e Expedi.tion Part of the Newcastle Game is "*ýEXPEDITION"i It is a recording by mneans of photography and other media of the environment of the Town of Newcastle. Ifs purpose is f0, indicate opportunities available for artistic and athletic experiences.. Expedition. is divided into three parts, outlined below. Part One is a photographic recording of ail pu blic roads in the town. Roadways offer a unique surface view of the environment as experienced by most people. They indicate the impact of the original survey of the area on ifs later development. These roadways, ranging from lanes to highways wiil be- photographed at regular spacings, or dependent upon local characteristics of the road. Contact prints of these photos will, be arranged on a large scale map of the fowin. A listing of suggested hiking, cycling, and sightseeing advenfures wilI be made based on this representaf ion. Nexf, scenic vistas, hisforic buildings, creeks, lakeshore areas, and other significant feafures of the local environment will be recorded and added fo the map. The previous listing of walks and slghtseeing adventures can then be expanded to, indicafe areas of pofential athletic and art istic experiences. For instance, a grouping of historic sites and naturally significant areas could be linked by way of a walking tour along concession roads. »,%e Visual- Arts Centre HOME 0F THE NEWCASTLE GAME The Visual Arts Centre of Newcast le has underfaken the Newcastle Game because if believes that the role of the artisf in sociefy is a dynamic and changing one. lndeed fo the extent that we 'are ai athletes and art ists the Newcastle Gamne offers a first-hand opportunify for discovering, learning about, participafing in, andi designing the local environment. In doing so we might aiso come to appreciate that athletics itseif is a form of art. The Visual Arts Centre is locafed in the historic Cream of Barley Miii on Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville. The use of the building is provided through fthe generosify of, the Town of Newcast le. Workshops, lectures, films, and classes in a variefy of artistic disciplines are presented in the old milI for the benefif of the residents of the Town of Newcastle. The objectives of the Centre are f0 esfablish a central and permanent location for participation in the visual arts within the Town of Newcast le; to encourage active participation, through educaf ion, in the visual arts; to promote the visual arts for the-enjoymenf and the enrichment of the people of the Town of Newcastle. You can support the ai ms and objectives of the Newcastle -.entre by becoming a member of the organization.. Visual'Arts MEMBERSHIP: Single $ 5.00 Family $10.00 For Detais, Contact: NEWCASTLE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE P.O. BOX 52 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Part Two is a co,'mpilling of a bank of 35mm colour transparencies These sldes wilI be of a variety of subjects; scenic vistas, buildings, mainstreets, side streefs, people, places, and happenings. They will provide photographers with an opporfunity to investigate theiir arfistic fendencies in combination with athletically oriented activities (walking, jogging, cycling, saling, etc.). From this valuable archive, a selection wilrbe made for public presentation at Event No. 17, Audio Visual Show of the Town of Newcast le, Sept. 1Bfh. This show wilI be put together under the guidance of, and narrated by, photographer David Lewis. Part Three wi Il be a natural outgrowth of the summer activities of the Newcastle Game. The Visuai Arts Centre intends fo produce a cultural resources participation map, based on the summer's experiences and the recording of local feafures. If you would like fo participafe in the Expedition Project of the Newcastle Game, contact the organizers at the address below. Provide information suchasý your name, address, phone number and a, brief oufline of how you would like f0 participafe. "EX PEDITION"1 Visual Arts Centre P.O. Box 52 Bowmanville, Ontario ~~mmmmmmm filmWmcmmammmt *in th omi stsls beowc asepuzl.The radvrG@al, hrzo,,l, H A N U, OLMPIC CONTESU A digNal, fDrwRsC A NdcAsiN-llTWeEn RakPaDs.0Crcl th 1 aesondo pee B the Erm BeLo UVLMZw. APD1u tchl 0DBJU LE NKAsW IRJTL AtDN KC , Henki C OEWFR0TZM D XL1 CHE NH OND Y OU 0E tMlourne *~ ~~~ LN R N N WE P O JPRisme E HBHERLUE0V TLZ OS I A DE u Lokyon T SEIUG UBNOTRYEB MBETBPEAS0KWN ntwerp YODCKLT0ELNFPMAWUOSLTI0 APAK He0ic I OR I NecstleGaeTEKORLB N TN un I TSNUGURAREBMETPArtsNCMntre Phn P.UIO.EA AoxUJY52, * Z EMORXADA nPMYLOHcORt. YGHKclNP USTizHOL *df -I hl
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
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