AmrericansWin Baffle of Port Darlingo Combifleu forces aong ix the varlous proclamations. Mayor Riekard presents the surrender document to Rochester Jaycees 'President Dave Crawford. by Peter Parrott A crew of 23 Jaycees fromn Rochester, New York came and saw and conquered Bow- manville iast weekend. And after they had conquer- ed, the A mericans stayed al afternoon, for a contest that pitted the Bowmanviiie Jay- cees against the American Jaycees in events that- inciud- ed a tug of war across water and fiagpole dllmbing. A civie dinner, in honor of the visitors, rounded out ai very busy Saturday. And, weil before the dawn's eariy ight on Sunday mornl- ing, the Bowmanviiie week festivities *ere just about over. The town was more or iess back to normal. Probabiy most 'residents didn't even realize that Bow- mianville was in the hands of a conquering arriiy for a pçriod o)f time "flot to'exceed five minutes" Saturday afternoon. Nevertbeiess, the American SJaycees'did, in fact, capture Port Dariington on Juiy, 24, in t1he year 1976. The time of the surrender was high noon. The bluecoats steamed into the marina, armed to the teeth witb their flags, tbeir marsh- mailows, peanuts, and signs that said "Bang!" Tbey sailed into range of 14 Bowmanviile Jaycees in bright red coats and about 200 spectators wbo manned the heights of the port. Altbough outnumbered neariy two to one, the Bow- manville troops made a gai- 0 lant stand on the docks, oniy to be driven back in a bail of peanuts, marsbmaiiows, and even a few eggs. The Bowmanviiie Jaycees counter-attacked with smal bags of flour as the Americans pushed their way up the hili, Sbut the resistance was in vain. There was just no looking back for tbe bluécoats once Sthey bad gaîned afoothoid on Sthe docks. Even before the last marshmaliow had been thrown, the redcoats had had Senough. A proclamation that read "We the defenders of the town of Bowmanville, in recognit- ion of our ineptness during the battie of Port Darlington do hereby surrender this territ- ory for a period of time not to exceed five minutes. " Newcastle's Mayor barnet Rickard was on hand to make the surrender officiai. In reýtturn for the surrender of Bowmanville, Mayor Rickard was given the keys to tbe city of Rochester, and greeting from Thomas P. Ryan Jr., mnayor of the city. The ceremonies comPleted, it was time for the photo- graphers to do the shooting, as the Canadians and the Ameni- cans posed on the battlefield. Thus ends the battie of Port Dariington. Af ter the easy American victory, the Bowmanville Jay- cees managed'to regain some of their pride by defeating the Ameicans in an "Anything Goes contest" Saturday after- noon. The Bowmanviiie group out puiled the Americans in a tug of war between two docks at the Port Dariington Marina. Jaycee Jim Robinson, who Swas at tbe scene of the action, * said the Ameicans were * losing groun d and about to be hauled into the water when they agreed to concede the jcontest., In the flagpole climbing, tbhe Bowmanviiie group were win- ners again. The object of the game was to ciimb the flagpole (in this ~'case, a light standard) and ~>unfuri your country's fiag -- a task tbat was made somewh at difficuit because competing teams had greased each others fiagpoles. Mr. Robinson said the Bowmanviile Jaycees manag- Of ed to win that event because a iadder just happened to ap- ceesfrfi- bot ide oLk Last week, the Statesman reponted tbat Bovmanviiie week begani with a bang when a small camion was fired. With the fireworks Sunday, the week of contests, sidewaik sales and dances,,ended, like it began -- witb a bang. Jaycee Jim Robinson saîd Monday mnorning that be thought publie participation nriade this year's Bowmanviiie week uîuch betten than last 1year's. The only discouraging note is finances. Mr. Robinson estimated tbat tbe week may have been a money losing venture because of a storm Friday nigbt that washed out the Jaycee beer garden on Temperance St. He estimated that $400 deficit wili be the result of the rainstorm. The Jaycees bad been counting on the beer garden to help finance other events. Mr. Robinson, who manag- ed tbe Jaycee program this year, saîd special thanks are in order for tbe Jaycettes who ran the refresbment booths, and tbe baby contest. Other thanks go to Jerry Leddy and Mfigus Francis, of the St. Josepb's youtb group who set up their stereo in tbe mail and provided a disc jockey ser- vice. Thanks also go to the police, and fine depantment, tbe Town of Newcastle and tbe Recrea- tion department. Blockstock Miss Ida Dempsey is home from Women's Coliege Hospi- tai. Miss Betty McArtbur brought ber aunt borne on Tbursday. Dr. Violet Henry and Miss Eva Henry spent Friday witb Mrs. J. McAnthun, and Miss Dempsey and Mr. Foster Dempsey. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gra- ham and Robbie and Raipb DeJong spent iast week-end in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Abert Wright, Mrs. Fred Tnewin and Mrs. Roy Taylor visited witb Mrs. Marion Ford ini Rivendale Hospital, Toronto on Tuesday afternoon and were pieased with ber progress. Mr. and Mns. Anson Taylor and Mrs. Carolyn Shirk, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Munray of Manilla were Wednesday evening guests of Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. Marwood McKee is stili a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Giad to report he is showing some improvement. Craig Hoskin entertained a few friends on Tuesday to celebrate bis 7tb birthday. Sympatby is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alian Beacock on thb'e passing of his mother last week. Winners at the weekly Senior Citîzens card panty iast week witb 18 tables were:, lst - Bert Gibson - 85, 2nd- Bill Moore - 83, 3rd - Arthur Bailey - 82, 4tb - Myrtle Wagner - 79, 5th - Earl Prescott - 78, 6th - Meta Reed - 76, Low - Ruby Tripp. When buying Iamb chops remnember that ribs chops are ikely to be mnore tender' than shoulder chops., BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1976 Before the battie, defending Bowmanville Jayees gather round their cannon. Bowmanville Jaycettes and children were dressed in per .iod costumes.