12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 18,'1976.ý ?r ovinciI Court August 17, 1976 Judge R.B. Baxter presided with Crown Attorney B. Affleck and duty counsel M.B. Kelly.1 FrederickAshby, 45, R.R. 2, Frankford, was charged on July 24 with driving after consumning over .08. He plead- ed 'guilty'. P.C. Logan oh- served him on King St. E., Bowmanville, where hie was involved in an accident. Tests were .30 and .31. The fine was $500. and costs, in default 30 days. License suspension for 6 months,. Kari Behan, 39, 1357 Park Rd. S., Oshawa,, pleaded 'guilty' to a dune 25th charge 'did drive after consuming over .08'. Detectives Aird and Holly observed a car on number 2 highway veer across the road toward the cruiser. The vehicle ended up in the ditch. Tests lwere .15 and .14. The fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days. License sus- penn for 3 months. A bench warrant was issued for Lewis O'Halloran. Wayne Louttet, 25, 60 Exeter Rd., Ajax, was charged March 9, whilst ability was impaired by alcohol or drug did drive. He was further charged with- out reasonable excuse failed to give a breath test. He pleaded 'guilty' to both charges. P.C. Smith observed hlm westbound at a high rate Wo speed and the auto was weaving. He had to be forcibly put in the cruiser as hie was abusive. He attempted to knock over the breath appara- tus. The crown asked for some clemency as hie bas a disabil- ity problein. On each charge the fine was $50. and costs, in default 5 days and ýin default on the second fine it wîll be 5 days consecutive. License suspension 3 months. Richard Morrison, 28, Oro- no, pleaded 'guilty' to careless driving on regional road 17. He was also charge d'saine day did assault P.C. R. McLeod but this charge was reduced to lesser offense of common assault to which hie pleaded 'guilty'. P.C. McLeod was despatched to an accident. Mr. Morrison was southbound on the Main St., Orono and did not see a signal for a left turn from the car ahead of him. His counsel stated he, lost bis temper. The first charge brought a fine of $100.1 and costs, in default 7 days. The second charge had a fine levied of $75. and costs, in dlefault 5 days additîonal. Given 30 days to pay. John E. Worsley, 36 Perry St., Hampton, was charged July 24, 'did drive after consumning over .08'. He pleaci- ed 'guilty'. Const. Molyneaux observed him travelling at a high rate of speed on Martin Rd. Tests were .21. The fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days. Three months license suspension. Richard Patfield, 62, Bow- manville, pleadeçi 'guilty' to a charge laid July 12 of driving after consuming over .08. He was followed by an officer where he veered across the road. Tests were .23. The fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days. License suspension 3 months. Robert Archibald, 23, R.R. 2, Oshawa, received a 30 day jail sentence after pleading 'guilty' of having care and control after consuming over .08. P.C. Cowey was despatch- ed to an erratic driving complaint in Burketon. Tests. were .19. Orono NewVs Mr.,aMI Mrs. James Grun- erud of St. Cloud, Minnesota family, Port Hope. Also, by relatives and -neighbors at their home in Orono, receiving gifts and flowers, also many cards froin friends, relatives, U.C.W. and a gift and card froin the Senior Citîzens. Mr. and Mrs. James Grun- erud of St. Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford, Kevin, Anita and Greg of Meaford, Mrs. Ida Plumb of Bowman- ville, Mr. ancr Mrs. Ken Minion of Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. DougHird of Whitby, Mrs. Geo. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton and son "Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris, Richard, Kim, and Glen were'among the 27 who held a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Harris, Douglas and Charles on Sunday. FRESHi CHICms u'KENrl@ LEGS, 96L B. FRESH CHICKEN BREASTSI ALPINE BEEF STEAK ETTES 2 LB. BOX ] GOLDEN SKILLET BREADED ICHICKEN PARTS LB. 1.49 INSTANT SPECIAL! NESCAFÉ COFFEE 10OOZ. JAR 3.49 d VEGETABLE JUICE lE. D. SMITH GuARDEN COCKTAIL c 28 FL. oz. BTL. RICHMELLO BUTTER TARTS PKIG, OF12 LANCIA PASTAS 2 LB. PKG. IALL-PURPOSE SPECIAL! BRAVO SAUCE, V/12 FL. OZ TIN GOLDEN SKILLET LB CVILAGE SPECIAL! 2 x 8 OZ CONT2L.PG C CLORJ VIAU, ROYAL'OR SPECIAL! I B K CHICKEN CUTLETS fOC8 SOFT MARGARINE fl IVILLAGE BISCUITS' 1.29 IFEARMANS SLICED COOKED HAM 6OZ. IbKG. 89Ay-C STAR KIST SPECIAL! CHUNK LIGHT TUNA 65OZ. TIN 65 c 100% PURE CORN OIL MAZOLA OIL SPECIAL! 32 FL, OZ. BTL j 1.491 BURNS' FULLY COOKED LB.I ASSTD VARIETIES SPECIAL! 12OZ. TIN ASST'DVARIETIES SEIL 12 OZ. PKG. 1/ OEIVCU AKDýKAM t89 DR. BALLARDS CAT FOOD SEIL BMONE IN, AUMSPCED * LUNCHEON MEAT 8~iDAINTY DINNERS69 IVIAKY MILtýC FULLY COOKED, VACUUM PACKED1 ,8 DINNER HAMS PROCESS CHEODAR CHEESE SLUCES ' SEIL KRAFT SINGLES 2LB. PKG. 2.79 DOG FOOD MIGHTY DOG 8.80OZ. PKG. ASlýQST'D VARIETIES HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS c ASST'D COLOURS BUDGET 1 PLY BATH ROOM - 4RLLKG DOMINION TO vlMmATO0, KETCHUP' 25 FL Z. BTL HOMOGENIZED, PASTEU RIZED PARTIALLY SKIMME ,2%/ MILK, 3QOT. BAG OR JUG PLUS DEPOSIT ON JUG KREAMY, SLICED, WHITE BREAD 67O.TN124 OZ. LOAF SPECIAL! 113.00f;;;- -. BRSPRIEOCAAA 1L.PG1DOINFA OZOONTL. PG HIRSRYSPECIA LL 990 SHOPSYS E EF O I ION LBAADAWNY SO TISPECIAL "&%C JMBf 1OL Z. A ER.COT BITNERS 84ED ISIFETAT LEONLE HAVEL SHOLB PK24 GZASSOT 'D OMCOLOUNR DP 32IFL.KO.2 JA R EGOOTLAROETRA12 .OZ. CONT. BOLGNASDOMIN .U ICO ERTHDSPE( ILEMN-U SPECIAL! CANADA NO 1 GRADE ONTARIO GROWN PrOT A TO E S 128 20 LB. BAG ED y. 1 t~ibIiJ N EXplicit details at your Dominion store. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSINO TIME TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1976 e e looz. PKG. DOWNYFLAKE FROZEN WAFFLES cMM COKE ADDS LIFE 26 FL. OZ. RETURN. BTL. PLUS DEPOSIT DOMINION FROZEN CONCENTRATED, SWEETENED ORANGE JUICE âh 8 121/2 FLA- OZ. CONT. IlRANULJ M 1g'BAG TE AM .mabL ORANGE FLAVOUR 20 CTANG 9 n9 ,RVBROZO AG AT"UR LOCAIL DOMIION STORLE TODAY! SHOP FREE FOR ONE VEAR! S 5 lucky tbominion shoppers will each win $2,500. 00 worth of groceries. Winners to be announced September, 29th. WIN $100. VOUCHERS!1 10 lucky badge-wearers win $ 100.'00 food vou'chers every day at the "EX". Th at's 200 winners in ail. EXPERTS & PRIZES! Hints and recipes, shows and prizes in- Dominion' s Kitchen Theatre of the Food Products Building at the "EX". CALIFORNIA SUNSKIST VALENCIA ORANGES 4 LB. BAG WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. Yoilcandepend on)..us.ý 87C CALIFORNIA GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE BARTLETT PEARS 28C -B. TENDERLOIN END PORK ROAST c LB. RIB END PORK ROAST SLICED BEEF LIVER -----------