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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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If an is rei raisinl tions r doublE Mr. recent provii IlTeaoIJve are maimum* tes, owe*r*, in pic has special fees for additional outiets and these are <detailed in the application. Location where the application may be examined: 1353 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. CANADIAN CABLESYSTEMS (ONTARIO) LIMIT- ED, CARRYING ON BUSINESS UNDER THE NAME 0F PINE RIDGE CABLE TV,:1353 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. L1H J4 Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville, Ontario (760386300) Application to amend its cable television broadcasting licence for Oshawa, Whitby and *Bowmanville, Ontario as follows: Basic Service te change the distribution channel for CITY-TV Toronto, Ontario from 7 ta 9 -phaselocked); -to change the distribution channel- for WKBW-TV Buffalo, New York from 9 to 7; Augmented Channel Service -ta add the reception of WROC-TV channel 8, Rochester, New York; -ta add the reception of WH EC-TV channel 10, Rochester, New York; -ta add the reception of WOKR-TV channel 13, Rochester, New York; - ta add the distribution of CITY-TV channel~9 Toronto, Ontario. Location where the application may be examined: 1353 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. INFORMATION ON APPLICATIONS Right ta comment: Under the Cornmission's Rules of Procedure for public hearings, any person who is interested in an application may file a written intervention with the Commission for the purpose of supporting, opposing or requesting a modification of the application. Also, anyone may file in writing a complaint or other representation to the Commission respecting broadcasting matters ta be considered at this Public Hearinig. Such interventions orrepresentations should contain the name, address and telephone number of the persons submitting the document and be sent ta the undersigned at the Canadian Radia-television and Telecom munications Commission, 100 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario KiA 0N2 AIl interventions and representations concerning matters ta be considered at this Public Hearirg must be received at the Commission Office by August 24, 1976. Also, a Il interventions and representations which concern or affect any application cf an applicant shown on this Notice must be served on such applicant personaîîy or by registered mail on or before August 24, 1976. It is necessary ta attach the postal or messenger receipt, or other proof of service ta the copy f iled with the CRTC giving proof that the applicant has received his copy. While there is no specific form which interventions must folîow, thý Commission 's Rules of Procedure require that interventions describe the interest of the intervenor and contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and grounds upon which the intervenor's support for, opposition ta or proposed modification of the application is based. Viewinu of documents Anyone can view, the applications at either the office of the CRTC, 100 Metcalfe Street, Room 1601, Ottawa, Ontario or at the local address given in this Notice for examination cf the application. Procedure at Hearings: The CRTC Rules cf Procedure setting out the rights and obligations of the parties toaa hearing are available from: Pubîishing Centre, Printing and Pubishing, Department cf Supply and Services, 270 Abert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. Information: For additional information on the a-ýpplicati9ns at the hearing, please contact the CRTC in writing or by phone 613-996-2294 or 995-6957. Guy Lefebvre, Secretary Genera . CRTC - Public Notice - 1976-58 I.* Canadian Radio-Television Commission Conseil de la Radio-Télévision Canadienne CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NEWS Christian Scientists tram around the world were told recently that tbe only suf- ficient response ta challenges confronting churches in gen eral and tbeir denamination in particular is "more Christi- anity." "Not just the Cbristianity that acknowledges Jesus as the Saviaur," said Lenare D. Hanks, Chairman of The Christian- Science Board of Directors, "or the Cristianity that may be a sort of' hp service. But, the Christianity that follows the Christ so closely it adds spiritual di- mension ta everything we do. " An estimated 10,000-12,000 members of The Mother Cburch, The First Cburch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. were on hand'ta bear the keynote message. Many of the denomination's more than 3,000 branches in 57 countries were represented at the 8lst Annual Meeting. Accounts of bealing solely througb prayer were shared thraugbout the meeting. "In Christian Science, Christi- anity and healing are forever linked," Mrs. Hanks cam- mented. "We can't really bave one without the other." In order ta involve members more deeply in the meeting, they were invited six months ago ta submit talks and questions. Mare than 250 talks were received and many played, an important part in the three days of -inspirational discussions and èhurch re-- ports. Mrs. Hanks spoke lfrankly about a decrease in numbers of those in the healing ministry of Christian Science and of the need for strengthen- ing branch cburch member-- ship in many areas. Historian Robert Peel recal- led ta members that Mary Baker Eddy's first address in The Mther Churcb "didn't indulge in a paean of triumph. Instead she gave them the quiet reminder: 'Christianity is not superfluous. Its redemp- tive power is seen in sore trials, self denials, and cruci- fixions of the flesh. But these came ta tMe rescue ai martals, ta admonish them, and plant the feet steadfastly in Christ.' Members were asked ta commit tbemselves ta four objectives: more Christianity in their lives; better healing; a stranger appreciation of cburch; and greater alertness ta rising materialism in the signs of the times. Marc Engeler, Treasurer of The Mther Cburcb, denied recent rumors of financial crisis. "The Mother Churc," he said, "has emerged from a worldwide recession in strong financial shape, with a sound- er structure o! incarne and wider base of support." He commented on reduced spend- ing but emphasized the con- tinuing, need for strong, fi- nancial support for current aperations. The new President of The Mother Churcb is Naomi Price of Landon, England. Mrs. Price -is an assaciate editar of the church's religiaus period- icals. The Canada Safety Council is disappointed in the reported drap 'in Safety beit use, suggesting a passible fall-aff in enforcement, but the Coun- cil still supports the Ontario "buckle-up" law strongly. A spakesman for the Council voiced disagreement with the recently reported statement by Dr., Robertson of the U.S. based Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Robertson had said, after curb-side visual surveys, that the seat belts were "nat a lang-term panacea". Philip J. Farmer, Executive Director of the Safety Council said "Any curb-side survey of seat belt use must invariably be inferior ta proper checks conducted by the gavernment. Air bags are costly, ta tbe extent of several hundred dollars, yet tests have la- dicated tbey stili require the supplementary use of lap belts for protection against side, corner, or roîl-over crashes." He also noted that the Insur- ance Institute bad long been aggressively promoting the use of air bags in the United States.. The Council drew attention ta a quote from another U.S. safety organization, (The Higbway S.afety Research Institute) wbich stated "On tbe basis of existing scientific evidence, it would be unwise ta require the installation of air-hag systems in new ve- bidles . . . (whicb) could not hope ta achieve mare than could be acbieved tbraugh the use of tbe existing lap-torso belt system."' "The fact that in Ontario alone, one life per day is being saved over last year's figures for the first quarter speaks for itself, "says Phil Farmer, "land the latest usage figures H wlwARDJ'SAND fence and patio centre Fora Il your fencing needs includin g Farm Fence, T-Bars and Gales TAUNTON RD. EAST OSHAWA 1/4 Mile East of Ritson Road The Regional1 Municipa lity of Durham Closure 0f Sanitary Landf ill Sites The DARLINGTON Wuste Disposai Site wiII be Closed Monday, August 2, 1976 due tothe Civic Holiday. Normal operations wilI continue on Tuesday, August 3, 1976. R. F. Richardson, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works coming afficially from the Ontaria Government show a rate of 66 per cent witb virtually no remaining ap- position." Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,,July 28, 1976 7 GM Employee Wins $ 10,000 for Suggestion Hfonor Mapie GrOve Couple a On Their 25th Anniversar'y Truck Inspections Under Provincial, Program Could Prove, Quite Costly SThe bill ta have Newcastle's dump trucks inspected under a new Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications program could run between $1,275 and. $1,700 this year, Director of Public Works Jack Dunham adàvised. rNotice of PublicHearini nadditional safety check checks on ail dump trucks >quired in the future mandatary as "utterly ridicu- ig them ta two inspec- bous. " per year, the cost would The provincial regulations e, hie said. were passed ta meet demnands 1Dunham described the by independent truck awners ýlaw passed by the in Ontario for province-wide ýnce making safety safety checks ta be carried out. They caîl for trucks ta have the safety checks done in certified inspection centres by Sept. 1. The public works director said using Newcastle's awn garages as inspection centres for their trucks would cut the cost of the program substan- tially. If the safety checks were done during the regular main- tenance inspections by a works department mechanic, it would also mean the dump id Telecommunica- trucks could be used immedi- c hearing beg inning ately after the inspections line Motel, Ottawa, were completed. But, if the regulations cal )NTARIO) LIMIT- for a detaîled inspection, the NDER THE NAME trucks will have ta, go ta garages not owned by the 153 KI NG STRE ET town, hie said, when the money 1J4 spent would find more ef- fective use in other areas. Ontario Mr. Dunham criticized the program's failure ta, include a clause exempting newer truck cable teîevisjon models, that are generally in iwa, Whitby and good condition, from under- its fee structure, as going the examinations. The regulations also leave out the usualgrants from the Ministry of Transportation rosent Praposed and Communications Sub- aximum Maximum sidizing the town for the cost Fees Fees of operating the dump trucks. $9.95 $15.00 an various projects. A representative is coming from the ministry ta explain $5.00 $ 5.00 the program ta, the public, (no change) works department, Mr. Dun- $5.50 $ 6.00 ham said. *ka s.thpnolicant ed for the 1976 mode]. year, and as a result a considerable net increase in revenue fram the sale of these smaller cata- logues ta GM dealers was realized. In addition, reprint- ing and updating charges for the catalogues have been considerably reduced. Donald H. McPherson, GM president, presented Mr. Coul- son with bis suggestion cheque in the Parts Building this marning. In making the a- ward, Mr. McPherson said "There's more money where that cames from for good, imaginative ideas that save GM money. And if you. came up with an idea that can earn us new revenue, that's a great idea, too. " Mr. Coulson is no stranger ta the GM suggestion plan, and is the second employee ta earn two maximum awards. He earned his first top award in 1957 when that amount was $2,500. In January of this year he received $1,502 for a' suggestion ta use mare eca- nomical cavers and binders for variaus GM catalogues. Mr. Coulson said that part of bis suggestion earnings would go toward bis daughter's tuitian at Brock University this faîl. Mrs. Vern Fawcett, Mrs. Jack Holdstock and Miss Arvilla Beckett assisted the family, serving in the after- naan, also in the evening at the dance held for relatives & friends. Guests were present from Vancouver, Stratford, Mea- fard, Welland, $t. Catharines, Oshawa, Bailieboro, Ennis- killen, Port Perry, Norland, Toronto, London, Lindsay & Bawmanville. The family presented their parents, also the best man, Mr. Vern Fawcett, and the Bridesmaid, Mrs. Madelaine Sheppard (Beckerley), with lovely corsages& boutanieres. 'Mr. & Mrs. Beckett received gifts, also a sum of money ta buy a colored television. DIRK BRINKMAN Scugog St ', Bowmanville 623-3621 Géi,N Corne in und "Saly Hello to the Good Buys"ý ut MIDWAY DATSUNLTD. 1971 DATSuN 510 Lic. AVZ483 $1495.00 1972 DATSuN 510 Station Wagon Lic. DZF521 $1895.00 1975 AUSTIN MINI Lic. KEC723 $2195.00 Lic. DYV270O $1695.00 1973 DATS UN 510 2- Dr. Auto. Trans. Lic. EAL247 $2195.90 1973 PINTO Lic. DYP636 $1-995.00 1973W & R10AIATCHBAC1U '# 973 AU Di- TO LS Lic. ALA848 Lic. DYSOOl $1895,00 $3695.00 MIDWAY DATSUN LTD. 1300 Dundas St. E. Whitby Exc elle nce For over 120 years, the'Jamnes Publishing Co. Ltd. has shown local businessmen and area customners, that quality, creative printing need flot be expensive. If you're interested in mraking a good imnpressioný with your graphic communications at a budget-pleasing price, please cati 623-3303 todlay. James tPubli 1Shingm CAompany Limited BOWMANVILL The family of Dawson and Muriel Beckett, Maple Grave, held open bouse at the, Canadian Legion Hall, Bow- manville, in the afternoon an June 26th in honour of their 25th Wedding Anniversary, with Mrs. Irene Graves, Vancauver, B.c., sister of the groom, and Mrs. David Stares, St. Catharines, sister of the bride pauring tea. Ross Coulson gets his cheque for $10,000 from GM 'president Donald McPherson. The GM Parts Catalogue man is the second GM employee to Win two maximum suggestion awards. H1e received his first top award in 1957, when that amrount was $2,500. In addition to today's award, Mr. Coulson also received $1,502 in January, 1976 for other ideas. Ross W. Caulson, who work- ed for General Motars of Canada for the past 39 years became $10,000 richer today, thanks ta GM's Suggestion Plan.1 The Oshawa man, who works in the Parts Catalogue section of the Parts Depart- ment, proposed that twa parts catalogues for several popular GM carlines containing part numbers and illustrations be replaced with four smaller catalogues. The catalogues had become very bulky with over 1,000 pages each and were expensive ta reprint and update. Ross' idea was adapt- Ottawa, JuIy 21, 1976. SEPTEMBER 8, 1976, 9:00 A.M. The Canadian Radia-television arý tions Commission wilI hold a public on September 8, 1976 at the Skyl Ontario to consider the following: CANADIAN CABLESYSTEMS (0 ED, CARRYING ON BUSINESS UN 0F PINE RIDGE CABLE TV, 13 EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. L1 Oshawa, Whitby.and Bowmanville, (766283200) Application to amend its broadcasting licence for Osha% Bowmanvi lie, Ontarici by changing i follows: Fees -iPr Installation fee ý(basic and aug- mented channel service) Installation fee (augmented channel service installed separately) Mho anyee r ;ymi Ae ni Safety Council Disappointed Over Report that Seat Beits Not Being Used by Motorists 1 -

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