- Protessional Stea Cleaning Servic( Commercial - Indus Residentia I, Wall-to-Wall Broadlooil Carpets, Rugs & Upholst CALI BOB AT 623-2383 3mm trial tery 29-tf Lawn and Garden Ca re Grass cutting, rototilling and lawn rolling with a.commer- cial machine. Seedina dlown new lawns' and oîd, tree cutting, painting, and odd jobs cleaning up. 500 lbs. pressure washing for farm equipment trucks, etc. F.obert Jones 987-5222 - 987-4098 27-tf BiII"'s GLASS and'MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division t., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - St-'rm Windows, Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf .WATEÈ Weifis bored, 30" ie 'Ward's Well, Boring. Tele- pfhone 342-2030. Representa- 'tve Harry L. Wade. Tele- iphone 987-4531.16t 38MT Lr'OMMË _RIA L REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES a SERVIÇE' Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-322,1 24 Division St., Bowmanvilîeý 26-tf DARLI NGTON 1MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623- 2176 Alil-Type Painting & Roof ing Flats, tar and gravel, mnetal, cold process, leaks, repairs, shing les, interior and exterior painting. Free estîmates. PHONE 623-5038 i9 t PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Wddings - Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 7 05-277-2261 29-tt Durham Masonry ContractorsLtd. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework- Spocializing in Fireplaces. Phone 576-0230 Night 439-6516 24-tf Ref rigeration and Appliancec Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PH4ONE BERT SYER Days ... .........-ý.623-5774 Nights ....... ......623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2tf BILL'S swimming pool main- tenance. Phone 983-5606.,C 24-12 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY), MEATS1 Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. , FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa f Phone 579-,8011 or 623-7056 144f ""SOUND CARAVAN"l DISC JOCKEY SERVICE BOWMANVI LLE Ray Prout Mark Trewin 623-2918 623-5870 30 lx Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soff it - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398, For FreeýEs timate 22-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FIJRNACES CL EANE D PLUM8ING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-f BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumrbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cail1623-2641 OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons (Our fireplaces do nat smoke) 1-983-5606 25-f CANVAS &UPHOLSTERY Custom Made Awnings Traiier- Boat- Sail Covers Ail types of canvas repairs. 'Boat -Skidoo, Motorcycle seats recovered., Bowmanville -623-4654 30-1 x Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIl General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 ,27-tf Jim'"s Body Shop located af Pete's Esso on Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 27-4 D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes' Renovating Rec Room~s Repa irs of al1i1types. P HON E 623-2263 20-tf Monte Hennessy Carpentry - Renovating Fencing, AilTypes Floor Sandin , Concrete Wcrk Farm Buildings and Maintenance Phone 579-5957 16-tf Maple Grove SmnaIl Engine Repairs to ail1 makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 14-tf ALUIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS 11(Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AI l work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your homeor place of business. AI l parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PH ONE 623-5045 Bowmianvillie m"~f Mi i~r TOP CS'PAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Pianlo Lots of u sed pianos in stock, organs too! OSHAWA OR GAN CENTRE 16. Smcoe N. af King) 728-1675 CASH for goid, siver, co guns, docks, jeweiiery, d es, turniture, crocks, pa ings, sealers, appliarc Friendiy Flea Market, 23K West, 725-9783. FARM fencing. Wiii buvild new fences, ail types. Aiso repair exi sting, tences. Cail Henry Wtten 1-986-5298. 25-10x C&CJA-NITOR 1SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES, Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE NEW stores to lease on Waveriy Road, Bowmanville for pharmacy, fruit and veg- etabie, delicatessen, bakery, dry cleaher, donut shop. Also offices for any professional including dentists and doctors. New plaza in new subdivision. For further information call 623-4960 or 1-444-6635 or write, South East Building Corp., 1135 Leslie Street, Don Milis, Ontario. 28-4 UPSTAIRS apartment, one block from uptown Bowman- ville. Ail, newiy renovated inside. $265 per month, heat, water, hydro, fridge and stove suppiied. Availabie immed- iately. Phone 263-8884. 30-1 NEWCASTLE, 2 bedroom apartment availabie immedi- ateiy, $125 monthiy. Phone 1-668-4940 after 5 p.m. 30-1 APARTMENT, one bedroom. Extra large rooms. Available August lst. Phone 623-7438. 30-1 x AVAILABLE September 1, self-contained, one bedroomn apartment in older house on quiet residential Street, cen- trally located. Write Adver- tiser 628, c-o Canadian States- man, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 30-1 NEW apts. Port Hope, from $190., 1 and 2, bedrooms. Sauna, recreation, children's room, many, features. Cal 885-6500. 28-9 APARTMENT tor rent. King St. E., upstairs, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living' room and baicony. Telephone 623-3396.> 29-2 Furnîsýhed Bedroomis by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premnises, reasonable rates. CASTLE MOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 tf FOR sale, young, peacocks. Phone 623-4967 atter 6 p.m. 29-2 Riding lessons given by qualified instructor- equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good horses availabie. Aiso horses broken and train- ed. Ca Il 623-4558. . 25-tf HALF registeredI Arab geld- ing, sired by Kal-a-Nar, 16.1 hands, good western, pleasure or show. Quiet. Must seil. Phone 263-2356. 30-1 Cct ab 1 es EQU ESTR 'AN TRAINîNG CENTRE 4ARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hutntes & Jumpers >1 unters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWANvIL.E6237336 t ,RESULTS COUNT!' 52-tf L tMultiple Listing Service;, oirns, Oshawa & District rices. King WANTED two furrow tractor mounited plow. Phone 623-4669. 30-1 L;S E"D Funitiure and Appli- ances. Paddy's' Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycies Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard -623-5756 Residence -623-7112, Stafford 8Brothers Monluments L IMI TE D Box 133 38Dundlas St. E. - Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 Modlern Boarding 1 Kenne Is ' For cats and dlogs. Profession- al dog groom ing, ail breeds and mixed. "Whiie you're away, have him cleaned up and gay." Bring himn to the specialist at Th'e Doggy Place NEWTONVILLE 786-2234 24-tf > Board Your DogI A home away f rom home. Long runs, clean, veterinary service. Free pickup and delivery., R.TV.V. KENNELS Phone 623-6892 THREE Labrador pups, 2 maie and one female, 3 months oid, no papers, $50 a pièce.L Phone 705-277-2152. 30-1 AFGHAN puppies, registered-, exotic colours, inoculated, tattooed, dewormed, trained, guaranteed, $75. Phone 987- 5083. 30-1 FOUR black and white kit- tens, litter-trained. Free to good home. Phone 623-3130. 30-1 COLLI1 E puppies, free to gooci home, Cofle mother register- ed but Collie tather is not. Phone 263-8085 atter 5. 30-1 WALKER fox hound pups, maie oniy, $75, also olIder trained dogs. Newcastle 987- 5009 or 987-4786. 30-1 Auction Sale - the dis- mantied Milibrook Arena - Used Lumber, Cables, Alum- inum Sheeting - Arena Fur- nnishings, Hardware. 1,000 pi ýeces 2" x 6" x 14', 300 pieces s2"1 x 6" x assorted lengths, Il1,000 pieces 2" x, 10" > x 9assorted iengths, 500 pieces 2" - x 8"ý x assorted iengths. Steel DOITS, ï5 steel cables 12" x 75', 25cables %/8x75 - spliced eyes - ends, various turf buckies and 1clamps - approx. 20,000 sq. ft. >aiuminum sheeting (assort- ed), steel piating - 42 pieces 2' x 8', 1/2" plywood. 4' x 4' 1", umber, 2 tans, 2 vents, 2 x 4 umber, steel posts and sup-, ports, doors, f ire-e 4xt hard- ware, sinks, 2 washrooms, 24 arena iights, oil furnace, tank glass. chain link fence, 15 5/8 x 12' tie rods, misc. boîts, etc.,- etc., etc. At former arena site, Miilbrook, Sat., Jul y 31, 1:00, p.m. Sale Managed by Liptay Auctioneers Ltd. for R. Bibeau Const. Ltd. Auctioneer Steve Liptay. 29-2 Wednesdlay, August 4, 12 Noon 130 Hoîsteins Triple A & D Holstein Dis- persai, owned by Jackson Bros., R.R. 1, Brooklhn, Ont. Selling at the farm, 1 mile north and 2 miles west of Brooklin. 130, Head, 80 Reg- istered and 50N.1. P. Grade. 80 Milk Cows, 30 Bred Hehters, 20 Open Heifers and Caives. Supervised D.H.l.A. Tested for 20 years. This herd features large, sharp dairy cows with ta il front ends and beautiful quality udders. Large number 0f young cows. In 1975 86 records averaged 1348m, 505f, 3.75 per cent (BCA 127-131). Many cows have records in the 16-17,000 lb. range. 35 wili be fresh or springing at sale time. Large number due in October and November. These cows are used to both ties and free stalis. Lunch Available. Sale at 12 Noon sharp. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524. 9R-3 Friday, July 3th - seliing at Lindsay Community S ae ~Barn, Angeline St. N., Lind- sa y. 10 Hereford cows with calves by side. Bull exposed end of June. Cari Hîckson, Auctioneer. 30-1- Friday, Au gust 6th - selling at Lindsay Community Sale Barn. 10 Hereford cows with calves by side. Bull exposed end of June. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer. 30-2 Friday, Au gust 6th - selling at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lind- say. 20 Purebred mature Hereford cows with il calves by side. Bull exposed Juiy 7th. Ail papers available. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer. 30-2 Auict ion Sale tf Grist Mill Auction Barn, Newtonvi île Friday, July 3th - 7 p.m. The estate of the late Chief, Charles Graham of Port Hope. Fridge, stove,, 5 pc. kitchen suite, tableand floor lamps, 4 pc. bedroom suite including twin four poster beds, 2 walnut corner china cabinets, 5 chesterfieids including 1 Vic- torian, 5 fancy dining room chairs, set of coffee and end tables, smoker stands, occa- sionai chairs, fancy folding dining roomn table, iawn fur- niture, picture frames, wicker basketsepumrp organ in good condition, 20 boxes of good glass plus lots more. This sale wili take 2 weeks to soul. The above contents are in excel- lent condition. Viewing Thurs. evening, Juiy 29th, 7 - 9. Terms Cash. Stapleton Bras., Auctioneers, 786-2244. 30-1 Auction sale seliing for Albert Crawford, 1 mile west of Hampton, lst road ijust past Padd Ys Market to the south, on Saturday, Juiy 31 at 1 p.m. Potato digger, 101 Massey Harris tractor, McCormick baier, John Deere cultivator, hay buncher, gang plough, 2 furrough 3 point hitc h piough, hand sprayer, 2 lawn mowers, wheelbarrow, oil space heat- er, 2 wheel trailer, rubber tire wagon, pressure system - Beatty, rotary pump and motor, 2 wagon ioads of small articles, electric motors, Case thrashing machine, extension table with leaves, quantity of odd chairs, oid cupboard with glass top, old Parlour wood stove, wash stand, oid sealers, antique washing machine, ohl amp, odd iamps, baby high chair, do1il's high chair, humidifier, assorted pictures, giasses, cookie tins, odd dishes, silver, ware, linens, wooi blankets and many other articles. L! Harris, cierk. Ciiff Pethick, auctioneer. 30-1 Saturday, July 31st - Auction Sale of Heavy Construction Equipment. T he property of the late Ian Windebank (Windebank Construction) to he sold in the villaae of Fçjnelonl Falls at Bellwood Garage on West St. M.F. 300 diesel tractor with 32Q In- dustrial Backhoe ' complete. Int. TD 14 Bulldozer with blade. Michigan loader with 3 yard bucket, Link Beit drag line with back hoe attach- ment, 2 yard bucket. 1974 Ford 1/2-ton truck. 1964 Ford 85 diesel tractor - full air, live tandem, hoist. 1969 single axie 24' float, 12 yard tandem g ravel box - full air, 38' tandem trailer - full air, 1966 Ford 850 gas dump truck,,air lift tag axie with 12 yard aluminumn box, 1969 Ford Torino car, steel beams, tim- bers, large quantity 0f items used for house moving. Electric weider, acetylene hoses and gauges, 10 hydraulic jacks, eiectric grinders and sanders, steam jenny, large quantity of hand tools and wrenches, 1969 oul furnace, 200 gai. oil tank, weli tule bafferv Charger,. many oTner ITeml~ Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 30-1 CHAROLAIS PRODUCTION SALE Loyalist Farms Limitod The Hon. William J. Henderson Seliing 40 Lots 19 Cows 14 Heifers 7 Buils Ail reg isterod with the Amer- ican International Charolais Association. Saturday, August 7, 1976 1: 00 p.m. lndoor arena, at the farm, Golf Course Road, Amherst- Iview west of Kngston, off Hwy. 33. For catalogues or information contact: Loyaiist Farms Limited, 4567 Bath Road, Kingston, Ontario K7N iNO, Tel. 1-613-389-0232 or: Sale Management, Liptay Auctioneers Ltd., R.R. 1, Bowmanviile, Ontario, LiC 3K2, Tel. 1-416-263-2117. Auctioneer: Steve Liptay. 30-2 Saturday, JuIy 31 -lp.m. Hplsteins - Jerseys Complete Willowcreek and Bilhaven Dispersais for J.T. and W. Teasdale, R.R. 2, Hastings, Ontario, on Hwy. 30, 5 miles south of Havelock or 5 miles north of Campbeilford. 25 Hoisteins, 12 Jerseys. All reitred, ciassified, R.O.P. =etd A good Plus Lassie Leader projected to' over 18,000 ilb. tis act. and due in October. Her Senior caif by -Ned- also selis. Others by Kemp, Tayside, Starlite and Sir Winston. Jersey's have deep full pedigrees, an ex- ample of this is Garnetley Sensations Sara, a yearling by Edgelea Dreaming Sensation (EX) bred to Beauty Doris Master (Ex. G.M.). Her 5 direct dams are Very Good or Excellent. Others by Stanson Rîcky, Samn (Ex.) and Bramp- ton Noble Jester <(Ex.). Sale at 1 p.m. Lunch Available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524. 29-2 Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen, Saturday evening, July 31 at 7 p.m. Fridge, bed, rugs, table load of articles. Cliff Pethick,, auctioneer. 30-1 Auction sale. Selling by Public Auction for E.A. Mitchell on Monday, Civic Holiday, August 2. Ail his furniture and things at Bal y- duff. 2 miles nort h of Ponty- pool off hig hway 35, 1/ mile east on 6th uine. Extension table, 4 kitchen chairs, flour bin, 2 pine tables, oval table, kitchen cabinet, oil lamps, oul Iantern, fridge, Golden Har- vest electric stove, air con- ditioner (new), round table and 6 chairs, odd chairs, pots and pans, player piano and rolis with bench, 2 rockers, bookcase, T.V., bed and mat- tress, bed couch, g ramophone, mirror, picture trames, bed- ding, linens, 2 trunks, dresser, 2 old chests, fernery, sewing machine, several antique Sieces. House sold . Remem- er the date.' Sale at 1 p.m. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 30-1 REAL10R 0 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 1'8l CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC MT 623-4428- 'Elizabethville Acreage - 27 acres partiy wooded, ail permits available, $35,900.00 Mosport - 220,acres of farm land with older house present. iy used as a snowmobile club. 160 acres workable. Priced rig ht at $120,000.00 with good terms. Highway No. 2 - 3 bedroom houseon 1.8 acres with a small horse barn. $53,900.00 Bowmanville - 3 bedroom home on a nicely landscapied 267 ft. deep lot with garden. Short walk to downtown. Only $44,900.00 30-1 1066 Si mcoe St. North Oshawa 728-7328 6 ACRES - Near Tyrono, trout stream running through pro- perty. Parklike sotting with 4 bed room bungalow, swim- ming pool. Just minutes tram City. HAMPTON SIDE-SPLIT - 3 yrs. aid spacious 4 bedroom home, 2 car garage, 2 roc rooms, soparato dinung room. Fit for the "Quoen". Now reduced ta 578,900. CHARMING BACK-..-SPLIT - twin home un Bowmanville 20 x 12' master bedroom, 2 washrooms. Exceptional roc room, lots of extras through- out. Asking $48,500. JUST LISTED - Ranch bung- alow with 20 acres, 2 horse barns, lots of trees, complote- ly fencod. 6 horse stalis, tack roomn, loading ramp and paddock for training. Priced at $89,500. Caîl 728-7328. 30-1 - = - FOR CLASSUFUED Tues.,,12 noon PRIVATE SALE j BOWMANV IILLE ____ Auction Sale, Privateestate, p roperty of Mrs. Logeman, 151 Richmond Rd. S. to be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa on Thursday evening, July 29th at 6 p.m. Frig ida ire stove, 9 piece dinfing room suite (good con- dition), chrome suite, washing machine, chesterfield and two chairs, coffee and end tables, china cabinet, round oak dining room table, 6 oak dinin room chairs, oak buf- fet, %lack and white TV, coloured TV, radio and record player, 3 pete bedroom suite, 6 piece bedroom suite, vanity, chest of drawers, dresser,, antique tables, sewing cab- inet, plaitform1 rocker, pole lamp, electric Broul-Master oven, dishes, sewing machine, rugs (ail sizes), wooden kit- chen chairs, centre tables, magazine rack, complete uine of k itchen appliances, linen and bedding. This is a _good- sale, plan to attend. s aies room open Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 2 p .m., also 7-9 p.m. Ail furniiure wel - come. Myles King, Auctioneer and Cartage, 725-5751 or 723- 0501. 30-1 Saturday, July 31sf Sale Time il a.m. Tools, Furniture and Antiques. The property of Mrs, Edna Brekke of Scugo Island, one mile east of Plorî Perry on 7A Hwy., then north 31/2 miles on the main road of Scugog Island. Auctioneer Murray Jackson, 1-985-2459. 30-1 Wednesda y evening, July 28th. House Sold - Avctîon Sale of Household Furniture. The property of Cyril1 Wal1ker, Ki ng St. W., Omemee, Ont. Mar- quette refrigerator, fumed Oak dining room suite (ped- estai type table), book case, set of encyciopedias, books, desk, chairs, dishes, mirrors, 2 end tables, coffee table, wooden tool box, maple bunk beds, beds, dressers, type. writer, 2 rugs 7', x 9', television, iron pot, electric bench saw with jointer, 1/2" eiectric drill, exhaust fan, hand pump, piumbing sup- plies, ceîling ti le, compressor, iadders, 6 year old Welsh pony, many other articles. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 6: 00 p.m., Sharp. Carl and Greg Hîckson, Auctioneers, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 30-1 Auction Sale, Saturday, July 31, 1:15 p.m. at Bannister's Auction Hall, beside Fire Hall in Bewdley. Consisting of single bed chesterf'eld, chests of drawers, trunks, beds, tables, chairs, dlocks, oil lamps, dishes, glassware, 12 x 13 carpet, picture frames and other items stili being con- signed. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 30-1 Bowmanville - building lot in south end area with single car garage, asking $25,000. Bowmanvllo - 3 bedroom bungalow on quiet north end street, 2 full baths, separate DR., fenced yard with 36 x 22 foot inground pool. Immediate possession, just reducod to $53,500. Cali to see today. Bowmanville - we have 3 semi-detached homes with 3 and 4 bedrooms, priced from $40,000 to $45,500. Cail for more information. Enniskillen - Century Home wîth 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, separato D.Rbatiu4 ansae acre lot with circular die and lrge stone Bar-B-Q, suitabie for a 2 farnily dwoiiing. Cali for information. Newcastle area - 3 bedroomns, completely finished basemeni with Rec roomn, fireplace, extra bedroom and beauty salon roomn. Sliding doors from D.R. to the 18' x 10' sun-deck, Broadloom and cushion f loors. Immaculate condition, come and inspect at the OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 31st 1 - 5p. m. No. 2 Hwy., about 11/2 mile east. 30-1 Lotus, East of Blackstock 1Building Lot 1with sheli of oid Church, $14,900. Kay Brown. Orono - $49,900 Attractive 3 bedroomn brick bungalow on large lot with trees.* Large kitchen, recrea- tion, room, attached garage. CailBill Turansky. Taunton Rd., Hampton Prîced to soîl is this Cute N' Clean 3 bedroomn alumninumn bungalow with spaclous kitch- en, garage, fenced lot 150' x 200' would make ideal gardon and priced at only $5,000. Terms at 9 p or cent. Cali Phyllis McRobie or Albert Kerekes. 98 Acre Gravel Pit Pontypool. Open pit with tests available. $80,000. Terms. Cal Charles Reid. -Trucking Terminal 1Orono. Approximately 1 acre -with 2 large garages, new 1office,0ou pit. $45,000. Cali Charles Reid. 3/ Acre Country Homo - iin excellent condition. 3 bed- roomns, broadléomed, vinyl inground pool, now garage, new welI. Located on good private road in Newcastle area. Price reduced to,$55,000 for quick sale. Charles Reid. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped ta hand le your homo noods a nywhere in Canada and U.S.A. ,Coast to Coast Real Estate Service Commercial Property - ideal corner location on Main St., very suitable for retai outlet or office use,, large apartment on second floor, also small office with separate entrance, oul, hot water, heat, parking space. Terms arranged. Newcastle - three bedroom brick bungalow, firo-place in living room, rec-room, large lot with inground'pool. A good family home. Asking $58,500. Newtonville Area - 39.89" acres, approximately thirty' acres clear, balance treed, land us mostly high and dry. Building permit available. Creek on property. If you are contemplating selling your home we would be pleased to assist you, as we, have clients for bungalows and older type homes., 30-1 CEDAR HILL CONSTRUCTION Priva te Sale New 3 bedroom bungalow, 1,200 sq. ft.,' carpetted, full basement, large sun dock, Iocated on scenic lot, 83.4 ft. x 200 ft. Asking $48,500. For information caî11 Mil1lbrook 1-705-932-2892 30-1 PRIVATE 6 Concession St. West, 2 storoy brick, 4 bodroom,, double garage, large lot. Ideal farm- or retirement home. Any reasonable offer considored. PHONE JAMES BELL 1623-5746 Trull's Road South - Executive country home. 5 bedrooms, separate dining room, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, rec room, double ga rage, 2 weils and 2 septic systems. Large well land- scaped lot hedged with trees. Askîng $89,000., Orono - Attractive 4 bedroom bungalow with separatedlnlng room. Extra bedroom in basement. Two 4 pc. baths and finished rec room. Beautifully landscaped, fenced yard. Good 101/2 per cent mortgage. Asking $57,900.' New - 3 bedroom bungalow on beautiful country lot overlook- ing the countryside for miles. Cal1i to see - Onl1y $54,900. Triplex - $610.00 month ln- come. 86' x 170' lot. $5,000 down wiil buy. 1 $36,500 is the asking price for this 3 bedroom starter home with separate dining room and laun dry room. 1/2 acre country lot west of Bowmanvllle. Garage and tool shed. 74 Acre Farm - Fronting on 2 roads and hwy. 401, 60 acres producing vegetables, fruit and nursery stock. 4 bedroom home, new implement shed and barn. Mortgage arranged. Cali for details. Commercial Property - King St. E. Lot 50' x 165'. 1,000 sq. ft. on main floor for office or store. Second f loor office or apartment. Asking $69,000 - Terms. 3- vIC MacLEOD REAL ESTATE L10. eRea itor, PRICE REDUCED 1.07 Acres Bowmanville. 2 bodroom brick and block bungalow, hardwood floors. Torrific investment. Vendor anxious, $49,900. Joannfr Swadron 983-9133. 91/4-PER QENT MO R TGGE Room y three bedroom home in Oshawa, boa utiful decor, full basement. Single garage. $47,900,. Jim Harbinson 983- 9133. BOWMANVI LLE 4 bodroom sidespl it on Liberty St. 2 washrooms, many extras.ý Prico reduced to $44,500. Rein ItBonsma 983-9133. nNEWCASTLE 3 bdroom home on fulîy fenced pool size lot. 2 baths, rec room with stone f ireplace and wet bar. Asking $57,900. Iris Fowier 983-9133. 3.5 ACRES - ORONO Century insul. brick house, noeds ropair, ail modern convenionces, smail barn. Agking $34,500. 983-9133. $3000 DOWN 2 bedroom townhome In desir- able area. Backs onto park- land. 101/2 per cent lst mort- gage. 983-9133. $24,500 Weli1 kept 3 bedroom fully furnished cottage onl y 40 minutes from Oshawa. Enîoy this waterfront property for the rest of the summer. Brian. Stevenson, 983-9133. FIVE BEDROOMS Only one minute fromn lake. Older 112 storey partiaily renovated home on well treed oversized property. Asking $49,900. 983-9133. 30-1 Pat Marjorrison Dollie Davey 11 786-2256 <Newtonville) OPEN HOUSE PELMO PARK 2-acre wood rosidential lots, luxury homos With double g arage and family room wlth firepilace from $69,000. Open House July 31 and August 1 from 2- 4 p.m. Go east on 401 to Wesleyvil le interchange - goý north across' No. 2 Hwy.- follow Pelmo Park signs. HETHERINGTON DRIVE This two storoy home is st4burban living at its best. A large sunny kitchen Ieads*out to a dock and, patio. With 4, bodrooms and finished roc., room. This home is a buy at $61,000. Terms. LI BERTY - CONCESSION Immaculate 3 bedroom bung- alow, 2 car garage, large fin ished rocroom with bar and walkout ta back yard, excel- lent location - ideal family home priced ta seIl at $52,500. N EWTONVI LLE Ranch bungalow on large lot, attached gara ge, finished basement whlch could be apartment, $54,900. - terms. 30-1 1111118 Omo REALTOR $2000.00 Down To quaîified purchaser direct from builder. $44,900.00 full price. No agent's commission included. Several other models to choose from. Only 8 Miles from Go Transit. "IWE ACCEPT TRADES" CALL BOWMANVI LLE - 623-7997 OS HAWA - 576-8646 30-1 1