VVII I U6 A ROPOUT Observe thé road signs - prepare yourself! --And read this message- please -- - -- It COULD CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE! 9f you drop out of sdihool sonly, you'II be closinq the door on many op- portunities whlch maean bigger paychecks, greater job satisfaction and more secunity In the future.1 WITHOUT A GOO EDUCATION YOU CAN EASILY REACH A-- None of the professions wiII b. open to you because these demand traîinn beyond kigli school and of course such higker education must b. preceded by a completion of high sckool. DLâ»'E TOU R - A DETOUR -- NO MATTER HOW SHORT -CAN SET Itll mu n-i iri il . urirc c r tvre APVDN I ~ A Lt TL)K J'U K.r l UruII bA%.r% 0 TIY tlM YOUR FUTURE COULD WELL DEPEND ON YOUR SEEING THIS SIGN EVERY, DAY__ On-the-Iob training for skilld and aven s.mni-skilled work h as been shorply reduced in recent years because there are now so many people who bave already been trained.oré Remnember, the paychecks you recoive during tihe years you should be in school wiII nev-- er make up for' the money you con earn Iatsr if you stay in school. PREPARE YOURSE$J FOR THAT EXCITING WORLD TO COME... A WORLD YOU SHOULD BE HELPING TO SU ILDI School Days are Happy Days! Don't be one of those who, in lateryears laments, "ýWhy didn't I finish school W--- y _____The Toronto-Domlnlon Bank Bank of Montreal I I39 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. 2 King St. W., Bowmanvil le, Ont. 623-2514 623-4411 Manager - John PogueIm Manager - Dick Bedard The Royal Bank of Canada Canadiaon Imperial Bank of Commerce 21 Kng t. W, Bwmavill, Ot.1 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. 623-4471 623-3375 Manager - Ross Duncan Manager - R. C. Zinn mý