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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1976, p. 11

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- e - The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Seot. 1 1976 i ~ DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon CURTIS - Bian and Marg- aret proudly annaunce the arrivai 0f Derek William, 8 Ibs. 9 ozs. at Toronto Western Hospital on Aug. 12, 1976. Proud g randpanents are Mrs. Mary Curtis, Toronto and Mn. and Mrs. Allan Down, Sunder- land.35x Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech, Burketon, are ileased ta announce the torthcoming marniage of thein daug hter, Judy Marie, ta Russell Lamne Westwood, Newtanviile, the son of Mn. and Mns. William .Westwaod of Toronto. The wedding is ta take place at Newcastle' Uniited Chunch an September 25, 1976 at 5 p.m. 35-1 Richard and Edna Woiger, Bowmanvilie are happy ta a nnounce the engaement 0f t hein daughte r, ind Alice ta Bas Van Andel, son af Mn. and Mrs. Adriaan Van Andel, the town of Andel, Holland. .5 ALLDREAD, Lloyd - At Memonil Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Saturday, August 28, 1976, Lloyd Aildread of R.R. No. 5 Bowmanville, in his 75th yEear. Beloved husband of Eveiyn Beckett. Dear father of Mrs. D. Hendry (Maxine,). Grandfather of Emily. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Fun- enal Home. Funeral service was held at 2 p.m., Monday afternoon. Interment Bethtes- da Cemnetery. 35-1 BARSTEAD - At Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, Augtust 26th, 1976, Olga Hooper., Toronto, aged 85 years, wife of the late Benjamin Barstead. Rested at the AMorris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviile. Service was held in the Lang Chapel, Onono, on Saturday. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 35-1 GOULD, Charles Percy - At 'ýemorial Hospital, Bowman- Ie, on Thursday, August 26, "-7,Percy Gould, of 44 Hunt St., in his,65th year. Beloved husband of Beatrice Andrews. Dear father of Thomas, Pat- rick, Mrs. R. Cochrane (Donna), John (Ted), and Mrs. B. Dawson (Neida). Rested at the Northcutt Elii ott Funeral Home. Funerai ser- ce 2 o'clock Saturday after- __jr Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations f0 the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated. 35-1 Gi BSON - HOGERVORST Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Hoger- vorst, Bowmanvilie announce the marriage of their daughter Virginia ta Michael Gi bson, son of Mrs. Joan Gibson and Mn. Dennis Gibson, Oshawa, on Satunday, August 28th, 1976. 35-1 Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, R.R. 2, Bowmanvilie, wish ta extend an invitation ta rela- tives, friends and neighbours ta attend an open house in honour of thein Sth Wedding Anniversary at Maple Grave Church Hall, September 11, 1976 from 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Best wishes only.352 KU BE - In laving memory of a dean husband, father and grandfathen, Daniel, wha passed away Sept. 4, 1972. Tý o-day recalîs sad memanies 0f a dear one gone ta rest. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed bywife, children and grandchil dren. -- 35-1 MOFFATT, Vera E. - At the Port Penny Community Nursing Home an Frida y Aug ust 27, 1976, Vera E. Beacock (farmerly of Oshawa and Mimica). Belaved wife of the late Andrew Mffatt and dean sister of Austin Beacock of Blackstock and Edith (Mrs. W. Habden) 0f Boston, Mass. In hen 79th yean. Funenai service was held at the chapel of McDenmtt - Panabaker, Part Penny on Monday, August 3th at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 35-1 McMURRAY, Audrey - Sud- denly at Oshawa Genenal Hospital on Tues., Aug. 24, 1976. Audrey Mutton of 217 Drew St., her 44th Cear , wife of the late Junior cunnay, dean mathen of' Deborah and Brian. Daughter of Mn. and Mns. Garnet Muttan. Rested at Northcutt Ellitt Funeral Home for funenai service Thunsday afternaan. Interment Bow- manville Cemeteny. 35-1 SNODGRASS, Neya (nee Rainey, R.N.) - At Lindsay Memorial Hospitai on August 26, 1976, Neya Rainey, belaved wife 0f Paul Snodg rass. Loy- ing mother of David and daughten-in-law Ruth. Laving f randmother of William and aith. Sister of Envan, Orona and Elsie Hoar, Bowmanville, and Neil, Lindsay. Funenai service in Calvary Pentecastal Church, Lindsay, Saturday, August 28. Interment Ornn Cemetery. 35-ix CARNATION Fo AlYu Flowe Flower Needs BSyi STOP IN AND SEE VA BEL TMEYRE HARD TO BEAT DAILY Deiveryto.ý. Carnation Flower Shop Oshawa - Bm~manville i 33 Division St. Phone 623--4441 623-7141 - tf SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Durham County's Oldest Funeral Servi MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. THOUGHTIFULNESS - CONiCERN- SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about ore-arrangement of funeral details. In- ormati'on can be simply and thoughtfully 'obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 35-i RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario ~-- - LiA 3W3 WORKMANSHIP - QUAUITY HigIh Quaîlity at Reasonabie Prîces Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 24-tf Drs t BARRETT- In lovîng mem- ory 0 f a, dear husband, William, who passed away Septem ber 6, 1965., As time unfolds another year, Memories keep you ever near, Silent thoug lits of times together, Haid memaries that wili ast forever. - Lovin gly remembered by his wife, Winnie. 35-1 BARRETT- ln loving mem- ory of a dear father and grandfather, William, who passed away September 6, 1965. Gone but not forgotten. - Always remembered by his daughter Peggy and famiiy. 35-1 BROWN, Jack William- In ioving memory of a dear brother who passed away one ~'ear ago Sept. 2, 1975. n tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken,, You fought sa hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, Sa peacefully free tram pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that again. - Sadly missed, Jean and Tom 35-ix BROWN - In loving memory of aur dear brother, Jack who passed away on Sept. 2, 1975. God looked around his garden And found an empty space, He then looked down upon th is ea rth And saw your tired face. He p ut his arms around you, An d lifted y au to rest. God's garden must be beaufi- fui For he oniy take the best He knew that you were weary And he knew that you were in pain, And. he knew that you wouhd neyer be weli On this earth again. He saw the road was getting rough, And the hilîs were hard ta ciimb, Sa he closed youn weary eyeiids,. And whispered peace be thine, - Sadi y missed, ever remem- bered by Hazel, Ab Donoghue and family. 135-1 BRANIGAN- In loving memory of a dear brother, brother-in-iaw anid uncle, Borden Branigan who passed away August 31, 1975. As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near, Sulent thoug htis of times -1together, Hald memories that wil ast forever - Sadly missed and ever remembered by brother Brenton, sister-in-Iaw Mary and nephews Wayne, Mark and Darren. 35-1 Im 1lwould liketo say thank yau ta the ladies of Sauina for the loveiy gifts. Your thoughtfuh- ness is very much appreci- ated. Sincerely, Wendy Bray 35-1 y3 Heartfelt thanks ta rela- tives, frieds and neighbours for beautiful floral 'ributesi donations ta Ontario Heart Foundation, cards-and mess- ages of sympathy in the loss of, &rea a dean husband and father, Cecil Bebee Jones. Special D 43-tf A.F. McKenzie, nurses and staff of 8th floor, Oshawa Genenal Hospital, Revenend Spivey, Br. 178 Legion Bow- manville, Heathen Rebekah Ladge, Orono and the Morris Funenal Chapel. Mrs. Cecil Jones and family. 35-1ix 35-i The family of thelate Inez Tadd wish ta thank relatives, friends and neighbours for ce their beautîful floral tnibutes ie and many kind expressions of sym pathy durin gthein recent sad beneavement in the loss of a dean mothen, grandmothen and sister. Speciai thanks ta Dr. Martin for his manyvisits. Thanks also ta Rev. izzard and Ross Funenai Chapel. 35-lx Our sincere thanks ta aur friends and neighbaurs fon their many acts of kindness while our daug hter, Janet, was in hospital in Toronto. Your prayers and thoughtful- ness is gnatefuiîy a ppneciated. Mang and Fred Tippins 35-i x We would like ta express oun sincere thank-yau ta Enniskil- len Community for giving us the beautiful colonial iamp. If was greatiy âppreciated. Yaun kindness and thoughtfulness wili neyer be fargatten. Many thanks! Michael and Vicki Adams (nee Rahm) 35-1 I wish ta canvey my sincene thanks ta United Church Women's Association, espe- cialiy Unit One, Heathen Rebekah Lodge Na. 334, Past Gnand's Club 62, Birthday Club, Agriculture Society, friends and relatives for thein cards, letters and visits, alsa fan the beautiful flawens that I received in hospitai and at home. A special thanks ta Dr. Delanue, Dr. Grant and Dr. David and ta the wonderful nurses of Fifth Floor, at The Toronto Generai Hospital dur- ing my stay in same. incereiy, Mns. Lenay Hamilton Lookin for, an exciting hobby! 7Fail ceramic classes to start in September and there are a few openings left. For further information please caîl 623-3868. 3- YOUTH BOWLING LIBERTY BOWL Registration il a. m., Sept. 4,1976 FEE - $2.00 First corne, first served. 3 4-2 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your graup's fund, raising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf YOGA FITNESS CLASSES Phone 263-2638 34-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by OshawaMinor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50 tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST.' OSHAWA 21 -tf Newcastle bowling stants Tues., Sept. 7. For information phone 623-2747. 34-2x BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tuesday, Sept. 7th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsoned b y NEWCASTLE LIONS 35-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Country Expressions Friday - Saturday September 3 - 4 DANCI1NG 9 - 1 Beauty Counselior "Make-up Demonstration and Tea" will be held in Hampton Village (pivate home) in the near future. Cali to-day for further information. Mrs. Faber, 263- 2981. 35-5 Hunter & Jumper Schooling Show September 12, 1976 Trophies and Ribbons 10:00 a.m. COURTICE WOOD FARMS R.R. 3, Bowmanvî lie (1 side road east of Courtice Road, north to end 'of road.) 579-1635, 35-2 Bethesda Cemnetery Decoration Day will be held on Sunday, Sept. 12 at 2:30 p.m. Incase of ramn service will be held in Chapel. PLEASE: Do not use-wire ta support f lower baskets and no sod digging. The board wiil not be responsibie for containers. 35-2 Canadian Legion Da nce September 18, 1976 Music by The Big Sound Dancing 8 - 12 - EV E RON E WELCOM E- 35-3 FILM P ROC ESS ING CHILDREN'S 5 PHOTOS fCamneras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 35-10 HORS E dnawn cutter, goad condition. Phone 705-939-6855. 35-i TABLE patataes, excellent quality. Jae Bouma 623-2847. 35-tf VANDA Beauty Caunseilor Hampton Village representa- tive "Mrs. Bannie Fa ber". Caîll to-day ta view aur exciting new praducts. Phone 263-2981. 35-5 CRI B and change table with 3 drawens plus wooden piaypen, ail in excellent candi tion. Phone 987-5192. 35-i FRESH PLCKED APP LES a-nd SWEET CORN at our stand on Highway 2. For more information caîllaur C RO P R EPO RT 623-7252 F~UA ,TYFRM FRES H PPIQDCE Mt~ar=a R R ýj 2 , - ,vIle ,,,n L C3K3 T6ý (416)623 7252 FARNALL Cub tractar, com- plete with ail attachments including hydnaulic biade an, front. In goad running onden. Phane 705-277-2555. 35-1 BED chesterfield, hi-boy chest of drawers, 7 pce. dinette set, coal, stove, rocking chair, coppen boilen, roomn dividen, display case, ping pang table, typewriter ta ble, chesknfield suites, baby carniage, chang- ing table, walken, car seats, used bicycles. Towne Used Furniture, 19 - Temperance Street, Bowmanville. 35-1 CLAP pears and apples. 623-2267. 35-1. INGLIS Citation, two speed dishwasher, harvest gold, ex- cellent condition. Phone 623- 6937. 35-1 W6 INTERNATIONAL trac- tor, good condition. Phone 725-7691. 35-1 QUARTE Ror side ofgrain fed beef. Now taking orders for beef to be siaughtered in Government approved plants. Stanley, Taylor. Telephone Biackstock 986-4881 or Hamp- ton 263-2511. 35-1 1975 TRAVELMATE hardto tent trailer, fully equi pped, excellent condition. Cal I 623- 3823. 35-1 EARLY ap pies, seconds, $2.50 bushel. Phone Bill Feddemna 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 35-2 CASE 444 riding tractor, 14 h.p., hydraulic transmission, complete with chains, plow trailer, snow blade and discs and a 48" rotary _mower. Excellent condition, $2,200. Phone 623-3821. 35-1 '75 CZ MOTOCROSS bike. Made in Czechoslovakia. 300 miles, neyer raced, 125 cc, 20 h.p. Phone 623-2913. 35-if RUGS - Green and white shag rugs, 9 x 12, 6 x 9 with underlay, 9 x 12 ivory shag and a pink oval, humidifier, two bookcases, beds. Phone 623- 6237 after 6. 35-1 SWIMMING pool wholesale, must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cail Gord collect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18 tf SWIMMING pooî sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminumn pools -left over from _1975 season. 1/2 pnice, guaranteed installation and terms. CalU collect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf RAMBLER trailers, see themn at Newcastle Tra lier Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- 'castie, seven days a week. 9q7-5131. 29-tf SWEET corn, 18 varieties, excellent for freezing, picked fresh daily. We do not seli day oId corn. Keith Bell Farm, concession 9, one mile west of Raglan (approx. 6 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe Street). (Watch for signs.) 655-3326. 34-tf CEDAR posts 4- 6", $1.65. Cedar rails, dry fireplace wood also new, railway ties (untreated). 728-6852. 34-2 Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetab les FRED EYMAN FAR M COU RTIC E From Hwy. 2 take l3th Line - north one block. 33-tf COMPR ESSORS Ail kinds of machinery. Seli.:Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18 tf -CORN- Order your winter supply of fresh, frozen corn - removed from cob, blanched and flash frozen as soon as it's picked. Distributed by Sea les of Rich- mond Hill. Available at Red- wing Orchards around Sep- lem ber 1 at 50c per lb. Minimum order - case lot of 30 Ibs. Packed in 5 lb. bâgs for you ta share easily with friend or relative. Must be ordered in advance by phoning 1-668-3311 or by dropping in at roadside market on Highway 2 between Whitby and Ajax. ,OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 35-1 HARVEST tables, round oak table, 9 pce. dining room suite, spool beds, dressers, china cabinets, hi-fi stereo (like new), stove, washers, rockers, press back chairs, baby car- niage, g randmother dlock, grandfather dlock, depression g lass and much more at Dad's sedfurniture and Antiqiues, Newtonville, 786-2509. 35-1 H &N HE NS - 2 years old, 75c. Phone 1-983-5271. 35-1 x INGLIS Citation gasdryer, six cycles, two years old, $175. Phone 623-4644. 35-2 ONE only used refrigerator. Carnegie Pro Hardware, 623- 5408. .35-1 GARAGE dlean up wife says ail junk must go.,Inc ludes VW tires, rims, seats and various parts; 2 gas Iawnmowers, plows nd miscellaneous parts frMF. pony tractor, electric broom, antique plow, car radio, ta pe deck, speakers and many oth er littl e treasures. Caîl 623-5828 for complete list. 35-1 6" DIAMETER mounted pow- er take off grain auger, 32 ft. long, like new. Phone 987-4655 evenings. 35-1 ELMER'S New and/ Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf Pure Pine Shavings Ba led, Dust-f ree Phone 723-6660 29-tf New Machinery Specials 1' 530 Manure spreader................................ $1895. 1150 Grinder mixer ................... $3695. 555 Forage Harvester with 72" pick-up and 2 row corn head............................. $5995. 46-4F-14- Bottom mounted plow ................ ...... $1425. 710-4F-18" Bottomn semi-mounted plow (automatic reset) ................................. $3695. Used Machinery 624D l.H. Tractor............................ ._..... $5700. 434 D 1.H. Tractor .................................... $3650. No. 227 l.H. 2 raw corn head for 91-93 or 105 combine................................. $1000. Model 80 1.H. combine ............................... $2000. GehI1 Model F B88 Forage Biower...................... $ 725. Model 540 I.H. 4F-14" bottom semi-mounted plaw ........ $1500. Model 575 Cockshutt 6F-16" bottom (autamatic reset) plow........................ ............... $3000. 1. H. 103 Manure spreader ............................ $ 600. 1. H. 130Man ure spreader..................... ....... $900. l.H. 175 Manure spreaden (with uppen beater, A-i condition),............................. ....... $1950. '633 Cockshutt speader.............................. $ 825. We are pleased ta announce that Roger Davidson is now aur Sales Representative in the Bowmanville area. Customers in Bowmanvi le, Blackstock, Ha mpton, Newcastleý and Orona cali ZENITH 34400. ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Yaur International Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile east af Junction 7and 35 highways, south of Lindsay. 34-2 O SHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT F111L jrL~ DELIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUJCKS & LOADERS FOR RENlT- SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2« TOP soil1, Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 174tf SEED FOR SALE Winter Wheat - Winter Barley CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 or 623-7233 33-6 DININGROOM suite, table, 4 chairs and buffet. Phone 1-983-5525 after six. 35-1 65 GALLON fish acquarium with stand, canopy, gravel andplants. Best offer. P2hone 623-7461. 35-1 TIRES G60-14 grabbers "on chrome rim s. Phone 623-5491. 35-1ix ONE Dana student g itar and case - used very Ilittle, $35 or best offer. One vinyl gi's coat, size 12, $5. Phone 623-5528. ,35-ix WHITE lettered, belted snow tires, 670-14. In use only two winters. Phone 623-3290., 35-1 STEREO - 1 year old, 8-track, AM-FM radio combination plus green vel vet, f loor model, $200. Phone 623-5360. 35-1, TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dininq room, 9 piece; living room; Wall unit, cottee taoies, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10 tf PADDY'S Market now ha5 new furniture,,appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and alsc. used furniture and appliances Wîll accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263ý 2241. 33t USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,,' Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf, CARPETS of ail kinds, customn made drapes andsheers, hard- surface flooring, professional- y installed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf 8,00 BALES of hay, Tyson Farms, Newtonville, 786-2927. 33-tf Pi neridge Tire Sa les TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE 23-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, UH F, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Gua rantee Phone 576-5606 Water Deîivery For fiîling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf mm* Riding lessons given by qualified instructor- equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good hanses available. Also horses broken énd train- ed. Calîl 623-4558. 25-tf 12 DUCKS, Mailards, spring batch, corn ted. Also 2 -maIe black and white kittens, free ta gaod home. Phone 623-5787. 35-i QUARTER hanse mare, 15.2 hands hi g h registened and quarter h as e gel ding, 11/2 yeans aid, cani be registered. Reasonable. Phone 705-277- 2555. 35-i Colonl"al EQIJESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA - BOARDING instruction in Equitotion Jumping Dressage Schooling of untes & Jumpers, Hunters & Jumpicrs Bôught & Soid RR 3 BOWMANVILLE6237336 ReR -ý MfIl Ladys' Angora sweater, pale salman, between Mothen Mod Materials, nanth side and Fabric Shap, south side. Anyane knawing information kindJy contact Mns. Buter 623-6071. Rewa d. CAR ETAKE R Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday, September 3, 1976, for the position of full time Caretaker, 40 hours per week at the Central Public School, Bowmanville. Good knowledge of school caretaking procedures and cleaning methods. Ability to work from verbal and written instructions and f0 communi- cate well with others. Reply in writing statîng quali- fications, address and tele- phone number to: M.A. Mac Leod Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatioùi Box 470 COBOURG K9A 4L2 35-1 APPLE pickers wanted. Phone 987-4041. 35-2 BABYSITTER needed, 3 afternoons per week. Monday -Wednesday after schooi aniy. Base Line and old Martin Rd. (Preston Moyens a rea.) Phone evenings 623-2926. 35-2 LADY ta asslst disabled woman, light household duties, could live in. Phone 623-7020.. 35-1 CASH 1ER - Receptionist re- quired immediately. Must be accurate with figures. Phone 623-2586 between 2 - 4 p.m. 35-1 JENSEN STEEL LTD., BOWMANVILLE requires Sa les Order Desk Representatives Excellent opportunities exist for individuals who will be, responsible for the servîcing of our customers' steel re- quirements. Experience in the steel industry an asset but not necessary. Salary commen- surate with qualifications and background. PHONE 623-3317 for appointment. EARN extra cash for Christ- mas. Show our exciting line of Christmas cards and g ifts ta friends, neighbours, relatives. lt's easy, profitable and no experience nieeded. Start now. Write today for free 108 page Christmas catalogue and in- formation. Monarch Greeting ECards, Dept. 104, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. 31-6 PRACTICAL nurse, live in, Toront'o area, good sala ry, cooking one day per week. Other help in house, female stroke patient, pleasant case. Please give references. Write _Advertiser 636, c-o The Can- adian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvîlle, Ont. LiC 3K9 35-3 COOK andwvaitress. Il p.m. to 7 a.m. Apply directly to Fifthý Wheel Restaurant, Highway 115 and 35,,north of Newcastle. Experience an, asset, but we will train if no experience. Permanent help. 35-4x ANYONE wishing to bowl on Foundry Bowling League Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., please phone 623-2366. 35-1 RELIABLE part time baby- sitter, must be able to sleep in overnight. Phone 623-2900. 35-1 MÂTURE person to babysit in my home 5 days per week. 1 pre-school, 1 school age child. Own transporation preferred. Please carIl 623-7306 after 6 p.m. 35-ix NEED full time experienced, reliable bartender., Contact Rashid Hasam, Ali Baba Steak House, 918 Brock St., Whitby, 668-9369. 35-1 x PERMANENT >factory help wanted. Apply J. Anderson Smith Co. Ltd., Newcastle. 35-3 OVER 18, restaurant work, shifts, Noone's Hotel, 983-5536. 35-2 BABY51TTER with light housekeeping duties required five days a week. 8:30,- 4:30. Contact 623-6051 after 5 p.m. 35-1 x ATTENTION. FARM WORKERS! Apple picking starting approximateîy SEPTEM-ýjBER10196 Register with us now. NORTHUMBERtLAND AND DURHAM FARM LABOUR POOLI-( 7A DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3880 - -- 35-2 imame Weaving or Macrame Lessons Afternoan and Evening Classes are Available Twa-Hour Classes -S8for $25. 00- STARTING THEý WEEK 0F SEPTEMBER i3th. Inquire at The, "Patchworký" 31 King St. West 623-6543 35-i Councillon Kenneth Lyal has opened a municipal office at 57 King Street East, Bow- manville. Anyone needing help with a municipal pnoblem s invited ta caîl 623-6744 or if no answer 987-5020. , 34-tf Senior Citizens, 10 per cent off ail hair services. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday anly. Open 6 days a week. Kut n' Kuri Beauty, Shap, 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019. 34-4 NOTICE AIl Rusting Car 0w ne rs Join national group taking legal action ta recover losses from Ford, G.M.C., Chrysîer. WRITE: RUST GROUP Box 164, Station N New Toronto 14, Ont. 35-4 Harry Voermnan Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANCE 28-tf Phone 623-5443. 35-i FREE REMOVAL 0F CA L - MARG'NILL FUR r-ARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf 1CLEANING CONTRACTORS To pravide janitanial and cieaning- services fan the Registry Office, 400 Centre St., Whitby, Ontario on a two year basis. TENDER NO. LIN-76-092 Sealed tenders wiii be ne- ceived until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, SEPTEMBER 21,1976. Tender Documents may be obtained frn the Ontario Ministny of Government Ser- vices, Lindsay Regianai Off- ice, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE:, For funther informa- tion regarding this tender, please cali Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephane: (705) 324-9188. The iowest on any tender not necessarily accepted. - e-e su NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the Estate of RETA THERESA NIVINS,deceasedf. Ali pensons having dlaimns ag inst the estate of Reta Thieresa Nivins, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regianal Municipaiity of Dur- ham, who died on the i4th day of Manch, 1976, are requined ta file proof of same with the undersigned an or before the 7th day of Septemben, 1976, after which date the estate will bedistributed with regard anly ta the dlaims of which the undersigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned will not be hiable ta any penson of whose dlaim they shail not then have notice. DATED at Bawmanville, Ontario, this l2th day of August, 1976. Wil.fred Wesley James Bennett, Administrator, by his solicitors Strike, Strike& Van Nest, Box 7, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Li C 3K8 URGENTLY REQUIlRED! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanviile area. Perhaps yaur home Wouhd bningtop dollar? We'll be' pleaed o appraise it for you, anid elp you locate the "lhomne of' your dreamns". For friendly efficient sale of youn home, cail P. & R. Realty Company, RealItor, Bensnett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- v il1le 576-6120. 17-tf Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions -Wrought Iran Flower Stands - Home Appintments Gladly Arranged

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