ASHTON' - Charles' and Karen (noe McMulIan) are pleasod to announce the amri- val of their fimst child, a daughtem Tara Jane. Born Sept 9, 1976 weighing%6 lbs. 12 ozs. First grandc ild for Androw and Ruth McMulIan, Oshawa. Third gnandchiîd'for Orvillo and Ma rgaret Ashton, Ennîskillon. Second great- g randchild for Mms. Anna McMulîan, Oshawa. Many l'hanks to Dr. Lai and 4th floor maternity staff at Oshawa General Hospital. 37-1 BOWEN - Wayne an d Joan (nee Martin) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Jacqueline Yvonne on, Sept. 9, 1976 weighing 7 lbs. 1/2 oz. Proud grandparents are Ernie and Jean Bowen, Oono and Ted and Yvonne Martin, Newcastle. 37-1 BRYANT - Doug and Boy. are happy to announce the birth of thein son, Joffroy ,Milton, weighing 10 Ibs. 101/2 ozs. on Aug ust 25, 1976 at Memorial Hospital. Proud grandmofher is Mms. Milton Byant R.R. 1, Hampton. Special thanks to Drs. H.B. Rundie and Cunningham and nurses on maternity. e 37-1 RAWLINSON, - Jack and Barb are ha ppy and pnoud to announce the bimth of thei r son Steven John, 6 Is 14 ozs. on Tuesday, Septomber 7, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. ,37-1 FARROW - At Community Nursing Home, Port Penny Thusda y, September 9f h. 1976, WelIlington Farrow, New- castle, in his 87fh yea r, bolovod husband, o? Aima Perrin, dean father o? Wylma (Mrs. StanleyAluin), R .P.1, Oono, grandfather o? Gal (Mns. Ian McKenzie), Neil and Anlone (Mms. Glenn Mal- colm). Service was held in the Morris Funomal Chapel, Bow- manville, on Satumday affer- noon. Interment Orono Cem- etemy. 37-1 VERLEYSEN, Peter A. u~ddenly on Fiday, Sept. 10, !76, at Cobourg. Peter Ver- "eysen, husband o? Conlstance, fathen ? of rno (Nl . A Dusseldonp) Courtide; Elisa (Mms. C. H amer), Oakwood; Walter, Bowmanville; Fran- cine (Mrs. R. Newton), Hamp- ton; Gisela (Mms, G. Smith), North Bay; Edith, Cobourg; Nancy (Mrs. D. Worman), Tonronto; Bernard and James homo. Pedceased by 'ly and Fendy. Also sur- '-vi 'ed by sovera i grandchild- mon. Rested at Jewell Funenal Homne, Cobourg. Requiem Mass in Sf. Michael's Chumch, Coboumg, Monday, Sept. 13 a? il o'clock. Infrment Sf. Mîchael's Cemotemy, Cobourg. 37-1 "Flower Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAIL Y Deiiveny to ... Oshawa - Bmaonville Are& 1Phone 623-4441 Mr. and Mrs. Geent Vandon- Ber gwish to announce the fortum h om gmarniago of their daughten, lngr id Lynn to Mn. Pierre Vroom, son of Mn. and Mrs. Henk Vroom of Cha- tham. The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 18, 1976 in Maranatha Chris- tian Refonmed Church, Bow- manville, at 3 p.m. 37-1 Mn. and Mrs. Frank Piper Jr. are pleased to announce the fotthcominq marriaqe of hon daughter Kathy Lee f0 Paul Douglas, son of Mn. and Mrs. Harold (Paf) Cornoîl on Friday, October 8th, 1976 at 4 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church. 37-1 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Yates, Newcastle, are pîeased to announce the forfhcoming marniago of thein daughter, Helen to Gilbert Latimer, son of Mn. and Mrs. A. Latimer, Weston, Ontario. The wodding wilI take place in St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle on October 23, 1976. mme ALLIN - In memory of oun beloved brother and uncle Lloyd who offt ussuddenly one year ago Sept. 14, 1975. o your nosting place we visit And place the f lowons with cane But no one knows the heant- ache When wo turn and ieave you there May the winds of heaven blow Sently On ?hat quiet and poaceful spot Where the one we love is sleeping And will nover be forgot. - Sadly missed by sisten Donene, brothen-in-law Lloyd, Gary, Wondy, Randy, Barbie. 37-1 OVERY - Suddenly at hon residence, Oshawa, Wodnes- day, etebr8fh, 1976, Ros Overy, agod 76 pears, wife o? the late James Uvery, dean mother of James, Hemrb- ont. Jean (Mrs. Kenneth Lemon), Bill, Marilynn (Mrs. Joseph Arsenault), Alfred, Frank and the lafe Kathleen (Mrs. Onville McNuity). Ser- vice was holdf in the Morris -Funroaý1hpet Bown-Franvfille,- on Friday afternoor!. infor- ment Bowmijranviile Cemetery. 37-1 SCOTT, Norman A. - At Extendicare Nursery Homo, Oshawa on Monday, Sept. 13, 1976. Normnan Scott o? Newton- ville in his 92nd year. Husband of the late Rose May Morris, dean father o? Mrs. K. Newton (Dorothy), Hamilton; John J. Scott, Newcastle. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funoral Home. Service was held at 2 o'clock Wednosday affernoon. Informent McCrea Cemefeny. 137-1 CARNATION For AlYour Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. riOR2GTCt e L L t0 THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVIC Concern for the demands upon you our f irst consideration. To ensure you helpfuîness you need. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Laviriia Street Port Hope RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Onta rio _ LiA 3W3 WORKMANSHIP QUALITY Reasonable Prices Phono 885-5216 Homo 885-5222 , U ERICHSON -NADEAU On Aug. 21, 1976 Amy Jo Erichson, daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Erichson and Step hon O. Nadeau, son of Mn. and Mns, R. Nadeau and grnandson of Mn. and Mrs. Earl Stephenson, were married in Calgary, Alfa. 37-1 ADAMS - In loving memory of a dean brother, uncle and groat-uncle, Charles Henry Adams who passed away September 17, 1974. God took him home If was his will But in our heants We love him stilî. His memory is as dear to-day As in the hour ho passed away. We offen sit and think of him When we are aIl alone For memory is the only friend That grief can caîl ifs own. - Lovingly romembered by Dave and Bernice Bothwell and family. 37-1 ALLI N- In loving momomy of my son Lloyd who passed away Sept. 14, 1975. Now his Iabou's task is ov'en Now his baffle day is past. Now upon the fanther shore, 1lands the voyageur at last. There the tears of oath are -dried There if's hidden things'are dlean There the womk of lifo is tried By a juster judgo than here., Father in thy gracious keep- i ng Leavo wo now thy servant sleeping. - Ever nemembered, sadly missed by his Ioving mot hon. 37-1, ALLI N - In Ioving memory of my' brother, Lloyd Clifford who passod away suddenlyi Sept. 14, 1975. This month cornes back with sad regret, Ifbrings back a day we shal neyer forgot. You feil asloop without good- bye, But our memomios of you will nover die We miss you more th-an anyone knows As* each day passes the emptiness grows The tears wo shed we can wi pe away But the ache in our heants will always stay No one knows the grief we bea r, Wih e n f am il1y m eet s -anid yo u'roe -not +>thet'e You left us qluioly, your fhoughts unknown, But you left us memories we are proud to own. - Sadly missed by sister Beverly, brother-min-aw Gordie and niece and nephews. 37-1 AL LIN -ln loving memory o? a dean fat hem, Lloyd Allinwho passed awa y on Sepfem ber 14, 1975., We think o? him in silence His name wo off recaîl Thore is nothing oeff to answen But his picture on the wall. - Lovingly remembered by son Lanry, daughter-in-law Dobbie and grandsons Guy and Danny. 37-ix ASHTON - In Ioving memory o? a dean husband and fathen, Bruce 0. Ashton who passed away 50 suddenly September 16, 1961. To some you may be forgotten To others a thing of the past But to us who loved you s0 doanly Your momory will always Iast. - With much love, wife Manie and family. 37-1 BELLAMY - In Ioving e mory of a dean hsband, father and gmandfathem, Howard Belîamy, who passed away Soptember 12, 1973. Ho is gone but not forgoffen, And as dawns another yoan, n our lonely h eanrts o? thinking Thoughts of him are always near. - Always emembered by wife, Bessie, Betty and Ron, George and Edie, David and Damia and grandchildren, Brooks, Mary and Robecca. 37-1 :E BOUGNEN, Ralph - memomy o? a dean dad grandfat hon who passod-a Sept. 12, 1956. he A silent thought, a secret Keeps his memory ever c Time takes away the edg grief But memnomy tunns back e% leaf. -Always romembered -t Adam and family. 37-1 DRAKE - In Ioving merr o? a dean son, John Norw Drake who passod awayS 12, 1972. Day by day we saw you suf and your pain was har bear. We did not want to lose yo 37-1 But Gad saw that you ý - ~weamy and took you hc to rest. - Sadly missed b y Mom, Dad, brothers an d sister. FLINTOFF - In living mi ory o? oun daughter, She, Leanne, who passed aý Septemben 16, 1975. Abýud the Gardener gavet A pure and Iovoly chi Id. Ho gave if to oun koeping To cherish undefiîed; And just as if was opening To the glony o? the day, Down came the heave Father 2-fAnd took oun bud away. WdlIIlIII! FLINTOFF - In loving mem- ony of a dean granddaughten, Shelley Leanne who passed away September 16, 1975. She was only a liffle white rosebud A sweet little flower fnom birth God took hon home f0 heaven Before she was soiîed on earth, - Ever remembened by Gnandma and Grandpa Bradley. 37-ix LI NTON - In Ioving memony of a Ioving son and brother, Allan Linfon who passod away suddenly Sept. 21, 1969, also his friend Larry Dunn. As time unfolds another yean, Memonies keep you even nean, Silent thoughts of time togot- hon, Hold memonies that wiII last fonever. -Sadly missod and ovor nemomberO by Mom, Dad, brothers, sistens and families. 37 lx MURPHY, James Hubert - In loving memory of a dean husband and fathr, James Hubert Murphy who passod away Septem ber 15, 1975. There is a gft in life, that we cannotbuy That lis very rare and true, Its the gift o? a wonderf ul Dad Like the one we had in you. The many things that you did for us In your kind and loving way, You gave us years o? happi- ness No one can take away. Nothing couîd be more beaufi- fu i Than the memonies we have o? you, To us you were someone specia , God must have thought 50 too. - Forever remembered by wife Elsie, son Mike, Helen and chiîldren. 37-1 MURPHY - In loving mem- ory o? a dean father and grandfafher, Hubert Murphy, who passed away, Sept. 15, 1975. Gonie, dean father, gone for- ever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remem ber None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once en joyed - How sweet the memory stilî But death has oeff a loneliness The world can nover filI. - ady issed by daughter Col leenso-mla David and randc-hiVdren, joey and S an dy.37-ix MURPHY - ln Ioving mem- ory o? a dean father and grandfather, James Hubert, who passed away suddenly Sept. 15, 1975. lt's sweet fo be remembered, And a pleasant thoughf f0o find Although y ou may be absent You are ai ways on our mnd. - Aîways remembened by daughten Marilyn, son-min-aw Wayne and grandchiîdren, Richad, Barbara, Shelley and Diana. SINCLAIR - In loving me- mory of a dean father and grandfather, Harvey M. inclair who passed away September 17, 1969. To our resting place we visit An dplace the flowors with cane, No one knows the heartachq When we tunn and leave you there. When the day is sad and lonely And everything goes wnong, We seem to hean you whispor Cheer up and carry on. Each time we see your picture We seem to hear y ou say, Don't cry, l'm only slee ping, We'll meef again somoday. - Sadly missed and always rememberod by son John, daughter-in-law Helen, grand- daughters Cindy and Sandy. 37-1 SI1N CL AI1R- 1 n loving memory of a dean fathen and grandfather, Harvey MA. Sin- clair, who oassed away Sept. 17, 1969. Loving memonies nover die, As years roll on, and days pass by ln our hearts a momory is 1kept, Of the one's we loved, and will neyer forget. A happy home we once en ioyed How sweet the momory still. -Sadly missed and always, nemembened by son Larry, daughten-in-law Doris and grandchildnen Todd and Tara. 37-1 STRONG- In loving memory of my dean parents, grand- parents and nephews. Effie Vera Strong passed away June 13, 1952. David George Strong passed away Sept. 12, 1955. 'Two loving nephews, Ronald Strong9 killed July il, 1958 and Ed wand Strong passed away Feb. 1966. We often sit and think of them Whon we are alono. For memory is the only friend That grief can caîl its own Like ivy on the withered oak When other things docay Our love for them will still be green And neyer fade away. - Sadly missed and even remembered by daughter Mary and grandchildren. 137-lx renly Caf, grey with black stni pos, weari ng1 col a r, i n Soper Creek area. Reward. Please call 37-1 623-5221. 37-1 On the occasion of oun 25th WeddingAnniversamy, we wouldd i ke to express our deep ap prec iation to our childmen for the super surprise party at the Lions Centre on Saf., Sept. 4. Soocial thanks to Jack's sisten Marg and Bey Hender- son for their wondemfuî help and deconat ions arnd to ail who, helped the family in any way; for cards, gifts from oun many friends and family. We can't thank you ail enough. AIlice and Jack Bungess 37-1 We wish to fhank oun famiîy and friends for making our 25th Wedding Anniversary an occasion to be romembemed. Doris and Bill White 37-1 I would like to thank ail my friends and relatives for visits, cards, fruit, T.V., candy, gifts and flowers, also anyone who has hol ped in any way fo make if possible for my wife, Karen and Bob to visit me whiîe in Sunnybnook Hospital. Special thanks to Mn. and Mrs. Doug Harness, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Booms, Mn. and Mms. V. Barrette, Rev. Mn. Schamenhorn, Carson- Elliott, Ronda, Eliott, Comy Kuioems. Norman Welsh. Harvey Jones and Russoell Short. Special thanks f0 Drs. Taton, Gotspien, Knight, Long and Slemon. Also nurses of 3nd and 4th floor, Sunny- brook, and fimst and 2nd floor Memorial Hospital, Thank you. 37-1ix I wish f0 thank relatives and friends for dards. flowers and visits while in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville and also affen returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Anfossi and nurses on fimst floor. Susan Brooks 37-1 The family of the late Hector Beggs would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for the floral tributes, donations and cards in the loss of a dean father and g randfather. Thanks also to Rev. G. Ficko, the palîbearers and the Morris Funeral Chapel for conducting the services. 37-ix A sincere thank you fo aIl our friends and family Who ýmade our 25th Anniversary a memorable occasion. Harvey ard Lois Yel lowlees I would like f0 thank Drs. Thang and Cumnmings and nurses on the ith and 2nd floor of Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks fo friends and rela- tives for flowers and dards and help in many ways and to Rev. Petons and Amacher for cails. Mrs. Russell Bragg 37-1 I wish fo thank my friends and neighbours for dards and inquiries and special fhanks to Drs. Murphy and Long and nurses in Special Cane Unit. Raymond Bruce 37 lx I would liketothank friends, the: management o? Strat-' haveti Nunsing Home and relatives for f wers, dards, giffs and messages received on my 98th birthday, making it a very momomable one for me. W.E. (Bort) Stevens 37-1 The famil o f the late Wellington Parrow wish to express sincere thanks to friends and neighbours, Rev. David Spivey and Morris Funeral directors for their acts o? kindness and comfort- ing words in the Ioss of a loving husband, father and grandfafher. Aima Farrow, Wylma and Stan Allin and family 37-1 We wish to express 'our sincere appreciation tg aIl the friends and relatives who so kindly nemembered me upon the occasion of m y 9Oth birfnday. The visitations, dards and floral tributes contributod so much toward the happiness of the day. Ellen M. Brown and family 37-lx Namii ii Beauty Counsellor "Make-up Demonstration and Tea" wiII be held in Hampton Village (pnivate homo) in tho near future. Caîl to-day for tunthen information. Mrs. Faben, 263- 2981. 35-5 Boy Scouts PAPER DRIVE Saturday, Sept. 18 Have papers tied and out by 8 a .m: 36-2 MONSTER BINGO New Sfarting Time TH URSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-tf Club Annrene Danc e and Banquet Hall available for your group's fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are still available. Contact Don. Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf Needed,- young adult bowl- ers, 18-30 years of age. Phone Gary Carter 623-4769 or Libeny Bowl 623-5663. 37-1 Dance - Saturday, Sept. l8th - Pont ypooî Community Cen- tre - Gary B ristow and The Country Fever- $5:00 couple. Refneshments. 37-1 Yard Sale - Sat., Sept. 18, (9-12) and (1-5). On Base Line Road, 21/2 miles west of Waverley Road. Every. item $5.00 or less. Bargains galore. Don't miss them. 37-1ix Rebekah Lodge "Penn y Sale" Friday, Septem ber 24th, Centennial Hall, Queen St. Afternoon tea at 2:30 p.m. Draw at 8 pm. .37-2x Nestleton Pnesbyterian Church l3lst anniversary ser- vice, Sunday, September 19 at il a.m. Guest speaker Dr. Mathew Dymond. Music by Presbyterian Men's Choir, Tononto1. 37-1 Newcastle U.C.W. Turkey Supper, Saturday, Novem ber l3th, 5, 6and 7 pm. For tickets phone Mrs. A. P-earce 987-4593. Adults $4. Children 12 and under $2. 37-1 ANNUAL FALL Snow Show '77 PORT PERRY ARENA Friday - Saturday - Sunday Sept. 24 - 25 - 26 '77 Snowmobiles and Acces- sonies, Sports equipment, Snow nomoval equipmont. Clothing and winter fashions. 36-2 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST, OSHA WA 21-f? The Town Basketball League for Mon wilI bo holding p ractice sessions Tues., Sept. 21 and 28, 7-9 p.m. at Bowmanville High School gymnasium. Teams will bo drawn up and nogulan season games wiIl begin Oct. 5. Fee $20.00 due Sept. 28. The T own of Newcastle Sociaý l Pa n gn Council will meet in Court Room 2, Police Building, Bowmanville on Sept. 16, 1976 at 8 p.m. 37-1 Duplicate Bridge Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., starting Sept. 21, Library Auditorium. $1.00 fee includes light refroshment. 37-1 x Night School at Cartwright Hi cher will begin wook of Obr4. Registnation Sept. 20 and 21, 7:30- 9:30 p.m. or caîl school at 986-4241. Decou- page, macrame, gourmet foods, gymnastics, sewing, intorion decorating, chair can- ing, dog obedience, leathor- craft,.iewellry making, hunt- on's safoty, upholstery. 37-1 Attic to Garage Sale! Great variety of articles. Also, Home Bakin g table. In St. Andrew's Churchl basement. On Wed., Sept. 29, stanting at 1:30 p.m. Comooeanly! 37-2 Yard sale, Soptember 18 or 25 in case of ramn. 27 Liberty St. North. 37-1 FR1 DAY NIGHT BIBLE SCHOOLý WILL STARTAGAIN ON .Fridlay, Soptember 17 f rom 7 -8:30. This will be hold every Friday evening at tho REHOBOTH CH RISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH. If transportation is needed pleaso phone 623-2365. 37-1 ADULT COU NS ELLING WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERY THURSDAY AT BOWMANVI LLE HIGH SCHOOL for people who have discohtinuod thoir formai oducation and are thinking of retraining or nesuming their formai education. No appointmont necossary. No charge. For f urthen information Contact Miss Hughes on Mn. Schwalm at the Hi'gh School. 37-8 Bowmanville Tennis Club Dance. Membens and guosts. Saturday, Soptembor 18. For tickets caîl 623-5416. 37-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Iotel N EWCASTLE BOB ADAMS AND HIS BLUE RIVER BOYS Friday - Saturday September 17 - 18 Dancing 9 - i 37-1 Canadian Legion .Dance Septemnber 18, 1976 Music by The Big Sound Dancing 8 - 12 - EVERYONE WELCOME- 35-3 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., Sept. 2lst Early Bird Gamos 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pnizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsomed by NEWCASTLE LIONS Wanted! Couples intemested in good fellowship. Leamn mem square dancing and basic round dance stops. No previous exponienco roquimed. Modemn music on record. Corne and join our wintem prnogram. Ontario St. School, Bowmanville, Thumsday 8:00 - 10: 30 p.m. stamting Septem ber 23rd. For information cal 623-5811 on 728-5042. 37-2 FASHION SHOW A Faîl and Winter Fashion Show, wilI be hoîd on Wed- nosday, Septembor 22nd at 8 p.m. at tho Bowmanviîîo High Schooî. Fashions by Tho Mary C Shoppe and sponsorod by Durham Chapten ,Onder of the Eastern Stan. For tickets, please cal 623-5856 Also availablo at dloor. OSHAWA OBIEDIENCE ASSOC IAT ION Dog Training Classes in Oshawa and Bowmanvillo Novice (beginners) and Open (advanced) Classes commence October 6 in both locations 576-1167 or 623-7382 37-4 20 f oot notunn f Iow Apple Packing Beit -LIKE NEW- $800 PHON E 987-4563 WEALTHY, Tippins and Mac apples. lst and 2nd grade quality. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 37-2 DISPOSAL SALE SCOTT'S FURNITURE& ANTIQUES 73 King St, E. Bowmanviîîe, Ont. 623-3074 Stock and fixtures, funniture, dishes, dlocks, collectons items, many items reducod 30 per cent and more. Glass showcases $25 and up. Chnome display racks, sholves, large desk (custom made) $145. Dining suite with china cab- inet $395. Buffets, china cab- inets, secretaries gate log table, drop leaf table, old kitchen cupboands, antique pine pie cupboard, dining room tables, wood and coal small cook stove, antique couches $135 and up, mahog,- any bedroom suite, antique beds and dressers, othen beds, singlé' and double; choster- fields $48 and up, couches $15 and up, kitchen suite, hi-fi's, chandelier with matching candle wall brackets $45, oak ice box, pictures, mimrons, gramaphone, wash stand sets, round table cut dlown for coffee table, bnass bed parts, le gs and some bars, many other articles,' lamps, Ian- ternis, pine benches, oak barrels, wagon wheol, wroug ht mron garden gate, sink, boat trailer, Sea Flea. 37-1 TOM.ATO ESJ, TOMATOES, TOMATOES Pick Your Own. $1.25 6 qt. - $5.50 bushel For information phono 987-4872 or 987-5289 Delivenies in Newcastle Area. - Aso Sweet Corn - 37-1 ONE bed, complote with mattress. Typewiter, good condition. Hockey game and novels. Phone AI 623-7060. 37-1 TABLE potatoos, excellent quality. Joe Bouma 623-2847., 35-tf VAND/Â Beauty Counsellor Ha mpton Village represonta- tivo "Mrs. Bonnie Fabor". Caîl to-day to viow our exciting new products. Phono 263-2981. 35-5 1972, 650 TRIUMPH Bonne- ville. Must be seen. $1200 or best offer. Phono 1 -668-9666 after 6p.m. 37-1 1973, 750 TRI UMPH Tigen, me- built on g i, best offer oven $1,000. Phono 1-668-9666 aftor 6 p.m. 37-1 BONNIE Brae carniagoe, crib and mattress, crib, car seat, other baby articles, desk, 36" vanity, with sink and taps, floor polisher, 12' x 12' x 4' vinyl chain link pîaypen with qate and posts, 7' x 8' stonage shed, johnny polo. Phone 623-7387. 37-1 Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTICE From' Hwy. 2 tako l3th Lino north one block. 33-tf REBUILT Duro pump, fiber- ýIas celing panels, portable Vnwdesk lamp, new pole lamp, oul painting, new Braun juicer, blendette, food grind- er, cannister set, breadbox, frypan, new bedspreads, fiber- glas drapes,.curtains, new 8 ft. ceda r boards, 623-7490. 37-1 x KENMORE portable dryer, gold, 11/2 years old, asking $150. Phono 987-4,873. 37- 1 DINING room tables, corner tables, bed chestorfiold, fire- place, chosterfioeld suites, sew- ing machines, portable type- writer, coal stove, occasional chairs, baby carniage, fish aquarium, .9 x 12 rug, 6 x 9 rug. Towne Used Furnitune, 19 Tomporance St., Bowmaý- ville. 37-1 ENGLISH pram-style baby, carniage. 4 ft. x 3. ft.. slding glass window. Both in good condition. Phono 263-2517. 3- GARAGE sale, Saturday,1 Sep- tember lath at 60 Church St. If ramn will be held, Septomber 25th. 37-1, COME and pick your own apples. Many varioties at Sikma's Orchards, Highway 2 in Nowcastlo acnoss from Lum ber yard. 37-2 '74 YAMAHA, 500 TX, now July '75, 12,000 milos, new dhain and mear tire. Phono 983-9421 affor 6. 37-1 ST E REO_-1 year old 8track, AM-FM radio combination Pl us greon voîvot, floon model. $200. Phono 623-5360. 37-1 1973 HONDA motor, bike, 4 S Lia. Asking $350. Phono 623-3870 betwoon 6-7 p.m. 37-1 x PONY tracton with sido mow- or. Also canoes indîuding Paddles and two lifo jackofs $100. Phono 983-5961 botwoen 6 and 8 p.m. 37-1 600 BALES of straw for sale. Phone Pontypool 705-277-2933. 37-2 APPLES, seconds $2.50 bush- ol. Feddema Orchards. Phone 263-2074. No Sunday sales. SWEET corn,-18R vanieties, excellent for fneozing, picked fnesh daily. We do not selI day old corn. Keith Bell Farm, concession 9, one mile west of Raglan (approx. 6 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe Street). (Watch for signs.) 655-3326. 34-tf SCRAP papen, 50 cents bundle Statesman Office. 37-1 FILM PROCESSING CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Camneras and Photognaphic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanvillo 623-2404 35-10 TWO single beds with head- boards, box springs, good for cottage or home, $15 each. Phone 623-7434. 37-1 LAY ING hiens, 15 months old, $1.25 each. Phone 1-786-2932. 37-2 SALE SEASON INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE 20 per cent Discount on Allis Chalmer pull-type com- bine, mower and rake pairts in stock until FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 ONLY. Trewin Farm Equipment Bîackstock 986-4283 37-1 KITCHEN table with exten- sion leaf and four chairs. Phone 623-5939. 37-1 APPLES, 2 miles north on Liberty St. Phone 263-8161. No Sunday sales. 37-1 KENMORE washer-spin dry- er, 3 years old, excellent condition. $150. Phone 987- 4390. 37-1 GENDRON pool table, 4x 8, in new condition. $200 with extras. Phone 987-4965. 37-1 BARLEY straw, also pull-type plow, needs welding or for parts. Phone 263-8288. 37-1 CHRISTMAS 'S COMING! Want an oil or water colour picture of your home, cottage or farm. Order taken anytime. See Artist, Mr. Casey, c-o H. Vander Boit, R.R. 4, Blowman- ville. Phone 623-2107 Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEE.S To fit your car or truck. Phonie 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf CARPETSof al kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professional. Iy installod. Free estimatos. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furnituro, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 LibertyStreot North Asa losman in Darlington Township. 35-tf TOP soli, Loland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf PICK your own Macintosh applos, also Crab apples for sale at Bnowviow Farm, juniction Hwy. 2 and 115. 37-2 Possible Last Week for, LATE SWEET CORN excel1lent for CORN ROASTS OR FREEZING Keith Bell Fanm, concession 9, 1 mile west of Raglan (approximately 6 miles north of Oshawa). Phone 655-3326 Please phono ahead for Ianrge ordens. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS 3- New Machinery Specia Is 530Manurespreader ,............... .... ............ $1895. 1150 Grindor mixer ...................... $3695., 555 Forage Harvesten with 72" pick-up and 2 mow corn head ............... 1.. ...........$95 46-4F-14" Bottom mounted plow................ ...... $1425. 710-4F-18" Bottom somi-mounted plow (automatic reset).................................. $3695. 1Used Machinery 434D l.H. Tmactor......... **-...... ................. $3650. No. 227 I.H. 2 row dorn head for 91-93 or 105combine ......................... *...... $1000. Model 80 l.H. combine .......................... ... $2000. Gehi Mode[ FB88 Fora geo Bowom...................... $ 725. Model 575 Cockshutt 6FP-16" bottom (automatic reset) plow............................. $3000. 1l-H. 103 Manume spmoadem ........................... $ 600. 1. H. 130 Manune spmoader............................ $ 900. 633 Cockshuft spreader .............................. $ 825. We now have lntereýt Froe Pnognams on now and usod tractons and most Chen seasonal farm equipmont, Roper Davidson is now our Sales Ropresentative in the Bowmanville anea. Customers in Bowmanville, Blackstock, Hampton, Newcastle and Onono caîl ZENITH 34400. ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your international Harvesten Fanm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile east 0f Junction 7 and 35 highways, south of Lindsay. 37-1 OSHAWvA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SdREENED SAND GRAvEL & STONE LîMESTONE PRODudTS AIL SîZES FOR DRIvEWAYS & PEARKING LOTS TOPSOFL & DIRT FIL11 DELIVERED OR REMOVE D TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOvAL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N.- 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions - Wrought Iran Flower Stands - Home Appi ntments Gladly Arranged