their concerns, Dr. Godfrey said, were mainiy agriculturai and were differ- ent frum those of the lakefront areas. According to the MPP, no municipaiity would face high- er costs if control over waste disposai sites, water works, sidewalks, sewers and most ronds were returned to them. "Having two trucks (region- ai and municipal) on the streets is a waste of re- sources," lie said. Masons For 50 Years Two Orono Masons were recentiy presented with their 50 year pins at a regular meeting of the Orono -Masonfic Lodge. The recipients are HIarry Mercer and Harvey Winter. Bro. .arry Mercer is the ow-yier of a garage business which bas been at the samne location since 1921. He hias served for 18 years as a police trustee and he has been' a memnber of the Orono Hydro Electrie Comm-fissioni for 15 years _Bru. Mercer is rarried with four sons and one daughter. Bru. Winter is a retired sehoul teacher.who began his teaching career in Cowanvilie at the age of 17. He nuw lîves in Oshawa. Bru. Mercer was initiated into the Orono Lodge in 1922 and Bro. Winter joined the san lodge in 1925. the English language to liberty - ànd permissiveness express themselves in any could be part of what's wrong given article? I hope we don't with society today, do, you? ever bave to label our product ai nd just how far would you adult entertainment'. You allow this so-called liberty to don't suoî,ose ail this so-called go wîthout some restraints? Discuss Holiday Carry Overs at Region Headquarters Holiday carry-overs that councilior Allan McPhail allow regional employees who (Brock) said that if vacation haven't used. up 411 their time is not taken this year, the holiday time in one year to considerations wiii keep piling make up for it in the next have up year after year and add to been cailed a "lracket" by the problem. Newcastle councillor Ivan Councillor Don Lovelock Hobbs. (Whitby) said that such a According to Councillor situation wouldn't arise in a Hobbs, a member of the private company and hie regional Management coin-_ blamed the holiday problem mittee, holiday carry-overs on "poor regionai policy."1 are all right so long as they Management committee are legitimate. But, the coun- chairman, Allan Dewar, cillor said two regional (Oshawa) said the politicians employees shouid be advised shouldn't say whether or not to finish their holiday time this someone can take his hoiidays year rather than take extra next year. He said the time off in 1977. question of holiday carxýy Trhe two employees are Bob overs was an administrative Richardson, commissionerof responsibility.i works and Bill Twelvetrees,. The committee has recom- director of engineering. Both mended that the holiday have asked for carry overs On requests shouid be tabled for their holidays. They have two weeks until a report is vacation time pending from compiled. 1975 and have asked to take extra holiday timè in 1977 and OP REPORT* 1978. flà There are requests for WM holiday carry overs from 1.1 The Ontario Provincial employees in the public works Police in Newcastle were departmnent. They have asked called to the scene of 12 for carry overs ranging from automobile accidents between two days to 10 days. May 26 and June 1. Minor One of councillor Hobb's injuries were reported in four fellow committee members. of the 12 accidents. Carnegie Pro Hardware PrE QuaityHome Ap; Carnegie Pro Hardware Ltd., Bowmanville iý Simplicity uine of Quality Home Appliances. C, the values and let us show you why Simplicity Simplicity Automai components to n, Simplicity Automa warranty on ail par transmission andd W727Atoac Full range washir fabrics with twc and three wash lncluded fabrîc dispenser, lightec panel and pusil controls. I of si Pl S4 Gilson freezers offer a corn- plete quality line of chest & up- right freezers from 9.1 Cu. ft. to 23 cu. fi. Quality construction from their heavy gauge steel construction to their high density fibreglass insulation. SU P E RT--W U1N Gilson freezers feature a 5-year warranty on complete refrig- SPIN WASHER eration systern, î-ye-aronaul The completey portable supertwin, hançites 12 po as ther parts and 5-Vear Food f clothes at once (6 Ibs. washing and 6 Ibs. Spinnîng Spoilage Insurance. Corne in ÀnMutaneously). Large agitator wth 210 clegree arc and let us price the model for uMts aUI the wter ta work, gently easlng eut soit. Noe ornes ýpecial( hook-up required. yu ed $26998 COME IN AND White or GoId 36 King The OPP office also re-. covered or-. stolen car and investigated one thef t in- volving $160 during the seven day period. Three people were charged for drîving under a licence suspension. The police charged seven people with liquor violation,. and three for impairedl- driving. During the month of May the Newcastle OPP made seven charges under the new seat belt legisiation which has been in effect since Februarv 1. - ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME H EAT ~DVIr~ Bks ent s . . . ïIiances ýs proud f0 carry the orne in and check ouf quality costs you Iess! ti'c Laundry is designed with heavy duty nake them Iast and save you tirMe., atic Laundry carrys a two year parts rts a nd 5 yea r pa rts wa rra nty on washer dryer drum. Washer D747 Automatic Dryer ýng of ail Five push-button temrper- i speeds ature selector for Perma- icycles. Press, regular and two softener automnatic dry cycles. In- I control cludes, panel and interior 1 button Iights, door mounted lint trap and acrylic finish dru m. ENERGY hrIfSA VER DISHWASHER The Modern-Maid - Simplicity dishwas1her is a real time saver. Check these features; *6 push-button selection with two Energy Saving Cycles *Soft-food disposer eliminates pre-rinsing -16-place setting capacity Roll-out baskets and two spray armns *Available as converible or buîît-in models. SEE THE VALUES! a'dwa mmm re C"LARK PACKERS Now sel 1i igrta!il meats. Fridays and Saturdays 9 a .m. -p.m. Quality Beef from our own feed-lot. Go 1114 miles north of Welcome, 2 miles west, 3/mile north on Mast Woods Road, Aso freezer orders as weil as custom siaughtering, cutting and wrapping. CA LL W ELCOM E 753-2354 Ail Meats Government lnspected Carne gie e S )ia.Har iSt. E. LIMITED