The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, JUne i 1976 Two B.P.S. Track and Field Resutbs Girls Track Events Tyke 60M - 1. Carolyn Elston LE, 2. Andrea Derby VM, 3. Jane Hicks C, 4. Sofi Bradley C. LOOM - 1. Julie Madden OS, 2. Shelley Adams LE, 3. Marie Reid VM, 4. Karen Alîman C. 200M - 1. Kim DeSousa OS, 2. Dawn Handrahan C, 3. Linda Hesson VM, 4. Shelly Pogue OS. 400M - 1. Heather Roberts LE, 2. Shelley Mutch C. 800M - 1. Shelley Pogue OS. Relay - 1. Shelley Adams LE, 2. Andrea Derby VM, 3. Lisa Smith C. Girls Track Events Atom 60M 1. Vivian Hewlett C, 2. Laurie Martin LE, 3. Jacqu- eline Hook VM, 4. Debbie Taylor OS. 100M - 1. Vivian Hewlett C, 2. Laurie Martin LE, 3. Jacqueline Hook VM, 4. Kári Reay OS. 200M -1. Laurie, Kellie VM, 2. Jacqueline Hook VM, 3. Sharon Warner VM, 4. Cindy Langford LE. 400M - 1. Pauline Jones VM, 2. Diane Payton VM, 3. Laurie Kelly VM, 4. Judy King LE. BOOM - 1.Amanda Abbott LE, 2. Vivian Day C, 3. Bonnie Gillespie. Relay - 1. Jacquel- ine Hook VM, 2. Debbie Taylor OS, 3. Kelly Broome C, Petra Luscher VM. Girls Track Events Bantam 60M -1. Jackie Ramsay C, 2. Kim Nearing VM, 3. Leanne Bamsey LE, 4. Denise Moor- craft VM. 100M - 1. Jill Hockin LE, 2. Denise Moorcraft VM, 3. Geraldine Verwey LE, 4. Susan Skanes VM. 200M - 1 Jill Hockin LE, 2. Denise Stoneburg VM, 3. Tammy Johnson VM, 4. Susan Skanes VM. 400M - 1. Denise Stone- burg VM, 2. Sandra Vandebelt VM, 3. Geraldine Verway LE, 4. Tammy Johnson VM. 800M - 1. Kathy Robertson VM, 2. Patricia Russell C, 3. Robin Lane VM, 4. Angela Locke VM. 1500M - 1. Jackie Ramsey C, 2. Kim Nagel OS, 3. Robin Lane VM, 4. Patricia Russell C. Relay - 1. Vivian Hewlett C, 2. Denise Moorcroft VM, 3. Jill Hockin LE. Girls Track Events Junior 60M - 1. Karen Joyner VM, 2. Debbie Wood OS, 3. Carol Hooper OS, Sharon Craig VM, 4. Carrie Applegath VM. 100M - Bonnie Flint C, 2. Tina McEwen C, 3. Jaren Joyner VM, 4. Susan Brooks VM. 200M - Anne Rimes VM, 2. Sherol Schamerhorn C, 3. Cindy Henry, 4. Susan Brooks VM. 400M -·1.Susan Derby VM, 2. Jackie Mosher OS, 3. Sheila Campbell VM, 4. Elaine Tait VM. 800M 1. Susan Derby VM, 2. Sheila Campbell VM, 3. Carol Hooper OS, 4. Debbie Ward OS. 1500M - 1. Susan Derby VM, 2. Sheila Campbell VM, 3. Carrie Applegath VM, 4. Cathy Pettit C. Relay -1. Anne Rimes VM, 2. Sherol Schamerhorn C, 3. Debbie Ward OS. Boys Track Events Tyke 100M - 1. Danny Weir C, 2. Raymond Cummings VM, 3. Ed Bird OS, 4. Barry Redfern VM. 200M - 1. Raymond Cummings VM, 2. Dane Rups VM, 3. Ed Bird OS, 4. Todd MWRobbie OS. 400M - 1. Dane Rupa VM, 2. Andrew Smith LE, 3. Mike Richards VM, 4. Ch-is Michelson LE. 800M - 1. Mike Richards VM, 2. Darrin Mackie VM, 3. Horaine Dennis VM, 4. Kevin Lovallee OS. 1500M- 1. Andrew Smith LE, 2. John Huges C, 3. Jason Little VM, 4. Steve Sarginson Os, George Wind C. Relay - 1. Bary Redfern VM, 2. Robert Anderson LE, 3. Mike Rich- ards VM. Boys Track Events Atom loM - 1. Scott Masters VM, 2. Matthew Goad C, 3. Mike Glass LÊ, 4. Ryan Sellick VM, Sandy Wiseman VM. 200M - 1. David AshtonVM, 2. Sandy Wiseman VM, 3. Ryan Sellick VM, 4. Wayne Mutton OS. 400M- 1. Peter Mueller VM, 2. Mike Dell C, 3. Ryan Sellick VM, 4. Mark Rupa VM. 800M - 1. Mike Glass LE, 2. Peter Mueller VM, 3. Mark Rupa VM, -. Teddy Davis C. 1500M - 1. Matthew Goad C. 2. Matthew Burk VM, 3. Benji Fenstra C, 4. Glen Spear C. Relay -1. Scott Masters V,2 Myike Glass LE, 3. ScottHed LE. Boys Track Events Bantam 1.'im Preston OS, 2. Mark Rutherford C, 3. Dean Melan- son OS, 4. Bobby Flint C. 200M - .Tim Preston OS, 2. Roy Brooks LE, 3. Scott Vanson L,4, Scott O'Neil OS. 400M - 1.Rb Siggins VM, 2. Darcy Cummings VM, 3. Rolf Geisler L, 4. Jamie Brown LE. BOOM -1. Steven Skene C, 2. Kevin Añyan C, 3. Tony Rupa VM, 4. Jamie Brown LE. 1500M -L1 Rob Siggins VM, 2. Steve Skene C, 3. Rolf Geisler LE, 4. Tony Rupa VM. Relay - 1. Tim Preston OS, 2. Rod Plain LE, 3. Chris Dyck C. Boys Track Events Junior 100M - 1. Tobin Rowe OS, 2. Robent Kennett VM, 3. Jeff MVartin LE, 4. John Rines OS. 200M - 1. Tobin Rowe OS, 2. Tom Hone OS, 3. Mike Stocker LE, 4. Raymond Barkley VM. 400M - 1. Terry Martin C, 2. Werner Geidlinger VM, 3. Tony Baker C, 4. Simon Brooks VM. 800M - 1. Rob Hollister VM, 2. Peter Lunny C, 3. Werner Geidlinger VM, 4. Simon Brooks VM 1500M - 1. Rob)Hollister VM, 2. David Raan C, 3. Ken VanOosterom Os, 4. Werner Geidlinger Vl. Relay - 1. Tobin Rowe OS, 2. Guy Kennedy OS, 3. Raymond Barkley VM. Track and Field Events TYKE Long Jump - 1. Barry Redfern VM, 2. Robert Ander- son LE 3. Darren Knight LE, 4. Chuck Nash VM. TYKE Shot Put - 1. Chuck Nash VM, 2. George Wind L 13. Horraine Dennis VM, 4. Jon Rowe VM. TYKE High Jump 1 Raymond Cumnings VM, 2. Allen'Sandison C, 3. Danny Weir C, Chuck Nash VM, 4. Dane Rupa VM. TYKE Triple Jump -1. Doug Brown C, 2. Chnis Kelly VM, 3. Steve Sargwnson OS, 4. Greg Watson VM. ATOM Long Jump - 1. Scott Pearce LE, 2. Mike Glass LE, 3. Paul Stocker LE, 4. David Ashton VM. ATOM Shot Put - Scott Bate VM, 2. Paul Stocker LE, 3. Jeff Logan VM, 4. Michael Stutt OS. ATOM High Jump - 1. Bruce Austin OS, 2. Scott Bate VM, 3. Paul Stocker LE, 4. Jim Finlay C. ATOM Triple Jump - L Peter Mueller VM, 2. Matthew Goad C, 3. Scott Masters VM, 4. Allan Clelland LE. BANTOM Long Jump - 1. Rod Plain LE, 2. Dean Melanson OS, 3. Steven Kelly C, 4. Jim Blumbergs VM. BANTOM Shot Put - 1. Scott Ward LE, 2. Terry Allen VM, 3. Christian Klemencie C, 4. Shaughn Houston C. BANTOM High Jump - 1 Steve Cary OS, 2. Mark Rutherford, 3. Mike Larmer C, 4. Rod Plain LE. BANTOM Triple Jump - 1. Mark Rutherford C, 2. Rod Plain LE, 3. Scott Richards VM, 4. Randy Goudey LE. JUNIOR Long Jump -1. Kevin Aide OS, 2. Mike Socker LE, 3. Gary VanHout LE, 4. Brian Powers C. JUNIOR Shot Put - 1. Brian Powers C, 2. Gary VanHout LE, 3. Jamie LeBlanc C, 4. Kevin Aide OS. JUNIOR High Jump - 1. Tony Baker C, 2. Mike Stocker LE, Kevin Aide OS, 3, Gary VanHout LE, 4. Rob Hllister VM. JUNIOR Triple Jump - 1. Tobin Rowe OS, 2. Mike Brooks VM, 3. Jamie LeBlanc C, 4. Mike Gates VM. Girls Field Events TYKE Long Jump - 1. Linda Brooks VM, 2. Andrea Derby VM, 3. Linda Clelland LE, 4. Pam Sully C. TYKE Shot Put - 1. Shelley Mutch C, 2. Nicole Kamphuis C, 3. Laura Lee Perris LE, 4. Linda Hesson VM. TYKE High Jump - 1. Tonja Holz VM, 2. Lynne McLenn VM, 3. Julie Madden OS, 4. Nicole Kamphius C. TYKE Ball Throw - 1. Shelley Adams LE, 2. Andrea Derby. VM, 3. Bonnie Seto VM, 4. Tanja Holz VM, ATOM Long Jump -1. Vivian Hewlett C, 2. Laurie Martin LE, 3. Tracey Simmer- son C, 4. Sarah Bellman VM. ATOM Shot Put 1. Pauline dones VM, 2. Erika Tucknott C, 3. Sherry Clark LE, 4. Gail Siebarth LE. ATOM High Jump - 1. Kelly Broome C, 2. Pamela Switzer OS, 3. Anne Redfern VM, 4. Tammy Townsend VM. ATOM Ball Throw - 1. Dianne Hancock LE, 2. Kathy Wilson C, 3. Amanda Abbott LE, 4. Debbie Gates VM. BANTAM Long Jump - 1. Denise Moorcraft VM, 2. Susan Pflanzer OS, 3. Jackie Ramsay C, 4. Kim Nearing VM. BANTAM Shot Put - 1. Wendy Storey C, 2. Darla Reid C, 3. Leanne Ramsey ýLE, 4. Janet Ross C. BANTAM High Jump 1. Darla Reid C, 2. Joanne DeJong C, 3. Debbie LeBlanc C, 4. Kim Nearing VM, Janet Munday LE. BANTAM Ball Throw - 1. Darla Reid C, 2. Wendy Storey C, 3. Debbie Colbourne C, 4. Pattie-Jo Almond OS. JUNIOR Long Jump 1. Sherol Schamehorn C, 2. Karen Frank LE, 3. Carrie Applegath VM, 4. Bonnie Flint C. JUNIOR Shot Put - 1. Anne Durham County Club Enjoy.AnnualBus Trip To Niagara Falls Area On June 5, 1976, The Durham County Club of Tor- onto held their yearly bus trip. This year, by way of a change we went to Niagara Falls and district. We were in a most Rimes VM, 2. Cindy Henry LE, 3. Trudy Rowe OS, 4. Elain Tait VM. JUNIOR High Jump - 1. Anne Rimes VM, 2. Liza Bodgen C, 3. Bonnie Flint C, 4. Jackie Mosher OS. JUNIOR Ball Throw - 1. Liza Bodgen C, 2. Tina McEwen C, 3. Teresa Trimble OS, 4. Terrie Willan LE. T + F equals 5 pts -lst 3 pts - 2nd 2pts-3rd 1pts - 4th Total Points for each School VM 241 + 106 equals 347 C 115 + 125 equals 240 LE 93 + 79 equals 172 OS 87 + 44 equals 131 historical setting. Had it not been for the Niagara frontier, our stalwart ancestors and armies, Durham County or any other place would not be as we know it to-day. The prominent nanes of brave men of army and legislature still live today in names of counties, streets, roads and rivers. After crossing the skyway at Burlington and on to St. Catharines, we took the shore road which was quieter and very scenic to Niagara-on-the- Lake. We visited St. Mark's Anglican Church. The church was founded in 1972 and the church erected in 1805. In spite of the des- ecration, defamation and wars over the years, it remained a source of faith and peace. It bas undergone an exten- sive restoration programme. Two cement walls of the original church may be found on either side of the nave. The wood from the boxed pews was used in the wainscoting around either donated or in memorium. Today this beauti- ful church still offers the faith, peace and serenity which sustained it in the past. We took the pretty river road to Queenston Heights and for an hour or more enjoyed our picnic lunch and a stroll thru' the grounds. Brock's monument is the main attraction and a beautiful view, second to none, is at the top for those who wish to make the climb. Our next stop was Niagara Falls, which is breathtaking no matter how many times you see it. We had two hours there and each went his own way to the attractions he and she enjoyed. A perfect June day and the falls were fascin- ating - the rush, roar, spray, rainbows, etc. We went to All Saints Anglican Church in Niagara for a lovely roast beef dinner. After dinner the President of the Club, Dr. Lianne Dickinson, gave a few an- nouncements and in partic- ular thanked Mr. L. McNeil, Mrs. A. Stonehouse and Mr. B, Ashton for arranging such a delightful days trip. Mr. Ashton thanked the ladies of the church for their time and effort in preparing the lovely meal. About 7.30 p.m. we wended our way back to Toronto and in the glorious sunset, the CN Tower stood as a beacon leading us home. NE DAIRYI June is dairy month in Ontario. The Honourable William Newman, Minister of Agriculture and Food, bas agreed to take part in a cow milking contest with Ontario Dairy Princess, Debbie Rogers and newspaper per- sonalities Paul Rimstead, Dick Beddoes and Jack Miller. The contest will take place in the Parliament Street studio of the CBC and be part of a live broadcast of the Radio Noon Show. The contest will highlight a three week promotion from June 7 to 30 which will mark June as Dairy Month in the Province. Events during this three week promotion are being sponsored by the CBC, the Ontario Dairy Council, the Holstein Friesian Association, the Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food, and the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. Radio Noon commentators George Atkins, David Schatz- ky and Barbara Peacock have lined up interviews with notables of the dairy industry during this three week event and the Radio Noon audience will have a chance to win a pure bred Holstein Friesian calf or a year supply of dairy products, equivalent to the value of the calf, by guessing its weight. On June 30 Mr Newman will announce the winner and members of the studio audience will be treated to a feast of fine Ontario cheddar cheese. Anyone wishing to take part in the festivities is asked to tune in to CBL 740 at noon on June 7 for further details. The world's shortest river prob- ably has the shortest name. It's the 440 foot D River in Oregon. jd * lhe Commerce Savings Account, You can make withdrawals but there are no chequing privileges. The 8% interest your money earns on the minimum monthly balance makes it all very worthwhile. The interest is paid into your account on April 30th and October 31st. You even get a gold passbook. * Retirement Savings smART Deposit Plan, $50.00 gets you started. As long as your money is in your Plan, you don't have to pay tax on it. Put money in whenever you like. How much you put in ($50.00 or more) is up to you. Subject, of course, to your yearly limit for taxation purposes. The interest rate paid on your Plan (now 8¾%) is set in June and December and is guaranteed between those dates. You can withdraw all the money from your Plan at any time, but then you must pay tax. * Home Ownership smART Savings Plan, You can start a Plan with as little as $50.00 but only if you're 18 years of age or older, a resident of Canada for tax purposes, and you don't own a home in the year you use the deduction. Save up to $1,000 per year, for a home or home furnishings, tax-free, up to a lifetime limit of $10,000. The interest rate is set and calculated every month (now 9%). And the interest is compounded every 6 months and paid on June 30th and December 31 st. Use your Plan like a savings account. Put money in whenever you like, up to your yearly limit. Just think, once you've reached your maximum $ 10,000 lifetime limit the interest you'll have earned will make a tidy sum of money. And if your spouse qualifies, between you, you could double the savings and the benefits. 20ù Commerce Term Deposits* Here's how they work. Currently if you invest for any period of over one year to six years the rate is 9½%. Say you put in $1,000. (You can't put in less). If you left it in for a year and a day, you'd get 9½% nterest. Interest varies according to the term of the deposit and is paid on April 30th and October 31 st. If you cash it before maturity, there is an interest penalty. It pays to be patient. *Rates subject to change without notice. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE eZ M,