Caniad)ian pr-oducer Walter Wasik, shown above behind the camera, has just completedfilmig another feature length movie in Courtice. Also working on the production were director, Orest Kowalsky and associate producer, Robert Lytwynchuk.- Photo by Shawn ars -halli The mayor and two residents discuss the village's predicament during a -scene in the film "Whispering Highlands." The actors from left to right are A. ýw and W. Dowhaniuk, veteran actors with the Ukrainian Theatre Company ,- Bob Ostapiw, a newcomer in films. "Whispering Highlands" is centered around a Ukranian village invaded by five rampaging bandits. Representing the villagers (outsîde lef t and right) are Bob Chachula, Walter Rawlinko and (,centre) Paul Babrociak. Two of the bandit gang are played by Anthony Kleinczmit and George Formosa. <t~ Cabinet at his inauguration -- seeing where they are now and Ž<hearing their. words, John Turner, as one example. Interesting too, to note the men filling these original e positions and their ideals! <e As indivîduals in politics says littie for our political N <.~ sYvieg principal, honesty _____________________________and integrity these days is to The set for "Whispering Highlands" had to take on the appearance of the- Carpathian Highlands while fllming went on for three weeks in August. Above are the movie's three main characters, Paul Babrociak, Oleksandra Mykytenko and Lubomyr Mykytiuk in front of a building which serves as background for the film. The revolving chair called a boon is occasionally 'used for outdoor filming but is generally used in the studio for shooting from above the action and for panning. Shown above are George Formosa from Whitby and Anthony Kleinczmit from Oshawa, two actors who play bandits in the production. by Shawn Marshall An area in Courtice looked like a site in the Carpathian Highlands two weeks ago during the making of a movie by Canadian film producer, Walter Wasik. Made on the grounds of the Wasik film studioat R.R. 3, Bowmanville, the production of "Whispering Highlands" called for an unusual back- ground to be found in Courtice. But, with a set complqted three years ago which gives a Ukrainian atmosphere to his films, the background for the latest movie is still authentic,. Along with the cast wearing costumes suited to the proper place and time, t4iey spoke fluent Ukrýinian to make the change in, the local scenery complete. The cast, made up primarily of Ukrainian- Canadians are from neigh- boring areas including, Osha- wa, Whitby and Toronto. Working along with the producer were associate producer, Robert Lytwynchuk and director Orest Kowalsky, whose most recent projècts have included the filming of the Ukraiipian Opera Com- pany together with the Toron- to Symphony. The story itself might be widely accepted by anyone who likes western movies. It focuses on a small Ukrainian village whose residents are up against a gang of five bandits. "Whispering Highlands" is the sixth feature Iength film produced by, Mr. Wasik, previously an owner of a studio for stili photography in oshawa. Letters to the Editor- Bowmanville General Delivery September 2,19;76 Answer to Editorial from Cobourg Star: To Dedcated Liberals every- where: Taking our eyes from The Hon. Prime Minister's char- isma and placing attention on the goals andî aims Mr. Trudeau has for Canada IS frightening and dis illUSion- ing. In Time Magazine, July1, 1976 in an interview Mfr. Trudeau asked, "what the hiel are we doîng in this country, anyhow?" Well, if he doesn't know, who should? It is quite, possible Canada wishes to stay demnocratically Canad- ian. Possibly, Canadians do not wish -to be considered Cosmopolitan. Part of Can- ada's charm is (or was) its naivity and honesty. Possibly we like the form of govern- ment and'intend keeping it! Not only W. Germany's and Russia's type of governing shows in Mr. Trudeau's aims. If one reads -Two Innocents Abroad", by Pierre, E. Tru- (1výiu hirnself, il will be plain where he caught some of his iiinovative ideas -- quite sub- ronsciously perhaps.. Il is interesting also, to look back al (bc names of the men in The Ukrainian Movie by Canadian Filmed on Set- in Courti<' garueti path uy a uemagogue. Now is the time to prove them liars. Much was made of the benefits that would accrue to New.foundland by lumping its fortunes with Canada. Little was said of the assets New- foundland was bringing to the, Confederacy. These have al been whittled away in the intervening years, much after the same manner in which Hitler whittled away at Europe until he came to Poland. The reason the whit- tling has been so successful is the lack of interest and under- standing by Ottawa and the Canadian Public. No one would listen to our side of any controversy or dispute. Poland in our case is Churchill Falls. We produce nearly 5,600 T.E. Furlong. Blood is needed EVERY DAY S MT WT FS 6666-666 ""-é4"6 Bea RED CROSS Blood Donor ... but it's ouf of this worldl. backed by a 2 YEAR WARRANTY- a cover for ail seaons - use it summer, winter, spring and fall1 ends cleaning problems - Polyweave safety cover keeps your pool 1dcean year-round! cornes complete - with polypropylene rope, 12" plastic pegs, and strong storage bag. instalis in minutes - put it on and take it off in a fraction of the time it takes to connect your pool vacuum, strong - Polyweave is woven and double-la minated - TRY TO RIP IT! lightweight - a 16' x 32' pool cover weighs approx. 23 lb. ha ndsome - dual1 coated: electric blue both sides! durable - lasts for years! inex pensive - custom quality at production-line prices! Made to measure any size or shape of jour pool. -ALSO - ~ ~"'%Dealers for Brunswick Billiard Games CORAL 843 KING STREET W. SWIMMIN 05SHAW POOLS Phonoe LIMITED 576-3351k~ Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 8, 1976 3 fear being called "a kook". rnegawatts of electric energy -ruBeing lax about such thîngs there and the bulk of it is sold allows those in key positions to to Quebec. Now we are asking fit smoothly into The Political for the return of 800 of those Machine. Some Machine! It is megawatts but Quebec would time it was greased again with sooner seil them to New York. truth and honesty being steer- One of the dlaims'of those ed by an informed electorate. who supported our entry into R. Lilley the Confederacy was that we would neyer be able to support 13 Diefenbaker St, ourselves. They forgot that St. John's, Nfld. "neyer" is a long day. The August 2, 1976. power generated at Churchill DearSir:Falls sold at current rates De ari olsDa 99 would corne so close to paying One April onLois SD au1949 our way that we would be able th ateHon. Loi t. Lrauetto do away with quite a few of that Newfoundland had joined ts ae tay.itadwe are the Canadian Confederacy. stied to a contat tharie Only a short time before, in a hte as yars otoratht il National Referendum. the bs 5. r t un. Quebec is people of Newfoundland had paying us something in the vote b- marin o abot 4 order of 3 milîs per megawatt votr enbya marin ofabouta for this power and selling it at Befoe th Refrendm wa odd. That, if there is any held, Mr. St. Laurent said he jusce in Canada, is are- would accept the decision of dfadirobbe rern ot the Referendum if there was a deainthrtunoal "significant majority" in fav- the power. We areý asking for our of the move. Approximate- enough toýdevelop our poten- ly 48 per cent of Newfound- Liai, but Quebec will not landers claimed the joining accede to our request. Instead Canada was a fraud, that Province wants to seli it delusion and a snare and they abroad at a greater profit. were being led down the Well, Canada, what about e-ISincerely-y.urs, Special Fal Fashion Introductory Offer Gift Certificante, WOTH$!5.00 on any purchase over $25.00 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 -Sale Merchandîse Excepted - lnternationally Designed Fashions that YOU can afford! -haute couture fashions__.ý Y IOWN MALL -OSHAWA Àm