M.UM5B &?fNTNG and AIR CONDITIONING TYRON9, ONTARIO, Phone 263-2650 Of tne tnree voting against- thE document,two w Newcastle. Bath Lyall and Hobbs "Nay" yotes along Cash und Curry i FEN i( Chain Link Vinlyl Wire 48", high 1/2", Green Vinyl mesh$ e *59 $1Cash ari 60" high 11/2, mesh Green Vinyl Cash an( Complete with galvanized r line posts -and fittings, corr gate and end.posts extra Gates extra Savings on Other Sfyhî B B**I I' . E * I e, * counci)lors ie land use vere from Coneillors Raise Over 190 for Muscular Dystrophy Local Land turned i Property in the path of a, g with Osh- proposed 500, kilavoît hydro line includes houses near Maple Grove and Mitchel's corners, bouses in the Village of Newcastle and Bawman- ville and a small industrial mail in Bowmanville. The proposed hydro line would carry viower from Lennox ta Oshawa. It would accu py a 600 foot right-of-way and because of the danger ta power uines fromn fires in buildingfs, na buildings are ailowed beneath the wires. This means that houses in the path of the hydro Unes wauld have ta be either torn dawn or maved. Land along the route of the power lines would be expropriated. 9 Aerial photagraphs showing Per Ft. the route of the power line id Carry were an displyreety in Newcastle Village and about one week aga in Hampton. Officiais from Ontario Hy- Per Ft. dro were on hand at Hampton id Carry and Newcastle ta explain expropriation procedures for the hydro right-of-way. rail, Hydra estimates that it will be a, year,, hawever, before ler, expropriation hearings begin.,, 1 ~by negatiatians. - Property owners have access ta both a Board of Negatiatian and ýa Land Compensation Board. Maving framn west ta east, ~ s the following buildings lie in es thepath of the power trans- maission uines: five houses araund Maple exrove; a small industrial mal on Simpson Avenue South in Baowman- ville; the house of Roy Neads on Bawmanville Creek, the Hutton Transport garage for St. Mary's Cement, also in Bowmanville., In Newcastle Village, the house of Mrs. Isabella Wright an Mili Street is also on the i praposed hydro rigbt-of-way. Near Morgan's Corners, the houses belanging ta Mr. and Mrs. T. Powell and Mr. L. Koenderman lie in the way of the hydro route. The selection of the hydro route has been going an for' about five years. Three possible routes were placed bef are the Solandt Commis- sion, the body responsible for finding the'new hydro route. il y * 'e~I o o o otm Now available in Durham Region 24 OURSERVICE, by the Durham Home Qwiners Service Ltd. The Company wos formed by the many yeors comnbined experience ai respected controctors ini the Durham area. Its prmry purpose is to sofeguord members from overcharging ond poor wVork=ship. MEMBIERSHIP BENEFITS .24 ýHour Emergency Service *Dey or Night Protection" *Double Guarantee " Free Estimtes " Guaranteed Complet ion " Specialized Service 0 Lot est Met hods and mot oriels *One Coi[Convenienice " Credif Convenience " Ail trades avoilable * Convenient central billing * Expert advice MEMBERSHIP FEONLY $25 YEARLYI ~ 579m-5O70 IN At a backyard carnival held last Wednesday on Solina Road North, 11-year- old Lisa Chase and her seven-year-old sister Susie (who was officiai chairwornan of the carnival) raised $91.65 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Seven friends and relatives helped out in the very successful event, which included a dart throw, draws for surprise packages, a penny toss and swimming in the family pool. Hot dogs an d buns were donated to the cause by the Dominion and I.G.A. stores in BoWmanville. Winnér of the $14 prize in the 50-50 draw was Brenda Pitman, a cousin of the Chases who is visiting from New Brunswick. Employment Conditi ois June was a very busy month at the Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax. A total of 798 placements were made through the three Manpawer Centres, an increase of 167 placements when compared with figures fromn May of this year. The three Canada Man- r wer Centres for Students ave alsa experienced an increase in activity 50 far this summer. Included in 'the above 708 placements, are 285 regular student placements for the month of June. The Oshawa Caniada Manpower Centre for Students now has a student caunsellor providing service in the Bowmanville area on Tuesday and Thurs- day mornings at the Bawman- ville High Schoal. Employe 'rs and hauseholders in the Bow- manville area a lace their job orders t=ag Oshawa Student Office. The telephone Ail three were north of the 401. However, Dr. Omond Sol- andt, a royal commissianer appointed by Premier William Davis, decided that the uine should go south of Highway 401. The Salandt route was accepted by the Ontario gav- ernment. The new hydra route wauld carry electricity from Lennox Wesleyville and the proposed Darlington generat- ing station. It wouldgo toaa major. transformer station north of Oshawa for distribu- tion across the province. number is 723-2211. During the month of June the Canada Manpower Cent- res in Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax entered into 14 Canada- signed agreements under the Canada Manpower Industrial Training Program. These agreements are presentiy sup- plying bath training and employment for 23 people in aur area. At the end of June there were 79 people receiving academic upgrading at Dur- ham College in preparation ta enter skiil training courses. At present there are 89 people undergoing skill training in 10 The Canadian Statesman, BoWmarîville,- July 21, 1976 Section Two * awa councillor John Howden. fllieBath Newcastle couneillors disagreed with the designation, *of lands west of- Bowmanville ~ as they now appear on the A p rovaI draft officiai plan., A regional document that 'S pann ordmeig n The two councillors had . ý plnnng oar metigs ndvoted for an industrial dsg expcte toguie. he unii- special council meetings. nation for the lands generally pality of Durham in planning However, the plan is, not west of Martin Road. But, ti matters to the year 2000, was, officiai yet. the version of the draft officiai passed by Regional council It has to be forewarded to plan that passed coundeil last last Wednesday, July 14. the Ontario Minister of Hous- week, the area west of Martin Council gave the plan its ing for final approval. Road and Durham-Road 57 is biessmig folowîng four days of The couricil meeting, last earmarked as a special study Wednesday saw possible op- area. position to the plan by Oshawa Newcastle Councillor Bruce and Whitby disappear b yTink voted with the majority eariy evening. The Draft of regional councillors and Officiai plan was finally Newcastle Mayor- Garnet approved by a vote of 23 ta Rickard was absent. He had three. asked ta be excused earlier ini Whitby mayor, Jim Gart- the council meeting ta attend shore, who had earlier expres- ta a personal matter. fjsed concern that adopting the At the close of the officiai plan would mean a loss of plan decision, there was a I~i~autonomy for area municipali- round of applause for Dr. ties, voted ini favor of the plan Mofeed Michael,Director of after 20 modifications that Planning for the region. The seemed ta, satisfy the Wbitby official plan that was finally IF YUR ORK~ HRD) councillors, were included in approved was the result of twa ý O R RW' ARD the document. and one haif years of work for AND YOUR EAD Oshawa mayor, Jim Pot- Dr. Michael and his staff. A.R-E FEWJUIT- REMEMBER ticary, said before the plan- TeîHE MIGHTY OAK WAS was adopted that he felt theaa ÂNE NUT LIKE YOU.f plan, as it was presented ta the Hlyd ro LU nr~e council for final approvai, wopuld still allow autonomy for IR y A MA the area municipalities. Cuts Ac ros s ~hmluif omere the varlous courses sponsored through the Cnd Man- power Centre. The number of clients re-' gistered for employment at, the three Canada Manpower Centres for June totalled 9,526, consisting of 4,705 maie and 4,821 female registrants. Inciuded in this ttai are 789 male and 795 female student registrations and 30,5 employ- ed people seeking other em- ployment.1 The majority of clients were registered in the following occupations:. clerical, sales, service occupations, product fabricating, assembling and repairing occupations, con- struction trades and materiai handlling. Shortages of qualified cli- ents continue to be concen- trated in the s killed trade occupations. There are cur- rently requirements for sheet metal workers, welder fitters, motor vehicle mechanics witlh Class 'A' licences, bricklay- ers, machinists, welders and draftspeople. During the summer months most employers have stable production levels except for employers whose seasonal pea is reached during this period._ _ , PONTYlPOOLJ The -Pontypool summeerfest is just two days, away. It's planned for Juiy 23 and 24 in the Pontypool park. Speciai children's rides wili be availabie and ail chiidren aged 16 and under wiil be admitted ta the park free of charge. The kick off of the summer- fest is at 6 p.m., this Fri-day. Saturday. it runs from noon ta midnight. There will be games of chance and other carnîval' activities including a dance at 9 p.m. bath Friday 'and Saturday nights. The Pontypool Summerfest is sponsored by the Pontypool A recommendation to buv a third garbage packing truck for service in Boýwmanville was accepted by t he Public Works Committee at a meet- ing in Hamptort on Thursday, July l5th. According ta Director af Public Works, Jack Dunham, another machine is necessary ta maintain the present level of efficiency and'ta, avoid the added expense of paying out ATTENTION FARMERSI WHY PAT MORE ? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY SGAS- DIESEL FUEL, Prompt D)elivery I Please Cail CoIIect DXOIL!WHITBY, 668-3381 * RENT-A- CARe After reviewing quotations on the cost of a garbage packer, the committee voted ta have a $10,475 packer instalied on a chassis at an) overali çost of $25,353. If the Newcastle coundil accepts the committee's mo- tion, Mr. Dunham said itý would also mean that Bow- manville could get by without renting another garbage pack- er when either of the otheirtwo BY THE DAY-WEEK OR MONTH AS LOW AS> $10.199 Per day 219 KIN G ST. EAST BOWMAN VILLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Liberty Phone 623-4481 "The Friendly People"' OBITUÂRY PERCY GORHAM A former employee of Can- adian National Railways, who retired in 1960 with 41 years service, Percy Garham died at the Oshawa General Hos- pital Wednesday, July 14, 1976, foilowing a short ilness. He lived at 1221 Simcae St. N., Oshawa. Born Se pt. 22, 189 in Kent, England, e wa a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Goehanm. A resident of Whitby and Bewmanville district sinCe 1947, ho was a mnember of the Canadian Brotherboodl of Rail- way Carmen, and was a member of the Oshawa Senior citiuen.1 Ne is survived by his wife, the former Minerva Irene Tucker; four sons, Percy Gerald of Parry Sound; Stan- ley Earl of Bramalea; Roy Gorge of Woodstock; Ronald IJyTof RR 1, Orono; twa sisters,' Mn. Mildred McNie- Me of Toronto; Mrs. Ethel Uden of Leaside; 12 grand-, çbidren and five great-,grand- ddldren A uiser, Mabel Travis, and three brothers, William Fred and Albert, died before hlm. Mr. Gorham rested at the Armstrong Funieral Home. Service was held ini the chapel Saturday with interment in Highland Memory Gardens, Toronto, Rev. Max Preisier officiated. Memorial donations ta the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated. More thon 300 Attend Lionsý CIub's Pancka:e.Breakfost1, The1 Bowmanville Li ons , our , year that ÙÏÎ Lions Club served sausages 'and served breakfast ta inembers pancakes ta an estimated 300 of the Mdtor City Car Club as people at the Lions Centre well an ap»y member of the Sunday morning. The valus- public whôd-dropped by ta take teer cooks in this photograph a look at the club's display of are (right ta left) Larry street rads. The Lions report Shank, Bill Sutherland, Ted that the car club is comning Miller, Bruce Lush, Ed Leslie back ta town next year for a and Nels Osborne. It was the fifth car show. Garbage Packer A d diî,tion Uraed