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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1976, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville June 9. 1976 Town League Hockey Holds Presentation Banquet On Saturday evening at the Legion Hall, Queen St., individual award winners and the championship team in Town League hockey received trophies for their efforts, following a delicious dinner served by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion. Top photo shows the individual winners, from the left, Ron Hooper, the best defenceman; Ray Pickell, the most sportsmanlike player; Glenn Rice, scoring champion, most valuable player during the schedule and the playoffs, and Doug Hayes, the best goaltender. Kramp's Furniture team won the regular league play and also the playoffs. Team members are, front row, 1-r Glenn Rice, Chris Balson, Warner Wollraff, stick boy Steve Cole and Doug Hayes; back row, Randy Locke, Joe Balson, sponsor Fred Kramp with the County Chrysler trophy for winning during the regular schedule; Jim Brooks, Capt. Irv Gill with the Jack McNulty playoff trophy that was presented in his absence by Fred Cowle, Terry Baker, Brian Bradley, Don Rogers and Dan Girardi. Absent, Jerry McDonald and Joe Caruana. PO The annual Explorer ban- quet was held in the church on Thurs., June 3rd. The mem- bers of the two Explorer groups, their mothers and the leaders numbered more than fifty. Prizes were awarded for good attendance and for crafts. Following a delicious meal of chicken, salads, etc. games were played. New leaders are needed for the Explorers. Anyone wishing to help should contact Evelyn Bradley, Vivian Stoldt, Jean Grant or Dianne Combden. ANTI P.J.'S BRu 58 Rossland Rd. W Telephon SILVER - PIN GLASSWARE - F Underthes Renita's H Kindergar General Re fo P.V.N. R.C.S. St. Joseph Bowma invites new familie children during th for Septembei St. Joseph's Sc the commi Newcastle, Oro Courtice, Bowr surroundi Contact: R. GL PRINC Telephone NTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. George Van- Ray and Dorothy were the Dam Sr. attended a Silver recipients of many lovely gifts Wedding Anniversary for and each spoke a few words of friends in Castleton on Satur- thanks. A delicious lunch was day night. served. Pontypool Community Mr.andMrs.LanryBradley Centre was filled to overflow- were guests of Mn. and Mrs. ing on Saturday night for the M. Burley of Omemee on Silver Wedding Anniversary Sunday. They were honoured party for Mr. and Mrs. Ray with a surprise party cele- Gilbank. Music for dancing brating thein twentieth wed- was supplied by Fay, Glory ding anniversary. Many and Don Adams - D.J.'s. Wes. family membens were pre- Gilbank congratulated the sent. (In last week's column I honoured couple and did some erred again. A retirement neminiscing fron, the vast. party was held in Omemee for Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Fee - nota wedding anniversany). The Pontypool United a eChurch was well filled on thnksAyodteliciscasy servie.t r edPwro C-A-B RACManetville and Yelverton as Oshawa guest speaker. Special music 579-8991was supplied by "SWeet Char- ie 57-8991ity" - a group of ladies, -all members of Oshawa Choral E - POTTERETC. Society. The alta was beauti- hfully decorated with spring ;ame roof as bouquets. bair Styling Mr. and Mrs. Steve Angiers nof Vancouverare visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Genald Fisk following a be- lated honeymoon in France, -ten OndSwitzenland, Genmany and neigrboueing European countries. Altogether they covered a distance of 2200 on miles. Mrs. Loshaw, motheOhof Rita Zubowski, Grace and Ruth Richardson had ta, be rushed home ta Trenton and a n d 1 11, admiwedng anni tery). Tuesdaywhenshetook Uite ir tasitl tile oat Sunday B o a o rte Ai era servicpe withr. e o werof Nelle McCullough and Cliff sw School Curtis are bath home from hospital. Nellie bas been recuperating at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Smith in Betbany. Ms to register their Congratulations tav e Me- e month of June Cullough wbo celebrated bhis r placement. 91s birtbday last Friday. t of Vancouare vistng dthi weekwtheMM. and Mrs. McLaren and hoolservcesson-who have moved inta the unities of Brown home on the 5th line no, Hampton, (near the home of D'ancy te n 1eand rco) ani dNreminder taa of the ýng a rea. Johnny Cash film - "The Gospel Road" this weekend - JTTERIDGE also salad supper next Wed- APAL nesday. Congratulations ta the Tom Hoas on their recent arival. Mn. and Mrs. Fleury of the 4thl ine are flying an Friday ta Winnipeg to attend a Legion Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Lyon and Karen of Oshawa were Sunday visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dixon were home for the weekend with Mrs. Wilma Hyland and family. Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Peneder were their daughter, Marg- aret, son-in-law and two children from British Colum- bia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rusk (the former Karen Stinson) left on Tuesday to make their home in Kitimat, B.C. In local ball this past week, Pontypool Richardson Farms lost 3-2 to Omemee Coombes- Ferguson on Wed. night, but won over Regal Stationery 7-6 on Sunday. In the later game, Pontypool needed a late- inning home run by Gerry Fallis and an outstanding catch by Dean Joncas to hold off a 6 run Omemee rally in the ninth inning. Tuesday night action saw Cathmar Well Drilling lose to Port Perry 11-10 in a closely fought encounter. Pontypool Midgets defeated Millbrook 11-2;,®Pontypool Ladies sponsored by the Oasis Restaurant tied with Fraser- ville and the Junior Girls beat Cavan but lost to Blackstock. The swimming pool at Boyds' will be open this summer with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kish in charge. BETHANY Piano Recital Baskets of lilacs and tulips decorated the stage of the auditorium of Grandview Pub- lic School for the recital given by the pupils of Mrs. Jeanne McMahon on May 28th. Pupils participating were from Bethany, Pontypool, Millbrook, Fraserville, Cavan, Yelverton and Peter- borough areas. In Group One, solos were played by Dianne McCabe, Carolyn Cochrane, Amanda Worthington, Vivian Palmer, Gordon McCabe, Laurie Anne Sinclair, Lori Howe, and Ian Worthington. Duets were by Leisa and Leslie Armstrong; Hazel Carder and Jeanne McMahon; Patricia Jones and Jeanne McMahon. In Group Two, solos were by Beverley Johnston, April McQuaid, Donna Williams, Hugh Clifford, Louise Finney, Heather Strong, and Johnny Curtis. A trip was played by Bonnie Preston, Lianna Prest- on and Lynn McGill. In Group Three, solos were by Dianne Moncrief, Shelley Sisson, Connie Thexton, Karen Rowan, Laurie Skitch, Gordon Elson, Kimberley Hoy. A duet was played by Susan Ryley and Dawn White. Absent from this group were Wendy Cash- en who was ill and Tim Clifford who was involved in a school function. In Group Four, solos were played by Sandra Staples, Laurie Sisson, Lynn Scott, Heather McGill, Grant Curtis, Karen Youngman, Judy Kerr, and Patti Preston. Judy and Patti also played a duet and a trio was played by Lois Darroch, Janet Darroch and Sharon Palmer. Absent from this group due to school functions were Lynn Arm- strong and Barbara Howe. Between groups of piano numbers, the audience were entertained by Bethany's own comedienne, Mrs. Ruth Jen- nings, who rendered vocal solos with her own guitar accompaniment, and as an encore, brought her puppet partner "Dancin' Sam" who delighted everyone with his rhythmic antics to popular tunes played on the piano by Mrs. McMahon. Also adding a different musical touch to the evening were a "Rock" group, com- posed of five young people, four of whom attend Grand- view and one who attend LE. Weldon Secondary, namely Kevin Preston, Michael Jordan, Brian King, David King and Laurie Prager. These young people deserve a great deal of credit and encouragement. Their contri- bution to the program provid- ed a much appreciated inter- lude for those among us who appreciate what "rock" music means to our young people. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Braswell of Lydenhurst, New York, and Mrs. Marion Brook- bouse of Belleville were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank White. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon spent the Victoria Day week- end with Mrs. Ruby McMahon of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins of Orono were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. McMahon. Best wishes and congratu- lations on their 60th annivers- ary, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston who will be celebrat- ing it on the 14th of June officially but the family are throwing a party on Saturday evening in the Parish Hall. Grades seven and eight of Grandview Public Scbool en- joyed field trips to Midland and Ottawa last week. A Canadian Red Cross Summer Safety Tip: When making sharp turns, and when passing rowboats and canoes, slow down your motor boat. Jaycees Win Three Awards at Regional Convention Bowmanville Jaycees and Jaycettes held their Presi- dent's Ball on Saturday even- ing at Port Darlington Marina Hotel when there were many presentations inciuding three that had been received at the regional East York Conven- tion recently. In the popula- tion 'A' category, the local Jaycees unit won first place for a single outstanding unit achievement, 'Bowmanville Week'. First place for Com- munity Development, Bow- Wood, Vice President Enic manville Week, Santa Claus Ince and Secretary-Tneasuner Parade Float and Family Anton Tnejbal. Othen present- Christmas Night. They came ations included effective second for fund raising with speaking certificates of Erie Fiesta Passport Sales and Ince and Kani Mohen of Stanley Cup ticket draw* Jaycees and Karen Wood of Members of the 1976 executive Jaycettes. Spoke certificates are shown above holding the (new member serice awards received. They are, award) went to AI Wood, Eric left to right, Past PresidentIe and Jim Robinson. Larry Poo1er, Vice Presidént Spakplug Certificate (after Dave Madden, President AI lst year service awards) went to Larry Pooler. Honorary President Dave Stapley from Oshawa Jaycees was present- ed with a certificate of merit. Certificates of appreciation were presented to Mayor Garnet Rickard of the Town of Bowmanville and Publisher John James of The Canadian Statesman., A presidential award of honor was~presented to AI Wood and an award of hnor to Larry Pooler. Bowmanville Jaycettes Karen Wood was presented were honored at the recent with a certificate of ment for national convention in Toronto when retiring Presidentoutstanding service to the OPP REPORT During the past week the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle investigated 15 motor vehicle accidents and attended several general occurrences. These motor vehicle colli- sions caused injury to eight persons and as a result of investigation six persons have been charged with offences under the Highway Traffic Act and two persons have been charged with "Impaired Driving". The general occurrences investigated included offences such as, Break and Enter, Theft, Wilful Damage and Trespass. Nine persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Licence Act, two persons have been charged with offences under the Crim- inal Code and four persons have been charged with Impaired Driving. DRIVING TIP Stopping on the Highway Drivers One place not to stop your vebicle is on the travelled portion of a Highway. This is both dangerous and illegal. If for any reason you must stop on a Highway, always pull off onto the shoulder. Vehicles stopped on the tiavelled portion of a Highway have caused many serious colli- sions. When pulling back on the road again after a stop, make sure the road is clear and signal your intentions. These are simple precautions, but they can help prevent serious collisions. BABYSITTING As a Babysitter consider the following: - Before you leave home let your family know where you can be reached. - When you are going to baby- sit don't hitchhike or accept rides from strangers. - Phone home to advise that you arrived safely. - Know where the children's parents, can be contacted, get the address and phone num- ber. - In case of fire get the children out immediately, call the fire department. - Make a list of emergency numbers: Police, Fire, Ambulance, Doctor, Hospi- tal, Relatives, Neighbours. - Lock the doors. - Strangers may be trouble, don't admit them to the house. - Answer the phone, but don't let strangers know you are alone. - Report all suspicious activi- ties to parents or police immediately 24 Division St. N. local unit. Bowmanville Jay-V cettes also came second in effective speaking competi- tion and also receive a regional spokette. Local awards, presented at the President's Ball on Saturday at the Marina Hotel included certificates of merit for en- thusiasm and support of the unit to Mavis Ince, Leona Moher, Heather Moroz, Rho- dessa Stacey and Kathy Skribe, Honorary Past Pres. 1975-76 from Oshawa Jay- cettes Extension Committee. Spokette awards for service to the unit, outstanding active participation and upholding and promoted Jaycette ideals went to Karen Wood and Elaine Van Zanten. Presiden- tial award of honor was presented to Judith Nagel in acknowledgement of vigorous and effective support while serving as Vice President. The new officers are pictured above, from the left, Vice President Heather Moroz, President Elaine Van Zanten being congratulated by Hon. Past President Kathy Skribe, and Past President Karen Wood. Bowmanville Telephone 623-3221 or 579-2283 Experts in Air Conditioning - Sales and Service Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Walk-In Coolers "For a Cool Deal .. See Kuldeep" Jaycettes Receive Recognition at Regional Convention Take Advantage of theI on Air Conditioners at kool Enterprises STORE OPENING We wish to announce the opening of GERA RD'S GROCERY IN PONTYPOOL (formerly Stewart's Grocery) EFFECTIVE JUNE 14 Watch Our Grand Opening Specials Next Week Gerard and Jane Beaulieu Proprietors STORE HOURS: 7 Days-A-Week 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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