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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1976, p. 11

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dian Statesman, Bawmanville, Juli 28, 1976 Tue,,12. noo Co~sm mumb Births C.I______r____ ____ts Ariiefa Sl BARN 'Clearance sale , cash # TENT-traliler, Woods, Model and carry - oeiting panels, 300, slseps six - good condition. seconds,, 7c sq. ft.; Ton Test 76 licence plates. 623-5873 insulation (freated) board 4' x (Thurs., Fn., Sat.). 4' x 1/21 - 4c ft. Some cut 30-1 lumber - 2" x 4" x 8' - 10c f. Used 2" x 4-1c ft. Some 211 x HAY for sale. Good for cattle 6" and other lumber. One haîf and horses. 89c a bale in fild. mi lesast of Bethany on No. 7A Calîl 1-786-2402.. 30-1 Highway past railwa y tracks. Manvers - Cavan Boundary JOHN Deeme Crawler Loader, lins. Look forVCouny Peter- 40c, very gaod shape. Phono borouglh and ictoria signs. 987-4397. 30-2 Tumn ans haif mite south, house and white barn on RASPBERRIES pick your property. Open evemy Satur- own, bringý quart or pint, day 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. ta Dec. 24, containers, 75c a quart. Phono. 197. *29-3 1-753-2424 for days whsn open. ULVI 1 1 - La[Fy a[Iueuare happy ta annaunce the blrth af theirî son, Kyle Andrew an Monday, July 26, 1976 at the General and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound. Pleased grand- arents 'are Carl 'and Jean vitt and Ted and Joan Mann. 30-T Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery wish ta announce the forth- Coaming marriage of their dautlghter, Karen Doreen, fa Warren Willi am Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Y. Jacobs, Toronto. The wedding wil take place on the lawn of the bride's parents on Sat., Sept. 4th, 1976 at 7 p.m. 30-lx Mr. and Mrs., R. Br enta n Rickard, Newcastle are happy ta announce the forthcoming marriage af their ,eider daughter, Beverley Jean ta Kenneth Peter Elaschuk, son of Mr. and ý Mrs. Peter Elaschuk, Mississauga in Newcastle lUnited, Church at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Septem- ber 1, 1976. 30-1 CRA WFORD, Mr. Emmons W. - At Peterborough on Thursday, July 22, 1976. Emmons W. Crawford of 410 Highland Road, Peterborough, be[oved husband of rene Scott (Hughes) and the late Eliza- beth M. Shearer, dear father of George B. and Kennsth W. Crawford of Toronto. Brother of Chester Crawford of De,- trait. Also survivedi by eight grandchildrsn and ans great q randichild. The late Mr., Lrawford was. resting at Comstock Funeral Home, 356 Rubidge St., Peterborough where service was held on Monday, July 26th at 1: 30 p.m. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. Memorial donations ta the Ont. Hearf Foundation would be appre- ciated by the family. 30-1 McGILLi Lamne Sidney - At Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, July 26, 1976, Lamne Sidney, McGiII, belovsd hus- band of Marjorle Voysey Father of Mrs. Archie C=h_ rane (Brenda), Mrs. Stan ,-Brown (Lamna), Mrs. Mervin Brisco (Joan), Oshawa, Miss Shirley McGill, at home. Brother of Mrs. George Lathangue (Hazel), Beleville, RoBowmanville, Herman, Bhany. In his 69th year. Rested. at the Armstrong Funeral Homne, Oshawa, wifh funeral service In the chapel Wed. Interment Orono Ceme- tery. Memorial donations'to ~he Ontario l-eart Foundation -,-,r Canadian Diabetic Asso- ciation would be appreciated. 30-1 PRT i RI - len ioving mom- o a fadear wlfe and mother, =azl ho passed away July 24, 1964. Though absent you are vsry near StilI oved, sf111 missed and very en Lvngly remombered by .husband Fred and family. 30-lx - mrths FRASER, M. Kenneth - At Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Sundav, July 18, 1976, M. Kenneth Fraser of 350 Victoria Park Avenue, Toron- ta. Belaved husband of Muriel Grass. Dear father of Ian; gprandfather of Christine, Mnn, FatÏricia and Keith. Rested et the Northcutf Elliott Funenal Home, Bawmanviile. Puneral service 7.30 o'cîock Monday evening. Cremation - 30-1 HUNT - At Memorlal Hospi- taI, Bowmanville, Wednesday, JuIy 21, 1976, Grace Shepherd, ;ged74 years, wife of the late Merbent Hunt, dear mbfher of Norman and Ja mes Bîackie, Toronto and Herbert Hunt, Bowmanville. Service was hoîl ln the -Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviîle on Fmi- day aftsrnoon. Informent Bowmanville Cemeètery. 11 30-1 JOHNSON, Charles - At Sunnybrook Hospital, Toron- fa, on Sunday, J uly 25, 1976, Chuck Johnson of Maple Grave, N., in his 61sf year. Laving husband of Muriel Baker. Dear father of Philip, Elizabeth and Hiiary. Rosted at the Nor thcutt -EllIiott Fun- oral Home. Private funeral service was held on Tuesday. Informent Zion Cemetery. 30-1 KNOX - At Ross Merial Hospital, Lindsay, on Monday, July 26, 1976, Marianoe Junkin, aVed 75 years. Blovsd wife of ictor Knox, R.R. 3, Fenelon Falls; dear mother of Carson, Fonelon Falls and Elizabeth 1,Mrs. Don Anderson), Bow- manvilie; dear grandmother of, si ght grandchildren. Funera i-service at Platton and Wagg Funeral'Home, FensIon Fall sat 2 p. m. Thursday, July 29, 1976. 30-1 RAYNER - At Spokane, Washington on Sat., Jul y 24, 1976, Helen M. Rayner (Gib- son) of Lake Forest, 111. Wife of the lafe Gibert Rayner. Mother of Rev. Elizabeth Noice, Mrs., C. Wood (Mnn), Mrs. A. Ensor (Joan) and, Mrs. K. Eckhardt (Barbara). Memnorial service in St. George's$ AngIlican Church, Newcastle onFrida'cýy, Ju ly 30, 1976 at il a.m. Informent of ashes St. George's Cemtery. For further particulars con- tact Northcutt Elliotf at 623- 5668. 30-1 CARNATION For Ail Your "F'lowers ~U Flower Needs IJf SaylIt ÎR Best" S:TOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS VAN BELLE THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT OAILY DeliverYto ... Carnation Flower Shop oeliawa - mmanvIll Ar»a 33 Division St. Phone 623-4441 62311i41 tfi434t Durham ýCounty's Oldest F unerat1 Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE, TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, i - CONCERN- SERVICE' Con cerned people often inquire about pre-, arrangement of funeral details. Infor- mation can be simply, and thoughtfulîy obtained upon request. This is part of our, service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 30-1 SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions -Wrought Iran Flower Stands - Home Appointmsnts GIadly Arrangsd RUTTER GRANITE, CÔMPANY LIMITED Established 14 P.O. Box 176, 73 Ontanio Street Port Hope, Ontario Li A 3W High Quality at Reasonable Picos Phono 885-5216 Homo 885-5222 w -KANs4p- *ALry BROWNý - In Ioving memory of a dear husbandfather and grandfather, ITom Brown, who left us August 1, 1966. Gocl's greatsst gift, remem- brance. -Lavingýly remombered by Betty and fammly. 30-1 GRANT - ln Ioving msmary of a dear father, grandfather great' grandfathsr, D. Selby Grant Who passeai away July 24. 1973. God took hlm home, if was 1 His wiII,11 But ln aur hearts we love hlm st111; Mis memary is as dear foday As, In the hour he passed away. We offen sit and think of him When we are ai alone, For momory is the only friend That grief can cali Ifs own. --Sadly missed by Joyce and George and family. 30-1 HIRCOCK, Helen Mary - ln, Iovlng memory of a dear friend who passed away July 29, 1974. Although we smile and make no fuss, No ans misses her more fhan us, And when aid times we off recal 1, That's when we miss her most of ai. -Always loved and remom- bered by Nennie and Ross. HIRCOCK - ln laving'mem- ory of my dear daughfer, Helen Mary Hircock, who died JuIy 29th, 1974. This month cames wif h sad regret, If brings a day 1 will neyer 1 fargef, 1 - Deep in my heart you wilI always stay, Loved and remembered svery day. -Sadi y, missed by her mather, Mrs.-red Cameron. 30-1 x MOF FAT,, Robert G. - ln memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away July 28th, 1975. A littîs tributs, small and tender, Jusfta say wo sf111 remember. - Sadly missed by wife Gladys and family. 30-lx PASSANT - In loving m em- ory of a beloved mother and marna,, Eiida Ruthi, who- passed away Aug. 4, 1972.' May you always waîk in Sunshine And God's love, around you Iow For we h pnss you gave us Onl w wllknow To us you were sameane spocial Someone S0 good and true Mther you wiil not be forgotten, For ws thought the world of 1you. We go and fend your grave Place aur fiowers with cars But only wo know f ho heart- break When we turn and beave you there. -Lovingly romombered by Mary, Larry, Vincent, Eugene and Andrew. 30-1 The famil y of the late Mrs. Christina Luxton wish ta thank their relatives, friends and peighbors for their beauti- fui floral tributes, donations to the Cancer Society, Blind Instituts and the Heart Fund, and many kind expressions of sympathy during aur recent sad bemeavement in the loss of a dear mother, grandmother and great grandmot hem. Special thanks taODrs. bO. Hubbard and Long, nurses and s-taff of Memorial Hospi- tal. Thanks also. ta Rev. Peters, Marris Funeral. Chapel and Memorial1 Park for their thoughtfulness an-d con- Cern. The Luxton famiiy 30-Ix We wish ta e xpress aur sincere thanks and appre- ciation ta Rev. Barrett of Part Hope, O.E. Allison Funerai Home, Welcome U.C.W., alsa, the many. friends and noigh- boums for their floral tribufes, donations and thoughfful ex- Pressions of sympathy shown duning the illness and loss of aur mother and gmandmother. Bil11 and Yvonne Hay and famliy of the late Jenny Andrus. . 30-1 We wauîd like ta thank aur many friends and acquaint- ances who helped make Sat- umday, Juiy 17 a vemy memar- able eveni*ng for us. Also a special thanks ta those who devated their timo and enemgy ta organizing the affair. Lloyd and Joyce Hamilton 30-1 "Thank You" ta aillaur neighbaums, friends and rela- tives for the lavely gifts and Party given ta us for aur 25th Wedd ing Anniversary. Gwien and Harold Murphy 30-ix We would like to'ýlhank the Solina community for the gift of a dard table set. Your kindiness and thoughtfuîness wi11 a lways ho appreciated. Grant and Anne Milîson 24tf 30-1 Garage sais at- 186 King E. on Satumday, JuIy 31 at 10:30 a.rn. 30-1 Deoration Day will ho held on Sunday, Aug. ath, 1976, Lakeview Cemetery, Newton- ville, Ont. 30-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., August 3rd Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8-00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 30-1 Annual Bawmnanville Legibn Picnic, Branch 178, ta be eld Sunday, August 15 at Thistie Valley Park beginning at 12 noon. Please plan ta attend. 30-3 SPECIAL' Concert and Dancs, Elmhurst Motel "1CH ILLUMOI That weIl known Bowmanvills band will appeor to-night, JULY 28 ONLY. 30-1 APPEARING AT The Qussn's Motel Newcastle Country Expressions Friday - Saturday JUIY 30- 31 DANCING 9 -1 30-1 Club Annrene Dance and Banquetf Hall avallable for your graup's fundi raiSingi activities. Book y ur nexft year's dates naw wh ils chaice dates are sf111 available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf New Tyrans Hall now avail- able for wodding receptions, banquets etc. Kitchen and bar facilities available. For book- ings cal Mrs. Bowers 263-2086. 28-4 MONS TER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7: 30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JULBILEE PAVILlON OSH4AWA 50-tf WOOD I EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RIED BARN-- WAYNE ST. OS HAWA 21 -tf PLAY ""T.V. BINGO" $5,000 Jackpot svery Saturday at 6:30 p.m. On Global TV. Ca rds oniy $1. each. Cards available at most Wintario outiots. 27-4 1970 BUICK GS, 350, 4 barrel, as is. Phono 987-5281. 30-ix '67 VOLVO, A-1 condition. Asking $1200 or bsst offer. Phono 987-4267 . 30- 1 '69 TORINO, $1500 or best offer. Phono 987-4267. '71 CHEVELLE Malibu, 350, p.s. and p.b., radio, low mileage, good condition. Phono 623-6769 aff or 6. 30-ix 1970 VOLKSWAGEN Bootie, 59,000 miles, safety checked. Asking $750.,Phono 263-2649. 30-1 1967 CH EV. 2-door. Mechanic- ally A-1, good body, mechan- ics certIficats availabte. Ask- ing only $595. Phono 623-3259. 30-1 1968 DODGE, 4-door, V ,-8, autamnatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, in good condition, certified, $795. Phono 263-8884. 30-1 '69 IMPALA, good condition, must ssii. $950. Phono 623-9353 af ter 5. 30-1ix '69 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2- door, 350 engins, cdean inter- iom, mechanically sound. Call 987-5202 affer 6 p.m. 1 30-ix VITALIZING! Phono 723-1155: for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Written wam- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf 1969 VOLKSWAGEN as is. Phono 623-5770. 30-1 1976 PONTIAC Catalina Safari wagon. Fully power equipped, like now, many oxtras, 13,000 miles. Should be seen fa ho appreciated. Private. Orono 983-5210. 30-1 '75 CHEV. Monza 2 + 2. Beaiutiful orange, V-8, auto- mat ic, AM-FM stereo, radiaIs, 9,000 miles, $4,000. Orono 983-5444. 29-2 PICK YOUR OWN RASPBERRI ES (Or pick fer us) FREEHOLD FARM 1Clarke Sth Lins (One mile north of Kirby on Highway 115 an west skie of Onfaria Sports) 983-9215 27-tf F Î E L IED suites, round coffee table, night fables, rugs,. recliners, occa- sional chairs, portable T.V_, kitchen cabinets, .corner tables, pocket noveis, Towns Used Furnifure, 19 Temper- enco St, Bowmanville. IRIS corms, four colours, phw aIe blue, brown, deep luexceptionai -variety. Phono 623-5898. 30-1 GARAGE Sale - Flea Market. Open daiiy on Baseline Raad, 21/ miles west of Waverly Road. Small appliancos, used furniture, antique dishes and furniture, bulding materials. -Ses 1isf at I. G.A. Phono 623-7490. 30-1 U PRIGHT Weber piano, needs same repair. Phono 987-5185. 30-1 1973 VAMAHA- DT-3, good condition, $300 or best affer. Phono 623-5528. 30-1x Weekend Special 6 Roses-99c CASH AND CARRY Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St., Bowmanvilie Phono 623-7141 30-1 Going Out of Business Sale Continues PER CENT 24 PANTSUITS LEFT Reg. valus up te $65 - $24.95 40 DRESSES LEFT Reg. Value up to $60-S$24.95 (on 1V2 price, whichever is less) 17 DRESSES Mostly 1V2 siZeS - ail 514.95 64,,SLACkS Rsg. valuesto $30 - $10.95 (or 1/2 pric e, whichevsr is less) 56 BLOUSES Reg. valus to $22 - $8.95 Ail Jewsller? 1là Price or Lss Odds and Ends Table $3 each-article. NEW FALL SAMPLES Size 10ar msdiums AIl discount pnicos. LYNDA'S (LADIES WEAR) 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville 30-i FORD pick-up (new oengîno), 4 e ar aid piano, 125 Y amaha endura, 3,000 'miles; 24,000 BTU air conditloner, bedroam suite. Phono 576-3004. 30-1 HAY for sale. Good miWed hay by bale or standing, neoti- able. Phono 723-1176 or 723- 5945. 30-1 ELECTRIC Chord Organ in excellent condition. Phono 263-2775,. 30-1 STE EL storage sh-ed, 8' x7' in excellent condition. Phono 987-4246. 3- HOMEMADE collapsible house traler. $600 on best offer. Phono 987-4267. 3- CEDAR hydro polo, 33' peeled and driedl three yoars. Phono 263-2511. 30-1 SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has aîuminumn pools Ieft aver from 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and femms. Cali calîect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802, 1 8 tf SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS [~ TPS-oIL & DRi FIL Ij.~j DELIVEREO OR REMOVEO TRUCKCS & LOADERS FOR RENT'~ SNOW REMOVAL Phon Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HiWAY 2. Rudy Eyman F0amm, 5- miles east of Newtonvilîe, beside Morrish Church on 1-1v. 2. 30-2 CAR PETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface f Ioaring, professional- ly lnsta lIed. Free estirmates. Your ans stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanvllle. Furniture, Car- poet and Drapes. 3f THREE tires, 78 x 14, 60 per tcent weam Ieft. One axercise bike, aîmost now, $45. Phono, ALUMI NUM folding camper, Caratrail. 85 Third St.,$400 or best offer. 30o-ix BALED hay in the field-. Phono 263-26À9. 30-1 1975 CB200 excellent condi- tion, onl y 5,000 miles, has back rest andca rrier, $975. Phono 263-2280 aftor 1 p.m. 30-1 40 SHEETS, 8 x 4 pan elling. Nover used. Phono 623-5253. 30-1 SMOPEDS Three eonly, famous Moby- lette with Moby matlc trans- mission - complote with fac- tory warranty Reg. 439.00 Lae 265.00 623-7684 30-lx BRASS bed, dressers, china cabinets, wash, stands, chrome set, occasional chairs, armoires, dishes and lots mars at Dad's Used Furniture and Antiques, Nowtanville, 786-2509. 30-1. PICK your own Harvest apples and raspborries. In- quire Browview Farm, junc- tion of Highway,2 and 115. 30-F- SAIL BOAT - Flying Junior Fibreglass, 100 ft. sali, good shape. Asking $950. Phono 623-2913. 30-1 SWIMMING pool wholesaler must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperateiy needed factory warehouse, space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around dock, fonce, f ilter and warrantes, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cal] Gord collect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18-tf Swimming Pool Leading Manufacturer and distnibutor has above ground aiuminum pools ieft oven fromi 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- tesd installation and terrm Cal Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days, or svonings. 5-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment &Homos Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 SWIMMINGPool lsss than ons yoam aid. Fanta Sea above gmound rsdwaod 16 x 24, cas" $4,500. Must ssIli mmedlately. will' sacrifice - savlngs of $2,000. Caîl Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-6258817 fa*ys or svenings collect. il-tf TOP silI, Leland Payne, 1-786- 252. 17-ff SWIMMINCG Poo 1 for, sale. Movlng - will ssiI you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savlngs of $2100. 1975 mnodel , cail 416-625-2719, dJays or svsnings, colt ect. 1 -ff SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above gmound pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. aid. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice ½1/2price. Cail Mr. Harvey, callecf, days or svenings, 416-625-88,19. 1 1-tf Pure Pi-e Shavings Ba led, Dust-f ree Phone 723-6660 29-tf WELSH pony and foal., For further particulars phone 623. 3807. 2- PADDY S Market now ha$ new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stersos and also <used f urniture and applianicos Wîll accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241,, 33-tf USED Furnîture and Appli-, ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241.- 26-f $225 ARTLY Flute and $120, Suzuki Classical Guitar. Best off or. Phone 623-3595 affor 4 p.M. 30-lx STATIONARY sawmnill with gas engins, can be moved to new location. Phono 1-786-2954 or Box 36, Newfonvllle. 29-2x CHEST of drawors, Lloyd baby carniage, double bed, 9 x 12 rg 1966 Studebaker. ,Phon 263-668.30-1 RAMBLER trailors, see them at Newcastle Trailier Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle, seven days a week. 987-5131. 29-tf Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WI4EELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623,-4866 23-ff ELMER'S New and Usoec Furnlture and Appliances. W. buy, contents of homos. Phono Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf COM PR ESSORS Ail kinds of machinsry. Ssiil. Buy. Trade. Ront. MON DAY TOSATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phono 623-5939 A salesman ln Dariington Township. 15-tf. Water Deiivery For filting swimming pools and wslls. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 E. WHITE EAR PIERCING 1SERVICE Hooper's Jewel lers Ltd. Regular.Pri ce $12.00 noW 10.00 with studs Special110 per cent reduction on f irst purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Mair Removal, 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGE 44-tf ln stüct ô'n ý>:e Private Tutoring -,qualified UvestArts2gradLuat.Any 623-4817. PIANO LI Royal Conserv teacher wishes te vsrs, any age. Phone 2é MUSIC LI Qualifiod Studl wants pupils fro Gr. 4 beginnirîq at 29 Meadowvie For informe 623-4' NOTICE -Y CF AND OTF In the Estate of1 RUNDLE, late a Newcastîe,- -nt Municipality of tlred Farmer, Di diod at Bowman on lô6th March resided at 971/2 West, Bowmanvl Creditors and C d9aimnsagainst1 ceased or his required ta ssnc and fli1 proof toif ed on or before 1976, affer whi( assets of the Es dlstributed havinj ta the dlaimrs ther Dated af Town o ln Regional Mui Durham this l2th L.C. Mason Q.C., 135 Wellington Street, R.O. Box 129, Bowmanvîlle, Ontario, Li C 3K9 Solicitor for The Adminis- tratrix wlth 'WilI Annexed (Aura Belle Hilîs). 28-3 Dr. Keith Biiiett's office will be closed fmam JuIy 31sftat August lSth Inclusive. 30-2x Dr.. Anfossi's office wili be closed from July 24th ta August 8th Inclusive. Open Wodnesday,JuIy 28th, 2-5p.m. for i nliect ions. 29-2 Dr. Rudoll's office, 75, King St. E., will be closed for holiclays July 23 - Aug. 15 ,Inclusive. Appointmenfs may be taken Aug. 10 - 13. 29-4 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. ,Phone 623-4428 Ros. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSURANCE 28-tf EXPERIENCED Christr tree pruners wantsd or wll ta Iearn. Phone 623-3247.- PART-time service st4we attendant required. y lmperiai 011 Service M Hwy. 401 and Waverly WAITRESSC Overl18 APPLY: Noons's Hotol and Restauranti 1-983-5536 EXPERIENCED haim-resserý7. Phone 623-4620 evenings. 30-1q_ WOMAN re quired, beginni in September, ta g ive iOvii¶ care tomy 10month old bal4 Prefer in my home but 411 î consider otherwise. Salak-Y negotiable. Bowmanvllo org34. Phone 623-9277. bicesl. PhoneI Canvassing in the Durham 29-2 Reglion, ul or part-time.4 lESSONS -Advertising supplied. atory. student Ca Il 579-506 o teach Begin- 8-tf~ 63-2320Fu Ti e 30-iX Part Time ESO S Noed someone to assist me Wf ESSON MY fast grawing casmetek lnt Teacher business. Choose your hour4A. m beginner - Complote training progranlý Sept. 12, 1976 C l6337 ew Blvd. C l4337 ation CaîIl _____________ ý163 30-i f Jensen Steel, LtcL - 1 MM ýRequires Fitter - Wldsrs Material Handlers- mommogamomShear Operators REDITORS Multi-Torch Oporator- HERS Press Brake Operater CYRIL LEVI Apyiesna )f the Tawn of 12 aepLineRoaat, . the Regional 2 aeLn RaEs,- Durham, Re- Bowmanvill. î >eceased, who 25-ft ville, Ontario h, 1976 and Sa les Opportunity Il ntarZf Agriculture Requins an aggressive sale thers having and marketing type witN the said de- strong agricultura I back#ýý Estate are grounci. Particular intersst 4-1. d particulars animal heaîth and Ime$ ho undersign- canifrôl. Good starting salar qt Auust, p'us bonus, expenses aj-ý ich date the benefits. Opportunity a 9e state will be op division on a national basW .n recelved.TuonLd, t:. if Newcastle, Box 30, iniipaityof Part Perry,_Ontario,'-t~~ COURTICE -TO WT"CHILDREN'$ PHOTOS Cameras and 'Photographic Supplies 10 Film Processing 78 King St. W., Bowmanvills 623-2404 231 TWO couches, gaad conditi on,. suitable for a Cottage. $10 for bOth - Phono 263-2365. 30-1 SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian Danish, bedroom, complets f dinîngq roam, 9 piece; lvinI rorn; wall unit, cottes T&0155 new fumnituro, very reason able. Phono 1-247-4377. 10-t Tender TENDERS Tenders will b. received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 19, 1976 for the foilowing itemns. Dismantis Bell Tower, Centrai Public School, BOWMAN VILLE Fencing, DOr. Powers Public: Sch.ol, PORT HOPE Window Replacement, Burn- ham Street Public School, ICOBOURC WWMdw Rsptacement, cour- tice West Public School, R.R. 3, DOWMANVILLE Specifloations may be obtain- ed froni the Office of: M.A. Mac Lead, Business Administrator and Treasursr The Northumberlanfd and Newcastle Board of Education IBox 470 8j4 D'Arcy Street, North COBOUJRG, K9A 4L2 30-2 CAR POOL ANYONE? I am ddniving Bowmanville f0 fScarborough daily. Wish to sharo gas with other com- mutons. Arn willing to stop at Oshawa. Phone 30-1-x RIDE'needed fron-i Bowman- Ville (or Oshawa) ta Victoria Park and 401 woekda ys, leaving at 7:15 a.m. Also return ride Ieaving at 5 p.m. WIi sharo gas. Phono 623-9277. 30-1 eant for a 1 bedroom apt. or self containedflat in Bowmnanviîle. References avallable. Cail 723-0295. 29-2x àTWO bedmoom aparfment re- quired for rstired douple by September lst. Phono 623-2770. 30-ix R E L ABLE adults would Ilike country house ta rent. Within commuting distance' 0f Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121.-28 CAR ETAKEF Il1 Applications wil be recêivot by the undsrsignod unti, Friday, JulY 30, 1976, fOr thi position of part time Care, takor, 8 hours per week at the Hampton Junior Public School. Good knowlodgs of school caretaking procedures and cleaning methods. Ability te work fom verbal and written instructions and to commuffi cate well witb others. Reply on writing statiI qualifications, address a<W telephone number ta: M.A. Mac Lood, Business Administrator and Treasuir The Northumberland and ý Newcastle Boardeof Educa*log Box 470 COBOURG, K9A 4L2 X-1 Sale Barn Manager for fté new Liptay Auction Centre, formerly Peterborough Livei- stock Sale Barn. Large a part- ment available at site. Live- stock experience requined. Rogular sale barn duties. Salary ta bo discussed. Pull- tîme position. This may be an4 ideal opportunity for a good auctioneer. Duties ta coni' mence Soptember 2. Send qualifications, sxperience, and other relevant detailstr Liptay Auctioneers Ltd., RW 1, Bowmanvilîe, Ont., C 3 K2. 3c-i CONTRACTORY General contractons i, quired in Durham Regon. Raoers, pavers, plumbers, genenal etc, Must be isd pendent busInosses. CaIl 579-5070 9-tf ROOM and board available, gentleman preforred. Phono 623-3265. 30-2 ROOM and board wanted foe- yong man. Nestîston-Bac. sokarea. Phono 1-655-3485. - FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOC, CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM-. Hamipton 263-MIl, i r 1

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