Port Perry H. S. Studenti WinsDom in ion Award for His. Remembrance Essay On May 2lst, District F. Royal Canadian Legion held its first Honors and Awards night. At this event two students were presented with awards relating to the Re- membrance Day Lterary con- test started last year. Bob ý-D y eCCetac'kgC hu c Qc "Dad," said the subscriber's liftlecdaughter, "I knaw why the editars cali themnselves 'we'." "Sa the fellow who daesn't like what's printed wilI think that, there are tao many for hlm ta lick." CLOTHES CARE HINT: , STrAINS FROM BIEVERAGES wilI damage garments quickly. Take them immediately ta your Drycleaner for expert, professianal attention. Plan ta attend the Beef Ba r- B-Q - Orono Memoria 1 Pa rk Tonight - August l8th 5:00 - 8:00 p. m. CLEANI MG BoWmanvile, Cleaners Ltd. 84 King St. W. 623-5520 "#We Specialize in Shirt Laundering" Elliot from Port'Perry High School won the Provincial Gold Medal and $125.00 for placing first In the Senior Essay category, and Brian Smart of Port Hope Higb School was awarded a Silver medal and $75.00 for second place in the Senior Poem. It bas just been-announced that Bob Elliot of Port Perry bas been awarded the First Prize at Dominion Level for bis essay. His prize for this honor is an all,'expense trip to Ottawa for himself'and one parent, to represent the Youth of Canada by laying a wreatb at the Cenotapli on November il. He also receives a cash award of $225. and a framed certificate. The latter will be presented to him at Port Perry H-igb Scbool commencement on October 29th by H. (1ob) Brown, District.F. Community Pro- grams Chairman. Bob must be congratulated on this achievement as this is the first time a'student from this area bas won thisaward and it is also a first for District F., Suzanna Deraaf'became tbe bride of Joseph Vanderveer, in a lovely summer wedding, in St. Andrew's Cburcb, Bow- maniville, on Saturday, June 26th, 1976. Reverend J. Gil- christ officiated. The organist was Mr. Cory Kuipers. Tbe bride's parents are Mn. and Mrs. John Deraaf, R.R. 1, Jordon Station, and the roms parents are Mr. and Mrs.mJacob Vanderveer, 53 Concession St. E., Bowman- ville. Given in marriage by ber LONG SÀTJLT Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Burlington spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker. Mrs. Lloyd Harmer and Mrs. David Harmer, R.R. 1'1 Bowmanville were Sunday lunicheon guests of Miss G. Smith. The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, August 18, 1976 -3 of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker, Mrs. Johnston Kidd, Good- Joan returning home with ber wood on Wednesday. pents. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mrs. Allie Mitchell and Goble and boys, Blackstock friend, Toronto were Wednes- and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker day atternoon callers of Mrs. and Pam, Burketon were G. Kovacs. Mr. Allan Baker, Sunday dinner guests of their Burlington, Mr. Gordon Baker parents. and Mr. and Mrs.Th,, Miss Grace Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kidd and Woodley were Saturday even- ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. OSHAWA Bond Towers Shopping Mail 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 SQUARE "A, Special Shop for Special Women" R-etired 20 Ye'o rs From Good'year Plant,Former E -ployee Enjloys Tour Tomi-Hayes rýetired from the. grandson, "and lie was realiy lot ýwitb ijt,,,lie said. "We Bowmanviile plant 20 years anxious to; get down bere and worked bard but, because we ago, but bie still keeps an eye look around and talk to the didn't bave tbe macbinery, we on the place. people." couldn't do as mucli as tbey do At 89, Hayes is alert, active' As for production metbods, today." and curious. Wben bie started tbe elder Hayes appreciates, As one of tbe plant em- at the Bowmianville plant, it tbe--tecbnological advancés ,ployees remarked, Haies was owned by Durham Rub- and says bie neally enjoys could almost take up where lie ber and, wben Goodyear took being around tbe plant. "If left off 20 years ago. He's that over, bie stayed on. ",Most of we'd bad tbis equipment wben spry. the products we made then are, I was bere, we'd bave done a - Wingfoot Claji long gone, " be explained. Cars were flot common, so tires TliTA e married in Oshawa, Aug. 1, were yet to corne. "We made UJJ. J.U.tiLl 1942. buggy tires," lie said, "and I HOWARD TAYLOR Mr. Saywell is also survived ddn't bave a ride in a car until SAYWELL bytbree daugbters, Mrs. Ross I was around 20." One of tbe A Genenal Motors employee Cairns (Bonnie), Mrs. Chris otber passengers decried the witb 25 years service until Roberts (JilI) and Mrs. Brian speed at wbicb tbe car 1970, Howard Taylor Saywell Welcb (Joan) and one son, tnavelled (about 10 mpb), also operated Saywell General Mark Saywell, alI of Oshawa. complaining tbat at tbat sped Store in Blackstock from 1945 As uvvn r w it was impossible to see the to 1956. sisters, Mrs. W.F. Manuel scenery properly. Mr. Saywell died Saturday, (Editb) and Mrs. I.R. Mark Sboe products, hose, car Aug. 14 at Oshawa General (Helen) and one brother, mats, wasbing machine ringer Hospital aften baving been iîî Stephen G. Saywell, all of rolîs and mud-guards were for three years. Osbawa. some of the key products He was born Oct. 15, 1908 in Service was beld 'in the made at the plant in the early Oshawa, a son of the late Mr. chapel of Mcîntosb-Anderson part of the century. Hayes and Mrs. Frank Saywell. Funeral Home Tuesday, Aug. knew wbich products bad been Mr. Saywell was a member 17 at 3 p.m. with Rev. Jack moved to other plants and of Kîngsview United Cburcb. Irwin officiating. which had been discontinued. He was also a member of tbe I nterment was at Union When bis grandson Doug, a Osbawa Lawn Bowling Club Cemeey marketing specîalist at the and a former memben of the mery plant, took Hayes on bis latest Oshawa 'Yacht Club and tbe Memorial donations to the tour, bie was gneeted warmly Oshawa Curling Club. Canadian Arthritis and by over a dozen empioyees. He is survived by bis wife, Rbeumnatism Society would be Some wene beginners on the the former Jean Burke, wbom appreciated. job when lie retired. Hayes was most impressed CW'et CeLiig by the sizýe of everything compared to the early days in the rubber industry. Eyeing a 38-ton 'roll of steel cable conveyor belting, lie said: "If we'd bad sometbing this big, we wouldn't have known wbat THi PTICAL BOUTIODi to do wjth it. Ahl we bad to move things around were crowbars, muscle, and some block and tackle." 30 KING ST. WESTMISGZELR "He just had to see wbat's BOWMANVILLEMISGZELR s happening here," said the PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS RCMP Graduate Jamnes A. Brown Congratulations to Jim Brown, formenly of Peter- boroughi City Police Force, wbo bas graduated from the R.C.M.P. training centre at Regina, Saskatchewan and bas been posted to Rocky, Mountain House, Albierta. Jim,, Carol and daughter Kelly wîll be taking up nesidence there the end of August.