14 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, September 8, 1976 Prov incial Court September 7, 1976 Judge R.B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attorney P. Fletcher and duty counsel, M. Walters. Three Newcastle area res- idents pleaded "guilty" to break and enter with intent to commit an indictable offence in connection with an incident at the Durham Farmers County Co-Operative on August 15. 1'hey were repre- sented by T. Kelly who said it was an impulsive act. Const. H. Burke found the door on the northwest corner of the build- ing had been pried open and found two persons hiding under empty bags in the storage room. They told the officer they were going to try and see if they could getaway with it. Nothîng was reported missing. Timothy Dean Car- veth, 17, R.R. 1, Orono, Peter Nikiaus, 20, R.R. 3, Newcastle and Allen David Gray, 21, R.R. 2, Newcastle were put on probation for two years, with a 9 p.m. curfew for the firgt 6 months seven days a Week and if found outside after that hour there will be no conditional discharge following probation which was asked for by Mr. Kelly. The judge told the boys 'these, kind of offences, are increasing'. They are . to re- main separate and apart while on probation and if they wish to clear their record, that is the way to earn it. James Kamstra, 19, R.R. 2 Oshawa, was charged May 19 'did drive while impaired by alcohol or drug'. He pleaded "guilty". Consts. McLeod and MacKay were on patrol in the Masport area., The fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days. License suspension for 3 months., Darcy Lee Barden, 16, Pine Ridge' School, Bowmanville, was charged July 7 with entering a residence at Ignace, Ontario, and taking some money. He pleaded "guilty'. He also pleaded guilty' ta having a wrist watch' in his possession k now- ing it to have been stolen. Judge Baxter placed him on suspended sentence and toWd him ta take advantage of any training that the school can give him. Jase Fernandez, 66 King St. W., Oshawa, was charged July 30 with driving after con- suming over .08. He pleaded 'guilty., Const. Burke ob- served him on regional road 57 and turn left on hîghway 2. He was driving erratically. Tests were .14 and .13. The fine was $150. and costs, in default 7 days. Two bench warrants were issued, one for Bruce Russel and one for Joseph Goswieil. Bench warrant in discretion for Nov.P for Stanley Wright. John L., Meeks, 19, no fixed address wvas charged August 4 'did take, a fire extinguisher from a local apartmnent build- ing' and a further charge August 18 'with yelling and shouting obscenities at King and Division Streets'. He pleaded 'guilty' to both charges. He was remanded in custody pending disposition of the case. Jeffrey Stone, 20, 144 Evangeline Dr., Oshawa, was charged Auguist 12 with driving with an illegal amount of alcohol in his blood. He was involved in an acclident with a motorcyclist at the inter- section of highway 2 and Solina Road. Tests were .14. The fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days with usual license suspension. Douglas K., Black, 19, R.R. 2, Orono, pleaded 'guilty' ta driving August 15 after con- suming over .08. Const. Burke investigated a one car acci- dent on conc. 5. The car had gone in the ditch and struck Vancouver and Victoria. While in Vancouver, Bill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle who were former residents in the village. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mantle were Pat's sister, Mrs. G. Hardy of Rochester, N.Y. and granddaughter, Miss Patsy Stinson. Mr. and MIrs. Tom Jennings had visit ing with them ast week, Tom's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings from Brandon, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jennîngs spent the ýweekend in the Minden area and while in the area attended the Kinmount Fair. Others attending the Kin- mount Fair were Mr. and Mrs. George Neals and Mrs. Belle Smith, ta name a few. FROZEN CANADA UTILITY GRADE CHICKENS 2 TO 4 LB. AVERAGE TENERLINEND PORK LOIN ROAST RIB END PORK LOINj ROAST RM LB. 3 T04 lb. AVERAGE LB. 3 TO 4 LB. AVERAGE FREELAND BULK, SPECIAL! BEEF STEAK ETTES MARY MILES SLICED BOLOGNA' BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA ANO MARY MILES BREAKFAST BACON LB. 53C 1 LB. PKG. 79c 1 LB. PKG. 1 078ln BURNS'PRIDE 0F CANADA LBý FULLY COOKED, 2 TO 3 LBý AV G SPECIAL! DINNER HAMS 19 BU RNS'1/2 BON E IN FU LLY COOK ED LB. 5 TO 7 LB. AVG. S1 EIL COOKED HAMS SPCIL!1.78 BURNS MILDCURED VACUUM PACKED COTTAGE ROLLS BURNS'MAC &CHEESE, DUTCH, LUNCHEON ,P &P OR CHICKEN LOAF COOKED MEATS BURNS BY THE PIECE HEADCHEESE PEARMAN'S FROZEN FARMER JOHN LINKIES SHOPSY S POTATO SALAD OR COLE SLAW SHOPSY'S FAMOUS CORNED BEEF SLB. 1*39 6 OZ. PKG 99c 80OZ PKG. 3%9C 24 OZ. CONT 88 c 4 x2OW PKG FORMERLY HAMBURG REGULAR GROUND BEEF LB. MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS GRADE AFROZENI 18OZ. SIZE & VER CORNISH HENS CANADA FANCY DOMINION FROZEN ASPARAGUS CANADA FANCY MITCHELL S APPLESAUCE OLD TYME TABLE SYRUP 128 EVISCERATED EACH 10 OZ. PKG. 99C SPECIAL! 19 FL OZ.TIN 45C SPECI AL! 32 OZ.BL iREGULAR OR BUTTERMILK S E I L AUNT JEMIMA SEIL PANCAKE MIX 32OZ. PKG 69à%c FROZEN SPECIAL! 31 OZ. PKG PIZA FAMOSA, 2.65 ORANGE PÉKOE SPECIAL! PKG.0F72 FLOWERDALE TEA BAGS -1.13 CONC ENTRATED12F O.CN AWAKE FROZEN SPECIAL!12FOZCN ORANGE DRINK57 WILSON S 2 FL OZ FIETURN ETL PLUS DEPOSIT GINGER ALE OR % c ORANGE CRUSH SPECIALI,£Z ASST'D VARIETIES 3,75 OZ. PKG. 0F 4 ROWNTREEedtC CANDY BARS69 SEMI SWEET 18 OZ. PKG. CHOCOLATE CHIPS ý CHIPITS 1.79 CANADA FANCY 32 OZ. PKG. DOMINI1ON FROZEN ROMANO BEANS 99C ASST'D VARIETI ES BETTY CROCKER LAYER CAKE MIXES c 18.5 oz PKG INSTANT CHOCOLATE NESTLE QU'IK BOUTIQUE TOWELS KLEENEXO c 2 ROLL PKG. 8 ASST'D COLOURS SPECIALP2ROLL PKG. BOUTIQUE BATHROOM, DELSEY TISSUE 5 QUIKKI HEAVY DUTY SPECIAL!, GARBAGE BAGS PLASTIC F00D WRAP SARAN WRAP FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS BOUNCEý PKG. OF 20 1a79 100 FT.ROL4PKG. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! PKG. 0F 20 99&ÊC LIQUID SPECIAL! LUX DETERGENT SUPER DUTCH CLEANSER QUIKKI PLASTIC SPECIAL! SANDWICH BAGS QUIKKI PLASTIC SPECIAL! SANDWICH BAGS BATHROOM REFILLS DIXIE CUPS ASST'D COLOU RS KLEENEX FACIAL TISSU E WITH PECTIN &COLOUR STRAWBERRY OR RASP1HERRY BERRYBOXJAMS 32FL. OZ. CONT. 21 OZ. CONT PKG. 0F 5o PKG. 0F 100 59C PKG. 0F 200 1.59 PKG. 0F 100 37r. 24 FL, OZ.JAR 1 .31 KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY, POEANUT BUTTER JAR PASTEURIZED, HOMOGENIZED PARTiALLY SKIMMED 2% MILKI1 M BAC P C "q [AJ LONG GRAIN PAR BOIL-E D DAINTY RICE 5 LB. PKG. ASST' OVAIETIES 1SPECIAL! GET SET SHAMPOO ASST'n COLOURS SPECIAL! KLEENEX BOUTIQUE FACIAL TISSU E REGULAR OR SUPER SANITARY KOTEX NAPKINS SPECIAL! ANACIN TABLETS NOXEMA ROLL ON SPECIAL! 3 DEODORANT AIM FLUORIDE SPECIAL! TOOTH PASTE, PLAYTEX BASIC REGULAR OR SUPER TAMPONS .400 ml CONT. 419C PKG. OF200 59C% PKG.0F48 BTL. 0F 100 1I29 FL. OZ. CONT. IPEÉP PER 150 MI TUBE 1.39 1 SQUASH PIG.0F30 CURITYTAPETAB PKG.0F30 DAYTIME DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 2,39 SMALL, MEDIUM OR LARGE PAIR PLAYTEX GLOVES 1.5 ASST DFRAGRANCES 6OZ. AERO CONT. WIZARDc ROOM DEODORIZER %5 DOMINION PKG. 0F 2 2540, 600OR 100 WATT LIGHT BULBS ;43ej SPAGHETTI PRIMO, PLAIN MEAT OR MUSHROOM 14 FL. OZ TI N SAUCES 1lOi9 a"1 POWDERED SURF DETERGENT 80OOZ. BOXi ,~ (III Il r~~i 'r' FROM THE TROPICS BANANAS iICLb. FLORIDA GROWN AVOCADOS 48ac ONTARIO GROWN BEIr ONTA RI0 G ROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 5e% GREENc CABBAGE 27CEach CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO GROWN I CARROTS38 3L.Pkg.3 , ENDIVE OR ESCAROLE 28 cBunch VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL'CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 WE RESERVE THE R'GHT TOI MIIQUANTITIES TO NLORMAL FAMILY RIE UIREML N lSý lDOMiNiON STO F I\M0E. ca de pend on s ASST'D VARIETIES PASTAS 2 LB. PKG Km= 1