Section Two The Canadtian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 47, (Intended for Last Week) Fathers' Day guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Vctor Malcolm were Mrs. Wayne Malcolm, Shelley and Kevin, Mr. anti Mrs. Vernon Malcolm. Bratilev anti Tracey, R.R., Nestleton, Mr. anti Mrs. Mark Malcolm, Jodle anti Miebele, Janetville, Mr. anti Mrs. James Kentanti Katrina Dawn, Orono. Mr. anti Mrs. George Bow- ers, visiteti with Mr. anti Mrs. ,4im Abernethy, Bowmanvîlle fô,r Tuesday evening dinner ln bonour of Mr. Bower's birtb- day. Congratulations! 1Dr. anti Mrs. Jack Marlowx, Patricia anti Jobn, Janet Anderson anti Brian Wilson of Dundas were Suntiay after- noon visitors witb Mr. -anti Mrs. Grant Thompson at their cottage at Viewlake. Thurstiay evening visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. G. Bowers were Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Trick andi Mr. Ambrose Ly- wood, Lindisay. on Thurstiay afternoon Mr. anti Mrs. Bowers attendeti the Strawberry Festival at Mill- brook and visiteti with their son Constable Geralti Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Bll Ferguson, Scarborough spent Wetines- day to Saturday with Mn. anti Mrs. Richard Davison. Mn. and Mrs. Ferguson are frientis tbey hati met on their Floritia vacation. During their visit here the ,Davisons and their friends visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Hans Benzing, Fenelon Falls, Mr. andl Mrs. George Dent, Lintisav. Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Elliot, David and Kim, Leasktiale, Mr. anti Mrs. 'Douglas Davisen, Scott anti Neil at the farm at R.R. Lakefielti. Mr. Earl Bowers returneti home on Sunday following a week's vacation witb bis sister Mrs. Dorothy Chapman anti famnily at North Bay. Mrs. Art Davis was a Wednestiay overnight anti Thurstiay guest of ber sister anti busbanti, Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Tbompson. Mis. Alvin Bruce, Miss Marjorie Bruce - Port Perry anti Cartwright residents calleti at the Mackey Funeral Parlours Tuesday anti Wed- nesday in respect for the late James Goslin of Viewlake. Sincere sympathy is extendeti to bis wife anti family also to hfs parents M.anti Mrs. Milford Goslin of Lindsay. On Saturday Mr. Oliver Roirer took a bus loati of Cubs from Mlaple Grove for a day's fun at Hanlan's Island, Toron- to, Mrs. Eti Lawson anti Bruce, Nestleton anti Mrs. Marwooti TAUNTON RD. EAST 1/'4 Mile East of Ritson Road OSHAWA PICKW YOUR OWN FRESH RAWBERRIES :>O"QUART Monday to Saturday .m. to 8:00 p. m. NG YOUR OWN CONTAINER OR PURCHASE ONE AT THE STAND ALSO A. Mac Intosh and Spy App les Black Sweet Cherries Texas Watermelons .d's Fruit Market 115 1/2 Mi le South of Orono 983-m5628 Dancing, Highlights M.J. Hobbs' Anne of Green Gables McKviee, Blackstock Mr. McKee in Oshawa a] on Saturtiay evei Mr. anti Mrs. Mý,cMahon, Scarboroi Miss Evelyn CuIley, visiteti on Sunday with Mr. anti Mrt. Heaslip. Western bur Mr. and Mrs. Dc accompanieti by I Murray Shea arrived Thursday following ai e i metor trip tot coast. They travelle five hundreti miles pe a total of over sixt miles. They enjoyedt] of tbe fiat landis of the anti tbe grandeur Rockies. At Ponoka, they spent a day witi nepbewý, Mr. anti Mrý Frew at tbeir cattier British Columbia the tour of Vancouver Victoria" The flowerý toria were truly beau it was also tbeir ple see tbe famous B Gartien. On tbeir wý tbey enteredtihte U Coutts, Alberta and back into Canada atS Marie. Tbis was a d vacation with noi Their daughter Virgi ing their absence ww of her brother ant is anti Mvrs. Dave Frew, anti Andrew. Softball On Tuesday eve. Memorial Park the I Jets met tbe Pontypoo an exciting game - final score, Nestieton: pool 2. Pontypool1 bases loatieti on two o but luck was with ! anti it must lbav tiscouraging for tbe The Robrer Dorrel]' Raglan playeti at Nesi Thursday night witb. being the winners. No available. Sunday Servie( Mliss Dorotbly BulmE charge of tbe ser Fenelon Falls. There service in tbe Pres Cburchi here as it Anniversary at Sonyý Unteti Churcl In the United Cbur, erenti Victor Parson "Goti in Tbree Personî themne for his messaj ing Ephesians 4:1-16 28,11-20. "Godthte Father. Son. Goti the Holy Miss Gail Malcolmf with a solo "My G-o< Unitedi Church 1W' On Tuesday afterno Victor Parsons at tii Blacksteck wýas the hostess for the N" Unitedi Cburch Worri tielicious buffet lunceon precetiing t] img. Airs. Victor Malec presitient welcomed a ing the theme hym-n Lort's Prayer. MIrs.1 reati a poem, "Mom's The Devotional charge of Mrs. M1aur erton who chose -Ki Position" as the thein message. "Wbat a Fi have in Jesus" wvass miss Gail Malcolmi Scipture Passage Il ians: 7-18. Mrs. Graba read a splendid articl ing the importance oi ing Your Position'e football team if the pi not know their posit will be worthless. 1 Svisiteti ,a Hospit- ng. Perey ugh andi Toronto evening S.Bruce on Frew Mr. anti 1 homne on n extend- the west le about er day for thousanti the vistas ýe prairies r of the ýAlberta Lh Doris's rs. James ranch. In ey bati a.- .anti of> 's in Vic- utiful anti easure to autcharti 1crossed Sault Ste. celigtful mishaps. Just one of 'the many. features that went into making the M. J. Hobbs Senior Public School's Anne of. Green Gables production such a success was the music. Above, the children of Green Gables kick up their feet for a little of the old soft shoe. Choreography for the play was arranged by Mrs. Joan Hill with Mr. Ross Metcalf accompanying the dancers on the piano. ginia dur- same on God's team. First our s a guest position with Christ - stutiy the swife Mr. chaik board. The cbristian's ,Dwayne position isto beàachiltiofGod, a follower of Him - become more mature - yieldtet a life ening at that tries to match Got's. Gîve Nestieton thanks for His many bless- ol Club in ings. Paul was a prîsoner in witb the Rome but be neyer ceasedtet 3, Ponty- have f aith anti rejoiceti in hati the God's love. The ligbt shines occasions within anti expels fears, Nestieton doubts anti anxieties. The ve been bymn 'O Master Let Me Walk Svisitors. witb, Thee", was sang anti the 1LTeamnvs prayer by Mrs. Etgerton, stleton on conclutieti this part of the Nestleton meeting. o score is For the roll caîl, "Sing, Say or Pay- was quite interesting es although most ladies prefer- er was in reti to "Pay". Gail Malcolm rvice ai sang a lovely solo. 'e was no Minutes anti correspon- sbyterian tience was reati by the was the Secretary Mrs. Lawrence 'a. Malcolm anti finances were hreporteti by the treasurer. t rch, Rev- was decideti te senti Miss Gai l ins chose Malcolm te Camp Quin-Mo- ns" as the Lac this year. A donation was ge reati- voteti for Andubyaun Home in iMatthew; Toronto. A-guest book for the cburch was ertiereti. Plans Goti tbe were finalizeti for the July Spirit". wedtiing anti the sbower on favoureti July 5th. d anti 1". Mrs. Parsons gave a om11en deligbtful talk, cboosing oon, Mrs -Woman" as the theme for ie Manse, bier message. We, as women gracious are niost important - createti JesiJeton î'in Gods image. This is a b*isýy ien for a world - as wom-en go about dessert their daily tasks more days "in the meet- the wveek are needeti anti more heurs ln each day X'ou, as a ,olm the wvoman are important 1 hn 111 folow- -l am mie". You are the kn anti the climax of creation. You are Malcolm supreme. The littie things sApron". couint eacb day. Neyer get the was in idea that you will not be rice Edg- mnisseti if you are not present. îow Your Women are important (1) ne for ber Createti in God's image. (2) rientiw Important - attitude may set we ndtrie mooti for the day' - be fun te readthe 8h ve witb - net a complainer. ,1 Corinth- (3) Decisions - have a choice - îame Fisb be for or against. (4) Quiet ,le stress- Powers - Have faith in Goti. f "Know- Preblems wvill bectiecideti. (5) .OnaStrength wili be waiting. )IaersdoRememiber to take time. ilayerstdo Pause. You are one of God's tetey family. Remnember size is of [t is the ne importance but do net - belittie yeurself - rememiber "am ime" Fellowing the Mlýizpab Bene- diction, Mrs. Vincent Warti extendeti the appreciation te Mrs. Parsons anti te ail wbho assisteti with the programme. There will be ne meetings in July or August. -Pfaton - Shaw Wedding Nestieton Presbyterian - Cburcb was the setting for a levely wedding on Saturday, June 19 at 3:30 p.m. when Brentia Marie Shaw anti James William Paton ex- changeti marriage vews, Rev-, erenti Stewart Mlclntyre was the officiating clergyman. Given in marriage by ber father Mr. Lee Shaw, the bride w'as radiant, wearing ber ony was formned by the many yeors combined experience cf' -ontractors in the Durham area. epurpose is to safeguard members from overchargng and poor lûp. MEMBOERSHIP BENEFITS PONTYPOOL (Intended for Last Week) The annualNimigon family reunion was held last Satulr- day and Sunday at- the Nimigon Tree Farm. Seventy family members and friends were present. Everyone was delighted that the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nimigon, were able to attend. Belateti congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McKay on their recent 25th Wedding Anniversary. Several rela- tives paid a surprise visit iast Sa turday evening and present- ed Reta and Curtis with the gift of a coffee table. Mrs. Ruth Richardson anti Joan accompanied Mr. an d Mother's white satin wedding, gown anti carrying a bouquet of red sweetheart roses. To, complement this beautiful gown her three-quarter length iace-trimimed veil cascaded in escallopeti etges to the back and was gathereti to form a coronet wÀhich was also edged with lace. Tt had a special significance as it was fashion- ed by Miss Ruth Prout t. The maid of honour Cathy Prosser w.,as attireti in a formai yellow. dress with matÈching yeilow hat and carried a bGouquet of yellow sweethear-t roses Sharron Rhude, the junior bridesmaiti donned a pink formai gown with pink flowers in her hair. The flower girl, MNicheli Rhude wore a for-mai dress of blue with blue flowers in hier hair. Each girl carrieti a basket of pink carnations anti white daisies. Mr. Paul Honey was best man anti Shaw,,n Shawv was ring-bearer. Kim Shaw, brother of the bri de andi David Paton, brother of the groom,' were ushers. Bob and Patty Haynes entertaineti with music. Mr. Terry Prosser, photographer, took many interesting pictures. The retception was hieldi at Nestieton Community Centre. Mr. John Steele, uncle of the bride was Mlaster of Ceremon- les at the wetiding dinner. Guests attended fromi Eng- landi, Montreai, Toronto, Chatham, Ingersol, Bramp- ton, Oshawa, London, Trenton, Port Hope, Picker- ing, Port Perry, Janetville, and Nestleton.' Prior to hier miarriage the, bride was guest of honour at four miscellaneous showers. Congratula tions anti best wishes for miuch happiness are extended to Brenda and Jim who are now, residîng in Oshawa. Mrs. Jim Richardison and Anthony te Frankford on Saturday te visit witb Mrs. Losbaw anti othen relatives, Several local males honour- eti Phil Nancekievili on Satur- day night prier te his mar- niage te Miss Kitty Benford. Wedding is te takçe place in mid-July. Eti. Stoltit was permittedt t have his first visitors on Fritiay. Eti bas been confineti te Bowmanvllle Hospital after suffering first-degree burns. MVr. anti Mrs. Joe Harewood of Pinewood Estates were guests at a wedtiing in Toronto on Friday evening. The wives of Chamber ef Commerce membhers serveti a bot roast beef dinner to the Kinsmen of Newcastle anti their wives on Saturday night in the Pontypool Comnmunity Centre. Several area ladies wene present on Wednesday even- ing at a shower for Miss Josephine Carchidi in Janet- ville Unitedi Cburcb. Josephine anti Carl McMullen, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Jim McMullen are te be marrieti this Saturday in St. Mary's Church, Lindsay. Sympatby is extendeti to the widfow anti family of the late Ken Neal of Orono. Tbe late Mr. Neal was well1 known arounti Pontypool anti Bally- duff as he usedti t play the violin at dances several years ago. Two new swimiming pools bave been installeti in the neigbbourhoeti - at the homes of Tomn Hoar anti Roy Strong. A welcome is extende t t Mr; anti Mrs. Keith Scott anti son who have moveti into, the former Fallis scboolhouse. Mrs. Carpenter of Glan- anoque is spending severai weeks with ber brother, Mr. Harvey Aiken. In local bal this week, the Cathmiar Drillers spiit a couple of games, losing nar- rewly on Tuestiay nigbt 3-2 te Nestietoni, but bouncing back te defeat Janetville on Sunday by a tiecisive 10-4 score. Richardison Farms ailse split their games this past week, being upset 5-3 by Fraserville N ESTLETON on Weti. nigbt ant i wnning over Omemee Regal on Sun- day 5-2. Pontypool Midgets com- pletely dominateti Cavan on Tuesday 15-1 as Martin Joncas had a successful pitching tiebut for the locais. Our regular Mitiget piÏtcher, Kelly Neals, also plays for Peter- borough's Holiday Ford Mid- gets. On Saturday and Sunday Ihis team participated in a Fastball Tournament in Oshawa. Kelly pitcheti against such opposition as Port Perry, Belleville, Burlington and Guelph and was presented with the MlostValuable Pitcb- er Awardý. Presentation was made by Ont. Fastball pitcher - Pete Landers. Pontypool Ladies lost to Betb any on Thursday 15-5 and defeated Fraserville on Mon- day 7 to 5. Junior Girls lost against Blackstock anti hati a tie witb Janetville. Pontypool Pee Wees lost to Betbany on Saturclay morning with the score 21-11. Graduation was fielci. for Grade e students at Grand- view on Monday evening. Valedictorians and winners of' the Manvers Cup were Joanne Finney an'd Julie Campbell. Awards for izenship were presenteti to Dawn Bailey anti Terry Spearing. Other awards won were:ý Creative Writing - Joanne Fin-ney; Mathemnatics - Wentiy Cashen; Achieve- ment - Sharon Finney; Drama - Aaron Shea; Debating - David Sutcb. A graduation dance followeti for Grades 7 and 8. Wayne Boilon of o currently stayingw and Mrs. Laverne wilie he is working co Christmas tree growe Mrs. Margaret Wr Stanley Wright were visitors with Mr,.a Ivan Wright in Brip Get-well wisbes are ed to Mrs. Peter R patient in Civic I Peterborough. mummm - Duringc 1975, 48 pe the electrical eneg erateti by Ontario Hyd from water powered about 28 per cent fr anti approximately 1 from nuclear, while on eight per cent wasp by natural gas anti plants. T V. ..e COMMERCIAL S YO(/ FfEL S/LLY- PUNISHING CH/Lb'FOR TELLING A LIE MARTY1 Auto Repai 3 Queen St., Bowmai ATTENTION FARMERSI WHY PA YMORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY r' 3; GAS-DIESELFUEL. MOTOR OI muÉ.,Prompt Delivery I ~ Please Cal CollIec Elrner's SUMÈ'" Saf ety Contesi ELMER'S GIVING AWAY a BIKES C For Ontario's school chiltiren, summner Z? holidays are here. Each chilti now enloys a additionial 6 hours a day to expose himseîf to~ traffic hazards - playing, riding bicycles, /7 exploring, hiking and 'going to and fromn parks, beachesý, swimmi-ing pools and shopping centres. n 1974, according to the Iatest figur' es made available by the MAinistry of Transportation, 2OUpedestrians andi cycli under 14 wiere kMled and 1941 were injured in raffic accidents in Ontario. Traffic safety drills are common during the school year thanks to conscieniious teachers ardpolice saf' Elmer, the ever pctpular Safety Elephant, says, "We can't disrupt the safety thought train foi, the sur and wve won't. The potentiial of reaching thousands upon thousands of children with a review of r' safety rules 15 tremrendous and paramounf.' True to his word, Elmer is working hard this summner, togetherwVith the RL \ -?3d1an I- planning and operating his 1976 Summer Safety Contest, a 4-part series1 participants with 'a subtie lesson in fraffic safety for ail along the way. Ail Ontario newvspapers published in English have been asked to donate space fùý begïnning the week of juIy 18. So far, response from editors indicates thaï- this,te Summner Safety Contesf, will be the most popular ever. Elementary school students must color the contest enîtry and indicate the Elmer rule b Elmer is giving away 4 CCM bicycles each contest and 50 second prizes of accessory kifts.ý- The Canadian Statesman urges you to get ail the kids on the block to study up on Elmer's 6ru about them, remriember them, but most of ail, use Them every day... 1 . Look ail ways before you cross the sireet. 2. Keep from between parked cars. 3. Ride your bike safely and obey ail signs and signais. 4. Play your gamnes in a safe place away from the street. 5. Walk when you leave the curb. 6. Where there are no sidewalks, walk off the road on the left and face oncoming traffic. ......THEN WATCH FO'R ELMER'S CONTEST IN THiIS NEWSPAPER. OPEINGMONDAY, JULY l2th Star 14 Division Street S. *.24 Hour Emergency Service * Day Or Night Protection * Double Guorantee * Free Estimates * Guaranteed Complet iýor * Specialized Service * Latese Methods anti materials * One Coul Convenience * Credit Convenience * Ail trades availoble * Convenient central billîng * Expert odvice MEMBERSHIP FEE ONýLY $25 YEARL'YI %oN 51fl9-5010kýO -# deserve to pay Iess for car and f ire insurarice They do at Abstaîners'. Because our experience has shown that, abstainers have fewer 'accidents, f ewer home lires. That's why wve can in- sure for less. If you're a non-drinker, can yeu afford flot te look into Abstainers' insurance for your home anti your car? Osborne & Shank lIns. Agency Ltd. 108 Liberty St. N. Bowmnville - 623-2527' ABSTAINEPZS' fNURANC:E COMPANY -1. nY Cn . ~pn ,v,,~ uoo~ Summertime Dream Artist: Gardon Lightfoot A Night at the Opera Artist: Queen First in New Releases Crime ai the Century Artist: Supertramp Presence Artjst: Led Zeppelin Fly Like An Eagle Arist: Steve Miller Band Rock n' Rail1 Love Latter Artist: Say City Rollers ONLY $4.44 NE VEEI< ONLY - MHIL~E SUPiP-LIES LAST Wvings at the Speed af Sound Artist: Paul McCartney and Wil Lowest, Everyday Pnices. HARDSAND fence and patio centre For ail your fencing needs including Farm Fence, T-Bards and Gates Now available in Durham Region 24HURRVIC by the Durham Home Owners Service Mt. Records Mm M "MM mi mil Imm uni Imm a mmmm 1-976 "'1 withN >Finm, weeke' nd M ipton. lexte owett 1 ospi ps m ,r -en ýgy t Iro cý staUi rom 6per rily ab prndu I r 7rVl