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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1976, p. 11

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Sra'sW E SLE Y1 ,audysdownpour of rain AOTS men's club wit sent some Welcome United dent George Tuffordc church caretakers scurrying1 ing the opening devot:ý tocheck their schedule to see of the three churches if they were responsible for the choir and led b cleaning the çhurch for the Groeneveld with aul first Sunday in August as Those present were: there seemed littie possibility and David Kellog, K of' an -outdoor service. But Harold Symons, Laver wind and sun came to the row, Russell Baker rescue and, although it wasn't Graham, Thos. Wood practical to drive back to Peters, Clarence Nidh Laverne Farrows cathedral in Don Martin. The offeri thé pirles, service was held on received by Aluin 0 the lawn at Mr'. and Mrs. Mac Walker and John Farrow's home. The fresh iy. breeze was broken a little by -Clarence Nicholsw the taîl field of dorn and chairs speaker and used the we re placed in sun and shade "Hang On" as his so.each was free to choose the based on the well knm spot best for him or her. The from Paul's letters, 1VILLE- th presi- 'heard, the Wonders prepared conduct- for you". He spoke to the ion. Menx young people of the years of ;were in training requîred by athletes by John to aic4ieve the glory of a medal to harp. at the, Olympics and that Lloyd similar dedication is required Ken and ahl of our lives to achieve the =e Far-, potential in life of which we rRoy are capable. Hie used true d, Allan incidents to show 'the power hols and the words "'Hang On" may ing was have. He spoke of different )sborne, ways we might be helped over Connel- the diffîcuit times when we feel we have used ahl our w'as the resources. He suggested that e words higlh ideals cost dearly; we theme should remind ourselves'also *wn text that determination on oui' part "Eye to face and conquer diffi- -ath nlot culties will surely help the fellow man who sees the struggle and victory. Follow- ing the service the men served refreshments to all who'cared tstay. There was a good pttendance considering the hlday weekend and cool temperature. There will be no service on the charge, on August the 8th, the only Sunday without one 'durîng the summer. The sympathy of his neigh- bours is extended to Howard Payne and his family for the loss of his barn building and milking parlour last Saturday morning. The cause of the fire is nlot known; the loss, is'great a ny time of the year but especially se with the season's crop of hay inside. His dairy S? herd is being milked at the facilities on his brother Mur- ray's farm and at Clarence Nichols. This is hard on the cows, too, for surroundings and equipment are different. The work of listing names has- been completed by the Historical Society at Canton cemetery but typing and arranging in alphabetical order with numbers'as mark- ed on a map requires consider- able time afterward. A visitor from Lennoxville at the East - Durham Historical Centre in Port Hope last week says the. samne work is being done in Quebec. Mr. _Frost is president of the society in bis home town. ma A1 __ MEDWAY, DATSUN 1300 Dundas St. W. Whitby Phone 668-6828 Sen ke coulng I 420 Baise uine Rd. W. Van Linos Ltde -Bowmaniville Gail Patricia Fallis became the bride of Murray William Finney, on Saturday, July 24th, 1976 in Orono United Church, Orono, with Reverend Long officiating, and Helen McDonald presiding at the organ. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Jean. Fallis,' R.R. 2, Orono, and the late James F'allis, and the groom is the son of Mr. Neil Finney, R. R. 3, Pontypool, and. Mrs. Vivian Stoldt, R.R. 1, Pontypool. The bride was' given in marriage by her brother, David Fallis, and her mother and wore a formai gown of white applîqjied chiffon ove taffeta.1 The gown, featured a lace yolk witb a frilled neckline and long full sleeves Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jones of Port Hope returned to the community here where they had lived for a short time, one day last week to caîl or neighbours andbrought witlh them their visitors from England, Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins and children Sharon and Benjamin. Mr. and Mrs. Kabir have arrived from England to work on the Murray Payne farm. They are living in the farm home and they and their three children are busy, adapting to life in this country. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon, accompanied by Mrs. Violet Richie, Toronto, have return- ed home after spending ap- proximately a month' in Sas- katchewan combining a vaca- tion with business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Palmer and boys of Peterborough, and his mother Mrs. Ina Palmer have returned home from their vacation - 9,days in the United States. While there they journeyed up Mt. Wash- ington with an elevation of 6,886 feet. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shea (Jane Rus- sell) who were mnarried in the United Church quite recently. The posters are up concern- ing a shower for bride to be Miss Evelyn Jones. It's plan- ned for the l3th of August Cpl. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and famuly are currently vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. George Neals. The Williams family arrived from. Medley, Aberta by plane in Trenton on Sunday evening where they were met by the Neals'. Mrs. Herb Neals has visiting with her this week, her sister, Mrs. Mary Pamkes and Mrs. Parkes' daughter, Mrs. Muriel Watkins, both of London, Ontario. Music Results The following pupils of Mrs. Jeanne McMahon were suc- cessful in the summer session of exams of the Royal Con- servatory of Music-held in Lindsay.1 < Grade One Rudiments: First Class Honours: Susan Ryley, Kimberley Hoy, Dawn Wite. Honours: Sharon Palmer, Barbara Howe. Preliminary Rudiments: First Class Honours: Janet Darroch. Grade Six Piano:,Honours: Sandra Staples. Grade Five Piano: Pass: Karen Rowan. Grade Three Piano: Hon- ours: Laurie Skitch, Dianne Moncrief, Shelley Sisson. Grade One, Piano: First Class Honours: Leslie Arm- strong. Honotlrs: Leisa Arm- strong. with lace cuffs. A headpiece of small flowers held a'two tiered veil of Illusion tuile, wbich extend- ed into a full length chapel train, and she carried a cascadef bouquet of yellow roses, white daisies and baby's breath. The maid of honor, Linda Johnston and the bridesmaids Barbara Rohrer, and, Sharon Finney were gowned alikeý in formal gowns of yellow. Wearing wide brimmed hats they carried bouquets of yellow carnations, white dai- sies and baby's breatb: The groom was attended by the best man Alan Falîs, and the ushers Brent Fallîs and Ronnie Fininey. The groom and bis attend- Photo by Piper The Church Vacation School was held at Blackstock United Church hast week with much *success. Total registration was 104. The average attend- *ance was ý7. Leaders were Donna Kyte and Ruby Par- sons. Teachers were: Nursery - Eleanor Gibson. Three year olds - Carol Locke, Marlene Parsons, Caroline Carnaghan, Carol Mairs. Four year olds - Janice Crawford, Five year olds - Janet Parsons, Valerie VanCamp. Six year olds - Cindy VanCamp. Seven year olds - Mary Lou Malcolm, Leanne Fisher. Eight year olds - Carolyn Morton, Trisha Sleep. Nine to twelve year olds - (boys) Victor Parsons, (girls) - Beth Schryburt, Nancy McConnell, Anne Kris- tensen, Gail Malcolm, Linda Bmadburn. On Friday after- noon the parents and grand- parents enjoyed the closing party, and observing the most interesting crafts. The child- ren entertained us with a short program and Beth Schryburt, leading them in their sing songs, followed by refresh- ments. Many tbanks to Nestle- ton and Blackstock United Church and the Blackstock Anglican Church of making1 this vacation school possible. Special thanks to the leaders and teachers for their tîme,i knowledge, patience and a jobi very well done. Mr'. and Mrs. Wallace Mar-1 low were recent visitors of her1 brother, Mr. R.H. Heaslip ofc Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill ThompsonE and Mr. and Mrs. Chris? Dowson were weekend guests1 of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomp- i son and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- c Camp and Mr. and Mrs. ý Arthur VanCamp, Jayne andv David spent Sunday with Mr.a and Mrs. Harry Carnegie and Elizabeth, -Prince Albert, toh celebrate granddaughterS Jayne's 5th birthday. - t 1Mr-. and Mrs. Ralpb Lar- mer, Paul and John, Mr. and C Mrs.' Harvey Graham and le family attended theGuernsey el picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Gord Wilson 's at. Garden Hill on Il Sunday. S Madame Justice M.M. Vant- R Camp arrived home on Thurs-w day after a conducted tour of J England, Holland, Germany, ai Austria and France. J Winners ait the weekly pl Senior Citizens Card party in with 17 tables were: lst R Albert Northcutt 90, 2nd B:I Lorna Richards 80, 3rd - Agnes r Prescott 79, 4th - Percy R VanCamp 79, 5th - Florence i Archer 79, 6th - Carl Wright 75, ar Low - Ethel Cook. dc Mms. Gordon McLean of se a nts worebrown tuxedos, with velvet lapels, velvet bow ties, yellow ruffled shirts,' and white carnation buttonieres. For the eception held at Brownsdale Community Centre, the bride's mother chose a formal coral gown, with a corsage of Woburn roses and the groom's mother a formaI, green floral gown with' a corsage of yellow Sweetheart roses. For a honeymoon at Nia- gara Falls and Buffalo the bride wore a light green, two piece pant suit, with tan accessorie,,and a corsage of yellow camnaMons. Mr. and Mrs. Filnney a re now residing in Bowm-aniville, at 76 Liber,-tyý St. S., Apt. loi. Bowmanvilie visited with lier brother, Mr. and Mrs. Tenny- son Samelîs for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schry- burt and family spent the weekend with B.W. Field at their cottage at Cumbermfere. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gay and Mrs. Courtney Graham were last Sunday dinner guests of Mm. and Mrs. Wilbur Tom s. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, Enniskillen, were '1uesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Miss Elizabeth Kelly is spending some holidays with hem grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelly, Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant and family spent the weekend at a cottage with Mm. and Mrs. George Carnochan and family at Kinese Lake. Mm. Henry Alstein is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. We wish * m better health. Congratuations to Mr. Jim Marlow, a member of Port Perry Masonic Lodge, who was eiected district deputy grandmaster for the Ontario Region. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge, who cele- brated their 4Oth Wedding Anniversary on Thursday, July 29th. The surprise party in honour of Tom and Marion was held at the home of Mr'. and Mr ,s. George Wolfe. Mr'. Ivan Mountjoy -presented a purse of money tothe couple on behaîf of the neighbours, and appreciation was express- ed by both Marlon and Tom. Mr'. Ross Duff showed sldes of his recent trip to Britaîn, and in particular, Tom's native Cornwall. The event con- cluded with a bountiful lunch, and presiding at the table were Mrs. Florence Larmer and Mrs. Oscar Graham. The Ferguson Reunion, was held at the Hec. Centre on Saturday, with about 50 rela- tives attending. The afternoon was spent with games and contests and visiting, and everyone, enjoyed the bount- eous lunch. A-meeting of the directors of the Blackstock Agricultural Society in the Committee Floom of the Recreation centre w'as chaired by President John Wolters. After the adoption of the minutes of the June meeting it was :1an- nounced that the Teen Dance in the Amena will have Rampage for music and Earl Brown of Oshawa will provide music for the dance in, the Rec. Centre on Faim Night. Prize lists have been mailed and anyone wiishing a list dan [o so by contacting the secretary. Mrs. Carol Long of the Humane Society was present to discuss the Mutt Show which will be held. An Eaton trophy won in 1928 by the late Oliver Smith had been bought at the Smith sale recently on behaîf of the Fair Board. t was decided to put this trophy on the, best dairy herd on an annual retention basis. Edda Bowman reported that Mr. L. Davis of Seagrave, will have his excellent wood carving- display and Mrs. Davis will display her mac- rame in the craft room. Others, have been contacted but no çlefinite confirmations made yet. Plans were made to buill a new,tower stand. The tractor pull committee has been busy under the chairmanship of Harvey Graham. A weight- transfer sled has been booked from Mr. Armstrong of Tees- water and a P.A.. system obtàined. Several donations have already been received for this new event. Hopefully more will come in. Lt is hoped that the public will be aware of the fact the parade is to leave the High School at il a.m. sharp on Fair Day, Aug. 28. Walter Wright reported that bookings for concessions are coming in earlîer and faster than ever before. He says that a centre line will definitely be needed in the« areas to acc 'ommodate aIl the conces- sions. t was decided that an appropriate letter and a complîmentary pass be sent to all 40 people who returned balloons' from, last year's contest. The two farthest balloons were returned from Kingston but unfortunately no namne was recorded for the sender of either of these. Third fairthest was received from Prince Edward County with the sender being Carol Sam- ells of Bowmanville. These prize winners will be advised of their winnings and be invited to the fair to receive their prizes. Mae Shortridge, lady director, suggested that this year the baking exhibits will be allowed to be sold before 'the fancy work is released., It is'hoped ýthat his new plan will relieve the congestion in the building at closing time. Meeting was adjourned by Ernie Swain. .B&O... ... The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 4, 1976 il DY KSIT RA'"S DELICATESSEN Wcary a com pl1ete 1 ine o f FANCY, _ RYE B READ Germa n style or European style Black Forest cakes. Buttered creamed cakes, IDEAL FOR YOUR -PAiRTIES VCLD MEAT oCHEESE Place your order a h,-e in order to avoid disappointme,ýr-nt. THI 1S W EE K W E F EA5TUMlR E FRICO EDAM CES BÀAB3YEDAM ý%300Z. $2 Ech EDAM LOAF -D-EM..ST.ER3 HOME STYLE Icaia in Br eaçàd SaveAO CHAPMAN'S Asst. i ICE CREAM Flavours P9ackr MONARCH 100 PER CENT VEGETABLE QIL49 MARGARINE 49Lb. "corne in and browse around. See our large selection of Hea Ith f oods Indonesian foods West Indies Fqods Delicatessen and exotic foocis D YKSTRA 'S D)elicatossà;,en Food Market 73-77 Kinïg St.WBomnil lLb., TOASTMASTE R WHITE SLICED 24ROzAD SUME R SlECONTN UES 20-50% kREDU -CT1IONas Suits f romch88o Sport-Coats f rommmw 29"à I Many Other Svrings e e- a etli ,,L ARNE" eê E e Paine Finney - Fallis Wedding B.LA CKSTCK h I DEMPSTER

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