16 The C,;nadian Statesman. WESLEY VILLE There was a 'very ful programme at Welcome United Church last Sunday morning. Seventeen Girl Guides and their leaders, Mrs. Julie Thompson and Mrs, Gail Clark were present to share in the worship after their camp- ing trip during the weekend. They, like the CGIT girls the previous week, had to contend with showers of rain but had an enjoyable tîme anyhow., 1Rev. Robert Bartlett's word for the children concerned birthdays, especially Can- ada's, during this coming week. There was a special message f or this day which, concerns ail of us, and concluded wth singing of "0 Canada". The choir's anthem was "If God be for us". Tribute was paid to Mr. Percy Snell whose death occurred last week. Mr. Snell, with his family, was very much a part of this new congregation since its formation in 1969 'and this followed dedicated years at Wesieyville before that.' There was a special mém- orial for the late Rev.' J. Ramjit, first minister on the Hope Township pastoral charge. Before coming. to Canada he had served 30 years as a Presbyterian minister in Trinidad where he was loved by ail for his unselfish diedication to the church and his feiiowman. Hlis iast charge there was a large church of 900 m embers, where he was the first native minis ter to be caiied. It had been -a church started by, and in charge of well'known missionaries. He came to Canada and to the Canton charge where he served for severai years before taking over the difficuit position of guiding the first years of amalgamation. 1The Sacrament of Com- munion was held and Rev. Bartlçtt was assisted by eiders Mesdames K. Dinner, Clarence Nichols, J. Connelly, Messers. L. Kellogg, L. Far- row, T. Wilson, A. Thorndyke and J. Groeneveid. Before the conclusion of the service the 61 maembers of Sunday Schooi present, joined the congrega- tion. for presentation of attendance seais by the super- intendent Murray Payne. There were 42 days of Sunday School and seals were award- ed to those present 35 or more Sund.,,ays, at least one achieved perfect attendance. Beginning with kindergarten they were: Brenda Arnold, David Beck- ett, Stephen McHolm, Annette Woodruff, Cathy Beckett, Robert Arnold, Brian Beckett, Stephen Beckett, Stephen Clarke, Michael Howreluk, Peter Symons, Cheryl Lax, Angela McHoim, 'Karen Arnoid; J r. Girls - Diane Byers, Heather MVcH-orim, Krista MIcHolm; Jr. Boys - Scott Byers, Kevin Lax, Rod- ney Clarke, David McHolm, Danny McHoim; Inter, girls - Meldoy Brice, Janice Hender- son), Shelley Payne, Mary Symons, Lisa Inch, Wendy Brice; Int. boys - Lance Payne, Ward Lax,- Robert Symons. Junior teachers, somre of whomn are receiving seals for the 13th consecutive year: Carnie Lyna Symons, MVargaret Hlarness, Cheryl Brice, Lana Beatty, Jenniifer Lord, Aileeni Wilson. Appreci- ation was expressed to George >Tufford for his work in preparing the awards and his constant work throughout the year and to the faithful teachers. Oid neighbours and friends attended the funeral ini Port H-ope on Saturday, June 26th of Mr. Percy Snell whose death occurred on Thursday. Mr. Snei had been in the hospitai a short time and his passing came suddenly. His wife predece-ased hlmn about 13 moniths ago; they were both Nichols family were in Chat- ham during the weekend for graduating exercises of nurses. One of those who finished the course was Mrs. Jiggins, the former Joan) Nichols. Ladies finished quiling an heirloom quilt at the home of Mrs. H. Darke last week and expect to do another this coming week. Unexpected events and sickness deiayed spring quiitings and now it is an effort to work at them with gardens and lawns demanding so much attention. Haying is unider way but the abundant ramnfali has màde curing it difficuit. Some niew topnga put on a part of the lakeshore road last week so there was some more gravel truck traffic and a busy week in the comimunity. àowrnaivii e2. For' Holiday e Take your budget on, a Dominion holiday! There are great savings on' everything fromi hamburgers and hot d ogs to ail the best barbecue fixin's. -a- WE RIESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REOUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. cmm