8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviiie, Augýust 18, 1976 IEdito Mrs. Wif returned f ro week holi< Aberta. W attended a n Lacombe ai union. Birthday1 Ray Browr Nikiaus and Bert Nikiau Bragg andiN Mr. and M son, Mrs. FI and Mr. ar Wright, Oshý ed from a tw holiday visii and Mrs.1 and family, Scotia and't Mr. and M: Kevin and were Friday and Mrs. Se Shore. i The Newcastle Independ'ent 3rs: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 987- tawa, Mr., and Mrs. Del Pacey, Audrey and Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas returned fromn the l2ewcastI(> Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. Wnnipeg. En routE Stanley Powell.> peg, they enjoyed Saturday dinner guests with raneý to Moosonee cia I and'£ ~ rs n Mr. and Mrs, Jack Crago were and on their way1 Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sher- took in the Agaw liarn Aluin has Mrs. Tom Robertson, Mon- man, Lisa and Donald and train trip and boi )m a two and a haîf treal is spending a few days Mrs. Don Couiter, Downsview. Sault Ste Marie. day in Calgary, with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad- Winnipeg, Mrs. P Nhile there she Bud Wagar and famiiy. ' foot, Brucefield were Tuesday visited with hier br niece's wedding in On Sunday, members of the visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cobert. Or .nd a family re- ýRice Lake Horticultural Soc- Harry Wade. Their Saturday they visited Mrs iet toredgarensin hisdinner guests were Mr. and Storey in St. Josepl greetings to Mr. district ending with a picnic Mrs. Ross Chisweli, Cam- ai, Peterborough. rn, Miss Debbie supper at Orono Park, Mr. and bridge. Mr. and Mrs. W d ber father, Mr. Mrs. Tink and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, don, and girls, us, Miss Rowena Harry Jose joined tbem for the Portsmouth, England, are weekend witbh h Miss Kelly Powell el. visiting with bis sister, Mrs. mother Mrs. Pacey vI-s. Sidney Fergu- G. Belsey, and family. ily. Sunday visitors %lrence Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cryder- Mrs. R. McNevin, Sandra and Mrs. NelsonF tnd Mrs. Newton man, Mary and Jeffrey spent and Doreen, Oshawa and hier six cbildren. awa bave return- the weekend in London visit- mother, Mrs. Seiby, Sunset On Saturday, Au vo-week Maritime ing ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, Bowmanville, were two weddings were ting ber sister Mr. Ron Hockin. Her motber, Mrs. Sunday cailers at Mrs. How- ed in Newcastl( Harley Umpbrey Rose Osborne, who had been ard Pearce's.- Church. Rev. Dav Liverpool, Nova visiting for two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray. performed the F the McFee's. Barbara and Ron, returned .Stirling were weekend guests wedding and the M, Irs. Floyd Couiter, home with tbe Cryderman's. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry. Miss Arlene Aluin, d 1Keitb, Toronto, Sunday visitors at the Mur- 0nr Saturday, tbey attended Mr. and Mrs. StanlE y visitors with Mr. ray Paterson's cottage on the Holland-Hendry wedding Mr. Glenn Malcoînr ;am Powell, Lake Cameron Lake included Mr. at Witby Ladies' College. On Saturday, Ai and Mrs. David Milton, Ot-_ Misses Linda Williams, Mrs. Rachel Denni, Candy Storks and girl friend, the weddîng of1 Rexdale and Helen Rusk, niece, Miss Catb Toronto were Saturday visit- Peterborough and si ors witb Mr. and Mrs. William visit with ber sister, VENTO uRY Strks. ,th Taylor. Before la aMr. im tork enoyedthe home, the sistersi weeknd t acottge ýt eep tbree days with thei River. Mr. James Taylor, ....................... thir on ndfamily, Mr. and were Sunday suppei A LE.... .... Mrs. George Hendry,,Christ- their grandmoth, -opher and Matthew, Ottawa. Rachel Dennis. Tbey enjoyed a camping On Sunday, Augu: .. holiday together at Bon Echo. Crago famiiy held Mrs. Pauline Storks and picnic at Orono Parl, 4 Mrs. Wiida Johnson enjoyed attended even th Sunday at Johnson's cottage, weatherman had noi Lake Skootamatta. sunny skies. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lorne Crago arn 8 Barry enjoyed a week's houi- of the games w!. RA "es) day at a cottage at Wasaga enjoyed by ahl. Pres Beach. Crago, and Secreta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hend- Woods agreed to1 ry, Peterborough, were Sun- positions for anothet day dinner guests of Mr. and Ronald Crago and!1 Mrs. Alex Hendry. 'Crago wili be in cba Mrs. Pat Bernard and Tara, sports for 1977 wh Eccoeli rado AgianC0c ,IFE 1Flesherton, were Thursday voted that both jMý visitors witb bier mother, Mrs. supper meals woulc NeleSpencer. Gado Jon enjoyed. borogh, ereSaturday nigbt OnSdaAg X 9'" visitors. Sunday dinner guests a.m. Communionw 2were Mr. and Mrs, Ray St. George's Anglici Bennett, Omemee. witb Rev. Allan J ea.Captain -Abert Nayioran 22nd, 10 a.m. Matii Fireman Len Lambert attend- beid at St. Saviour' ed the' Muscular Dystrophy United Church carnival sponsored by the On Sunday, Augu Malik, children, Brownsvill Newcastle United on Saturday afternoon. Rev. David Spivey The Lesnick Famiiy enjoyed sermon "Wben P their summer- holiday in Interference". Mrs. Virginia. Jeanes, daughter o à%# Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hooey, Mrs. Dorothy Pa, V her mother, Mrs. Gladys guest soloist. Large Limb FalIls, Grazing St. John's R.C. Church BLACKSTOCK MON. - FR.; 8 a.m. -, 6 p.m. 1SATURDAY 8 a.m. - 4 p.m, PRICESEFETV WHILE 'STOCK LAMT 987-5050 987i4234 HWY. 'No. 2, NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larmer and family, Parkbill, werè last weekend guests of Mrs. Florence Larmer. Winners at the weekly Senior Citizen Card party with 16 tables were: lst- Editb Anderson - 100, 2nd- Elia Venning - 93, 3rd - Cindy, VanCamp - 91, 4tb - Pearl Day - 88., 5tb - Belle Werry - 79, 6tb -; Freeman McCullough '- 79, Low - Harold Swain. Eleanor Kelly bas arrived home after baving a holiday with ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Bob Petch, Kent 'and Catherine, Aurora were Tues- day cailers of Mrs. G. Kelly and girls. Mrs. C. Graham, was Sun-. day visitor of Mrs. Reg Boundey. Lawrence Davis of Sea- grave will be demonstrating bis wood carving at the Scugog Museum on Sunday. Local resîdents will be inter- ested, to know be will be coming to Biackstock Fair. Weatber permitting, Mrs. Shirley Scott and girls, Janet- ville wîll be demonstrating spinning on the grounds of the museum also.- Mr. and Mrs. Ru sseil Lar- mer are home from Calgary where tbey visited' their daugbter Bernîce. Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and family spent iast week witb relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van- Camp and family held a family gatbering witb Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil and family, Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy- Bradburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur, Toms. Sympathy is extended to the, Saywell family in the passing of Howard Saywell on Sattir- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mariow spent Sunday witb their neice at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low spent a few days recently witb Mr., and Mrs. Ewart Leask. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar- tyn have sold their store after 27 years in business. On Saturday evening they closed the store witb a Coffee and Ice Cream party for their custom- ers and friends and have moved to the former ýSmith bouse at 16 Scugog Street. Best wisbes to Bill and Sandra Thompson who have moved to the community. Thçy have purchased Martyn's store and are look- ing forward to meeting mem- bers of the community. The Schryburt's enjoyed a weekend visit from Larry's mother, Mrs. R. Schryburtof Ottawa. ' Mrs. Richard VanCamp vis- ited ber parents at Hilton on the weekend. Henry Aistein underwent heart surgery last week in Toronto. Glad to report he is coming along fine and will soon be transfered to Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn visited ber Aunt Mrs. George Lathangue and cousins, Belle- ville, on Sunday. WHETHEQYOd ARE 8 OM 88 011R/£I 6/VIES ;HE HEAT ~N~I F rancis Tenna nt Fuels R. R.1, Orono, Ont. 983-5693 .4201j Edna bave ur holiday nm Pacey, te to, Winni- 1the Cocb- train trip home they wa Canyon )at ride at .While in Pacey also ýother, Mr. n Saturday, -.Audrey hb's Hospit- Vayne Gor- spent the ir grand- ýy and fam- -were Mr. Feech and ,gust l4th, ,solemniz- le ,United vid Spivey Page-Dean wedcting of Laughter of ly Allun, to M1. ugust 7th, s attended her great hy Pollitt, stayed for a Miss Cora returning visited for eir brother, .Lindsay. lann and ,Courtice er guests of .er, Mrs. ist 15th, the its annual rk. About 36 îough, tbe ot promised and Mrs. il family, ein charge hich were sident Jack ,ry Muriel keep their Br year. Mr. Mr. Calvin irge of tbe hen it was noon and El again be xNews ust l5tb, 10 ,as heid at can Church Johnson in ay, August ns wiil be 's, Orono. News ust l5th, at d Cburch, ytitled his Politics is ;Catherine of organist .yne, was OBITUARY HELEN'GERTRUDE HUBBS A former scbooi teach er and also a registered nurse, Helen Gertrude Hubbs, died on Saturday, Juiy 31st, 1976, in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. She had been ilh for about 10 montbs., Born in Cramahe Township, and educated in Coîborne, she was married in 1936 to Carson Sanfieid Hubbs. A resident at 15 Jackman Road, Bowmanvilie, for 22 years, she bad previously resided in Picton and Toronto. Mrs. Hubbs was a member of Trinity United Cburcb, the U.C.W. and the Canadian Club. Reverend A.M. Amacher conducted the funeral and committal services at tbe Morris Funeral Chapel on Monday. Donations in ber memory were made to the Cancer Society from the U.C.W. Unit 8 and Toronto General Hospital, class of 1930 Interment Greenwood Cem- etery, Picton. winnerswith money prizes. Both these events were en- joyed by a total of fifteen registered biind persons from Bowmanville and Newcastle. Don Ferguson, District Administrator witb head- quarters in Peterborough, is to be congratuiated for con- tinued success and organiza- tion of these social programs. Mr. Ferguson is blind and a member of Peterborough Lions Club. The Pine Ridge Club for the Blind meets five times a year with Lions Clubs of Bowman- ville, Brighton, Campbellford, Cobourg and Port Hope host- ing these dinners and enter- tainment. It is not surprising that tbe members look for- ward to these good times during the September to June mnonths. The Lions ýClubs pro.vide -transportation for blind and guides to the Pine Ridge Club Meetings and to bi-weekly meetings of, the Humoresque Club in Oshawa. Presentiy, 36 persons are registered in tbe area canvas- sed for funds. The eldest member is 89 whiie the youngest is 20, living in Pontypool, Blackstock, Orono, Burketon, Newcastle, Ennis- kilien, Janetville and Bow- manville. Anyone wishing information on offering heip, with the coming campaign could cal (Mrs. G.) Wiima Goyne, Courtice 728-0239 or (Mrs. R.) Margaret Hawthorne 623-3200. Your interest and belp will be most weicome and appreciat- ed. ake Resorvat iolls Now!e FALL 20D. 4 Cyinde"r 4 Door 300 D. 5 Cylinder 4 Door See these ai mumino moTu0s go. TAUJNTON RD. E. AT WILSON OSHAWA . :, 723-3041 TORONTO 723-4412,,2 ,80 ~AJ FOR and WI.NTER CHRISTMAS AND MARCH BREAK ARE SELLINO FAST -ADVANCEREITAON ARE NOW BEING' TAKEN FOR ALL DEPARTURES TO: BARBADOS, HAWAII, JAMAICA, THE BAHAMAS, FLORIDA, PUERTO RICO,, CUBA, MEXICO, ETC., ETC. -'DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED "THIS WINTER -REGISTER NOW -NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED UNTIL SPACE IS CONFIRMEID Bowmanville Travel is your agent for: Suntours, Skylark, Wardair, Fiesta, EIkîn, Adventure Tours, Sun 'Living, Sun Quest, Trade Winds and Trentways. 6ý3-3182 Bowmanvill TaelCnr "Your Guide f0 Travel" 47 KING ST. W. -- BOWMANVILLE 623-5933 MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OI and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or D1a 1-668-3;31 DXFUEL OIL TrODAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE MAPLE GROVE, Mrs. H. G. Freeman ac- Stephen Jeffrey visited Black companied her grandsons, Bill Creek Pioneer Village re- and Dave Gilbank to Toronto cently. to meet her daughter Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- L. Giibank, Orono, on her derman visited relatives in return from a weli earned Stirling. holiday in England and Scot- Recent visitors with Mrs. L. land.1 C. Snowden and Bob incl uded Mrs. Freeman also enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stephenson, a famiiy gatbering of ber London, Mrs. Jack Iilidge, St. daughters, son-in-law, grand- Catharines; Mrs. J. R. Ben- cbildren and great grandehil- nett, Mr. and Mrs. Grant dren at tbe home of ber Slater, Toronto and Mr. and grandaughter and husband. Mrs. Tom VanCamp, Alymer, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Arnold, Que., who were visiting bis Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gien Freeman and family, St. VanCamp and sisters and bis Catharines were also present. grandmotber Mrs. Roy Van- '1Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van- Camp. Tom is with the Camp beid open bouse in Department of Agriculture in honor of their daughter Lori, the Federai Government. recently returned fromn spend- Mr. L. C. Snowden and Mr. ing an enjoyabie and educa- Bob Snowden accompanied tionai year in Australia as a Mr. and Mrs. John Huband, Rotary exchange student. Oshawa, to Brantford for a Several Rotarians and tbeir day witb Mrs. L. H. Coates. Rotary Annes called to extend Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, welcome to Lori and young Weymouth, N.S., spent sever- friends who called included ai weeks with their daughter Miss Janet Stewart, Rotary and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. exchange student from New Gary Bentley and grandson Zeaiand, also a Rotary ex- Mark. change student, Mr. Danny Sorry to lose Mr.,and Mrs. Munn of Penn., U.S.A, who Lloyd, Tapiblyn from our bas spent three weeks with the comrnunite They are moving Howard Cryderman family, to Arizona. guest of grade 13 student Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ralph Cryderman. Besse and, famiiy,. Sudbury, Mr. Stephen Caban, Grange- visited bis parents, Mr. and mouth, Stiriingshire, Scotiand Mrs. Gordon Besse.- is spending three weeks wîth Visiting students enjoyed a visit to. Toronto Science VICTORIA Centre, guests of Mr. and Mrs. TELEVISION Sam VanCamp and daughters Expert Repairs Lori and Lisa.j and Miss Katby McGuirk, Kitch- Installation ener, spent a week at home with her parents Mr., and Mrs. __ Tom McGuirk and sister Barbara. Mr.i and Mrs. Mc- Guirk visited'Sait Lake City POlTY POOLý before spending holidays in PHN San Fransisco. 277-2461 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jeffrey and sons and his motber, Mrs. 'R ANT TO ' SAVE ON GAS? SThen DON'T USE AMY! See the Mercedes-Beuz Diesel Modets that are Buili For Satety, Cotort, EconomyandDurability_ IEarly arrivais at St. Johln's Roman CatflolleC Uurcfl in Newcastle Sunday morning were startled to find that a large limb had blown downl during the night, part of it landing on the roof of the church. Fortunately, the, heaviest part landed between the chureh and the tree so only minor 'damage was inflicted. Pla CNIB FundC.ampo%%aîgn Fromt 1Sep-t. 13 btOct. liOth' During a recent meeting of the CNIB Advisory Boardof Northumberland and Durham it was resolved to bold the annual public appeal for funds from Sept. 13 to October 10, 1976. Oshawa Legion Branch 43 were hosts to a gala dinner party June lth to nearly 200 guests, including registered blind, their guides and dri- vers. Branch 43 Auxiliary catered a delicious dinner and excellent entertainment was appreciated. Oshawa Lionettes bosted a picnic at Fantasy Land Park, north of Whitby, attended by over 100 guests on Juiy 7th. Games including Shoe Kick, Bal Tbrow, Table Bail Pass, guessing contests of water- melon weight, number beans in jar, provided many lucky