6 The Canadjan Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 1, 1976 Section Two z~w Members and guests who attended the Orono Horticultural Society's 55th Annual Flower and Garden Show last Thursday night were given a few tips on showing flowers for competition from the judges, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink. Mrs. Tink, right, is shown above looking over some flower arrangements with two club members, Mr. and Mrs. Orvile Challice. There were 235 entries in the competition with 36 exhibitors taking prizes for their arrangements. N EWTON VI LLE Mr. Ray Smale, of Ottawa, was a recent visitor heré, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill KimbaIL. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tomp- kins, Shelly and Robbie, have been holidaying the past week at their cottage on Rice Lake. Newtonville Brownies at- tending Camp Adelaide at Haliburton included Karen Baker, Leslie Gardner, An- nette Harness, Kelly Powell, and Vicki Kimbail. Mrs. Jean Kimbal also attended as a Couniseilor. Johnna and Delann Chard, of Newcastle stayed with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster, while their parents were away, on a holiday, a week ago. On Sunday afternoon, the Chards and Lancasters all visited at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery's in Bowmanviile, where Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockhart of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were guests. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Wednesday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown in Newcastle. Mrs. Gertie Rowe visited last week With Mr. and Mrs. J. Emmerson, Oshawa. On Sunday, ail attended the Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Learoyd, at Union- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Page and boys have been holidaying the past few weeks out north in the Otonobee district. The Officiai Board, of the Newtonville charge, met at Shiloh on Monday evening, Aug. 23, at 8 p.m. with 25 ,members present. Rev. Tizzard opened the meeting with a scripture reading and prayer. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved. A letter concerning courses at Queen's Theologicai Col- lege, was read and anyone wishing to attend, kindly contact our Secretary. The Anniversary service dates are as foilows :- Shiloh - Oct. 17 at 2:30 p.m.; Kendail Oct. 24 at 2:30 p.m.; Newton- ville -Oct. 31 at 9:45 am. Rev. Tizzard wili be the speaker at each one and the other churches are to withdraw their services on each An-, niversary Sunday., The manse report was read and approved. Rev. Tizzard agreed to take his turn at the Nursing Home services and volunteers are invited to assist with the music. A letter to newcomers is to be mailed out, foilowed by a visit from the minister or an elder. The Induction Service is to be held at Kendal Church on Wed., Sept. 8th at 7:30 p.m. Church stationery was discussed and Books of Psalms are to be purchased for the pews. A filing cabinet is to be purchased in the future. It was suggested an evening of singing would be enjoyed. Newtonviile will have a Christmas Eve Carol service. The Shiloh ladies served lunch, much apprecited. Parents wishing to have children baptized are invited to contact Rev. Tizzard. A baptismal service x ill be held next Sunday, Sept. 5th at 9:45 a.m. in Newtonville Church. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, whose twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary was celebrated on Friday evening at Greenwood Tuw- ers, Port Hope. About fifty relatives and friends were present and an attractive wal dlock and other gifts were received, and pictures taken with the usual complimentary an humorous remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson of Bowmanville attended the Toronto Exhibi- tion Friday evening and enjoyed the Lawrence W'eik program. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen, of Peterborough, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, of Edmonton, arrived Saturday to visit his mother, Mrs. Bea Jones and other relatives. .Phyllis Peck and Mary Brown were the Sunday morn- ing greeters, at our church, doors, and the theme of Rev. Aubrey Tizzard's sermon was "To Be Alive", emphasizing the importance of making the m(>st of our opportunities for doing good in every day life. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley, recently, were Mr. and mrs. Wm. Clarke, and Victoria, and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner of Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer visited Mrs. Emily Ogden in Memoriai Hospital Sunday afternooni, also Mr. Raymond Bruce, now out of Intensive Care, artd able to have cailers. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown of Newcastle were supper guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson. Friday evening the Newton- ville Road-Runners were entertained by their manager, Bob Henderson at a swimming SIXTEENTH ANNUAL STEAM - ERA SEPTMBER 3,4 and 6,1976 At Miton Fair Grounds, Milton,,Ontario CANADA'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STEAM SHOW TIs year ,,featuzing the World Championship Threshing Competition ail weekend, and a country & western talent competition Saturday ai 8:00 p.m. la front of the grandstand. Closed Sunday, September 5th THE NEWCASTLE GAME invites ail interested persons to these upcoming art workshops -no charge - -supplies provided where approrite- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Model Airpiane Building from Scratch demonstration by Austin Stephens in Visual Arts Centre in Cream of Barley Mili on Simpson Ave. in Bowmanville at 10:00 ar. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Weaving Demnonstration in Orono between 6: 00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at Clarke Public Library in Orono. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER il Watercolour Workshop in Tyrone meet at 9:30 a.m. in Tyrone Commun ity Centre for a haif day combined walking tour and watercolour workshop through Tyrone Village with Anne Syme. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Pottery Demonstration with Mary Doezema between 6:30 p.m. and 9:.30 p.m. in the Visual Arts Centre in the Cream of Bariey Mill on Simpson Ave. in 8owmanville. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Lifedrawing Workshop with Carol Reynolds beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Visual Arts Centre in the Cream of Barley Mill on Simpson Ave. in Bowmanviile. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Audio-Visual Show on the Town of Newcastle at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Bowmanviile Public Library, commentary by David Lewis, Photggrapher. 'W Information wiII be available at these workshops on fail courses at the Visual1 Arts Centre of Newcastle. The Newcastle Game is a project of the Visual Arts Centre of Newcastle and is made possible in part through a grant from the ,e Ministry of Culture and Recreation from the proceeds of Winta rio. Back by Popular Demande. JOHN McGEE A young entertainer who for twowes kept the Captain's Lounge alive with excitment August 3Oth to'September 3rd Saturday Night Supper Dancing to the DICK VALLEAU QUARTET with BOB HILL SPECIAL WEEKEND MENU Roast Leg of Lcamb $4o50 with mint sauce TH E MOTOR INN Liberty Street South at Hwy. 401 Phone 623-3373I KINSMEN CLUB ~ 0F BOWMAN VILLE BINGO DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, HAMPTON -8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September Sth 20 Regular Games and 5 SPECIAL GAMES- Proceeds for Commnunity service Work - SENIOR CITIZENS OUTINGS - TYKE-BASEBALL and HOCKEY. - CYSTIC FIBROSIS - DONATIONS TO HOSPITALS We wiII suppiy transportation ifreurd Phone: MARK BORUTSKIE - 623-4665 or JIM SCHELL at,623-5573 COME ONEI COME ALLI Support Your Local Kinsmen Activities Saturdim, Sept 11,y1976 900 p.m. -1:00 a.m. Orono Arena featuùring ... Gordie Tap and the "NahvileSound" party, with about twenty or so present. After church Sunday morn- ing Mesdames Jean Arnold, Olive Henderson, and Inez Boughen enjoyed coffee and a showing of pictures at the home of Mary Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hender- son and daughter were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and Carol on Sunday, the occasion of the latter's birthday. mi' mmuffl L ýa weeks