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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1976, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowma nviile, June 9 1976 FLASHBACK - 25 VEARS AGO- Ma yor Law- rence C. Mason will throw the first pitch to officially open the 1951 intermediate, basebal season, at the B.H.S. bail park when the Brookdale Roses meet Whitby Merchants. The Boy's Training School band, will perform. FLASHBACK - 10 YEARS AGO - Top ten bowlers in the Ladies Major Bowling League are D. Joli 240; B. Buday 232; O. Patfield 207, O. Etcher 205; D. Brooks 205; P. Haynes 204; B. Buttonshaw 204; H. Donoghue 203; J. Baker 202; S. Bickell 200. GAMES - in Men's Softball action at Memorial Park, on Wednesday, June 9 are Frank's Variety vs D and R Sports. Thursday Tim's Rentall vs Kramp Furniture and Stephen's Fuel vs D and R. Sports. Tuesday D and R Sports vs Frank's Variety and Tm's Rentai. SCHEDULES - We regret to advise that space limitations have made it impossible to publish the complete schedules that have been received for the many bâseball and other leagues throughout the area., At the moment, at least nine leagues have submitted schedules that would take far more space than is available. SOFTBALL - on Sunday, June l3th Fraser- ville vs Coombes and Ferguson, Dunford Electrie vs Pontypool and Bethany vs Regal Stationery. Last namne the home game. SOCCER - Thursday, in Senior Soccer games, Bowmanville at Tyrone, Tuesday, Newcastle at Orono. Junior action,, Thursday Mastra.ngelo at Tyrone, Tuesday Newcastle at Orono, Bowman- ville at Mastrangelo. ETOBICOKE - Centre Jaycee's are sponsor- ing the 3th Annual Ontario Truck Rodeo Championships, August 14 at Bramalea City Centre. Any truck or transport drive domiciled in Ontario who has been accident free for at least a year may qualify. There are three divisions of competition - two-axle truck and four and five axie tractor-trailer combinations. Winners will colleet $3,000 in cash awards and trophies. They will be eligible to participate in the Canadian Truck Roadeo Championship to be held in Calgary in September. Entry forms and other information available from P.0. Box 1, Etobicoke, Ont. or phone (416) 284-0869.. ELECTRONS - games are Wednesday, 6:30 at Soper Creek, Oshawa vs Bowmanville, Sunday, 2 p.m. Kendal, here. Wednesday 6:30 at Kendal. In Merchant Midget games E.O.B.A. Saturday at 1 Whitby visits Bowmanville. Tonight (Wednesday) Bowmanville visits Whitby 6 p.m. FORD - Motor Company, Ltd. have loaned the provincial'government 138 white Ford vans and pickups, valued at $666,735 to be used by 1,214 people in the summer employment pro- gram in employment in Conservation through- out the province, sponsored by the Ministry of Natural Resources. TRAINING COURS E - In 1976 it is expected that upwards of 100,000 motorcycles and mopeds will be sold in Canada. The motorcycle industry recognizes the need for safety and is offering a financial incentive to new owners. A discount of up to 10 per cent on new motorcycles to 250c. c. in sîze is being offered to graduates of the Canada Safety Council's Motorcycle Training Course. Transport Canada is directing $234,650 towards a National Motorcycle Training Course. In addition, Trans- port Canada has funded the production of a motorcycle training film entitled "Survival". The Council hopes to have a premiere showing of the film in both officiai languages in the bouse of Commons in the near future. Copies of the film will be, available for viewing through Provincial Co-operating Agencies, and the Canada Safety Council. Drives Homer Over Centre Field Fence Newtonville Waverly Orono. Mastrangelos Marina Newcastle TJyrone IDA Orono Newcastle Gien Rae Port Hope Flyers Wayne Hogg appears to play his best basebail when he's against Locke's TV Electrons. In an earlier game here, he scored Port Hope's two runs to give them a victory and on Sunday afternoon, he not only pitched a great game up to the sixth, but in that inning, he drove a mighty wallop over the centre field fence at Soper Creek Park to score three runs. The Electrons came back with three in their haif but couldn't gather in two more runs the easterners had scored earlier in the game although they had men on bases in almost every inning, ilere, Hogg is being congratulated by his teammates af ter his big hit. Locke's Electrons Drop, Give PortHfope aGood J by Don Fraser 10-1 victory. Doug Crougb error HE On Wednesday, June 2nd, started on the mound for the and was the Electrons travelied to Electrons and was pitching until thes Ajax for their first meeting of good bail until the roof feul in, a three ri the season and were beaten 7-3 in the fourth. H4e gave up Hogg. Jir in a game that was shortened seven runs on a total of nine relief an to six innings due to darkness. hits andtw walks. Jimr scoreiess Pitchers Barney Holmes Stacey compieted the game the game and Jim Dunn split the and gave up the remaining The E]E pîtcbing chores and gave up a three runs on five bits and one 'three runî total of seven hits but issued waik. Three Oshawa pitchers Tom Nom seven waiks and were in held the Bowmanviiie batters double, D trouble four out of the six to oniy two hits. A double by and St. J innings. Ajax scored a single Larry Forsey and a single by Stainton c, run in the first and two more Larry Perris. Like father like Port Hape in the third, fourth and sixth son, both Manager John a double] înnings. Bowmanviiie got one Staînton and first baseman Wayne1 in the first and two more in ths Ron Stainton were ejected mound far sixth. Water Wereszczynskî fromn the game in the sixth way ta 11( got three of the Electron's si inning. They gavE bits with one each going to Port Hope 5 - Bowmanville 3 hits while Parker, St. John and Wood-, Sunday afternoon at Soper For Bowrr ward. Creek although they iost the Dunn ga, Elecron cae upwit on ofstruck ouf Lose ta Legionnaires tElr et ots efu th aon of In their Saturday night under the thibetfftsotesaon the Elec iigbts in Kinsman Stadium in Pitcher Mike Corneil got off struck out Oshawa the Legionnaires ex- ta a shaky start in the first I imagine ploded for seven runs in the inning, giving up two runs on a will bee fourth inning and coasted to a single, two walks and an batting n. *Ïm's ,Three Battle le then settled down spitchîng steady baill sixth when he gave up run homer ta Wayne im Dunn came on in id beid Part Hope ýfor the remiaînder of ectrons scored their 'is in the sîxth when jwlan led off with a )oug Crough waiked John, Woodward and came up with singles. ,e ended the rally with play. Hogg started on the or Port Hope but gave [odgson in the sixth. ve up a total of seven le striking out aine. nanvilie, Corneil and ve up 10 hits and ut four. ir iast three games, otrons have been it a total of 29 times 50 ie manager Stainton calling some extra )ractises. Rent-,AIi Grab Shore 0f lst wi*th Decisive Wins by Dave Passant Tim's lient-Ail whipped Frank's Variety 6-1 and biank- ed D & R Sports il-O ta move into a tie for the lead in Men's Town League Sol tball action last week at Memorial Park. The other froat-runner, D & R Sports, won their 3rd contest in succession, 13-5 over Ste- phens Fuels, before being cauglit by Tim's, Kramp's Furniture remain a game out of top spot by spiitting their games. dropping an 8-3 deci- sion ta Frank's and slamming Stephens 11-3. Stephens 5 - D & R Sports 13 Tuesday, June ist's action saw the victors pound out 15 base bits off Fuelers Bob Wiliams (0-1) and Brent Fiintoff (2nd). D & R con- nected for 7 runs in the 2nd and 5 more in the 4th in the five inning bout. Ron Hayes (3-0) tossed a six-itter and aided bis awn cause with a 3 for 3 showing at the plate. Doug Sleep aiso bad a perfect evening at bat witb 3 safeties. Other D & R batters ta, reach safety, were John Dragstra (2), Dave Maynard (2), Jim Green, Dave Taylor, Brian Adams, Curt Vanstone and Dave Passant. Ron Rowntree and Bob Williams bad 2 bits each for Stephens wbiie Jim Ryorchuk and Rick Santo- mera bad singles. Tim's 6 - Frank's 1 Dick Stata (2-1) aiiowed only 5 base hits and led bis club witb a pair of singles. Frank's beld a sbort-lived lead after five before the roof feli in. Bill Cochrane (0-3) had a one-itter going before Tim's got ta hlm in the 6th witb four runs. Daryl Osmond (home run), Randy Donoghue, Jim Birtch, Paul Thiessen and Don Sheehan counted Tim's other bits. Bob Tugwood had a pair af singles for Frank's whiie Dave Cryderman, 'Kel Bamsey and Ted Brown each produced a safety. Frank's 8 - Kramp's 3 The Variety crew used a five rua lst inning ta gain their first win of tbe season on Wednesday, June 2nd. Harvey Webster picked up the Win in bis first start by scattering il bits. Frank's Steve Burns and Dave Cryderman rapped out tbreebits apiece whiie Peter Rupke (2), Bob Tugwood, Bill Cochrane, Harvey Webster, Kel Bamsey and Ted Bron were other batsmen. Dennis Bickeli (1-2) suffered the loss but stroked two bits. Other Kramp bits were by Len Kenny, Hon Hooper and Doug Kramp witb a pair eacb. Rick Woolner, Joe Caruana and Ken Ferris bad singles. Tim'sl11- D & R Sports 0 The winners jumped on starter Ron Hayes (3-1) for 10 runs in tbe first tbree inniags and coasted ta victory backed by the 2-hit pitcbing of Dick Stata (3-1). Dave Passant gave up one rua the rest of the way for D & R, repiacing Hayes lai the 4th. Paul Mclntyre was Tim's best with 3 base hits. Paul Thiessen, Len Eldridge and Dick Stata eacb had a pair of bits wbile Daryl Osmond, Randy Danagbue, Don Farsey and Don Sheehan eacb contributed one safety. John Dragstra and Dave Passant were D & R hitters. Stephens 3 - Kramp's 1l Len Kenny tamed Stephens offense witb a four-itter and Daug Kramp ripped three safeties, ta even Kramp's record at 2-2 in Thursday, June 3rds late clash. Ken Ferris knocked out twa bits, one a bomer, whiie Len Kenny, Neil Fry and Dennis Bickeli each had one base'bit. Terry Baker (1-2) took the loss. Jim Ryorcbuck (2), Bob Wiihams and Joe Humenick bad Fueler bits. LEAGUE STANDINGS Junior Games w L D 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 i1 0 Senior Games 1 0 o 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 o 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 by Toiny.Day The recreation soccer league started June lst. with teams from Bowmanville, O=no Newtonviile, New- cateand.Tyrone competing in two divisions representing approximiately 200 young people. Judging by the f irst games it Sr. W LT GFGA Pts. Hampton 3 2 18 9 8 Solina 4 1 12 8 8 Tyrone 3 1 114 6 7 Salem 1 3 11119 3 Orono 1 31 4 8 3 Zion 1 31 7 15 3 Courtice 2 2 4 6 2 Sat., May 29th - Tyrone 2, Golf ing Tips by Jay Lulge Blasting out of a sand trap from around the green is not a difficuit shot. The golfer should take his sand-wedge and aim about one inch to one inch and haif behind the bail. The golfer then aims slightly ta the ieft of the pin and opens up the face of the club. He takes a slightly more upright swing and swings through the shot completely. The distance the bail travels depends on bow hard you swing. Try this shot a few times, you wili be amazed how easy it is. Hampton 2; Orono 1, Courtice 1. May 3ist - Zion 4, Salem 3; Solina 1, Hampton 6. June 2nd - Tyrone 1, Orono 0; Courtice 1, Zion 1. June 5th - Salem 3, Hampton 3; Tyrone 0, Solina 2. ELIZABETH VILLE Regular church services were held at Garden Hili on Sunday. Rev. Robt. Bartlett spoke on, "You must have a dream." The choir sang. In the afternoon we had our annual Sunday School anni- versary here.- Rev. Bartlett brought us an excellent talk to the juniors. The chiidren sang a couple of songs. Mrs.ý B. Burton played. Our guest entertainer was unable to come and Rev. and Mrs. Bartiett fiiled in very nicely with a sing song. Lunch was served by the Sunday school. Mrs. McAlister, Mrs. Wheei- er and Mrs. Burton are to be PTS 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 will be an enjnyahie season for spectators and players alike. Ilhoughone team oftenffles on the scoreboard as Young sportsmen they ail gain, for instance when Waverly was defeated in their first game they stili had three cheers for the victors, Mastrangelos.. congratulated on the success New Zeaiand. Lunch was of the choir especially with served. such young chiidren. Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock, On Tuesday evening the Mrs. A. Trew, Milibrook and Women's Institute held their Mrs. Ken Trew from here last meeting of the summer. attended the graduation of Next meeting to be in Sept. Andrew Peacock at Trent The meeting was heid at Miss Peterborough on Saturday. . Edith Carruther's home. The Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock,- president, Mrs. Thickson pre- his parents from Kapuskasing sided. We had about twenty also attended. attending. The roll caîl was Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler "Iname a commonwealth spent the weekend here. country". The minutes of the Mr. and Mrs. J. Seven- last meeting were read by huysen, Toronto spent the Mrs. Morris. Any bis, were weekend in the area. approved. Programs for Most tobacco farmers have another year were handed out. finished planting. Mrs. J. Morris had typed thern The A.O.T.S. are having an up. Mrs. Wheeler brought a auction sale on June 9 at report from the District Keliogh's. Annuai. Miss Carruthers had A Canadian Red Cross the program and had invited Summer Safety Tip: Respect Mr. Alex Carruther's to show. the limitationis of your boat his pictures of Australia and and understand the limits of your own skills. au I ~ SELECT YOUR NEXT CAR FROM OUR OUTSTANDING USED CAR ASSORTMENT ... THEN KEEP ON THE GO WITH OUR MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION SDenotes one owner automobile. FAMILY CARS f1974 OLDSMOBILE DELTA ROYALE 2-Dr. Hardtop Fuily equipped with air conditioning, power windows, vinyl roof-, electric defroster, radio. Lic.' APB199 1974 CADILLAC DEVILLE 4-Dr. Hardtop *Fully ioaded with low mileage. Enjoy a comfortable holiday in this luxury car. Lic. HRK356 *1974 BUICK CENTURY LUXUS 2-Door V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, bucket seats, console, radio . .. sharp. Lic. HRC533 *1974 MONTE CARLO Local car, fully equipped. Lic. HRC676 *1974 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Door Just 21,190 miles on this Bowmanville car. V-8, automatic, power steering, brakes, radio, two tone paint, rustproofed. Lic. HRD127 *1973 LAU RENTIAN 4-Door Full sized comfort in this fully equipped car. Only 31,046 miles, Lic. DX0757 1973 LeSABRE CUSTOM 4-Door Hardtop Cornes equipped wifh 455 V-8 engine, power steering and brakes, radio, whitewalls. Only 25,013 miles on this immaculate car. Lic. DZR038 *1973 BUICK CENTURY 4-Door Popular intermediate sized Buick with V-8 engine automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, whitewa ls, wheel discs. Lic. HC1359 SPORTY CARS 1973 FIREBIRD Sporty Pontiac fully equipped with V-8, automnatic, power steering and brakes, bucket seats, console, radio, rear speakers, defogger. Lic. EAZ2-98 f1973 PONTIlAC "GRAND AM" Collectors item, no longer available, this classy LeMans comes fully equipped with V-8, automnatic, power steering, power brakes, radial tires, radio, rear speaker, bucket seats, console, power windows, electric defroster, mag wheels. . sharp. Lic. EBB703 ECONOMY CARS *1974 VEGA Station Wagon 4 cyl., radio, whitewalls. Lic. HPW181 1974 HORNET 4-Door 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewalls. Lic.,JHU607 *1973 LEMANS 2-Door cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewalls. Aspen Green with matching cioth interior. Lic. BRH492 USED TRUCKS *1976 GMC 1/2-ToW Pjckup, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, custom interior and exterior, insulated camper top, heavy duty suspension, gauges. Lic. D74840 *1973 GMC ¾/-Ton Van V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power brakes. Lic. D74243 *1975 DODGE 34-Tofl Pickup V-8, 4-speed transmission, power brakes, radio, rusfproofed. Lic. E83393 *1974 GMC 1/2-Ton Pick-Up Only 27,964 miles on this extra dlean pick-up. V-8, automatic, radio. Lic. D42255 1973 DODGE Custom Sweptline V/2-Ton Pick-Up V-8, radio. Just 43,759 miles. Lic. T48689 Corne in to-day and see Cedric Russell - Clîff Moore - Weîdon Browr or Stew Preston "Th e Home of" OId Fas hioned Hospitality" 166 King St. E. 623-3396 Bowfmanville Recreation News Darlington Soccer DEPARTMENT PRESENTS THEIR Annual S5pringR",-eview of BATON-TAP-BALLET WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 7: 30 p. m., BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL HERE'S THE PROTECTION LIME WHENYOUR CAR cG OES l0Nm OF THE SHOP FOR SPECIFIED MAJOR I I* III *I I ~ BO WMANVILLE *AND FAIRe -18GAME BOOTHlS- MEMORIAL PARK - Liberty St. South Friday end Saturday, JUNE lSth and l9th Starting Time 6:00 p.m. for Both Evenings, SPECIAL DRAWS: 1sf Prize $1,000 - 2ndl $300.- 3rd $200. -TRIP TO VANCOUVER FtOR TWO - KINETTE 2-10 SPEED BICYCLES Tickets on Sale Now Parade Ieaving Town Fire Hall at 5:30 p.m. on J une 18th, 1976 fol1lowed by the MISS KINSMEN PAGEANT at Memoriaî1 Park Proceeds for Kinsmen Community Work Tel, or ýýwy, 35 ýàr Jha 4th Line of Manlvers Twp.

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