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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1976, p. 9

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A -te o *-,t om BURTIS - Mary. and Lorry (Jones) are pleased f0 an- nounce the safe arrivaI of their daughter, Alisha Eliza- beth, 7 1bS. 3 ozs.. August il, 1976 at Trenton Memorial Hospital. Proud g randparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Burtis, Orono and Mrs. Pauline Jones ot' Bowman- ville. 33-1 LAUGHL N - Edna and Fred wish to announce the arrivai of their littîe girl, Cherri Lynn Vanessa, on' Aug. 4, 1976, weghn 8 lbs. 13/4 ozs., at M aoi' Hospital, Bowman- ville. 33-i To celebrate Harvey and Lois Yelowlees' 25th wedding anniversary, their tamily are holding a rece pilon in their honor ai Solina H ail on August 22nd from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 32-2x BICKLE - At Bowmanville Hosital, Thursday, August l2th, 1976, Charles R. Bickle, in his 78th year, beloved husband 0f Cora Mae Shoe- maker, dear father 0f June (Mrs. P.B. Cooke), Toronto, Lewis, Bowmanville, dear gnandfather of Bradley, Lynn, bhrter , David and Craig, bohrof Gladys (Mrs. C.L. Upper), Peterborough, Eve- lyn (Mrs. 'Frank Jamieson) and Howard, Bowmanville. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Saturday affernoon. Interment Bowmanville Cem- etery. 33-1 DEAN, Charles Russell -eAt Strathaven Nursing Home on Monday August '16, 1976, RussellYDean in his 83rd year, Beloved husband of the late Cora I.- Clarke. Dear father 0f Mrs. Lorne Garrow (Doris), Midland; Mrs. Elwood McKee (Gwen), Hampton. Brother of Mrs. Archie. Luno (Rosie), Orono. Predeceased by three sons, Bert, Art and George and one brother, Lorne. Rest- i ng at the Northcutt Elliott F uneral Home. Funeral ser- vice 2 p.m. Wednesday affer- rioon. Interment St. John's emetery, Blackstock. 33-1 TAYLOR, WVilliam E. - At Oshawa General Hospital on Fridlay, Aug. 13, 1976. William Taylor of 147 LibertySt. N., Bowmanville, in his 8th year, dear brother of Mrs. J. Hall (Eleanor>, Bowmanville, and Percy R. Taylor, Don Milîs. Rested at the NorthcuttElliotf Funeral Home. Interment BowmanvilleCemetery. 33-1 CARNATION SFor All Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS TKEY'RIE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cowle of Bowmanville are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Cindy Lou Ann f0 Steven Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Milîson, R.R. 5, Bow- manville. Wedding wilI take place Saturday, September 11, 1976at2 p.m. in Trinity United Church, Bowmanyille., 33-i GOSLETT - At Ongwanada Hospital, Kingston on Tues- day, August 17, 1976, M.H. (Monty) Goslett, aged 93 years. Husband of the late Allison Selkirk, dear father 0f Monty, Toronto and Betty (Mrs. W.H. Treleaven), King-ý ston, cgrandfather of eight grandc ildren. Resting at the, Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville for service on Thursday at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. Legion service Wednesday at 7: 30 p.m. 33-1 JONES - At Oshawa Hospi- taI, Monday, Augusf l6th, 1976, Cecil Jones, Orono, aged 80 years, beloved husband of Elsie McHolm, dear father of George, Eileen (Mrs. Don Stephens), Carolyn (Mrs. Brian Priestley), Joyce (Mrs. Francis Cowan), Patsy (Mrs., Fred Storsbergen), Paul, Julie (Mrs. Reg. Worr), seventeen-grandchildren and one great-grandchild, brother of Ethel (Mrs. Wm. Payne), Isobel (Mrs. B. St. "Louis>, Clara (Mrs. H. Sheppard), Mary (Mrs. Wm. O'Neill) and Ethan Jones, all 0f Port Hope. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday affer- noon. Interment Orono Cem- etery. 33-i THOMPSON, John Meridith - At the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Tues., Aug. 3, 1976, John Meridiih Thompson was in his 78th year. Beloved husband of Julia Foster and the laie Melissa Archer. Dear father of Eldon of Peterborough, Margaret (Mrs. James Hen- ry) of Toronto, Louis Black of Oshawa and Clarence Back of Coîborne. Also surviyed by 15 grRndchildren ac 23 great ý randchildren . Brother of eh a (Mrs. Jordon) and Cecil, both 0f Peterborough. Prede- ceased by one son John. Rested at The Mackey Funeral Home, Peel St., Lindsay, for funeral service on Thursday, Aug. 5 at 2:00 p.m. ai Nestleton United Church. Interment Cadmus Cemetery. 33-1 VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery f0... Oshawa - BmimanviIlsAi Phone 623-4441 Durham Coufty's Oldest Funeral Servýi MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Nighlt Servîng this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVI9 .Your thoughtfulness for others is aur f concern. We will arrange for chanit foundatians donations (such as Hear- Cancer Society) ta be acknowlec anayhere in Canada with the appropr ack nowledgement card present, on same day, with the other tributes. This is part of aur service, ta cammunity. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope -Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions -Wrought Iron Flower Stands - Home Appointments GIadIy Arranged R RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W High Qua lify at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSI4IP *QUALI1Y ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunt are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their only daughferI, Heather Ann, to Roald Siney son of Mr. and Mrs. Ra y Wstlake, all of Bowmanville. The wedding wîll fake place Se pt. 18, 1976 at Trinity United Ch urch af 4 p.m. 33-1x Mr.,and Mrs. Clarence R. Bray, R.R. 1, Hampton are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their only. daughter, Wendy Susanne to Gar y Alan, son ofMr. and Mrs. Cecil Carson, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Wedding to take place Saturday, September 25, 1976 af 6:30 p.m. in Eldad. United Church, Solina, Ontar- io. .33-1 Mr. and Mrs. Llylle Carroll, Kendal, Ont, announce, with pleasure, the forthcoming marnag e of their daug hter, Cayawne Ogd.en to Brad- ley De Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams, Bowmanville. Vows will be exchanged at Newcastle United Church on Augusf 28, 1976 at 3p.m. 33-1 Mrs. Jean Rice, Hampton and Mr. Jack Rice, Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robinson of Oshawa are pleased to ànnounce the forth- coming marriage of their children, Apri' Louise and RoberftStephýen. The wedding will take place at Hampton United Church, Sept. 3, 1976 af 7o'clock. 133-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brohm, R. R. 1, Norland are pleased to announce fhe forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter, Susan Mary to Donald Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Archer, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. The wedding to take place on Saturday, September 11, 1976 at 3:30 p.m. in the Faith Tabernacle, Coboconk, Ontario. 33-1, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bajema are pleased to an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Wilma to Mr. John Edwin Bonsma, son of Mr. and Mrs'. John Bonsma on Saturday, August 21 ai 5 o'clock in Rehoboih Christian Reformed Church, Bowman- vil le, Ont. 33-lx - s ADAMS - In loving memory of our beloved mother and grandmother, Olive Adams, Who was taken 50 suddenly two years ago Augusi 20, 1974. Though absent you are very near, Sf111 loved, sf111 missed, and very dear. - Daughter Audrey, Bob and> Douglas Rutherford. e 33-ix ARNOLD- In loving memory ars -0f a dear fatherand grand- t father, Melville (Sandy), w ho passed away Aug. 21, 1973. Days of sadness stil1 come o'er 1 us, Tears of sorrow offen f low; Memory keeps our loved one near us, rea Whom God called three years ago. 4-f - Sadly missed by son 4-f Leverne, daug hter-in-law Bev - and grandch ildren Karen, ýce Robbie and Brenda. 33; BENNETT, John Charles - In loving memory of a dear father, John Charles Bennett, who passed away Aug. 20, 1972. Though his smile, is gone forever And his hand we cannof touch StilI we have so many mem- ories - Of the one we loved so much His memory is our keepsake With which we'll neyer part God has him ln his keeping We have him in our heari. - Jany missed by children JaJane, Joe, Ronald and Marilyn. 33-i ICl fIl 'al t .i4 rst ýble an ged, ate the the BENNETT- In loving m em- ory of a dear husband, John Charles Bennett, who passed away Aug. 20, 1972. Sadly missed along lites way Quietly remembered every day No longer in our lite to share But in my heart he is always there. - Lovingly remembered by Erma. 33-1 HAWLEY - In loving mem- ory of a dear father and grand- father, Melbourne, who oass- ed away August 14, 1964. lad'y missed along life's way, Quetly remembered every, day, No longer in our lite to share But inour hearis, he's always there. -Ever remembered by daughiers Bonnie and Judy, sons-in-law Ken and Ted. 33-1 Grandchildren Donna, Mike - and Heaiher. Great grand- children Mason and Juliana. 33-i HAWLEY - In Ioving mem- ory of a dear husband, Melbourne, who passed away Au gust 14, 1964. AIt hough his smile is gone forever,, And his harvd I cannot fouch, Still I have so many memories 0f the one I loved s0 much, His memory is my keepsake, With which l'il neyer part God has him in his keeping, And I have him in my heari. - Lovingly remembered by 24tf wife Lila.> 33-i I wish to thank relatives, triends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy extended to me and m'y famiîy during the recent passing of my dear mother, mother-in- Iaw, grandmother and great 98randmother, Mrs. Rosalie srooking. AI Ian D. Brooking 33-ix We wish f0 express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours (New- tonville and Waverley Gar- dens) tor the beautifu I floral tributes, donations to the Canadian Diabeiic Associa- tion, Ontario Heart Founda- tion, and Canadian Cancer Society, and cards and mess- ages of sympathy during our recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father,' George Stapleton. Special thanks to Dr. A.F. McKenzie, Dr. G.E.F. Long, the staff of Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital, Rev. E. Schamerhorn, Rev. R.C.- White and the Morris Funeral Chapel. Mrs. George Stapleton and tamily 33-1ix The Durham Region Glad- iolus* Society gratefully ac- knowledges the many cash donations, vouchers and gifts which were 50 graciously given for the Gladiolus Show. 33-i We wish to express our thanks to the relatives, friends and neighbours for the beauti- f uI floral tributes, donations to the Cancer Society, cards and ,messages 0f sympathy in the bereavement of the passing of our cousin Helen Hubbs. Our thanks to the doctors and nurses of Oshawa General Hospital. Spécial thanks to Dr. Ewart, Rev. Amacher and the nurses 0f the 2nd floor of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, who gave her such excellent and loving care. Evelyn Grant, Helen Devitt, Rose and Norman Dickinson 33-1 x Dai ly Vacation Bible School Will1 be held at REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMPED CHURCIi August 23 - Sept. 2 - 9-11:45 a.m. Sing sangs, Bible stories, drafts. If transportation needed caîIl 623-2365 or 623-2636. 1 32-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starfing Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M.' Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Soffball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50 tf WOODVIEW, COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. 1QSHAWA The Bowmanville Drama Workshop will hold auditions for ifs Novem ber production of ihree one acf plays on August 31, 1976 ai 7:30 p.m. in the Bowmanville Library. Anyone inferested in trying out is welcomne. Backstage helpers are also needed. 33-2 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., August 24th Eârly Bird Gamnes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 33-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Country Strings F rida y -, Sa tu rda y August 20 - 21 DANCING 9 i1 33-1 COMING SOON.. Vacation Bible School August 23 to 28 CENTENNIAL HALL QUEEN STREET Sponsored by the Bowman- ville Seventh-day Adventist Church for children aged 4 to 10. 9:3Oto 11:45a.m. For information or trantportation, caîl: 728-5458. 33-1 FASHION SHOW A Faîl and Winter Fashion Show 'wiIl be held on Wed- nesday,,September 22nd at 8 p.m. at the Bowmanviîîe High School. Fashions by The Mary C Shoppe and sponsored by Durham Chapter Order of the Eastern, Star. For tickets, please caîl 623-5856. Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your group's fund raising activities. Book ourn year's dates noww le choice dates are still available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf Bowmanville Eagles Juni or C Hockey Club pre-season training. Location - Pineridge School for Boys. August 24th at 7:30 p.m. (track and swimming)..Anyone interest- ed in trying out, please attend. 32-2 SWIMMING pool wholesaler must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space, Brand new swimming pools include walk'around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x, 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cali Gord collect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18-if SWIMMING pool' sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1975 season. /2,price, guaranteed installation and termns. Cal: collect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf SWIMMINC, pool for sale: Moving - will selI you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. il-tf SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe,, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x,24. 1 y r. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cali Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf Swimming Pool Sa cri fice' Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminumi pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- feed installation and terms. Cali Credif Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days. or evenings. 5-tf 'SWIMMING Pool 0 less than one year old. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cosi- $4,500. 'Must selli immediaiely will sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cali Fanta Sea Service Centre at, -416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. il tf TEAKWOOD, Scan dinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dininq room, 9 piece; living room; wall unit, cottéetaoies, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10-tf PADDY'S Market now hae new furifiure, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and alsc used furniture and appl iances %A!!! accept trade-ims. Paddy'% MÀarkef, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t' USED Furn.ifure and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,, Hampton 263-2241. 26-ff GARAGE Sale - electric polisher, crockpot, dishes, frunk, rockers, tables, some antr'ques, odds and ends, Aug. 20 - 21, 14 Brown. 33-1ix PICK your own Melba apples and corn. Browview Fa rm, junction of Hwy. 2 and 115. 33-1 8,000 BALES of hay, Tyson Farms, Newtonville, 786-2927. 33-tf SEED FOR SALE Winter Wheat - Wjnter Barley CERFSMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 or 6123-7233 33-6 Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE 23-tf COLONIAL style davenport and matching chair. Excellent for cottage or rec. room. Newcastle 987-4719 after 5. 33-1 GUN 308 Winchester Model 100 Wifh 4 power Bosch and Lomb scope, shoulder sirap, case and shelîs included. $200 firm. ORONO - 983-9311 affer 6. 33-i PLAYPEN, Lloyd stroller, high chair, child-back carrier, lounge seat, change fable, maftress for double bed. All i good condition. Phone 623-7622. 33-1 x 1971 HONDA SL100 ira il bike, $300. Phone 623-4322. 33-1 TOP soil, Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-ff COMPR ESSORS Ail kinds of machinery. Seil. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf TENC acres standing hay (approx. 1200 bales), 45c per bale. 30 acres second cut standing hay, 45c per bale. 18 acres standing hay at $15.00 ,er acre. Il acres standing a y) <approx. 1200 - 1300 bales),50c per bale. Tyson Farmis, Newtonvi île, 786-2927. 32-2 BARN beams, cedar rails and used lumber. Phone 987-4041. 32-2x ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 1 9-tf RkAMBL-ER trailers, see themn at Newcastle TrailIer Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle, seven days a week, 987-5131. 29-tf Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 < ý .19-tf CARPETSof aIl kinçs, customn made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professional- ly installed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E.,' Bowmanyille. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-ff Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesmnan in Darlington Township. 15-tf LLOYD baby carriag e, crib with two drawers, bassinet on stand, stroller, playpen, walker, jolly jumper andl rocking horse. Phone,987-5056. 33-i VEN ETIAN blinds. Best offer. Stafesman Office, 66 King St. W., 623-3303. 33-2 Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTICIE' From Hwy. 2 take 13th uine north one block. 33-ff MASSEY Harris diesel tractor with loader. GirI's 3-speed C.C.M. Cheeta bicycle. Phone 987-4793. 33-1 f COU NTRY BARGAIN, MART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED fProduce, Household Items, 'Livestock, Antiques, or What have you? i Turn themn into dollars. PIHON E 263-8226 - NEXT SALE - AUGUST 21,1 - 6 p.m. lst farm west 0f Enniskillen village. 3- BAS EM ENT sa le. Books, toys, dishes, lamps, and otherý miscellaneous articles. 715 Stevenson Road North, Osh- awa. Aug. 19 - 20, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 33-1 SECOND cut hay, clover, alfalfa and timothy. Phone 987-4589. 33-1ý BAL ED oat sfraw in the f ield. Phone 987-4243. 33-1 LADY'S 10 speed bicycle, almost new with extra tire and two inner tubes. Phone 623- 7026 after 3. 33-1 TRANSMISSION 350 auto- matic will fit '68 to '74 Chev products. Rebuilt and neyer used. Also 30" elect ric stove, avocado, in good condition, $225. Phone 263-8884. 33-1 TWO 1974 Husquarna Moto- cross bikes, 400 CC. Neyer raced. Asking $1,100 each. Phone 723-5905. 33-1 TE NTtfrailer, sleeps 6. Asking $250. Phone 623-6342. 33-1 ONE lady's 3 speed bike, wicker basket carrier in front and a child's padded seat in back. AIl brand new, ridden 3 times. Asking $80. Phone 623-5773. 33-1 EARLY apples for sale. Red ,Astrackhian and, Melba. Roy Orchards., Phone 263-8430., 33-1 APPLE wood for fireplace, etc. Phone 263-8430. 33-1 CLAI RTONE 61" combination TV, radio and stereo in good condition, $150. Phone 623- 3148. 3341 SPECIAL 1-20 kg Purina Dog Chow ................. .$ 9.21 10- 20 kg Purina Dog Chow ......................... $90.00 i gaI (i60oz.) Pur ina Bovadine ....................... $ 6.15 1 case (4 x 160 oz.) Purina Bovadine.................. $23.35 25 lb. Pail Purina Cleaher (used for Dairy Pipelines, Bulk Tank and EQQ Wash....Machine .-------.... Pure Pine Shavings VANSTONE FLOUR &FEED MILL Baled, Dust-fnee Bwavle6357 Phone 723-6660', omnile6357 33-2 New Machinery Specials 53 0 Manure spreader................................ $1895. 1150 Grinder mixer............. ........ $3695. 555 Forage Harvester wifh 72" pick-up and 2 row corn head ..................................... $5995. 46-4F-14" Bottom mounted plow ...................... $1425. 710-4F-18" Bottom semi-mounted plow (automatic reset) ................................. $3695. Used-Machinery 624D l.H. Tractor............................. $5700. 434D l.H. Tractor ................................... $3650. No. 227 1H. 2 row corn head for 91-93 ori105combine........................ ........ $1000. Model 80 l.H. combine....................... ........ $2000. Gehi1 Model F B88 Forage Blower...................... $ 725. Model 540,1.H. 4F-14" bottom semî-mounfed plow ........ $1500. Model 575 Cockshutf 6F-16" bottom (automatic reset) plow............ .......... ......... $3000. 1. H. 103 Manure spreader.................. .....$ 600. 1. H.130 Man ure spreader ............................ $900. l.H. 175 Manure spreader (with upper beater, A-i condition) ..................................... $1950. 633 Cockshutt spreader ............................_$ 825. We are pleased f0 announce that Roger Davidson. is now our Sales Representative in the Bowmanville area. Customers in Bowmanville, Blacksfock, Hampton, Newcastle and Orono caîl ZENITH 34400. ROBINSON & KITCHEN FARM. EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your International Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile easf of Junction 7and 35 highways, south 0f Lindsay. 33-1 FREEZER'CORN- CORN ROASTS Pi cked f resh da iîy. 60c per dozen Special1. Minimum orders 10 dozen. Offer good fa August 21 or until supply lasts. Keith Bell Farm, concession 9, one mile west of Raglan approximately 6 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe Street). MWatch for signs.) 655-3326 O-JSHAWA- SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROUCTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS &PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & OIRT F11 [-,---$ DELIvERED OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR R ENT SNOW REMOvAL Prhone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH OF I-IWAY 2ý SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY STYLISH black wool winter coat, size 11. Neyer worn, $150. new, now $75. Mesh playpen, change table, back carrier (new), safety gaie, bassinette, misc. blankets, good condi-, tion, $50. Phone 623-5061. 33-1 FRESH eggs daily, except Sunday, 50c per dozen -until Septem ber 1sf. John Fayer, R.R.4, Bowmanville. 33-2x NEW crop honey. Now is the time to g et your winter supply. Edigar James, on the Taunton Road, 2 miles east of Liberty Street. Phone 983-5827. N EW cedar lumber for Pool fence, wool hardtwist rug, 9' x 15' like new); portable- 12" TV, chrome set, 24" electric, stove, reading lamps, table lamps, pole I amp, 4' fluor- escent fixtures. 623-7490. 33-i 39" BRASS bed, nine piece oak dining room suite, eight piece dining room suite, which includes round oak pedestal table, with three leaves ex- tending to six feet in [ength, with six side chairs and matching sideboard, press- back rockers, harvest tables, spool beds, graidmother dlock with Westminster chimes, dishes and glass at Dad's Used Furniture and Antiques, New- tonville, 786-2509., 33-i il ACRES of mixed grainito be taken from combine. Cal VIKING 30" stove, Viking 10 cubic foot fridge. single and double laundry tubs, ail good condition. Best offer. 576-2639. 33-1 1972 HONDA, CB-350, $500. Phone atter tive 1-983-5361( 33-i WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Aparfment & Homes Pre-Wiled Ask About Our Guarantee Pho ne 576-5606 COU RTIC E 30 tt FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FA RM Hampton 263-2721 , 30 -tf INVESTMENT ýCLUB " Local Stock lnvesf ment Club is looking for NEW ME MBERS Meets monthly. lnterested parties phone 623-7078 or 623-3574 for further informa- tion. 33-1 Riding -lessons given by qualified instructor - equifa- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good horses available. Also horses broken énd train- ed. Cal!l 623-4558. 25-ff S t 1 ejz1 EQU ESTR 'AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE ItIDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Huistets& Jumpers Hunters'& Jumpers Bought & Sold' R3 BOWMANVII.LE 623-7336 TI HORS ES boarded. Private, barn. Good, dlean facilities. Plenty of acreage to ride. Base Lîne Road, Bowmanville 623-4751. 33-1 x Film W~iMU1Processing t CHILDREN'S Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 23-10 - CORN Order yoùjr winter suppîy of fresh, frozen corn - reffored fromcob, blanched and flash frozen as soon as it's picked. Distributed'b>' Sea les of Rich- mond Hill. Available at Red- wing archards around Sep- tember 1 ai 50c per lb. Minimum order - case lot of 30 Ibs. Packed in 5 lb. bags for You f0 share easily with friend or relative. Must be ordered ini advance by phoning 1-668-3311 or by dropping in at roadsîde market on Highway 2 befween Whitby and Ajax. OPEN DAI LY 9a.m..9 p.m. 33-2 OSHAWA Antique Gun Col- lectors Show and Sale, Kins- men Community Centre, 109 Col borne Street West, Osh- awa, Augusf 22, 1976, 9 a.rn. - 1 p.m. Ladies Silver Dollar Draws. Admission $1.00. Ladies free. -, 33-i ONE only used wringer wash- er, $70. CarneMg e Pro Hard- ware, 36 King E., 623-5408. 33-i TENT trailer wifh ail equip- ment, set of 1881 Rodgers silverware in chest, H.O. train set, Stronberg racing car set, parts for 7 h.p. Johnson motor and odds and ends. Phone 579-3417. 33-i 1976 STARCRAFT tent trailer, sleeps 6, includes canopy, stove and f ridge. $2,975. Phone 623-3951. -33-2 BLACK and white 23" Electro- home TV, A-1, condition. Phone 1-983-5992. TOd give away f0 a good countrv home, 3 vear old spayed female Dalmation. Phone 263-2683. 33-1 x BEAUTIFUL Doberman pup- pies, purebred, black and tan, wormed, shots, $100 each. Affectionate guardians for youi- home. Phone 723-0170. 1 33-1 PART German Shepherd pup- pies. Free to good home. Phone 623-2043. 33-1 F REE to good home, black Lab, 8 months old, maIe, obedience trained, ail shots, excellent with children. 623- 5497. 32-i GARAGE in south end of Bowmanville. Preterably, to store car. 623-4327. 33-2 RELIABLE adults would like country house to rent. Within commuting distance ot Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 31-4x THREE bedroom house in Bowmanville area, required by September 30. Phone 623-7578 or 705-737-2544. 1 33-2x YOUNG gentleman with pet, needs apariment with use of yard. Phone 623-5528. 3- Blind persons "white" cane. nh local store, Mondlay, Aug. 9. Phone 623-5525. 33-i "M ¶e ? EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Je 'wel lers Ltd. Regular Pric 12.00 NOW $10.00 wifh sýtuds Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchaseofe:arnçns with the release formn. Phone 623-5747 For Appoint ment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simncoè St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX, 44-tf

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