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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1976, p. 5

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YIu 1ELVE fl to report one of )n's octoginarians Mr. Malcolm has been 1 to Port Perry Hos- sweek. We ail join in W.J. a speedy rcv ýandy Malcolm left for idiand on Friday with .ways bus as a Tour nd Mrs. Ralph Pf oh ,uned home from an 1visit with Ralph's Salmon Arms, B.C. c. evening Miss Mitzi iwas honoured at à on the occasion of ,hday. Other guests 1 Mrs. Emma iof Uxbridge, Miss ýnno1ly and Mr. Bob [oronto. itulations to Mr. and nard Neals of Ponty- he observance of their ,dding Anniversary ts to Mr.. and Mrs. .11 of R.R.1 Millbrook 1be observing their ddîng Anniversary. I the former Margan- tmus, was Our first it Yelverton SS No. 1 el known and highly d in this comnmunity. i. evening Mr, and de Stinson were the host and hostess to a ie Pork Roast for the on Men'sc Softball ýheir sponsors and id a few others who nibuted in one way or to the team effort. The honoun whomnade the sacrifice and receiv- iost attention and was oted shoat donated by Farms (the Howard ryv Malcoims) which becued on a spit till LA delicious repast ,yed and a bathtub f ul refreshment kept the om becomning dehyd- .le Timmns fnilv and, RTON pleasure interspersed with records or tapes. Later on, at an hour when sensible folks head for home, the rest of us charivaried newlyweds Ciare and Laurie Robinson. Since Ray and Ernestine Robinson share the same abode and hadn't be charivaried for over' 25 years, they received a taste of the same medicine. The Robinsons were great hosts to their uninvited guests. Poor Laurie we hear received something of a shock the next day when she discovered the head of the deceased porker ensconced in her drty laundny basket - thought she was reliving an episode fromn the Godfather. Ail in ail it was a pretty good evening. The Sr. Yeiverton, Girls clobbered Frazerville Girls, this week and were rained out vs Bethany Girls early in the week. On Sunday afternoon a double header vs Janetvilie was played at Yelverton. Donnie Timms pitched the first game winning 9 to 1, contributing a home run himnself. Quinton Robinson had a 3 bagger and Charlie McCul- lough and Fred Tanner each scored two runs. In the second, game Dale Stinson .and Ian Page shared the pitching honours winning in a close game in a shut- out 3 to 0., At bat Ian Page picked up top, honours with a home run and a double, scoring. two of the runs. The third run was picked up by Marti Malcolm. Yelverton's next game vs Kedron at Alexander Park in Oshawa on Sun. July llth; and versus Pontypool at Pontypool on Tues. Juiy l3th. Please noté this is a change in the sceiuule from August th.. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm are scheduled to leave on Wed. for a Federal Pork Conference in Truro, Nova Scotia this week. Hold Farewell Part y for South Courtice Principal ,ast week au n.benezer Uniteda unuren, tne Cnristian Edcucation Centre was packed with aduits and students of South Courtice Public Sehool, when the honored guest was Principal Wally Pitt who is leaving for a new assignment at Mitchell's Corner next year. The above photo shows Principal Pitt, kneeling at lef t, f ollowing a laudatory speech and luggage presentation by Ron Osborne. In the background are Mr. Pitt's Grade Six pupils who took part in the programi. The Ebenezer Christian * Education Centre was the - scene of an interesting sur- * prise party on- the evening of Mn. Wallace Pitt, who had been the Principal at South Courtice Public Schooi for the, past ten years, had been lured to the Centre, thinking that his '/7' Grade Six pupils were having "' #' ',a dance. Instead, he found « ~'many parents, community WATCH FOR BIG -SAVINGS!i âidewalk Sale Ily 22-23-24 ,day - Friday - Saturdlay OPEN 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY , King St. E. Bw aleOn. 623-2546 Couch - Powell Wedding Newcastle United Church, Newcastle was the scene of a lovely summer wedding on Saturday, June 5, 1976 when Reverend Thomas Smith united in marriage Linda Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ronald Powell, R. R. 3, Newcastle and William Harold, son of Mr. and MVrs. William Couch Sr. of New- castle. Mn. Terry Dawson presided at the organ. Given la marriage by her father, the bride wore a formai gown of sheer organza j NURSERYMEN AND FLORIST' VAN BELLE Penny Salei Box, Plants - Geranîlums Buy 1 ut Reg. Price (85e"' k Get Second Plant f ori Special M WEST: - - ~ M TRE ighway No. 2 Bo-wmanville 5 e 5 Minutes 623-4441 ~t~W~WSHOan~ GAR~DEN CENTRE Bond Street SKing bireet 292 Kina Si. W. I NORTH: -r mi rlLtiWt lW~f a UWIe % e nu VSBeatrice *Separate School U14 Simcoe St, n. over taffeta, Tfashioned with a high neckline and ruffled sleeves which wene trimmed in soft yellow. The A-line skirt was complimented with a soft yeilow ruf fie which fiowed into a chapel train. A fabnic flower and peari headpiece held her cathedral veil of French illusion tr ' mmed in daisy chain and she carnied a cascade bouquet of coral sweetheart roses, shasta daisies an-d baby's breath on a white lace backing. The bride was attended by the maid of honour, Miss Carole Ibbotson and the bridesmaids Misses June Powell, Phyllis Powell, sisters of the bride and Miss Darla Couch, sister of the groom. Wearing formai gowns of pale yellow swiss dot they carnied white ruffled parasols adorned with coral carnations, shasta daisies, and baby's breath. The flower girl, Miss Kelly Powell, cousin of the bride, wore an identical gown to the senior attendants and she carried a wicker basket of identical flowers. The attend- ants ail wore floral wreaths of shasta daisies and baby's breath in their hair. The groom was attended by best man Mr. George Darrach and the ushers Mr. Brian Anderson, Mn. Allen Gray, and Mr. Tommy Couch, cousin of' the groom. The groom and his attendants were attired in camel brown tuxedos with dark brown veivet lapeis anîd vests. The ringbearer, Master Gary Powell, brother of the bride was attired in identicai attire to that of the senior ushers. For the reception held at Newcastle Community Centre, the bide's mother received the guests in a formai gowin of mint green polyester wîth matching bro- cade jacket and a corsage of yellow roses, and white car- nations. The groom's mother assisted in receiving wêaring a formai gown of blue crepe with a' matching jacket anda corsage of coral roses and white carnations. Leaving on a honeyrnoon to ELIZABETH VI LLE Our first outdoor service ent Museums and had a picnic was hied on Sunday at Mr. and dinner at Lake-on-the- Mrs. Bev. Gray's home. con- Mountain. We were lucky ducted 'by the young junior enoughit that each stop we farmers group. Mr. W. Millar, made, the ramn ceased until we Hamilton was our guest were on our way agin. We speaker.- visited hay Bay Church the Seventeen young people oldest west of the Maritimes. made up the choir, accompan-- We also visited Ameliasburgh ied by, Scott Gray, Roly Museum. Bowman and Ruth Kellogg on The holiday was celebrated guitars. One of the choir songs in different ways on different was a round, with choir days owing to whatever day divided in three groups with they took as the holiday. There corresponding groups of con- was not much choice in the gregation led by Scott Gray, weather as we had rain most Wendy White and Elaine of the week. 1 Kellogg. Mr. and Mrs. John Quantrili Responsive reading was led and family, Mr. and Mrs. John by Bill Bickle. Ray Bebee and Currier and family, Port Hope Bill Bickle announced the were with Mr. and Mrs. H. hymns. Elaine Kellogg led in Quantrili on Sunday. prayer. Wendy White read the Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock scripture lesson. Mr. Millar and grandsons Stephen 'and had an excellent address, Mark Peacock spent Sunday "'Life is the living". Coffee with Mr. and Mrs. A. Peacock, was served at the close and a Bolton. social time enjoyed by ail. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer Next Sunday services are at went to Montreal on Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Carmon Irwin's day to assist Bob and Ann to led by Mrs. H. Marsh and the move into their new home U.C.W. which they purchased recent- Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. ly. They returned Sunday Mercer visited with Mr. and afternoon after calling on Mr. Mrs. W. Muldrew,, Oshawa and Mrs. Ron Provost at after they had found Mr. and Westport. Mrs. R. Crombie's, Bowman- Mr. anjd Mrs. H. Hodgins ville and MUr. and Mrs. s. entertained friends over the, Minnis, Whitby were not at weekend who w7ere out caqRp- home when they called. ing and stayed here over the Mrs. Robt. Westheuser and weekend. girls, and Mr. J. DeKoker, MIr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Sunderland spent the holiday Toronto had several days wxith Mr. and Mrs. H. Thicks- holidays as well as the on. weekend which they spent Mrs. C. Beatty, Mrs. H. here. Mý,uldrew,ý, Mrs. B. Wheeler, * *s s e e . Mrs. H. Thickson, Mr. and Overcrowding a refriger- Mrs. J. morris enjoyed the ator interfères with the nor- Istorical Society's bus trip to mal flow of circulating air and Prince Edward, County on tends to overwork the corn- Saturciny.They toured differ- --pressor.- points north, the bride wore a powder blue gaucho pantsuit with white accessories and a dried flower corsage in shades -" of pink. Mr. and Mrs. Couch are now residing at 76 Liberty Street South in Bowmanville. Prior to the wedding the bride was honoured with I showers given by Dorothy Mutton, Georgie Taylor, and Linda Combes, ail residents r of Bowmhanville, Pearl Rick- of Newcastle and Ruth Couch, * Betty Bourgeois, April Dar- rach and Beth Couch, ail from the Newcastle àrea. ~Hn -Phoitoi hy Wayefl The Canadian Statesman, Bowman.ville, July 7, 1976, *members and pupils of al ages gathered to surprise him. Mr. Ross Metcalf in his inimitable way, acted as Master of Ceremonies and after Mr. Pitt had been escorted to the front of the hall, announced the program numbers that the South Cour- tice classes had prepared. Special guests were Mr. Pitt's parents from Madoc. Mr. Ron Osborne was called upon to make the presentation of luggage,. to Mr. Pitt. Mr. Lloyd'Down spoke thankfully of ail Mr. Pitt's community work. A social time followed during which cookies, coffee, and lemonade were served. Ail said "Farewell and Good Luck" to, Wally, realizing that the loss that South Courtice Community was bearîng- would be the gain at Mitchell's Corners. Forder Family' ys Annual Reunion The Forder family enjoyed a mnemorable af ternoon, in the form of a picnic, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder at their picturesque farm near Utica, and to have a farewell family get-together with Dr. and Mrs. Brian McNab, before leaving for New Zealand, where Brian will be taking A Canadian Red Cross Summer Safety Tip: For poor swimmers' and hésitant boaters, help is at the other end of a phone caîl to the Red Cross Water Safety Service. Be prepared. Yell to us! further training in Wellington Hosjital, Wellington. We ail wish Brenda and Bnian well. Those enjoying the after- noon were Mr. Bradlley Forder and Miss Leslie Forder, Port Perry and friend Miss Ann Stocks, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Forder, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Brian, McNab, MYr. and Mrs. Bill Moore, Michelle and Michael, Ajax Mr; and Mrs. Gordon Stui rock, Mr. Don Sturrock ani friend Miss Dale Piper, Mr and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bov. manville; Mr. and Mrs. Ralp. Ballard, Tonya and Meegar Scugog; Mr. and Mrs. Harol R. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Do: R. Forder, Joey, Dana an, Chrîs, Port Perry. IF PEOPLESEEM TO MUMBLE ARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND JACK STEWART HEARING AID SPECIALIST Don't always blame them, even a mild hearing Ioss can make conversation sound bi urred. Let us put your mind at rest. Have an Electronic Hearing Test with a Ëeltoiie Audiometer. This takes but a few minutes, and there is no obligation. Corne in and see us at our regular service centre at Flying Dutchman MOTOR INN LibertySt. and 401Bwmnil Thursday, JuIy 15, 1976 1, - 4 p.m. or Phone 623-3373 and l'il corne to see you. Beitfone Hearing Aid Service' 849 Alexandler Crt. Peterborough, Ontario 745-3244 JuIy Clearance with savings up to 20% oOff; everything in the store Dresses - Pont Suifs - Long Gn Blouses - Pont Coats - AII-Weather Coats- Cktd&Ladies'Wa 37 King St. W. Bowmanville ariety Bowmoanvillle Cards- - Books -Gif ts, Baby Needs - Hardware- Pet Centre j Delicatessen- Post Office Mister Soft Drink SIce 'Cream Cones - Photo Finishing Groceries- Tube Tester ke-yMachi*ne - Hobbies und Crafts "If You Like Friendly, Service... We're for You!"l Open 7 a.m. to il p.m. Monday to Friday 9C.m. to il1p.m. Saturday and Sunday Telephone 623-9555 B y arysVa and Hardware 114 Waverly Road Mu-PRuemr» ýl- "Dle cAcdfi CJPOALgt-

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