6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,,August 4, 1976 Section Two Sav M ne On Diump %Truck Inspection ~« Safety certificates for New- Ins castle's 17 dump trucks May not cost the town as much as th( had been expected. -u This is because it is possible chi for the town to/have its garage $2 lic ensed as an inspection thi station, ch( tre In other words, the town will coi be able to check its own trucks trt and this will be cheaper than al sending them out to private garages for inspection. thà Di rector of public works, cou Jack Dunham, said last week '1 Sthat a Ministry of Transporta- Ser Stion and Communication trui Z~representative told him the shig ;~garage could be licensed as an the Enfoyable Parade Marks Start of Bowmanville Week ipection centre. Tfhe only cost in setting up ie centre would be the urchase of inspection ma- .fns at a price of, iess than 00. It had been estimated iat if the trucks were lecked out at private cen- es, the cost of inspections )u1d run as high as $100 per îck. That would be $1700 for ý17 vehicles. Mir. Dunharn said last week àt he thinks' the inspection ild begin by mid-August. The inspection deadline is jtember 1. By that date, the ucks must carry a wind- elçl sticker to show' that ey have been certified safe. Stùidy Calling For Paring of Plcanners A request for a study of the regional planning and devel- opment, department could resuit in some trimming of, their personnel when it is completed. Oshawa counicillor Bruce, McArthur told the planning and development committee DIRK B-RINKMAN Scugog St., Bowmanville 623-.3621 Lc. on July 27th that he has statistics showing that the department has one employee for every 2,200 people in the region. Coun. McArthur urged the committee "to get on with the job of streamlining the depart- ment" as the percentage is "probable one of the highest" for any region. Acting committee chairman Bill Ballinger (Uxbridge) said the ratio, may be justified because Durham faces heavi- er responsibility than other areas. On Saturday afternoon, July 1l7th, ani enjoyable parade led by pipers who were followed by dozens of decorated bicycles and dressed up youngsters paraded through town to Soper Creek Park. The event marked the opening of the second annual Bowmanville Weeksponsored by Bowmanville Jaycees. Lower photo shows the float entered by the Jaycettes with those participating in old tyme costumes. -Photos by Rick James Plarnitng and devlopmrxent commissioner, BillMAcAdams said he was in favor of a study« on the department and that the time had corne for the regional managemnent corn- 22 King Street West, P.O. Box 980, Oshawa, Ontario Tel. No. 576-6800 Opening nqw doors toésmail business. mittee to carry c assessment. SGARC CENT ~ Lt SODDING, COMPLE LANDSCAPIN Free Estimai Phone 983,9 Nwavailable in Durham Region 24 HOUR SERVICE Te by the Durham Home Ownets Service LUd TeCompony was formed by the many yeors combined experience ofl respected controctors in the Durham orea. Uts primary purpose is toa safeguard members fromr overcharging and poor workmanship. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS 0.24 Hour Emergency Service * Doy or Night Pro tection * Double Guorantee e Free Estimates 0 Guaronteed CompIefion e*Speciolized Service " Lotest Methods ond moterials " One Call Convenience o Credit Convenience * All trodes avoulable " Convenient central billing " Expert odvice MEMBERSHIp FEE ONLY $25 YEARLYI cet579-5070 -#0Ž Low Cost - Consuling Available N.ý,ew goverument -program helps youi Does your beart pound wben you climb a fligbt of stairs? Do you huff and puff when you run for the bus? If 'so, you share a problem wi tha. large percentage of the aduit Canadian population - poor physical fitness. 1Why not do something, about if? It's easy witb tbe Fit-Kit, a novel concept developed by Health and Welfare Canada, in !co- operation with well-known Canadian fitness experts. Recently introduced by National Health Minister Marc Lalonde, the Fit-Kit is the first element of "Operation Lifestyl&' a new program wbicb, in co-operaf ion witb other groups, encourages Can- adians to assume greater responsibility for their own bealth. First of ail you need f0 know how fit (or unfit) you are, so the first item in the-Fit-Kit is the Can- g et fit adian Home. Fitness Test. This long playing record bas musical cadences adjusted.for different age groups, so ail Canadians can evaluate their cardio- vascular (heart and lung) fitness. Once you have estab- lished your fitness level you can use the Walk-Run Distance Calculator, a special, slide-rule which lets you work out a personal exercise aýprogra;m. If you are alread'yft this will help you stay that way. If you're Iike the majority, your exercise programn will help you improve your fitness level ,- and con- sequently your whole well being. Other major elemtents of the Fit-Kit include: - -Rx for Physical Atvt a weekly guide which describes the basic require- ments and allows you to choose the exercises you; RETIRI NG? How about CHARLSTON LAKE hamiet. Located in Eastern ont ario, 26 miles Io Brockville and 35 miles to Kingston. This lake, including many picturesque isla nds has a total waterfront of 125 miles, well known for lake trout fishing (largest 32 lbs.) t- is ideal for ski-doing and uce-fishing. We wiII build your'rétirement DREAM HOME on paved road, 500 yards away from public dock and boat Iaunching site, no waterfront. 3 bedroom bungalows with 1050' of floor space, including full basment, weIl and septic tank installed, custom-built, aluminum siding including lot 100x 300, priced under Garage, fireplace and f loor covering extra. You may also submit YOUR OWN PLAN and we will quote our CQMPETITIVE prices. HURRY only 4 severed off lots Ieft at present. At least 10 residents from Bowmanville area have done business through our office. For reference on our code of ethics and general information on this area with ample other lakes and lots of bush, nature at its best, where dream houses would cost you at Ieast $15,000.-less. Phone Bowmanvilîle 623-2308 or 623-6675 For appointments and inspections-contact: PIETER C. D. TOXOPEUS M.ScAgr. Rural RealItor for 25 yea rs. R.R. 1, Frankville, Ontario or phone 613-275-2626 --Fit-Tips - an illustrated series of rhythmic exercises designed t0 include-ail the body's major muscle groups; --Fit-Kit Progress Chart - your personal record of participation an~d improve- ment. In adition there are four crests for family members who try the Canadian Home Fitness Test, a copy of the booklet Health and Fitness and, for those reach the recommended fitness level, an advanced version of the Canadian Home Fitness Test. The Fit-Kit is avaîlable at a cost of $4.95 from Government bookstores in, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Wianipeg and Vancouver, or by mail from: Fit-Kit Ottawia, Ontario K I A 059 C heques should be pay- able to the Receiver utte Low cost management con- sulting services for small businesses is being made available this year through NO the Small Business Assistance EN Program (SBAP) of the )REN Ontario Ministry of Industry For the fourth year the Ministry will undertake the program, with 120 university business administration students supplying counsel- I ling services to small busi- ts nesses from May through Counselling by the graduate 308 students covers such areas as cash management and fin- ancial planning, bookkeeping systems, production schedul- ing and cost control, market- ing andmarketing research, distribution and promotion. Claude Bennett, Ontario Ministry of Industry and Tourism, said the SBA Pro- gram offers business counsel- ling at a very low cost in areas essential for the success of small businesses. "Last year," he said, "700 consulting assignments were completed for 568 companies. These companies had, in total, sales in excess of $80 million. Although the typical company that received assistance was small, the combined contri- bution to Ontario's economy is signifîcant."1 Business administration faculties of 12 Ontario univers- ities - Carleton, Lakehead, * Laurentian, McMaster, ýOttawa, Queen's, Ryerson, Toronto, Western, Windsor, Wilfred Laurier and York - will be participating in the program. Students' work is closely supervised by university faculty and is supported by services available from Ontario Ministry of Industry, and Tourism specialists in technology, marketing and service industries.- As it is not intended this service compete with private consulting firms, businesses eligible for the service must not be in a position to engage professional consultants., 1 Cost of the service is borne by the Ministry, although a nominal fee ischarged to the businesses u3ing it. Companies wishing to learn more about the program should contact Ontario Min- istry of Tourism offices in Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Kingston, St. Catherines, Kitchener, London, Toronto (Willowdale) and Windsor. If more convenient, firms may contact the faculty of business administration at the unversity closest toô them. $Vil