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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1976, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 8, 1976 il DEADLINE FOR CLASSUFUIED' Tues., 12 noon LEACH - Harold and Sherri (Conners) are happy to an- nounce the safe arrivai of '1eir first child, Heidi %eachon, 5 lbs. il ozs. on ý' uut25, 1976., Proud grand- ~ rents are Mr. and Mrs. * ran kLea ch, Hampton and Mrs. Lillian Conners, England and Mr. Roy Conners, Bow- manville. Many thanks to Dr. A. Spear and maternity staff of Oshawa General Hospital. 36-1 ý',,WDEN - Grant and Mary Jane (Gruyters) are proud to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Amanda Lynn, 5 lbs. TO ozs. on August 22. Special thanks tô Dr. Spears and Maternity Staff at Oshawa General. 36-1ix WILSON- James and Julie (Schmid) Wilson proudly an- nounce the arrivai of their first chîld, a son, David James, born Aug. 21,, 1976 in Midland. First grandchild for Emil and Helen Schmid and first great grandchild for Harry 'and Mabel (Glanville) iLewis, ail of Orono. Another grandchild for Vernon and Jean (Graham) Wilson of Lindsay. 36-1 BEGGS - At Peterborough Civic Hospital, on Saturday, September 4th' 1976, Hector Beggs, Millbrook, aged 84 years, husband af the late Jermina Rusk, dear tather af Percy, Pontypool, dear bro- ther of Etta (Mrs. Charles Lamb), Lindsay, g randfather of Dianne (Mrs. Ralph Port- er), Barbara (Mrs. Robert Porter), James and 7 great Srandchildren. Service was eld in t he 'Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville on Mon- day, aiternoon. Interment Pontypool Cemetery. 3- BENTHAM, William G., .V.M. - At Memoriai Hospi- tal, Bowmanville on Sunday, September 5, 1976. Dr. Bent- ham of 14 Loyers Lane in his 9îst year. Dear brother af Mrs. F. Millican (Rena), Alta Belle and Mrs. J. Little, (Lenore). Resting at the Northcutt Ellioitt Funerai Home, Funerai service 1:30 o'clock Tues. afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 36-1 ýrOEdwin -- Sudden! y st, Dariington Park on Thursday, Sept. 2, 1976, Edwin Hixon af Landenberg, Penn, husband of Anne. Rested at the Northcutt Eliiot? Funeral Home. Funerai service and interment were heid in Penn- syvania. 36-1 SýERSCALES - At Mem- aaHoptai, Bowmanville, on Wednsay, September 15, 19 76, Violet Somerscales, aged 85 years, wife af the late George Somerscales, dear mother 0of Dorothy (Mrs. Elmer' Archer), Whitby; George, Brig hton; Leonard, Courtice; Georg Ina (Mrs. Thomas Carter), Margaret (Mrs. Milton, Corson), Lor- raine (Mrs. Stanley Pingie), ail af Bowmanviiie,-the late Rose and Charlie. Service was held in th-e Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowm-anviiie on Fri- d4y afternoon. Interment Bowmanvilie Cet.etery. 36-1 4F lowers Say, it iBest" VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery ta... Oshawa - EBmanville Arts Phone 623-4441 Mr. and Mrs. Cliford *W. Failis of Pontypool are pieased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter, Sandra Jean, ta Murray Ralph Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Thompson of South Mona- ghan. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, October 9th, 1976, at 3:30 p.m. in Pontypool United Church. 36-if Mr. and Mrs. James Stutt, Orono, are pleased ta an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riag e of their daughter, Stacie, ta E ic Bukowicki, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Buko- wicki of Windsor. The wedding wili be held in Orono United Chu rch on October 16, 1976 at 5 p.m. 36-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tachauer of Rexdale are pleased ta announce the forth- cominge marriage of their daughter, Nancy Lee ta Mr. Gordon E. Aluin, son of Mr. and Mrs., H. Ross Alu1 n of New- castle. The weddîng wiil take place September 25, 1976 at 5 o'clock in St. Paul the Apostie Anglican Church, Rexdale, Ontario. 36-ix The famil y of Jack and Ruth Pearce, Oh awa invite their friends and relatives to an Open House in honor of their pa rents twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary at Zion United Church, Sat, evening, Sept. 18 tram 7-9:30 p.m. Best wishes only. 36-2 Rev. 'and Mrs. James Gilchrist are ceiebrating their Thirtieth Wedding Anniver- sary, Saturday, September llth, 1976 at St. Andrew's Church. Hours to cali 2-4 and 7-9P. M. 36-1 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, wish ta extend an invitation ta, rela- tives, friends and neighbours ta attend an open bouse in hanour of their 5th Wedding Anniversary a? MapieGrave Church Hall, September 11, 1976 from 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Best wishes only. 35-2x FORDER, Joe- In loving meniory of a dear ]usband and FaIher wvho passed away Aug. 28, 1943. A silent thought a secret tea Keeps his memory ever deatý Time takes away the edge of grief But mem-ory turns backevery leaf. - Lovingiy remembered by his wife and tamily. 36-1 SUMMERS - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Septem ber lst, 1976, Ena D. Weegar, aged 82 years, wife ai the late Edward Summers, dean sister af Winnifred (Mrs. Irwin Cross), Winchester and Graham Wee- gar, Mssissauea. Service was held in the týrris F uneral Chapel, Bawmanville on Sai- urday afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 36-i CARNATION For Al Youri ~ Flower Needs S TOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVICE Service to your needs. . our f irst concern. So that you wilI be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 36-i Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Servi ,ng this district for 96 years. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P:o. Box 176 73 Ontarnia Street Part Hope, Onia nia Li A 3M High Quality a? Reasonable Pnices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHIP *QUALIT'Y The family af the late Lloyd Alldread wouid like ta thank relatives, friends and neigh- bars for the beautiful floral tributes, cards, donations and messages of sympathy in the loss of a loving husband, father and grandiather. Special thanks ta Rev. Arthur Amacher for his comfarting message, ta Drs. Anfossi and Long, also the palîbearers, Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home and the U.C.W. ladies who served lunch, it was greatly appreciated. Evelyn Alldread, Maxine and Don Hendry 36-1 x The family of the late Violet P. Somerscales wish ta ex- press theirthanks and appre- ciation ta friends, neighbours and famiiy ion their kind expressions af sympathy. 36-1ix Garage Sale Sept. il (or lSth in case ai nain). 62 Alonna St., Bowmanville (off Martin Road). Skis to shoeiaces. 36-1 Look, for the Catholic Women's League Bazaar and Giant Auction, Saturday, October 23. 10-4 p.m. with. aoc? ion in the evening. 36-1 APPEARING AT The Queen s Hotel NEWCASTLE COUNTRY EXPRESSIONS, Friday - Saturday September 10-11 Dancing 9 - i Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your group's tund raising activities. Book yaur next year's dates now while choice dates are still avaiiable. Contact Dan Armstrong at 24-tf 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf POÔRTEOUS - In loving memory of my dear parents, who passed away. Dad, "Stan- ley" died Sept. i1, 1965. Mother "Jennie" died Sept. 10, 1966. Loving memories neyer die, As years rail on, and days pass by In aur hearts a memory is 1kept, 0f the one's we ioved, and wll neyer forget. A happy home we once en joyed How sweet the memory stili. - Always ioved and remem- bered by daughter Helen, son-in-law Clem, grandchiid- ren and great grandchildren. 36-1 x WOODWARD, Wm. J. - In loving memory af a dear son, brother, brother-in-iaw and uncle, William James, who passed away, suddenly Sep- tember i1, 1971. Five sad and laneiy years have passed, Since our great sorrow fell, The shock that we received thatcday No one cou Id ever tell. GodVave us strength ta meet And couragje ta bear the blow, And whatt meant ta ose you, Bill,, No one wiii ever know. We miss you more each day, It is lonely here without yau, For lite isnot the same ta us Since y ou were called away. YOU bade no one a las? fanewel , Nor even said goadbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. If broke out hearts ta lose you, But you did not go alone, For gart of us went with you, The day God caiied you home. - Sadi y missed and lovingly remem b ered by Mom, Dad, Jo-Anne, Brian, Karri and David. 36-i I wish ta thank, relatives and friends for ail theý fiowers cards and visits while in Memorial Hospital Bowman- ville and also after returning home. Speciai thanks ta -Dr. McKenzie and nurses on first floor-, Ada Carson 36-1 The Trineer famiy in Hampton wish ta thank neigh- bours and friends for their mnany kind expressions of. symnpafly during the loss of a dear brother, Rober? Trineer of Montreai, Quebec. 36-i The family of the late Charles Percy Gould wîsh-ta express their thanks and appreciation ta relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts ai kindness during the loss af a dear husband, father and grand- father. Thanks also ta Good- year Supervision Club, Can- adian Tire, Goodyear Depart- ments 2720, 2721, 2711, 2716, 2717 and others for their floral tributes and donations ta the Heart and Cancer Funds. Our appreciatian s also extended to doctors and nurses ai Memonial Hospital for the comforting cane ta aur laved one during his las? days with us. Special thanks ta Rev. Amacher fan his comforting messages and ta Northcutt Eliiot? Funenal Home' for conducting the services. 36-i The Hockey Mothers will hoîId their Annual Equipmne Sa le Saturday, Sept.1 (day ai B.M.H.A. tryouts 9 a.m., BOWMANVILLE AREN We will have a9 selection ai used hoc eqoipment and skates. An' having equipment ta dor please phone Nareen Sigc 6233133 or Sheila Dad 623-2972. Our, first hockey motý meeting wiii be held Tuesday, Sept. 14th in Cc Roamn No. 2 at 7:30 p.m. hockey mothers welco Please plan ta attend, we n you! JUNIOR C HOCKEY CAMF Anyone interested in tny out: We are on the ice TUESDAYS &THURSDA' During the month of Sept BILL CASBURN TAKE-A-BREAF To commence-Septemnber l 9:15 ta il a.m. a? St. John's Anglican Chur Babysitting providied. - ALL WE LCOME - West Durham Cau Orange Lodge Church serî and parade in Nestle Presbyterian Church on St Sept. 12 at 10:30 a.m. EvE one welcome. 3- nt lA good ,key >one nate ;ag ms ison BoyScouts PAPER DRIVE Saturday, Sept. 18 Have papers, tied and out by 8a.m. 36-2 MONSTÉER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mi nar Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 150-tf Beauty Counseilon ",Make-up Demonstration and Tea" wili be heid in Hampton Village (pnivate home) in the near future. Caîl to-day for funther information. Mns. Faber, 263- 2981. 35-5 WOODVI EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO' NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M., RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHA WA 21 -tf Hunter & Jumper Schooling Show September 12, 1976 Traphies and Ribbons 10:00 a.m. COURTICE WOOD FARMS R.R. 3, Bowmanvilîe (1 side road east ai Courtice Road, north ta end of road.) 579-1635 35-2 COMPRESSOIR AIl1 kinds of machinern SeIl. Buy. Trade. Reni MONDAY TO SATURD 9-6 Ace Machiner 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 tS Y. IL )AY SEED FOR SALE Winter Wheat - Winter Barîey CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 or 623-7233 33-6 ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We boy contents ai homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19 ti Pure Pine Shavings Baîed, Phone 723-6660 1INGLIS Citation gas dnyer, six cycles, two yeans aid, $175. Phone 623-4644., 35-2 WH ITE'S T.V. TOW ERS Tawers, U HF, VI- Aerials, Rotorsi Repairs Apartment & Horni Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone M 576-5601 E. WHITE COU RTIC E IF nes FILM PROCESSING CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Camneras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 35-10 TABLE, potatoes, excellent quality. Joe Bouma 623-2847.- 35-tf VANDA Beauty Counsellor Hampton Village representa- tie Mrs. Bannie Faber". Caîl to-day to view aur exciting new products.' Phone 263-2981. 35-5 EARLY a ppIes, seconds, $2.50 bushel. Phone Bill Feddema 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 35-2 SWIMMING pool wholesae, must dispose af 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Call Gond coliect days- or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18 tf SWJMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has aiuminumn pools left over from 1975 season. 12 prîce, guaranteed installation and terms. Cail collect days- or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf RAMBLER trailers, see them at Newcastle Trailer Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle, seven days a week. 987-5131. 29-tf SWEET corn, 18 varieties, excellent for freezing, picked fresh daily. We do not seli day aid corn. Keith Bell Farm, concession 9, one mile west of Raglan (approx. 6 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe Street). (Watch for signis.) 655-3326. 34-tf Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTICE From Hwy. 2 take 13th Line north one block. 13-if '72 SUNKAMPER hardtop, sieeps 8, open 20 ft., closed y 121/2 feet, icebox, sink, stove, sun awning, as is, $1200; All Heat Kit transn-itter receiver, speaker, VFO 80 meter, like new; 17 foot Péterborough cedar strip boat, beautiful 18-tf shape, 50 h.p. motor and Gaton trailen, $1500. 7 Victoria St., Bowmanville. 36-i LADIES skis, ski boots - 71/2, ski p oi1es $25. Vacuum cleanen $7. Sythetic hair wig $5. Real hair wig $25. Phone 623-4289. 36-1 x PRESSED back rockers, dressers, kitchen sets, 9 piece dining room suite, china cabinets, circular chester- field, occasionai chairs, han- vest tables, pressed back chairs, antique gramophone, washstand, bookcase, deacons bench, pîneap pie bed, spool bed, coffee ta bles, end tables, stoves, washing machines, table saw (new), lass, dishes and much moreaJ Dad's Used Furniture and Antiques, New- tonville, 786-2509. 36-i New Machinery Specials 530 Manure spreader ................................ $1895. ýhers 1150 Grinder mixer ................................. $3695. on 555 Forage Harvester with 72" pick-up and ,ourt 2 row corn head ............................... .... $5995,. .Ail 46-4F-14- Bottom mounted plow ...................... $1425. Dme. 710-4F-18" Bottam semi-mounted plaw need (automatic reset) ............... .................. $3695. 36-1 Used Machinery 624D l.H. Tractor......................... .......... $5700. p 434D i.H. Tractor................................... $3650. P No. 227 l.H. 2 raw corn head for -ing 91-93 o 105combine................................ $1000. 1 Model 80 I.H. combine............................... $2000. ,yS Gehi1 Model F B88 Fora ge Blower................... ...$ 725. it Model 575 Cackshutt 6F -16" bottom (automatic reset) piow............................. $3000. 36-1 1. H. 103 Maniure spreader............................ $ 600. 1.H. 130 Manure spreader............................ $ 900. 633 Cackshutt spneader....................... ....... $ 825. KWe now have Interes? Free Pragrams an new and used tractors 4th, and mas? ather seasanal farm equipment. Raçer Davidson is ic.naw aur Sales Representative in the Bawmanvuîîe area. rc. Custamers in Bowmanviîîe, Bîackstock, Hampton, Newcastle and Orana caîl ZENITH 34400. 36-1 ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM ýunty <Yor U1 IP AETLTD. Delr leton 1/2 mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways, sauth of Lindsay. Sun.,36-1 ery- 6- lx Looking for an exciting hobby! F&Il ceramic classes ta start in September and there are a few openings leit. For futher information please cail 623-3868. 36-i Canadian Legion Da nce Septemnber 18, 1976 Music by The Big Sound Dancing 8 - 12 EVERYONE WELCOME- 35-3 SCREENEO SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS£ & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL DELIVERED OR REMOVED SNOW REMOvAL ,Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY I IiF~~1 F -. 30-tf 8,000 BALES of hay, Tyson Farms, Newtonvilie, 786-2927. 33-tf Pi neridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit y'our car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf TOP sali, Leiand Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf PADDY'S Market now haý new turniture, appliancçs; T.V.'s and stereos and alsc used furnitureand appliancesý 'Afl! accept trade-ins. Paddy's MÀarket, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33- USED Furniture and Appli-, ances. Paddy's Market,' Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf CARPETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professional- i installed. Free estimates. Yuone stop shopping F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf NEW Cedar lumber, wool hardtwist rug, (like new), Oak desk &chair, booksheives, new floor polishen, chrome set, wrînger "washer, stove, An- tique dressers, bedsý, wash- stands, chairs, Dutch Girl Quilt, piatform scaies, adding machine. 623-7490. 36-1 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North A salesman in Darlington Township. 35-tf IRISH setter puppies, negis- tered, needied and wormed. Phone 623-2805. 36-i DOBERMAN Pinscher pup- pies, registered, needled and warmed. Phone 623-2805. 36-1 AFGHAN puppies. Blues! Registered, inocuiated, de- wormed, trained. These gor- ~ osbabies must go. $50. rewcastle 987-4395. L#ALJTS goio wrisi watcn on. Septemnber i between 10-10:30 a.m. in vicinity ai 55 King St. W. Reward. Please cali 987-5247. 36-1 Black, smail terrier, in East Beach anea. Phone 623-2211. 36-1 Councillor Kenneth Lyail has opened a municipal office at 57 King Street East, Bow- manville. Anyane needing help with a municipal pnoblem is invited to call 623-6744 or if no answer 987-5020. 34-tf Senior Citizens, 10 per cent off ail hair services. Monday,, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Open 6 days a week .Kut n' Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019. 34-4 NOTICE Ail Rusting Car Owners Jain national group taking legal action to recover losses from Ford, G.M.C., Chrysler. WRITE:, RUST GROUP Box 164, Station N New Toronto 14, Ont. 1974 HONDA 554, certif led,' plus helmet, $1595 or best offer. 623-5676 after 4 p.m. 36-1 REVOLVING blue lîght and four chrome wheels for Chevy. Phone 987-4397. 36-1 FOUR - JR 78-15 Radial tires with chrome mag wheels off G.M. van, $300. Phone 987- 4538. 36-ix APPLES, early seconds, $2.50 bushel. Start picking MclIntosh now. First road east of Zoo, turn 'north, 3rd house east side. 623-2106. 36-1 x B ED chesterf ield and chair in good condition. Phone 623- 3289.. 36-1 9N-FORD tractor with blade and rear mounted loader. Cal after five 263-8127. 36-1 FRIDGE and stove, good condition. Phone 623-9146. 36-1 SECOND cut hay, 800 bales, 27 acres. Rodney oats, standing. Phone 987-4589. 36-1 BAUER skates, size 4, boys, worn twice, new $42, sell for $25. Hockey pants fit 8-12 yrs., like new, $10. Phone 623-2956. 36-1 CEDAR rails for sale. One dollar each. Phone 623-7968. 36-2 20" GAS range, $15. Phone 623-5954. 36-1 x BICYCLE "parts, wheels, frames, etc. to clear, 263-2932. 36-1 x ONE Miracle Maid-Electra Maid frying pan, like new, used twice, tray and cutting board included. Best offer. Phone 623-4604 weekdays. 36-1 CLAPP pears and apples. 623-2267. 36-1 x Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469- 19-tf TEAKWOOD,, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dininq room, 9 piece; living room; wall unit, cottee tanies, newv furniture, vef y reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf Riding lessons given by qualified instructor - equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good horses available. Also horses broken êihd train- ed. Cal 623-4558. 25-tf 16- 6 WEEK old pigs for sale. Phone 723-6660. After 9 p.m. cail 1-983-9445. 36-2 EQU ESTR 'AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA SOARDING instruction in Equitatian Jumping Dressage Schooling of Huntes& Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWMAN IviLLE 623-7336 tf PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and gilts, some boars service- able ace Tom Pleasance, R.R . 5, owmanvTl e. 263-2719. 36-1 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and MARGWI LLAAÇTr CHARG - e, -~ - e * A - S e 35-4 AN 'NOUNCEMENT As of Septem ber 1 st, 1976, we have retired from the Electrical Cantracting portion of aur Business and wish to thank ail our Customers for their patronage. We wiII continue to concduct the Motor Vehicle Licence Office. Higgon Electric Ltd. 16 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. 36-1ix Karen Tordiff is pleased ta annaunce the apening on OCTO BER 4th, 1976 af Cou ntry Roads Nursery Sc 'hool- a? Shaw's Schaal an Highway Na. 2 For Registrations Cal 987-4960 37-1 Dr. A. F. McKenzie's office, will be closed Septemben 10 to Septemben 19-inclusive. 36-2 Harry Voermnan, I nsura nce 181 Church St., Bowmanvil le, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL 0F ALUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the only completely Canadiani course offered anywhene. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For panticulars ai the next course write:1 Box 687, Lacomnbe, Alberta or Phane 782-6215 36-9 EAR PIE RCING SERVICE Hooper's 'Jeweî lers Ltd. Regular Pnice $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reductian on first purchase of eannings with the relea se farm. Phone 623-5747 For Appaintment' 45-f INFORMATION RAPE A crisis Intervention centre for victims of rape or sexual assault. CALL 623-7273 or 623-RAPE 24 haur answering service. 36-4 ANN BRADLEY Permtanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 BABYSITTER needed, 3 afternoons per week. Monday 44-tf - Wednesday aiter school only. * Base Line and aid Martin Rd. (Preston Moyens anea.) Phone evenings 623-2926. 3- APPLE GROWERS Again buying juice apples in large volume bulk at farm, also peelers. Cash payment andprompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 36-4 URGENTLY REQUIREDI! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanvilie, area.. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'hl be pleased ta appraise it for you- and help yoo lacate the "hýomeo? yaur dreams". For fniendl'y efficient sale ai yoor, home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtar, Bennett Rd. and Na. 2 Hwy., Bowryan- ville 576-6120. 17-fl JENSEN STEEL LTD., BOWMANVILLE requires Sa les Order Desk Representatives Excellent apportunities exist for individuals wha will be respansible for the servicing of aur custamers' steel' re- quirements. Experience in the steel industry an asset but not necessary. Saîary cammen- surate with qualifications and background. P HON E 623-3317 ,r for appairnent. el 35-2 PERMANENT factony heip wanted. Apply J. Anderson Smith Ca. Ltd., Newcastle. 35-3 OVER 18, restaurant wank, shifts, Noone's Hotel, 983-5536. 35-2 PERSON wanted to mïake simple dolîhouse for small company. 623-2570. 36-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION requires immediately SECRETARIES for the Mitchell's Corners Public Sehool - 30 per cent or 3 - 1/2 days per week. for the M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School - 30 per cent or 3 1/2 days per week. Must have typing, general knowledge of office procedure ýand business machines. Short- hand preferable.' Must be a ccura t e wlth figures. Ability t0 get along with people. Applications will be received, until Monday, September 13, 1976, 12:00 noon. Please apply in writing stating qualifications, experlence, telephone number, and note the school in which you are i nterested. M.A. Mac Leod' Business Administrator and Treasurer P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 36-1 CUSTODIAN The- Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland & Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board invites applications for the position of Custodian for St. Joseph's School, Bowmanville Application Forms may be obtained fnom the Principal at St. Joseph's School, Bowrnan- ville, Phone 623-5151. Prefenence will be given ta applicants having'experience in cleaning procedures. Interviews will be scheduled at the school by the Supervisor of Plant. Closin date for acceptance of complted Application Forms will be12:00 noon, September 15, 1976. G.B. Hickey Business Administrator Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle R.C.S.S. Board 200 Simcoe Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 2K7 I T1elephone 1-705-743-4861 36-i EXPERT orexperienoed hair- dresser wanted. Full timne or part timne. Also shampoo girl for Bowmanville. 728-8710. 36-2 EXPERIENCED Short Order Cook PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL Phone 623-4925 36-1 INDUSTRIAL sewers, must be experienced., Also wanted, furniture assemiblers. Apply in persan ta PlydesIgns, Hwy. 115, north Orono. 36-b. INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE urgently need Volunteers Over 18 Moral support to victims. Ca Il 623-7273 o r623-RAP E 24 hour answering service. 36-4 SECRETARY Applicant ta have short- hand, aboveý average typing an d good organizational ablI: ity. Must be able ta deal with peop le effectively as well as daliing with 'mattens of a confidiential nature. 'Excellent fringe benefits and working conditions. APPLY TO: Personnel Officer, "Memorial Hospital, 47'Liberty- St. S., Bowmanville, Ontario. 36-1 APPLE pickers, wanted. Phone 987-4041. 35-2 Bethesda Cemetery Dacoration Day .will beheldon Sunday, Sept. 12 at 2:30 p.m. In case of rain service will be held in Chapel. PLEASE: Do not use wire ta support fiower baskets and no sod digging. The board wiii not be responsible for containers. 35-2 ANNUAL FALL Snow Show "77 PORT PERRY ARENA Friday - Saturday - Sunday Sept. 24 -25 -26 '77 Snowmobiles and Acces- sories, Sports equipment, Snow removal equipment. Clothing and winter fashions. 36-2 Attention! The 4th Bowman- ville Cubs wiil start on Septem ber 15, 1976 at 7 p.m. in Memorial Park Club House, Wednesday nights. New mem- bers weicomed.i 36-1 Aduit Counselling avaîlabie starting Sept. 14 and 16 a? Bowmanville High School for people who have discon- tinued their formai education, and are thinking of retraining or resuming their 'formai education. No appaintment Necessary. No Charge For further information: Contact 'Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwalm at the High School. 36-1 Mi

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