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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1976, p. 9

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HANCOCK - To Grant and ,-Canal, 57 Third St. a&daughter, Amanda Adelaide, bonn July 30, 1976. A sister for Darren and Deanna and a grand- daughter for Mn. Edwin Smi th, Bawmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Hancock, Belleville. 31-i STAINTON - Kelly is thrilled to announce the safe arrivai of a baby sister, Mandy Jennifer on Mon day, JuIy 26, 1976 K weighing 7 lb . 121/2 oz. Proud parents are Ken and Elaine (nee Forrester) and praud g randparents are Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Forrester, rano; Mn. and Mrs. Donald Stainton, R.R. 5, Bowmanville and great ran4lmother, Mrs. lone tornester,,RR. 2, Newcastle. A special thanks ta Dr. A. Westgarth and Maternity Staff, Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. 31-i Mn. and Mns. W.D. Higgon of Bowmanville and Mn, and SMrs. C.T. Wilker of Waterlo announce the forthcoming marniage 0f their childnen, Heidi May and Donald Tho- mas an Saturda y, Septemben 4, 1976 at St. Stephen's Lutheran Chunch, Kitchener. Mrs. Pearl Johnson , Trul's Road South in' Caurtice is pleased ta announce the forth- coming marriage of her daughter, Robin Ly nne, ta Andrew James, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Page, Miller Ave., Oshawa. The wedding wil take place at Courtice U nited Church, Sept. 1llth, 4 p.m. 31-1 Mr. and Mrs. Reg Land are pleased ta announce the forth- caming marriage of their eldest daughter, Catherine Rose ta Barry Leon Oliver, son of Mrs. Ada Walker, Toronto. The wedding will take place on September 11, 1976 in Trinity United Church at 4:O00p.rnm. 31-ix Mn. and Mrs. Anthony Tremblay, Agincourt wish ta annaunce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda ta Robert Meteal f, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MYetcalf, Bowmanville. The ~wedding wift take place in Agincourt on Saturday, August 14, 1976. 31 -1 DEWDNEY, Rev. D5ouglas, Robert, B.A. - Priegt in .' he Church of Gad for f ifty years,' suddenly at the Part <flape and District Hospital on F riday, Jul y30, 1976, eRev. DouglIas R. nw e , beloved h husband of Edith Bckland; loving father of Mary (Mrs. R.D. Hume), Catharine (Mrs. G.E. Adair) and Dougîass Buckiand Dewdney; dear granddad of six grandchild- ren. 'Funeral service in St. Mark's Church, Port Hope on Tuesday, August 3 at il a.m. Interment St. James Ceme- tery Toronto ati1 p.m. Flowers gratefully decîined. In mem- oriam gifts ta the Po# Hope Hos pital would be appreci- ,ated. R.I. P. Arrangements by the D.E. Allison Funeral 'Home. 31-if CARNATION For AIl Your g" Flower Needs STOP iÏ N AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Ca rnation F lower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 HAWES, Kathleen Ma y - At the Memorial Hospita , Bow- manvi1lie on Sunday, August 1, 1976. Kathleen Dudley, be- loved wife of the late Wailter Henry Hawes ot Burnt River, dear sister of Doris Lilian Buckley of Chatham and Marian Aberta Kiipatrick of Orono. Service was heid at the Platten and Wag g Funeral Homne, Fenelan Falls on Wed- nesday, Au gust 4 at 1:30 p.m. Interment B unnt River Ce m- etery. 31-i HUBBS - At Bowmanviîîe Hospital, Saturday, July 3ist, 1976, Helen Dunnett, 15 Jack- man Road, Bowmanvilîe, wife at the late Carson Hubbs. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, afternoan. Inter- ment Picton Cemetery. 131-i MARTYN - At Bawmanvilie Hospital, Thursda y, JuIy 29th, 1976, Juein Pearl Ma rtin, wife of Glen L. Martyn, mother of Carol (Mrs. V. Page), Cavan; Elizabeth (Mrs. P. Patter- son), Oshawa; Gertrude (Mrs. J. Squires), London; sister of Percy Martin, Sudbury. Ser- Vice was held in the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Saturday atternoon. Interment Bawmanville Cem- etery. 31-i MOWAT - At Strathaven Nursing Home, Saturday, July 3ist, 1976, James Edward Mawat, Onono, aged 79 years, husband of the late Venna Keat, dear father of Charles Mowat, Madoc. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvil le, on Mon- day afternaon. Interment Orona Cemetery. 31-i TURNER, The Reverend Canon Warren N. (Rector of St. Jude's Church and former editar of "The Anglican") - Suddenly at Lake Catchacoma on Sunday, Au gust 1, 1976, beloved husband of Donothy; loved father 0fAnn (Mrs. J. Harrison), Fran (Mrs. H. Nieuwland), Mary (Mrs. M. Fard) and Judith, at home; dean brother of Jim and Philip Turner, bath of Peterborough; loving grandfather of Jason, David, Robent and Rebecca. Rested at the Church of St. Jude, 437 Rancesvalles Ave., from 3:30 tili 5 and 7 tili 9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral service, in the church 10 o'clock Wednes- day manning. lnterment Little La k e CemeteryPeterbor- ough, 1 2:30 Wednýesday ftfter- noan. 31-if I wouid like ta take this apportunity ta thank Drs, Doctor, Mankiewicz, Grant, Jenkins and Casseils, also the nurses in the intensive cane unit, the nurses and staff on 5 main floar for the excellent cane and kindness shawn ta me during my long stay in Oshawa General Hospital and Rev. Maggs, Rev. Peters and Rev. Smi th for their visits and kind words of comfort. Alsa ta the many friends and relatives and' neighbauns wha sent cards, flawers and fruit and visited me at the hospital and since returning home. May God Biess you ail1, Maurice Prout "F lowe Say il Best', VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - Bmanville Ar Phone 623-4441 Durham County's Oldest Fun-eral Servi MOR RIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVI< 'Service to your needs ... our f irst coflce So that you wiII be relieved f rom wci and detaiel. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street port Hope, Ontario LlA 3W3 igh Oua lity at Reasonable Pices Phono 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHI * QIJAWIY Ou I wish ta sincereiy thank my famiiy, friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses to me during my stay in Oshawa and Bowmanville Hospitals. Also my thanks to Drs. Westgarth, Kestie, Sproull and Grnt. Also the nurses on FIoor Six of Oshawa Hospital, who were so kind to me. Again, thank you AIl, Nel1lie Spencer. 31-1 Our sincere thanks ta St. John's Martha Group and ail who expressed sympathy ta us in the death of H ugh's sister, Mrs. Rai ph Walters, Rich- mond, B. C. Special thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betties and Mr. and Mrs. David Tillcock for their donation ta- cancer fund. Hugh and Elsie Mc Donald 31-1 I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbours for the beau'- tiful floral tributes, cards 0f sympathy and donations ta the Heant Fund and for the many acts of kindness shown ta me during my necent beneave- ment. Speýciai thanks ta the nurses 0f Bowmanviile Mem- anial Hospital, Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Rev. B. Long, the Barlow Funeral Home, the Orona Masonic Lodge and the Rebecca Ladge. Sincerely, Ona Miller 31-i The family 0f the late Charles Johnson wish ta convey their sincere apprecia- tion ta friends, relatives and nei ghbours fan the many kind and thoughtfui expressions of sympathy during the illness and passing of a dean h us band, father and grandfather. Special thanks ta Bowman - ville Ambulance crew, Emen- gency Staff 0f Memorial Hospital, Drs. J.D. Rundie and E.G. Long, Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home and Rev. Burns. 31-lx nef er s ee tanks ita baurs for the fowers, gi ts, cards and visits while I was in hospital. Special thanks ta ist Floor nurses, Memorial Has- ptal and Drs. A. Sylvester, D. Hubbard and A. Clark. Mrs. Ross Sharp -I-mg DADSON, Harry J. - in loving memany of a dean husband and father who passed away August 6th, 1972. Some day we hope ta meet agai1n, Somegday, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Neyer ta part again. - Always nemembered and sadi y missed by wife Mary and fami y. 31-i PASSANT, Ruth Elida - who ý assed away August 4, 1972. o oun dean mom, who Ioved and cherished us ail, She was kind, heipful, loving and taught us weil., Beautifulmemnonies.0f a mam s0 dean, We only-wish she cauld be hene. - Sadly missed by Jane, Bob, Janet, Steve and Ted. 1 31-i. D.r t Maranatha Christian Re- farmed Church on Highway Na. 2 and Cemetery Raad invites children ages 5 - 14 ta Daily Vacation Bible Schoai, Aug. 16 -27, 9 - 11: 30 a. m. For information an transportation rea cail 786-2527 an 987-4958. 1 1 31-2 43-tf Club Annrene Dance and - Banquet Hall availabie for ice your group's tund raising activities. Book youn next year's dates now while choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf New Tyrone Hall naw avail- able fan wedding receptions, banquets etc. Kitchen and bar facilities available. For book- ings cail Mrs. Bowers 263-2086. 28-4 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time C THURSDAY-7:30P.M. Sponsored by ern. Oshawa Minor Softbal rry OSH AWA 50-tf, WOODVI EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO 31-i NEXT MONDAY - 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf APPEARING AT The Queen's Motel Newcastle Country Expressions Friday - Saturday AugUSt 6-7 DANCING 9-1 31-i for 'a Annual Bawmanviile Legion Picnic, Branch 178, ta be held Sunday, August 15 at Thistie Valley Park beginning at 12 noon. Please plan ta attend. 30-3 Plan ta attend Decanatian Day at Pontypool Cemeteny, Sunday, Aug. 15, 1976 at 2:30 p.m. NEW! NEW! The Bawmanvilie Library has a new-self-service photo copier. Clean, dlean copies are available fan 10c each. Library hauns are: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. ta 8p.m.çand Saturday 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. BOWMA NVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 TEMPERANCE ST. 623-7322 31-2 Free Introductory Lectures on the TRANSCIENDIENTAL MEDITATION PROGRAM 7:30 p.m. Durham College WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 11 Room C248 and THURSDAY, AUGUST 5,12 Room C246 579-8520 S31 -1 -w-m ,/ITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on, new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf '68 CHEVELLE, good condi- tion. Phone 987-4364, New- castle. 31-1 '72 TOYOTA Corolla, deluxe station wagon, no rust, rad- iais, tape deck. Phone 1-983- 9410. 31-lx ONLY $1199.00 METALLIC GREEN 1973 POLARA 4-orSedan, V-8 engine, power brakes, power steering, automatic transmission, good dlean car. Tires have less than 3,000 miles on them. Spare tire is brand new. This car is equipped with heavy duty shocks and springs. She'llgoc up ta 135 MPM yet when cruising her youlil still get 20 miles per gallon. .623-7684 BARN Clearance sale - cash and carry - ceiling panels, seconds, 7c sq. ft.; Ten Test insulation (treated) board 4' x 4' x 1/2" - 4c tt. Some cut lumber - 2" x 4" x 8' - 10c ft. Used 2" x 4" 7c ft. Some 2" x 6" and ather lumber. One haif mile east of Bethany on No. 7A Highway past nailway tracks. Manvens - Cavan Boundany uine. Look fan County Peter- borough and Victoria signs. Tunn one haif mile sauth, house and white barn' on pnoperty. Open every Satur- day 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. ta Dec. 24, 1976. 29-3 SW IMMING Pool iess than one year aid. Fanta Sea above graund nedwoad 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must seli immediately, will sacrifice - savings af $2,000. Cali Fanta Sea Service 'Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days on evenings collect. il-tf 9 1Film ~JJ~LProcessi ng CMI LDREN'S PHOTOS Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 SW1MMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x,24. 1 yr. aid. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cali Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf TOP soiu, Leiand Payne, 1-786- 2512. 117-tf 1975 TRAVEL-Mate hardtap tent trailer, A-i condition. Used only 4 weeks., Fully equipped. Phone 623-3823., LLOYD baby carniage, Gen- dron high chair and mesh playpen. Phone 623-2612. TENT trailer, gaad condition, $250. Phone 623-4358. 31-i ALLIS Chalmers combine, model 90, 7 foot, pull type, excellent condition. Also tarm; stake truck, G.M.C., licenced. Phone 1-655-4660. SIDESof beef, grain ted, 95c a' lb. Phone 987-4012. 31-i 31-i STRAW for sale. Api mately 5,000 baies. Whea banrley stnaw. Phone J Sikma 987-4041. 1 31-2x GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS SALE CONTINUES 13 Pa ntsu its Ieft for $19.95 Reg. value up to $65,00 30 Dresses left for $19.95 Reg. Value up ta, $60.0 18 Dresses (mostîy haîIf sizes) for $12.95 50 Sîacks Ief t for $8.50 Reg. Value $18.00 tg $30.00 45 Blouses Ieft for $6.00 Reg. Value $12.00 to $22.00 12 Long Dresses lef t for $15.00 Reg. Value ta $60.09 2 Odd and End Tables $3 each article - $5 each article Jewellery -$1, $2, $3 and,$4 New Fall Samples Size 10 or Medium - Discount Pnices LYNDA'S (Ladies Wear) 33 Temperance St., Bowmanvîlle 31-1 OjS HAW A SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE L MESTONE PRODUC S AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & EARKING LOTS Jci1~ TOPSOIL & IRT FILIL C4Q DELIVERFo OR RÉMOVEO TRUCK<S & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVA& Phone, Oshawa 725-0232 SOLJNA RD. N. f 1 MILE NORTH-IOF HfWAV 2. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY HIGHWAY 2 New Machinery Specials 1100 Trail mower.................. ................. $1295. C28 3pt.- h. m ower....................... $975. 35 rakeý............................................. $1350. 530 Manure spreader ...................$1895. 1150OGrinden mixer . ...................$3695. Used Machinery Specials 624D 1 H, Tacton...................$5700. 434D 1.H.Tractor ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .... $3650. Wle are pleased ta announce that Rager Davidson is now our Sales Representative in the Bowmanville area. ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your International Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways, south of Lindsay. 31-1 adian Statesman Bowma.nville, Au uý 4,.1969 FO âàR C LA S SIFIE D .:Tues.,12 flOOf 12 n .0 Swiming ool inerdgeHead Caretaker Swimin Pol PnerdgeApplications will be re- Sacrifice TrSaeceved byth undersigned Leading Manufacturer and, TIRES AND WHEELS posntionAuout 9ea976 retea distributor has above.ground To f it your car or truck. ponsinf ubladcretaker a Applicant must have practical knowledge of mechanical and electrical ,apparatus. ,Good 'working knowledge of caret taking procedures and the ability ta work harmoniously with others. The ability ta organize own work and work of others.ý Reply in writing stating quali- fications, 'address, and 'tele- phone number ta:' M.A. Mac Leodt Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Nlewcastle Board of Education P.O. Boxk 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 41-2 1975 seasn. 1/2 pnice, guaran- teed installation and terms, Cali Credit Manager, co llect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days - or evenin .gs. ,\5t SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer, and distnibutor has aiuminum pools left aven ram nn1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Cali coiiect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf RASPBERRIES - pick your own, bring' quart or pint containers, 75c a quart. Phone 1-753-2424 tan days when open. Rudy Eyman Panm, .5 miles east of Newtonvilie, beside Morrish Church on Hwy. 2. 30-2 TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedraom, complote;- dining raom, 9 piece; living room; wali unit, cottee tables, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf CARPETS of ail kinds, custamn made drapes and sheers, hard- surface fi oaning,, prafessiona 1- ly instal led. Free estimates. Youn one stop shopping. F.A. Knamp, 37-41 King S t. E.," Bowmanville. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf FRESH cut and baled hay. 75c bale. Reg. LeGresey, New- castle. Phone 987-4655. 31-1i PICK YOUR OWN RASPBERRIES (Or pick for us) FREEHOLD FARM CIla rko 8th Li ne (One mile north of Kirby on Highway 115 on west side of Ontario Sparts) 983-9215 SWIMMING pool wholesaier must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice pnice for desperately needed faic try p yar-ehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around, deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cali Gond collect days on evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18-tf DAVIS, MARINE, "Tra i er C lea rance", 76 FACTORY END 0F PRODUCTION SALE! 76 BONAIR SALE! 650 Sieeps 6, hdltp. Reg. $1,699 ........1,499 700 Spare tire, caver, steps, privacy curtain, 6 x 7 canopy. Reg. $2,110 (2 only)..........1,849 850 Sp.are tire, caver, step, pnrivacy curtain, canopy. Reg . $2,400 (3 oni1y) ..........5 2,100 850 Same options as above, plus 3-way fridge, reg. $2,775(4only) ;.5. 2,295 850 Same options as above, plus tridge &turnace, reg. $2,940............2,399 1000 Spare tire, caver, step, privacy cuntain. Reg. $2.575 ......... ....52,299 1100 Same options as above, plus fridg e & furnace. Reg. $3,140 .........2,749 1150 Same as 1100. Reg. $3,190 ........2,795 1200 Same as 1100. Reg.- $3,395 (Ioani1y) 52,950 76 Starcratt Starmaster, dan- apy, etc. i yr. warranty. ... . . . .. . . . 2,549 75 Galaxy, fridge, furnace, twin botties, canapy,lwar- ranty .............2,999 75 Racket 16' travel trailer, tollet fridge, etc. i yr. warranty. .........2,499 15' Falcon Travel Trailer, fridge, furnace, aven, dan- opy...............2,299 ,75 Bonair 1200, fridge, etc. .2,399 71 Starcraft Standust, 6, ice box, funnace', sink, etc. ...... .....$1.695 Tont Tra ilers $175 to $275 PROWLER &MIDAS & MINI MOTOR HOMES TRAVEL TRAILERS & BONAIR &STARCRAFT HDTPS. DISPLAY models drasticaîly, reduced for quick sale. Hardtop camper rentais too DAVIS TRAILERS ist WEST 0F RITSON RD. 396 DR EW ST. AT HWY. 401 OSHAWA 1-728-9493 31 -i SWIMMING -pool ton sale: Maving - wilI seli you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice pnice of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, coilect. il-tf COMPR ESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. SeIl. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street OshaWa, Ontario 723-0933 Phone-623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE 23-tf CHESTERFIE-LD suites, chrome suites, dining raom tables, buffets, treadje sewing machines, kitchen cabinets, recliners. Now an sale -, no reasanable of fer refused. Tawne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance. St., Bawman- ville. "The Bi g-Little Store Where Yaur Dollar Gets You More," .31-1 PADDY'S Market naw has new furriture, appliances, T. V. s and stereosý and also, used furniture and appliances M11l accept trade-ins. Paddy'$ Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USEO Furni ture and, Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton .263-2241, 6t ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appl iances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294.1 19-tf McCORMICK combine, 6 ft. cut, pull type with mator and scaur 'cleaner. $500. Phone 728-5919. 31-1 POTATOES- Cliffard Swal- low. 623-2721. 31-1 CEDAR rails, baby carniage, bi-fold doar, andbarn boards, also house plans. Phone 623- 4962. 31 -1 RAMBLER trailers, see t hem at Newcastie'TrailerPark and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castie, seven days a week. 987-5131. 29-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, UIHF, VH F Repairs jApartment & Homes 5 Pre-Wired IAsk About Our Guarne 576-5606 AIR conditianen, 8,000 B3.T.u. Westinghouse, used two weeks, new g uarantee. Re- duced prièe. Phone 983-5108, Orono. 31-i Pure Pine Shavings Baîed, Dust-free Phone 723-6660 29-tf Water Deîivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Li berty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darlingtan Township. 15-tf -as NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ln the Estate of ARNIE ROSE, Retired Labourer, Deceased. All persons liaving daims, against the-estate of thLea bave mentioned, late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municip aîity of Durham who died at theý said Town of Newcastle an the 3rd day of Apnil 1975, are required ta file proof of same with the underind on or before the 2nd dy fSeptember 1976. After that date the Public Trustee will graceed ta distni- bute the estate, having regard oniy ta the dlaims of which he then shahl have had notice. DATE D at Toronto this 23rd day of July 1976. PUBLIC TRUSTE E, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto. Administrator' 31-i MUSIC LESSONS OQua lified Student Teacher wants pupils from beginner - Gr. 4 beginning Sept. 12, 1976 at 29 Meadowview Blvd. For information cal 623-4163 30-If ROOMA and board available, gentleman preferred. Phone 18-tf 623-3265. 30-2 JENSEN STE EL LIMITED require, SALES PERSONS, Ambitious individuals, prefer- ably .with previous sales, experience for steel ware- housing. Salaried positionand ,good opportunity for advance- mnt for suitable persons. For appointment phone 623-33à17. 31-2 PART-time ba6okkeeper, cap- able of *dam g da*p[y cash sheets and manthlIy trial balance. Experienced preferred. Typ- ing an asset but not essential. Emploment ta commence firstaIcf September. Write Advertiser 630, c-o' Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario LiC 3K9. 31-1 EXPERIEý4CED WAITRESSES Day or Night Shift. Forum Tavern, 115 Mwy., Newcastle Phone 987-4226 31-1 School Bus Drivers PART-TIME Charterways Transportation Limited have a requirement for responsible persons ta train as school bus drivers for, the area of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono. Full train~ing by qualified persogis, Qgstof .jicnse p -by Company. Fôr interview çeiI Charterways Transportation Limited 248 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville 623-3811 or 723-7171 31-2 EXPERIENCED hairdresser., Phone 623-4620 evenings.- 30-tf P ART-time service station attendant required. Apply Imperial Oul Service, Centre, Hwy. 401 and Waverly Rd. 30-2 Jensen Steel Ltd. Requires Fitter - Wr 'ers Matenial ýfdlers ShearOperiý ors 1 MultIiýTorch O rator Press Ftake Op -rater Apply in persan at 122 Base Line Raad, East, Bowma nvi île. 25-tf EARN extra cash tan Christ- mas. Show aur exciting 1unre of Christmias cards and g ifts ta friends, neighbours, relatives. lt's easy, profitable and no expRerience needed. Stant naw. Write taday ton f ree 108 page Christmas catalogue and in- formation. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept. 104, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. -31-6 TOOLMAKER'S ASSISTANT Delta Faucet of Canada Limited requires a toolmakor's assistant. The job consists of assisting the toolmaker in tool maintenance, issuing tools ta production workers and manufacturing small tools under the tooIiakors guidance. P revious experience in machining, operating lathes, surface grinders, milling machines and related equipment is a prerequisite for this position. Contact Plant Personnel by phono at 623-9333, or apply at 250 Basoline Road, E., Bowm-anville, Ontario. TENDER The-, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatian Applications will be roceived by tho undorsignod until 4:00 pa..August 11, 1976 at the Board Office for a school bus transportation route. Tho suc- csulapplicant will bo required to supply a 72 passenger school, bus and driver for the transportation of pupils from the Lakeview Estates, Port Hope, Ontario ta the Port Hope High School, Pr., M.S . Hawkins Senior Public School, and Dr. L.B. Powers Public School, in Port Hope, Ontario. Specifications regarding the school bus route must be réeeved from M.A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumnber- land and Newcastle Board of Educationf, P.O.- Box 470, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 3- Tenders wiII be roceived by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 19, 1976 for the. following items. Dismantlo Bell Tower, CentralI Public School, BOWMANVILLE Fencing Dr. Powers Public Schooî, PORT HOPE Window Replacement, Bun- ham Street Public School, COBOURG Window Replacement, Cour- tice West Public School, R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE Specifications may be obtain- ed from the Office of: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470 834 D'Arcy Streetý, North COBOURG, K9A 41-2 30-2 Anyane wishing ta BowI on Ladies Manday N ight League, bath aid and new bowlers, disregarding names given ta executive of 1975 please be sure ta phone by Aug. 2lst. Bowling wil start Sept. l3th at 6:45 p.m. Sharp.' Phone Dorc Mutton 623-894- Marg King 623-2427 or Onie Etcher 623- 3419. 31-3x Jamieson Tire closed for halidays fram Aug. 9 ta 28th inclusive. 31-lx Frederick's Pharmacy wiIl be clased ail day Wednesday, August il and Wednesday, August 18 oni y. On' Friday, August 13 and F riday, August 20, ciosed ýat 6 p.m. 31-2 Dr. Rudell's office, 75 King St. E., will be clased for halidays Juiy 23 - Aug. 15 inclusive. Appointments may be ta ken Aug. 10 - 13. 29-4 Dr. Keith Billett's office wilI be clased from July 3ist ta August iSth inclusive. 30-2x Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 î Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBlLÉ AND FI'RE INSU RAN CE 28-tf RELIABLE aduits would like country house ta rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 34 FEMALE senior citizei,.,would like i bedroomn apartment, no stairs, Close ta uptown. Rent about $125. Phone 623-7308. FULL or part-time hairdress- er wanted for Bowmanville, jsteady job. Phone 725-8710. 31-i THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION 1Applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon August 11r, 1076, for the position of: Payroîî Assistant Must have typing pýlusgeneral knowledge of office pro- cedures and business, mach- ines. Mathematical aptitude and I2ayrolI experience is essential. A knowledge of computerized payrolî opera- tion 15 preferred. Please apply in writing stating ,qualifications, experience and telephone number ta: M.A. MacLeod Business Administrator and Treas'urer P.O. -Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 31-i MATURE, reliable persan ta babysit two pre-school child-ý nen, referably' in my home. StarIng August 30. Phone 623-6295 atter 4:30 p.m. 31-i - Jensen Steel Limlitedl requires MAINTENANCE MECHANIC with experience on electrical, hydraulic and mechanical equipment. Please caîl 623- 3317 for interview. 31-1 SALE PEOPLE -Canvassing, in the Dunham Region. -Full or pant-time. Advertising supplied.' CaîIl 579-5070 8-tf mou lm t e e ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........P 1

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