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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1976, p. 12

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DEADLINE FOR -CLASSUFUED Tues., 12 noon - _ VIIALlLlNG! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-f '72 VEGA G.T., rebulît engine - 7,500 miles, body - 37,500 miles. Body perfect condition. New 'paint job. 4-speed. Cal after 6 p.m. 1-786-2228. 35-lx 1975 GMC one ton truck, 8 x 12 livestock van, excellent condi- tion, will trade. Phone 705-939- 6855. 35-1 1972 TOYOTA 1600 stat ion- wagon, g ood condition, no rust radio, tape deck and radio, $1,000 . Phone 983-9410. 35-1 1976 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit, need money, perfect condi- tion, 8,000 miles, $3,700. Cal 623-6123. 35-1 '72 CAPRI, excellent condi - tion, certified. For sale or trade for pick-up or van. Phone 1-983-5706. 35-1 1971 VW Superbeetle, certi-, fied, Ziebarted, low mileage, ? as heater, excellent candi- ion. 623-3045. 35-ix 1967, VOLVO 123 GT, over drive, power brakes, A-i condition.,Phone 623-7746. 35-1 1975 _-CHEVROLET- Impala 4-door hardtop. Power steer- ing and power brakes. Vinyl top. Other options. Phone 623-3269. 35-ix 8N FORD tractor, 3 pt. hitch, hydraulic with plow. Phone 987-5075. 35-2x 1968 SKYLARK Buick. 1969 Ford Galaxie 500, as is. Best off er. Phonie 1-983-5911. 35-1 x '66 VAUXHALL, 32,000 miles, g ood condition. WiIl certify. Phone .263-2501 after f ive. 35-1 '68 CHEVROLET wagon, Bel Air, 283 motor, excellent shape. Caîl 623-5954. 35-1 '72 CORTINA, certified, new clutch, tires, brakes, rebulit enigine, newly painted. $1400 certified. Phone 623-6347.' 35-1 TRUCK for sale. 1971 Ford F-100, 1/2-ton, $1500. Phone 623-4047. 35-1 ¾/-TONq G.MV.C. pickup, auto- matic, heavy-duty equipped for truck camper, undercoat-ý ed, no rust, new paint, 8 ply tires. Call11-986-4706 after 5:30. 35-1 '75 GRAND LeMans, power steering and brakes, auto- matic, rear window defroster, sport mirrors, trunk release. 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgages - No payments for three months - No bonuses - No Credit Checks - No inquiry from neighbors - Confidential arrangements made 'in your homne -Borrow as low as $1,600 -Fast service Cali Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 699-1211 (Toronto) __ 33-tf ONE r tw beroom aprt ment n Bowanville rea rqire by responsible womnan with one child. Rea- sonable rent. Phone 987-4837. 34-2x PENSIONED lady requires furnished room, cookîng facil- ities in quite home. Convenient shoppng and parking. Please write iBox 255, Newcastle, Ont. 35-1ix FAMI1 LY wants 2 or 3 bedroom country home. Within com- muting distance of Oshawa. Needed by Sept. 30. Phone 623-6987. 35-1ix RELIABLE adults wvould like country house to rent. Nithin commuting distance of Osh- awva, 1-705-292-7121. 35-8x ',;ZSUL.TS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawâ & District Real Estate Board TWO bedroomn apartment, avaliable October 1 on Lamb's Lane. Heat, h ydro, fridge and stove included for $187. Phone 623-5888. 35-tf LARGE bed-sitting room, kit- chen and home privileges tor working lady. 40 Parkway Cres., Bowmanville. 35-1 HOUSE for rent. Available Oct. 1, 1976. 5 bedroomn country home - 1 mile from Bowmanville. Oversized liv- ing and dining room, large kitIchen, panelled family roomn with fireplace, garage and large backyard with pool. $400. month including hydro. Write AdVertiser 635, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. LIC'3K9. 35-1 DOWNSTAI RS apartment, two bedrooms, heat, hydro, water supplied, one block from uptown Bowmanville. $265 monthly. Phone 263-8884. 35-1 BOWMANVILLE - two bed- room apartment, living room, kitchen and bath. Immediate possession. Reasonable. Heat- ed. Cable T.V. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361.: J)OM'ES'lt-&-COMMERCTAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf' DARLINGION MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf JAKBURGESS,, OIL BURNERS -FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 Storage space for --3-tf- BOATS AND OXFORD TRAILERS Bricklayers and Phone 623-5428 Stonema sons 34,6 (Our f ireplaces do not smoke) LAN D for lease, approximafe- 1-983-5606 lyr 60 acres, 2 miles east of 25-f rono. Phone 623-3612. 35-3x NEWCASTLE, 2 beroI apartment, newly decorated, $145 a month.' Heat included. First and last months rent Ref rigerationi and required. Caîl 987-4982 be- tween 6-8 p.-m. 35-1 Applilance Service - Commercial and Domestic HOB BS Drive, semi!, garage, 4 Refrigeration - Milk Coolers bedrooms, 11/2 baths, 5 af2pl[. PHONE BERT SYER ances, $375. Oct. 1. PhoneDy .........6357 623-6CY81. 35-1 Da.... ...6357 ___________________ ights ... ......623-3177 TWO bedroom apartment at Lander.Hardware Ma ple Grove, appliances, heat and hydro included. Avalable and ELECTRIC 2-tf immediately. Phone 623-7847 2______________ or 723-2952. 35-1 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) TWO bedroom house, living room, dining room, kitchen MEATS and bath, washer and dryer. Custom Cutting Close f0 shopping area. $180 per month. Available Sept. 12 Cents Lb. 6th. First months rent in FREEZER ORDERS' advance., Phone 623-5976. 5l 174 Ritson Rd. S. 35-ixOshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 CAVAN TWP. 14tf 250 acres, 5 bedroomns, 2 DAcaeimyh efonw kitchens, good barn, .w. of DbornseNing yhoeperene. Millbrook. $400 monthly. brs usn xeine PHONE1-9 1010ahII,. Phone 623-4798. 35-1 1-921-7496 evenings. 35-1 SI X roomn house with modemn conveniences in Orono area. Write Advertiser 637, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3 K9. 35-1 THREE bedroomn semi, avail- able October lst.* $350 per month. References required. Phone 623-9515 atter 5. 35-1 NEW apts. Port Hope, from $190., 1 and 2 bedrooms.' Sauna, recrealion, children's room, many features. Cal 885-6500. 28-9 Jimn's Body Shop Iocated at Pete's Esso, on Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 1 33-4 Peter Sutherland Alumiînum Prod. Siding - Sof fit - Facer Eavastrough - Windows, Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 29-tf Gloriaý's Canvas & Upholstery CUSTOM MADE Boat, trailer and sali covers and tarps. Any size. AIl other canvas needs or repairs. AIl types of upholstery and re- covering. Free estimates. 623-4654 35-2 Professional Steamn Cleaning Services Commercial - Industrial Residentia I WaII-to-WalI Broadloom Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery CALI BOB AT 623-2383 29-tf RELIABLEday care in my home, playroom. swing set in fully fenced yard. Nu tritious lunches provided. Martin Rd. South. Phone 623-6631. 35-1 WILL babysit in my 'own house, mornings. 623-5857. 34-3x BUTCHER CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING WM. HENDERSON Z11Drywa Il Installation Durham Masonry Taping and Finishing Contractors LM., REASONABLE RATES Bricks - Logs, Telephone: 623-7578 Specializing in Fîreplaces, Phone 576-0230 Ni ght 439-6516 24-t BILL'S swimming pool main tenance. Phone 983-5606. 24-1' Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foamn rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, waII washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf 34-2 CHIMNEY REPAIRS -f ROY ANGE R, - R.R. 4 n- Bowmanville, Ont. 12 Monte Hennessy Carpentry - Renovating Fencing, AIl Types Floor Sanding, Concrete Work Farm Buildings and Maintenance Phone 579-5957 or 623-4581 ALUIN COL E'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) Ail wonk done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AI l parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowma nvi lie Ail-Type Painting& Roof ing Flats, tar and gravel, metal, cold process, leaks, repairs, shing les, interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. PHON E 623-5038 19-tf Lloyd Barnes, Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIl General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North A salesmnan in Darlington Township. 5t BilI's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 621-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - S'rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Gl azing.' 17 tf -VATEÈR Wells bored, 30" tile. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- I phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf Lawn and Garden Ca re Grass cutting, roto tilling and lawn rolling with a commer- cial machine. Seedinu down new Iawns and, old, tree cutting, painting, and odd jobs cîeaning Up. 500 Ibs. pressure washing for farm'equipment trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 -987-4098 27-tf C & C JA N1il 0R SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMA NVILLE D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs 0f ail types. PHONE 623-2263 Announcing the New LIPTAY AUCTION CENTRE (Formerly the Peterborough livestock sale barn) OPENING NIGHT-SEPT.8 Feafuring weekly Wednesday Livesfock sales - 8:00 p.m. Ring 1. Stockers, feeders, beef cows, veal calves, fat steers , heifers, butch- er cows, etc. Ring 2. Pigs and bob calves. Ring 3. New SPECIAL DAI RY cattle sale. ALSO Special Saturday Pure- bred Sales, and Faîl stocker, feeder sales. ALSO Regular Antique Sales in the new Antique Gallery. ALSO Machinery sales. Steve Llptay: 1976 World Champion Livestock Auction- eer. John Liptay: Sale Admnin- istration. Larry Leahy: Ma.n- ager. Phone 652-3517 (Lake- field). LIPTAY AUCTION CENTRE Phone 705-745-0260 .. adivision of: R.R. 1 Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 416-263-2117, TOP CASH PAID FOR 4 USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, ongans too! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (atKing) 728-1675 25-tf Wednesday, September lSth - Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques. The ý pryof the late Albert H. ely 2Bond St. E., Fenelon Falls, Ont. Square extension table, 2 rocking chairs, buffet, 6 chairs, antique table, couch, 3 arm chairs, chesterf ield and chair, B & W television, 3 atiqe ig tp chairs, vic- trlantique table, antique hall rack, lounge, settee, wash stands, toilet se t, lamps, qu ilt box, picture fames, 2heaters, large antique cupboard,2 steel beds, dresser, lazy boy chair, drop leaf table, electric appliances, dishes, coal oil lamp, hooked rugs, quilts, wood box, loaders, garden tools, full contents of home. La rge quantit y of furniture and anti ques. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 35-2 Farm Sold - Saturday September l8th. Auction SaMl of Livestock, Implements and Household Furni ture. The pro- perty of Earl Thurston, Lot 291, Con. 9, Ops Twp. 6 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy. 36 or 6 miles west of Dunstord. 50 head of Hereford stocker steers from 600 to 800 lbs. Cattîe will be weighed morn- ing of sale and sold by the pound. M.F. 35 diesel tractor complete, like new with Rob- bin hydraulic bucket manure loader . Model D Case gas tractor live power. 1970 New Hol land 273 Baler PTO - super sweep ik-up. M.F. 3 - 12's trip beapmplough, New Idea 7' trail type power mower, New Idea side rake, Int. 13 disc combination seed drill, Cock- shutt 625 manure soreader, 150 bus. PTO 2 roller bearing with racks, 1973 Detson 6' snow blower, auger type, 24' hay elevator, 21' grain auger, 1967 Dodge 3/ ton truck with rack, 1967 Galaxy 2-door car, elm plank, cedar lumber, full line of machinery, 20 laying hens, Heintzman piano, round oak dining room table, 6 chairs, combination desk and book case, Viscount electric dryer, Sîmplicity washer spin dryer, Beatty washer spin dre, square, dining room tablCe, antique cupboard, bed- chesterfiel d, Viking 30" heavy duty electric stove, 3 power. lawn mowers, well pump. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12:30 p.m. Machine sale- at 1:30 >p.m. Cattie sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auction- eers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 35-3 Auctian sale Sat., Sept. 4, 1:15 at Bannisters Auction Hall, beside fine hall in' Bewdiey. Consisti ngof R.C.A. color T.V., wash stand, cup) boards, tables, chairs, wash bowl set, dîshes, glassware, oil Iamps, dlocks, beds and other items stili being consign- ed. Rager Bannisten, auction- eer. 3- Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mileeast of, Enniskilîen on Saturday evening, September 4 at 7 p.m. Fine bunch of furniture and things. Clift Pethick, auctioneer. 35-1 Wednesday, September Oth 6:30 p.m. Farm Sale Auction sale for GORDON PROUSE, R.R. 1, Brooklin, 2 miles narthwest of Broaklin, Lot 26, Con. 7, 11V2 miles south of Ashburn or 2 miles narth of Hwy. 7 on road 5A. 21 Holstein cows, 16 Registered, 5 Grade, 3 registened.AIl by unit sires. Several due this fait; a real fine 4 yr. old by Mississippi Rockman Prospect (V.G.) selis bned to Royalstar. Othens by "Perseus Mark", "Chief- tain",. "Classic Citation". Simmental Heifer due Octo- ber, Charolais cow with Sim- mental Heifer Caîf, -Hereford cow with Simmental Bull Caîf, 3 Whiteface Heifers, 3 Sim- mental Steers - 1000Obs. Stable tfed, 2 stable ted white face heifens, 40 pigs, 10 chunks 150 lb., 9 chunks 175 l14., 12 chunks 70 lb.*, 7 chunks - market weight, 100 - 3 way cross Pullets - 3 months aid, 20 noosters, 65 - year old lay- ing hiens, 24 ducks, 5000 bales hay, 2000 bales ot Altaita (no nain), 300 bales 2nd cut alfalta. Surge milker and 2 units, Gehl cutting box, Viking electric separator (gaod), M-H electric sepanaton. Sale 6:30 sharp. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctianeer, Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. - 34-2 rJSED Fürniture and Ai ances. Paddy's Mar Hampton 263-2241. OLD TRUNKS 1 bu.y old truniks Phone 987-5065 CASH for gold, silver, co guns, dlocks, jewellery, d es, furniture, cnocks, pa ings, sealers, appliani Friendiy Flea Market, 23 l West, 725-9783.l Cars, Truèks, Tractors, Motorcycles 1Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd 623-57 Residence 623-71 ýppîi- ke-t, 33-tf Auctian sale of furniture and antiques tram the estate of Kathleen May Hawes, north of Fenelon Falls, first house on west side Of road south of Burnt River. Friday, Septem- ber 3, 6:00 p.m. 9 piece dining room suite, 6 'chairs, table, buffet, China Cabinet; 2 sew- ing machines, electric and tredle; 5 Antique dlocks, manfle, walI, steel, etc. 400 day dlock; waod stove, Mc- Clary; two bedroom suites, good condition camplete; chesterfield and chairs; oak office chair, assorted tables; pine swivel Captain chair; pi!ne Captains chair; round drp leaf table; several wood- en chairs; butter churns, butter press; rocking, chairs, wash stand; pine trunk; several antique lamps, Ian- tenns; crocks, jugs, preserv- ing jars, copper boîler, mron bean pot, fern stand; bed with matching dresser. China: Many, many pieces 0f dishes, serving bowls, covered bowls, covered cheese dishes, serv- ing platters, cake plates, fanicy bowls, fruit dishes, pitchers, sait and pepper shakers, vases,, jardinieres, and ornamentals. Several pic- tures and frames; kitchen utensils, range, pots, pans, cutleny, etc.; garden tools; coal scuttIe; awn chairs; quantity of cut firewaod; many other articles of the complete contents of this home. Terms cash. No re- serve. Steve Lîptay - Auction- een "1976 Wonld Champian Auctioneen". Sale conducted by Liptay Auctianeers Ltd.. R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K2, 416-263-2117. 35-1 Satunday, September llth. Farm sald. Auction sale of Livestock, Implements and Household Furniture. The proertyoaf Bob Greer, Lot 22, Con. 1, Cavan Twp., 1/2 mile west of Bailieboro on 16 miles sauth of Peterbarough ta 4 -corners of Bailieboro and 1/2 mi le west. 81 head of Hereford ,cattie. Charolais bull 21/2 years aId. 8 mature Hereford cows with 8 sprîng calves by side. 28 mature Hereford and Holstein cows due Aug., Sept. and Oct. 28 Hereford steens and heifers 1 year aid. 8 Hereford steens and heifers 11/2 years aid. 1 York sow due time of sale, 4 York saws brêd, 13 pigs il weeks old, 7 pigs 9 weeks old, 1 York hog. Approx. 2500 bales mixed hay and 1000 bales oat straw. M.H. 33 gas tractor. 1974 ýInt. 540 tractor manure spreader, 185 bus. with top bea.fer. tnt, 3- furow, widle bottom plough, M.F. No. 12 Baler P TO bale buncher. Allied 28 hay elevatar with motor, Triple K cultivator, Int. side rake. 2 - 1975 rouler bearing wagons with racks. M.F. dyna-balance 7' power mawer, M.F. 15 disc combin- ation seed drill. Gehi hammer milI, M.H. No. 60 7' combine mator drive, 2 Surge milking units, set of p leasure sleighs, Democrat fu I l ne of mach- i neny. Moffatt refrigerator, F indlay heavy duty stove, pine cupboard, coal and wood annex, picture trames, side board, antique desk, Coleman lamp, -antique maple dresser, arrow back chair, rugs, drapes, bedroom suite, dress- ens, sealers, many other items. Terms cash. Na ne- serve. Lunch available. Fur- niture sale at 11:00 a.m. Machine sale at 12:30 p.m. Cattie sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auction- eers, Rea bora, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 34-3 HOLSTEIN HEIFER SALE - 50 HEAD - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1976 at 1:00 - 30 Head of Registered and Grade Hoîsteins - herd of BILL WILLIAMS, atthe farm, Lot 4, Con. 2, Verulam; 1 mile west of DUNSFORD, or 7 miles northeast of LINDSAY on Highway 36. These weil developed heifers are due from sale time through faîl. 20 Head consigned from: Bill Acreman - 5 heifers from GP dams with over 16,000 of milk; John Buckley - 1 HILLTOP- PER REFLECTION CHAR- LES due October; Oscar Carew - 2,WAYNE ACHIL- LES and 2 TREVERTONAI ROCKMAN CHRIS: Art Dar- lin g &Son - 2 MADAWASKA CITATION RADAR: Harvey Henry - 1 g rade heifer due at sale time; Hugh McGriskin - 1 ROSE VE G A ROCKMAN JUSTICE; Bruce & Amy Miller - 1 URANIUM ATOM from a 5.4 per cent dam; Paul Ruth - 2 P ICKLAND CITAT- TION R; Bill Teefy - 1 SHORE ANTHONY LAD and 1 STRATHBURN MASTER LEADER. These heifers are from top herds and are due now until December. Sale Manager and Auctioneer: ED MCMORROW, Box 730, Lind- say. Telephone Oakwood 22 R 14. 35-1 * Auction Sale Grisf Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Friday, Sept. 3 34-2 7:O00p.m. - Twin single bnass beds, small oins, cookstove, ogee and mantie tish- dlocks, lamps, lange bell and aint- yoke, cracks, trunks, bedroom ices. suite, matching washer and King dnyer, single beds, dressers, 38-tt chests of drawers, piano and bench, fridge, colour T.V., hall tables, occasional chairs, dishes, g at clubs, rota tiller, gunstack chair, hanging ail amp, cranberry ewer, jelly pan,,shaving mirrar, Aladdin and aïl lamps, paine blanket boxes, round oak coffee table, walnut dining room table plus lots mare tram an Oshawa ý756 home. Terms: Cash. Auction- 12eers: Stapletan Bras. 786-2244. 45 tf COU NTRY BARGAIN MART Consignmnents Wanted Produce, Household Items, Livestock, Antiques or What have you? Turn themn into dollars. Phone 263-8226 NEXT SALE SEPTEMBER 4,1976 1sf farm west of Enniskiîlen Village.' 35-1 Saturday, September 4th - Semi-Dispersal Standardbred Horse Sale, 55 head - The property of Moorelands Farm, Sherman J. Moore, R.R. 1, Lindsay and 12 guest consign- ments, Sale will be held at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. (Little Britain Road). Brood- mares, weanlings, yearlings, 2, 3 and 4 yr. olds, current racers and stallions. Sale feature - Moorelands Rick P. 2.043f - 76. Winner on July 29 - 2.043f officially timing in 2.04 and paces right around 2.04 to 2.06 at ail times. This horse is just coming into his own and should lower his record in 1976 and possibly by sale time. A sale to attend. Something for everyone ! Catalogues on ne- quest. Terms Cash. No Re- serve, Lunch available. Cliff Chapman, Trillsonburg, Ont. Pediegrees, Carl H ickson, als Mgr., Reaboro, Ont. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auc- tioneers, Rea boro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 32-4 va=* EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price Ï12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appoint ment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGFX: 44 tf 1 9 FLORIDA Instant winter home!I Furnish- ed mobile 12 X 48 ft. Buy groceries, move in. $3,500, PLEASE CALL LOCALLY: 623-2570 34-2x PRIVATE SALE, J AN ETVILL E On 1/2 acre lot. 3 bedroom side-split, built in self-cleaning oven and1 hot plates. Basement almost totaîly completed. Hardwood and broadloomed floors. AIl eectric heating. 9'x 9' metal garden shed in rear with paving stone patio. Lot landscaped af front. PHON E 1-705-324-9656 33-3 PRIVATE - Bowmanville, brick 3 bedroom custom built bungalow, 14' x 34' rec. room, ý$58.500. Phone 623-4308. 35-1 x N EWTONVI LLE AREA 100 acre production farm with 95 acres under cultivation, 3 bedroom home, barn 40 x 140, 2 silos, spring -ted stream, excellent invest ment as this property i s severed in 2 parcels. Priced to seIl at $125,000 Caîl John Gimblett Realty Ltd., 416-372-8757 or 416-885- 6602. 35-1 PRIVATE sale in Oshawa north end. Attractive medium size bungalow, nicely decor- ated and landscaped. Willing to exchange for same in Bow- manville. Phone 723-5496. 35-1 Waterfront Home Bowmanville, winterized 2 bedroomn bungalow. Complefe- ly fenced, loveîy garden, pivate beach for boafing. $39,500., AI Norris, 623-7010, V.J . Lauesen LM. 3- cou, Rea Itor- Bus. 623-6121l Rice Lake - 3 licensed cottages with 60' frontage, completely furnished, boat house and cement block garage. Asking $32,900.00 with excellent terms. Handymnans' Special - older 2 bedroom brick semi on sewer and water in Bowmanville. Asking $29,500.00. Phone now! New Listing - 3 year old sideý-split, family room with slidlingdoors to patio, attached gara ge, broadloom and hard- Wood floors, fireplace in living room, appliances include, and a large 9 per cent lst rnortgage. Must b e seeni Little Avenue- 4 bedroom brick family home, rec-room with built-in bar, games room, stereo and, speaker sound system, enclosed patio. Try your offer on this one! Brick Bungalow -'- Strike Avenue, Bowmanville, 3 bed- rooms on main floor, 4th bedroom, f inished rec-room, hobby-room in the basement, electric heat, carport and paved drive. Asking only $51 ,900.00. Vendortransferred. 35-1 Thos. N. Shea Ltd. Realtor 221 King Street East Osha wa 579-2243 or 623-4214 2- Homne Requires Family 3 bedrooms to comfort you. Warm family room to relax you. Spacious kitchen and dininag area. Asking $43,900. Cal Richard Orton 623-6622 or Jean Orton 623-9159. Orono 3 bedroom backsplit, large kitchen, full basement and nice quiet -lot - only $49,900. Contact Shirley Hogg 623-3500. 35-1 R. "B U D " Virtue 118 King Street East, Bowmanvi île 623-2967 Lake Scugog Cos y 2 bedraom cottage on nicely treed lot 50 x 100. Campetely furnished. Ideal for suMmer netreat. Close to lake with right of way ta water. Make us an offer today. Hefherington Drive 4 bednoom 3-level, family noom with fineplace, rec. room, games naom, attached anage. Very well kept and geautifully decorated. Ideal for lange famiîy. Suitable financing. Asking $64,700. Now's the Time f0 Buy Lovely 3 bednoom sidesplît with legal one bedroom apartý ment and separate entrance. Fireplace in L.R. and F.R. Sun deck with wal k-out to 1 yr. old in-ground heated swim- ming pool complete wifh patio and rackery fountain. Cail us today for an appaintmenfta see this executive home. 35-1 Bowmanville - 11V2 storey 3 bedroomn home with double garage, separate D.R. and large 66' x 165' lot, Close to shopping and school, asking $39,900. V endors anxious. Bowmnanville - 4 bednaom S level semi with 11/2 baths and 4 appliances, asking $44,700. Vendors moving and anxious. Bowmanville - 11/2 storey 2 bedroom semi with aluminum siding, separate D.R., new kitchen cupboards and broad- loomn thnoughouf. Very cen- tral, excellent starter home, asking $27,000. Ennuskilen - 5 bedroom 2 storey Century Home with 2 tull baths, separate D.R. and beautifully landscaped 3/ acre lot with circular drive and lange stone Bar-B-Q nîght in the center of the village, asking $65,000. Cali ta see t his one today!! Blackstock - 3 bedroom 11/2 stomey home with sepanate D. R. new wiring and vinyl siding, double carpont and electric heat, asking $41 ,900. Ponfypool -4 bedroom 2 stoney home with sepanate D.R. and small barn on lot 52' x 262' right in the village, asking $41 ,900. Oshawa - 11/2 stoney 2 bedroom brick home with separate D. R., paved drive and fin ished mec. room, in gaod area, close to schooland shopping, asking $45,900 with 91/2 per cent mortgage. 35-1 Bowmanville Exceptionallv nice 3 bedroom brick and aluminum side- splît, spaciaus, deluxe inter- lor, f ieldstone fi!replace, den, 9 per cent mortgage, owner, transferred. Must seIl. $61,500.--- Cail Elfie Jost. Orono - Must SelI This attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Electric heaf, newly decorated, broadloom- ed, necreation room, garage, 65' x 138' lot.. Immediate S osssion. Askîng $51,900. ry an offer. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. Twin Homes - Bowmanville Two legal apartments in 1 unit, separate entrance,baths, stoves and fridges. Above ground swimming pool only $38,500 with terms PLUS 4 bednoom home with separafe dining room, sunroom, 11/2 bafhs, washer, dryer, many extras. Asking $37,000. Terms. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. 3 Acres in Orono Large trout streamnrunning through, aId cottage wit approved septic system and weIl, hydro, gas available. Renvaio permit available. Reasonabîy priced at $20,000. with $4,000. down and good mortgage. Cali Bill Gnady. Sunicrest Blvd.. Bowmanville Superb 3 bedroom brick bung- alow, richly broadlaomed, spaciaus 17' x 12' eat-in kitchen. Tastefully decorated throughout. Finished bedroom in basement with bulf-in unifs, recreation room and laundry. 50' x 166' lot. Asking $58,500. Cali Phyllis McRob- bie. New!! 3 bedroom, 1200 sq. ff. backsplit on extra large lot in Newcastle. Price redfuced to $52,900 and open to offers. Trade in youn old home., Excellent financingwlth LOW DOWN PAYMEN T.Cail Bill Grady. Village Home 1/2 acre lot, with lovely alumi- num 2 storey home in Kendal. 4 bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen, beautiful lot, mat une trees. AIlifan $45,000, Cali Bill Turansky. Building Lot 108' x 350' close to Highway 28 at Bailebana. Beauti fuI view. Asking $12,500. Cali Bill Tun- ansky. Bowmanville Alonna. Beautifully deconated Semi, brick and aluminum. 3 bedrooms plus dining noam, paved driveway. Asking $44,900. $26,000 Ist mortgage at 8/4 per cent with 33 yeans to run at same intenest rate. Caill Jan Oudshaorn. Court ice - Immediate Possession Country living at its best on this 119' x 300' mature treed and landscaped lot. Immacu- late 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home. Separate dining room, eat-in kitchen, close to schools, church and bus. Must seil. Only $54,900. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped f0 handle your home needs anywhere in *anada and U.S.A. + Coast to, Coast Real Estate Service- 35-1 REL STATE LMTD 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC MT 623-4428 RELAX! in this homes pro- fessional y finished famnily room wit beamed ceilings. This 3 bednoom backspîit has many extras. North-end Bow- manville. Large 1sf montgage at 101/2 per cent. As king $52,500.00 Make us an Offer. HOBBY FARM - 13 acre parcel, just nonth of New- castle has ail you need - Ianrge 3 bedroam home- double garage with workshop, chick- en house, L-shaped barn, good ganden soul. $65,000.00 WHY RENT? This attractive 2, bedroom home with modemn kitchen is situated on an extra large lot. Low down payment. Newtonville. Only $31,900,00 Roberf Cooper 1-786-2540 Henry Eiken 1-983-5279 Josie Doxtater 1-983-9593 Dennis Francis 987-5037 Dorofhy Hartford 623-3651 Audrey Plain 623-3563 Ed. Vanhaverbeke 1-797-2333 Harry Voerman 623-7597 Dirk Woudstra 623-3142 George Van Dyk 623-4428 IN BETHANY Darlene Prager 1-705-277-2861 Roy Strong 277-2848 Ray Finney 277-2880 35-1

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