The Canadiaîp Statesman, Bowmanville, September 8, 1976 i3 ,IiI~I~I El~~ -- Huge Tom ato Must Think It's a Pumpkin -NamI~ 1 R. ýBUD GlýVirtue 118 King Street East, Bowmanville 621-2967 4 bedroom tri level, family room with fireplace and walkc Finished rec. room and g ames room. Many other ext ras.7 home is well below to-days replacement costs. Askingo $64,700. Excellent terms. Highway 28, Portî Hope Ten Acres, excellent location to build your own dream home the price is right. Asking only $30,000. Caîl to-day and let us si you this fine property. Lake Scugog $22,900 is the full asking price for this 2 bedroom cotta Overlooks the lake on a nicely.treed lot. Most aIl furniture sta Close to store. Owner anxious to seil. OPEN HOUSE 98 Little Ave., Bowmanville Sunday, Sept. 12 1- 4p.m. Spaclous four bedroom twin ho me, separate dining area, family size kitchen with eating area. Large weIl landscaped yard. Attached garage. DIRECTIONS: Take Highway No. 2, turn south on Waverley Road ta Strike Avenue, then east, 1 block ta Little Avenue, turn north to 98 Little. 36-1 137 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR NEWCASTLE: Immaculate 2 bedroomr cusfom built brick hom e with extra bedroom in bas - înt, fînished rec room. Prý j seli. Large lof 60' x 160$v'lendor 31nxious. $53,900. Excellent value 3 bedroom home with large family kitchen, partial finish- ed basemenf, and appliances negotiable. 36-1 Private Sale. 'Bungalow, larg living room, tire place, pictur1ew.ýindows, dining room, 2 bedrooms, near schoai, stores and hospital. Phone 623-3052. 623-3911 iBowmanville - building lai south end area, 55 x 110, m sing le garage, close ta sch andpa rk, asking $25,000. Buckhorn Lake - 71/2 acres wifh about 2200 feet water frontage, 5 bedroom panelled cottage with cushion floors and electric heat. CàlI for information. Oshawa - 11/2 store y 2 bedroom brick home wif h separate D.R. and tinished Rec. room. Good area close to school and shopping and hospital. Ven- dors anxious. Excellent start- er home. Bowmanville - 2, storey 3 bedroom brick semi, on quiet street, broadloom, family roomn and paved drive, asking $40,000. Vendor wili hoid mortgage. Scugog Lake - 3 cottages winterized and furnished, some wifh a firepiace, priced trom $24,900to $28,900. Cail for information. New Homes - 2 brick bunga- lows now being compiefed with 3 bedroams and broad- loom, one with attached gar- age. Caîl for information. Bowmanville - 11/2 storey 2 bedroom semi, aluminum sid- in9, separate D.R. and paved d rive. Very central. Has new kitchen and broadloom throughaut. Asking $27,000. 36,1 FRANKI REALTOR Welington - Bowmanville Stately, older 3 bedroom semi with large living-dining room, live-in kitchen, family room with walkout to sundeck and side drive. Asking $42,000. Owners have bought. Cali Elfie Jost. Orono Beautiful brick 3 bedroom Bungalow on Iovely land- scaped lot with mature trees. Large kitchen, attached g arage. Asking $49,900. Good Terms. CaliBui Turansky. Hampton Area 10 Acres, Bowmanville with lovely bungalow, everflowing stream an d trout pond. Asking only $110,000. Cali Kay Brown. Bowmanville Superb 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, garage. çouf. Lovely area. Only 2 years o] d. This Asking $513900. CIl Bill only Morrison Jr. Ideal Semi - Bowmanville Starter home in good older and area, Asking only $34,900. For ýhow defails caîl Kay Brown. Pontypool This home has everything. -ge. Famil y roomn with fireplace, Sys. 11/2 bath s, garage, plus swim- ming pool. Open to offers. 36-1 Asking $62,995. Cali Ken - Brown. 50 Clear Acres Excellent soil, 26 miles N.E. of Oshawa, will trade equity of $30,000 for equity in other real estate. You name if. Cali Clare McCullouqh. Res. 576-3060. Are You Consideringa MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped fa handile your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. tin "Coasto Coast vvith hool Real Estate Service 36-1 Pat Ma rjerrison 623-4115 Dollie Davey 786-2256 <Newtonvlle) Two Blocks From School Spaciaus four bedroom brick home on Iandscaped lot. Separate dining room, 11/2 baths, rec. room with fire- place. A good buy at $54,900. Newtonville Area 2 acre wooded residential lot, luxury 4 bedroom home, 2 car attached garage, family room wifh fireplace - $69,900. 36-1 Must be sold. Weil kept 2 bedroom brick bungalow in Bowmanville with dining room and garage. Walk to downtown. Asking $44,900. Make an offer. Newcastle While most gardeners have to be satisfied with average looking produce, 3 bedroom backsplit home, others seem to have extra talent when it cornes to growing certain plants. family room with fireplace, Whatever the secret is, Pat Timmers (right) of R.R. 6, Bowmanville must patio doors tram dining hvraohoie hnte2½l.trao hw bv asgon a' topai, attached garage a, aeha h right daweth212b.omosonaovwsgr n P s Ed Jeans, 623-7152. 3- visiting cousin, Danny Timmers, also helped hold the tomato 'which has 36becorne a conversation piece for the farnily. M eaiEo Oshawa 579-5497 Orono 983-913 CENTURY HOME Newcastle, 100 years oIc three bedroom brick home nestled on 12 aýcre, ingrouni pool, doubleegarage, 2 wash rooms, excelent tinancing $55,900. Caîl Joanne Swadon. ORONO COUNTRY LIVING Three bedroom brick bunga low on one acre with panora mic view of Lake Ontario ani the Ganaraska torest. Re, room with brick tireplace games raam, double garage $59,900. OS HA WA Three bedroom, brick storey, semi. Single attache( garage, full basement, 91/4 pe cent mortgage. Reduced t< $46,900. Jim Harbinson. il ACRES - KENDAL Three bedroom cedar home fin ished rec room, 2 walkouts inground pool, bordering or the Ganaraska Forest. Askinc $85,000. Jim Harbinson. BgOWMvAN VILLE- Four bedroom sidesp lit famil) room with tirep lace anc walkout. Single attache( garage. 93/4 per cent tirs' mortgage. $62,000. Iri! Fowl er. 3.5 ACRES - ORONO Century insulbrick home, bedroams, ail modemn con veniences, small barn, need! repair. $34,500. JoannE Swadron. QUI ET COURT NEWCASTLE Three bedroom brick bunga. low, double garage, oversizec lot, -town services. $50,900 Vendor anxiaus. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Spacious 2100 square fool home, nesfled on 41 acres ol land. 2 waIk araunci tireplaces. This 11/2 year aId beauty needs tinishing. $95,000. Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Laughlin, Janis and Kelly attended the 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Wes St. John at their home in Port Perry on Tuesday evenng. Sorry to report Henry AI- stein is back in Port Perry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brad- burn, Mr. and- Mrs. H. McLaughlin and Kelly, Miss Anita Alstein were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradburn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Les Asseistine and family, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Asseistine and family, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Asseistine-and- Teresa. Teresa Asselstine spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Asselstine and family, Guelph. Aileen VanCamp, Marion Bradburn and Helen Coates arrived home on Sunday after touring Denmark, Norway, Sweden and England. Winners at the weekly Senior Citizen card party with 18 tables are: lst- Jean Mahaffy - 94, 2nct - Arthur, 01Bailey - 91, 3rd - Ann Manns' 85, 4th - Marion Bell - 83, 5th Alma Taylor - 82, 6th Freeman McCullough, Low Hugo Bradley. 33 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gregory, 1Strathroy, visited Bill and d'Sandra Thompson on the eweekend. id Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred h-Franks, Cobourg, visited Mr. .-and Mrs. Harry VanCamp on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- a-low and Mr. and Mrs. Star a-Malcolm visited Mr. and Mrs. idS. Dawson at Sandy Cove ýc Acres on Sunday. e, Rev. and Mrs. Fred Riding, eChicago, have returned home after a month visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and the 2 Saywells. ?d Mrs., Kathleen Dorreil and ýr girls hosted a shower ir iohonour of Alice Carnaghan on Tuesday evening. SYELVERTON. ig Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shea of Janetville who observed their 25th wed-- yding anniversary with a public dpresentation in Nestleton dComrnunity Hall on Saturday ýt evening, Sept. 4th. is Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan were accompanied this week by Mrs. Ella Patterson and 2Miss Annie Rowan of Lindsay l- for a trip to Ottawa area. Mrs. isPatterson visited an old friend ein Ottawa and the Rowans also had a short trip into the Gatineau Hilîs north of Hull in Quebec. By the time Art returned home hie was bilin- d gual;- "Manvers patois Irish" and bi-colloquial English. Mrs. Terry Malcolm and Terra returned home on Friday after enjoying a plea- sant vacation with hîs parents din a cottage near Barrie. d The travel bug has attached *several of' our young folks. Miss Darlene Malcolm is currently enjoying a holiday with friends in. Edmonton. Miss Myrtie Malcolm is cur- rently on holiday in Calgary and Edmonton area where she is planning to attend a friend's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunten are scheduled to, leave for a 2 week holiday in Scotland this weekend. Mr. Howard Mal- colm is planning to attend a Hog Producers Convention out west this week and Mrs. Terry Malcolm intends to visit with a former girlfriend in the same anea. Congratulations to our student minister on winning) <a small bursary (hie and 112 othens) and having the, oppor- tunity to address the Easten Star Convention ladies some 2000 strong in Toronto this past week. Yelverton United Church observes its ll4th Church Anniversary on Sunday, Sept. l9th at il a.m. wîtn its original building still intact. They are most fortunate to have sche- duled as guest speaker Rev. -Robert Mumfond who has the reputation of being an excel- lent speaker and is booked solidly durîng Anniversary Season. Yelverton Sr. Girls have won the first 3 games of finals vs. Janetville and could con- ceivably wind it all up on Monday evening. The girls haven't lost a game this season in their league games. Yelverton Sr. M'en emerged the victors on Sunday vs., Nestleton at Yelverton 4-2 in a very close game. Yelverton lead i-0O until the seventh inining when a couple of costly errors permnitted Nestieton to get 2 runs hy the McLaughlin brothers. A most timely home run by F~reddie Tanner with Clare Robinson on bases put Yelver- ton back in the lead in the bottom of the eighth anda two base bit by Ian Page solidified r 4I runs but it was Donnie Timms on- the mound with fourteen strike outs that really held the team in contention. The two week layoff played havoc with top fielding with ernors fan too numerous. This win places Yelverton solidly in first position for the season's games. Next Sunday d they should meet Oshawa in 2 out of 3 semnifinals at Yelver- ton. Othen top teams in finals appear to be Pontypool, Utica, Nestieton and Port Perry but not necessarily ail in, that order. Mr., and Mrs. Case Glasber- gen and Jason of Ajax were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mns. Frank Glashengen and family. B Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs and Crystal were weekend jguests at the Norman Wilsons. The new house of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hurren is pnogressing favonably and is in the process of being shingled. Once again that time of year has rolled around that the junior tribe members head somewbiat reluctantly back to school. Likewise we again _,observe our " papen" .-, -an- niversary as we commence our 23rd year of haphazard correspondence to the States- man for our hamlet of Yelventon. Sure been a lot of "damns gone over the water" since then. Wonder how much longer they'll put up with us and how many others have a longer tenure in the capacity of news correspondent? Editor's Note: Alice Richards has at least a couple of years on you, Harvey, but congratu- lations and keep 'em coming. WESLEY VILLE The fîrst service of the fal term was held at Welcome United cburch, on Sunday morning at the usual time of 10: 30. Lovely arrangements of, gladiolii and snap, dragons welcomed the congregation back to the church building. John Gnoeneveld, assisted by the choir led the hymn sing before the regular hiour and- although some members were still on holiday, the choir provîded the special music and leadership for the service. Rev. R. Bartlett's story for the childnen emphasized the importance of strong roots established when young to support the developing plant, and person as, well. There were several children present but Sunday school begins on Sept. l2th. The morning mes- sage concerned the responsi- bility of all Christians to broadcast to others the joy and blessing of life with J(esus, even as thie 70 commissioned in his day on earth by Jesus, and as we have been commis- sioned 'since. Rev. Bartlett welcomed visitors, Mr. and Mns. James Reynolds of Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lewis of Cbatham. Mr. Lewis is a former Welcome boy and well known for his participation in the Royal Air Force in, and prior to the early, days of the 1939 war. Mr. Lewis was weil known to the Bartletts during their period of service in the ivlaaltes. Elizabeth Kellogg was home ironi loronto for the weekend also, Elizabeth is a soloîst at Rosedale United Cburch. 1Everyone is glad to wel- corne the Tom Wilson family home from their summer at Georgian Bay. Barry Best witb David rce and Rob Wright of Port Ilope returned Iast week from a two week trip ta the east coasl and report a, happy Mi., and Mns. Harold Austin had some o f Iheir grandchild- î'cm livening up their home reccntly lfor, a holiday visit, Lauri Janvis of North Canton. mr-. anîd Mns. -P. Dreyer and l)chiehadaflenjoyable trip to Saeult Ste. Marie and area La Salle expedîtion replay when it was not possible to go to Cobourg to see them when they were doing their research tbey must have read of the port at Port Granby for it was very important as a shipping place in the last century. Two of the young men called at Harold Barrowclough's on Thursday to get directions to find it. Mrs. Carroll Nichols is recuperating after an opera- tion in Peterborough about two weeks ago. If flowens hasten necovery, we think she should soon be well, hier friends brought, and sent hier a profusion of arrangements and plants including beautiful glozinnias and the lovely drooping begonia. We do hope she and other who are iii in Wesleyville wil] be well soon. Last Monday the Roy Aus- tin's found a white balloon in their back yard. They didn't see it land but it came from Fulton, Illinois, and had a naine on it "Harbour Crest Home". A letter receîved here last week, from Tacoma, Wash., following correspondence con- cerning family history, tells of recently finding a packet of old letters which had been written to Port Hope. They were to and from -the Perry family, at one time promînent in this area. These letters were written in the 1850s and reveal that John Perry came to Port Hope in 1812. Mr. Edwin Wilson tells us that lie had information that John Perry built the first bouse in Pernytown. It was a Perry who surveyed the village of Port Perry and Horace Perry of Port Hope built the first mil at Guelph. These old lettens were written ta Port Hope by a member of the family who remained at Keene, New Hampsbire when John came to Port Hope. A descendant, Horace Perry, lived on John street or at least had a, jewellry store there until the 1860s. BETHANY The Women's Institute are planning a bus trip on Sep- tember 21. There is a poster at Ryley's Store with the time, cost, -departure point, and destination. Also this trip will be discussed at the meeting on the l3th September. The St. Paul's Anglican Church Guild 'have their cookbooks on sale for a nominal fee and can be obtained from anyone of the Guild members or by phoning 277-2710. Mrs. Dianne Rogers was the recipient of many lovely gifts for her new baby, Tara, at a baby shower held at Mr. and Mrs. Dick Armstrongs on F DYKSTRA"'S DDELICATESSEN "The World of Foods" LEAN TENDER BONELESS $ 5 ROUND STEAKI Lb. STORE SLICED TOASTMASTER RINDLESS WHITE SLICED BACONBREAD $Je2 24 Oz. Lb.Loaves y FRESH PRODUCE DEPARTMENT DIRECT FROM ""NIAGARA" or Freezing FREE STONE PEACHES 4 Qt. Basket Heaping 6QPt. Basket This Week Also Direct Frorn Niaaara ONTARIO-NO. I BLUE GRAPES 4 Qt. Basket Heaping 6 Qt. Basket Fresh Local Produce Arriving DaiIy TOMATOES - POTATOES CORN - CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER - BEANS ETC. MývARGARET'S FLOWERDALE otHONEY DIP TEA Q, DONUTS 8BAGIS Save,14cSave Sav 140~~ 36c f 72's CHAPMAN'S Asst.2 IC CEM Flavours 6'L1itre Pack MOINARCH (100 PER CENT PU,.RE VEGETABLE OIL) 4y MARGARINELb. "LARGEST SELECTION" of EXOIC ND) ORIENTAL FOODS Indonesian Foods West Indies Tropical Foods German Style Rye Bread Fancy Butter Cream Cake' from Rudolph's or DimpflImeier Bakeries "Corne in and browme a round-.", D YKSTRA'FS Ïý Delicatessen Food Market "IHomeof Quallity" 73-77 King St. W., Bowmanville m -J